December 9, 2005, - 4:04 pm

Ally in War on Terror?: Pakistan Deletes Pro-Bush Poem From Textbooks

So, what was that President Bush was saying about Pakistan being our “ally in the War on Terror”?
BBC News reports that an 11th grade Paki textbook featured an apparently pro-Bush poem, with first letters of each line spelling out his name. The poem described someone “solid as steel, strong in his faith.”
Liberals all over will be happy to note that Pakistan’s “education ministry said it would remove the poem from the textbook and discipline the person responsible for including it.”
Not that we think this poem is appropriate for a textbook, but it’s an improvement over jihadist hate that is generally spread in Pakistan’s schools. Don’t look for that to be replaced . . . ever.

Bush & Paki Dictator Pervez Musharraf, Phony Ally in War on Terror

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