January 5, 2016, - 6:34 pm
By Obama’s Logic, He Must Ban Muslim Gun, koran Use; Stop Invoking My Religion for Gun Control – Guns Saved Jews
In today’s ridiculous gun control announcement–in which a sitting U.S. President called the Constitution, “the paper”–Barack Obama cited Jews (and Muslims and moviegoers) as a reason for gun control. But by his logic, Obama should establish an immediate gun ban for Muslims (and announce a plan for koran control and strict koran registration. As I’ve written on this site many times, guns saved Jewish lives.
Earlier today, in his speech announcing stricter gun control measures via executive order, Barack Obama said that we owe it to “the Jews,” “the Muslims of Chapel Hill,” and “moviegoers” in Aurora, Colorado, to enact stricter gun control. But if that’s the case–if we owe it to victims of attacks via religion or consumer group, to enact laws taking away rights, then Barack Obama owes it to the victims of San Bernardino and Fort Hood to take away guns from Muslims.
If we’re gonna use irrelevant religious categories and consumer types as reasons for gun control, then we certainly need to use the very relevant category of religion when it comes to jihadist mass-murders perpetrated by Muslims using guns. Also time to start registering korans and restricting the number of them that each Muslim can use. Time to have doctors and neighbors and dumb White girlfriends report on these Muslims, especially Muslims with korans and guns. After all, Muslims with either a korans or guns are dangerous and sometimes take a lot of innocent American lives.
There is no evidence, by the way, that the extremist Muslims who died in Chapel Hill were the victims of anything but the rage of a neighbor with whom they had an ongoing dispute over a parking space. Barack Obama would have been more on point had he said “we owe it to parking space feuders” to take away everyone else’s guns and make it harder to get them in the first place. Not reasonable. But at least more consistent and on point with his warped logic. But, hey, I know it’s expecting a lot to expect a man who was at once a Constitutional law professor, community organizer, draft-dodger, and member of Rev. Wright’s racist church for 22 years to have logic anywhere on the resume or the brain.
As for the Jews at the Jewish Community Center in Kansas City, yes they were shot by a White supremacist who hated Jews and yelled, “Heil Hitler!” But in the 70 years since World War II and the Holocaust, hundreds more Jews have been killed in the name of Islam and the koran than by White superemacists and neo-Nazis. Again, we owe it to the Jews around the world, by Obama’s logic, to have Islam-control, Muslim-control, and koran-control. And to the Christians in America and around the world, tens of thousands of whom have also been murdered in the name of Islam and the koran. But you won’t ever hear Obama call for that (or any Republican either–even Donald Trump doesn’t want to do that, despite his smoke-and-mirrors statements).
And, then, there is what saves Jewish lives–and what has saved Jewish lives, including during the Holocaust: guns. I’m beyond sick and tired of liberals invoking my religion for gun control. Judaism–for those who actually practice it instead of substituting worship-of-liberalism for it–is a religion of self-defense. It’s a religion that believes that G-d helps those who help–and defend–themselves. It’s a religion that says that if a “rodef” (“chaser” or threat) comes to harm you, kill him/her/it first. Judaism has a long history with regular use of weapons. Just ask the Maccabees. They didn’t believe in sword control. And those who promoted and enacted weapon and gun control often used–and still use–it against Jews, to keep them vulnerable.
The Muslim world has a long history of prohibiting Jews in its midst from owning and using weapons. The Jews o Yemen were famous for being in the business crafting ornate swords and other similarly bladed weapons. But they could only craft them for Muslims. The Jews, themselves, were not allowed to own them. This made it easier for Muslims to steal from, rape, torture, and kill Jews.
The same goes for Hitler. As I’ve noted many, many times on this site, the Nazis forbade Jews from owning guns. And the Jews who stole them and used them saved thousands of Jewish lives. This wasn’t limited to just the famed Bielski Brothers of “Defiance” movie fame. But also Robert Gamzon who led the Jewish Scout Movement partisans in France, the Jewish partisans of the Maquis Armed Resistance, including Bernard Musmond, and many, many other Jewish partisans who stole guns from Nazis or otherwise obtained them from allies in local villages, and so on. They killed Nazis, destroyed Nazi munitions, and saved a lot of people. In the face of tyranny, there is no resistance without guns.
My friend, Jay Bielski, a longtime reader of this site, is the first born of Zus Bielski, one of the Bielski Brothers portrayed in “Defiance.” He served in the U.S. Marines Corp during Vietnam and in the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) during the 1973 Yom Kippur War. His two sons served in the U.S. Armed Forces and in the IDF Paratroopers. As Jay is rightly proud to note, the Bielski partisans and the guns they obtained, saved so many Jews that there are now “20,000 to 35,000 offspring walking around this earth.”
That Was Then . . .
This Is Now . . .
My Late Dad‘s Favorite Photo: Allan Tannenbaum Photo of Religious Jewish Settler with M-16, Elon Moreh, Israel, 1988 – Copyright, Allan Tannenbaum.
As I’ve also noted on this site many times, my late Holocaust survivor grandfather, Isaac Engel, always carried around his three illegal, unregistered guns, and he concealed them to and from his business. He told me that this was his way of having what the Nazis told him he couldn’t have. His entire family was wiped out in the Holocaust because Jews were not allowed to have guns. Whenever the names of liberal, pro-gun-control politicians, like then-U.S. Senator Carl Levin came up, my grandfather used to always say, “he is a linka [a leftist],” and he would point out that these leftists weren’t that far off from the politics of the Nazis who tried to take his life.
The late Zionist leader Ze’ev Jabotinsky, in the early 1930s, could see what was happening in Europe, with the Nazis gaining power and popularity. And his advice was, “Yiddin learnin shissin [Jews, learn to shoot!].” Sadly, too many Jews today, don’t get the message. They are the JINOs (Jews In Name Only) who support Barack Obama and who are on the side of the gun-grabbers. They love to hijack the Holocaust but don’t seem to notice that with guns, many Jews were saved, and had Jews had guns, many more would have been saved.
I see it as one of my responsibilities as an American and as a Jew who values life, to be a gun-owner.
So, Barack Hussein Obama, hands off my gun, and when it comes to my religion, STFU. You don’t know what you’re talking about.
Guns save lives. And they saved and continue to save Jewish lives. If we owe anything to the Jews of Kansas City, it’s to let them easily arm up. Closing “loopholes” only affects the innocent who abide by the law, not those who shoot up schools and community centers.
Gun control is for suckers and dummies . . . and those with armed Secret Service bodyguards and fancy, gated Hawaiian vacation homes.
You Know Who Doesn’t Believe in Gun Control? . . .
The Tears of a Clown . . .
The late Aaron Zelman had been an important force for countering the gun-control movement through education. Here’s a 5-part video series, called “No Guns for Jews.”
Ralph Adamo on January 5, 2016 at 7:32 pm