February 26, 2016, - 2:37 pm
“Triple 9” Among Most Anti-Semitic, Anti-Israel, Anti-Cop, Anti-US Military Movies EVER (& Violent, Bloody Garbage)

The movie, “Triple 9,” in theaters today, is one of the most blatantly anti-Semitic, anti-Israel movies I’ve seen in a very long time. And it’s also anti-police and anti-U.S. military. Plus it’s an incredibly violent, bloody movie whose message is that American military men and police officers are just as bad as ISIS. And so are Jews and Israelis. On top of that, the movie employs anti-Semitic terms, approvingly
Moreover, the R-rated movie is long, slow, boring, and stupid with a ridiculous story that looks like it was written by a mental incompetent. And apparently it was. Also, if your idea of fun at the movies is watching this demented flick chock full of repeated shots of beheaded heads up close, then you’ve found your dream movie.
I was looking forward to seeing Triple 9. The studio paid for a fancy schmancy critics only screening at Detroit’s uber-swanky country club membership movie theater, the Emagine Palladium. I missed the screening, but thought the promotion might be a good sign. Wrong. Instead, I think it was the studio’s attempt to put lipstick on a gestapo (yeah, I know it’s the Gestapo). Worldview Entertainment Holdings, Inc. has a history of openly Jew-hating movies, including “The Immigrant” (read my review). And now there’s this disgusting, disturbing dungfest.
The movie centers on a group of thuggish, corrupt, criminal cops, all of them former U.S. military members who served in Iraq and Afghanistan and use their elite military training to terrorize Atlanta citizens in bank robberies, on freeways, and even in a very improbably and hard-to-believe frontal break-in to Homeland Security offices.
The thing is, they murder, torture, and kill for an Orthodox Jewish Israeli Russian mafia family headed by Kate Winslet, whose “Russian” accent sounds like a Zsa Zsa Gabor farting in her coma . . . but not like a Russian accent. There isn’t a single Russian mafia figure who is an Orthodox Jew, but why be concerned with facts when you’re director John Hillcoat or writer Matt Cook who made this Protocols-of-the-Elders-of-Zion cinematic “masterpiece.” Henry Ford is applauding from his grave. There also isn’t a Russian mob presence in Atlanta, Georgia. But, again, facts are useless and irrelevant things here. I guess Brighton Beach, Brooklyn, New York has been transplanted to Buckhead.
Orthodox Jews don’t behead and kill people and don’t preside over tortured, bloodied bodies in real life. That’s the domain of Muslims. Except in this movie. Orthodox Jews also don’t wear short skirts and low-cut blouses like Winslet does here amidst the velvet yarmulkes and tzitzit [fringed vestments worn by Orthodox Jewish men], adorning Winslet’s son, brother, and henchmen. It would be comical, if it wasn’t so outrageous and defamatory to the Jewish people, specifically Orthodox Jews and Israelis.
I can’t remember the last time I saw an Orthodox Jew, let alone any Jew, wearing a giant, garish Jewish star medallion for the world to see (other than in the movies–see Christian Bale’s Jewish character in “American Hustle”). But this movie really wants to drive the point home: evil, murderous mobster = Orthodox Jew and Israeli. So Winslet wears one that is shown in close-ups on camera in nearly every scene. And at least one of the velvet yarmulkes has a giant gold Jewish star. Oh, and did I mention that there are a lot of shots of the Jewish stars all over the trucks and walls of the kosher meat plant that the Russian Jewish Israeli mobsters own? After 9/11 U.S. Customs agents raided a Muslim halal meat plant for laundering money to Al-Qaeda mass murderers. But who cares about that? Let’s defame THE JOOOOOOOS!
If the many Jewish star necklaces, velvet yarmulkes, Jewish vestments, and mentions of Judaism throughout the movie aren’t enough, Israel is repeatedly mentioned. In one scene, a news story blares saying, “Federal authorities say that there isn’t a single major Russian mobster they’re tracking who does not carry an Israeli passport.” Photos of the two Russian Jewish female characters serving in the Israeli Defense Forces adorn the walls of Russian mob boss Winslet’s wall. They want you to know: Israel is EVIL! Got that?
On top of that, “La Kosher Nostra,” an anti-Semitic term used by neo-Nazis, La Raza illegal alien amnesty pimps, and other Jew-haters, is used approvingly to describe Jews. Woody Harrelson had no problem uttering it. But I’ll bet you never hear him attack Muslims.
The story: Winslet, an Orthodox Jewish Israeli living in Atlanta but with a home in Tel Aviv, is blackmailing the ex-Navy Seal (or Army Special Forces) police officer (Chiwetel Ejiofor) who used to work for Blackwater and heads the squad of criminal cops. You see, Ejiofor slept with Winslet’s sexy sister and had a biracial kid with her. The kid, Felix, is being raised Orthodox, with a giant velvet yarmulke on. And Winslet doesn’t allow Ejiofor to see the kid unless he does these things for her–the bank robbery and soon a break-in and theft at Homeland Security. Oh, and by the way, Winslet is your stereotypical Jewish racist. She says of Ejiofor, “My sister slept with a monkey.” Let’s hear it for Jew-baiting of Black people by Hollywood!
Winslet’s hubby, the real leader of the mob, is in prison awaiting trial, but she wants Ejiofor to break into Homeland Security and steal the evidence against him (like this is ancient times and there is no other copy on a computer server or cloud or file somewhere). Winslet brags that, after the theft, her husband will be “released to Israeli custody.” And a scene shows her reading a Hebrew Israeli newspaper. After the corrupt cops break into Homeland Security, they blow up a Homeland Security Officer’s ankle after strapping a bomb to it.
Since the crooked cops don’t want fellow cops to know they did a bank robbery, they frame rival Hispanic gang members and set them up. This includes setting up a burning limo with the beheaded heads of several Hispanics on the hood of the limo. Get it?–Jews and Israelis are no different than ISIS with the beheadings of innocents.
Other “classy” stuff in this movie is a cop simulating the large size of a “cop’s a–hole” in prison after he is raped at Supermax. Wow, the people who dreamed this up are warped.
Shame on former IDF soldier Gal Gadot for “acting” in this anti-Semitic minstrel sh-tshow (she plays the sister who slept with the Black corrupt cop). With this, she lost her Jew card and is dead to me. And if Israel had any decency and self-respect, it would strip her of her Israeli citizenship forever.
In case you were wondering, the movie’s title comes from the police code, “9-9-9,” which means, “officer down.”
What’s police code for “Hollywood down”? And how long do we need to wait for that to happen?
With movies like this, too long. Apparently, Hitler’s problem was that he was several decades too early. This movie would make even Leni Reifenstahl and Goebbels blush.
Also, the world would be a better place if Kate Winslet had actually drowned with the sinking of the Titanic. Sieg heil, bitch.
Here are the names of the other well-known actor schmucks who “acted” in this anti-Semitic screed:
Norman Reedus (“Walking Dead’s” Daryl Dixon)
Aaron Paul (“Breaking Bad’s” Jesse Pinkman)
Casey Affleck (Ben’s bro)
Anthony Mackie
Bleep you all.
Watch the trailer . . .
That Was Then . . .

This Is Now . . .

You should use a guillotine for the beheading rating.????
worry on February 26, 2016 at 6:31 pm