December 2, 2015, - 12:41 pm
NYTimes & MTV Rip Schlussel, But CBS News & MTV VIDEOs Show Jersey Muslims Cheered 9/11; MTV “Re-Reports,” Changes Story to Protect Muslims, Attack Schlussel

So now I’m under attack from the New York Times and MTV for correctly pointing out that Muslims–in New Jersey and around the U.S. (not to mention around the world)–cheered the 9/11 attacks. But a video report from CBS News reporter Pablo Guzman proves I’m 100% right, despite MTV’s attempt to go back and get a witness to change her story. Muslims cheered on 9/11. It happened, and pretending it didn’t is the work of idiots and morons. Watch the video, below . . .
Was CBS-New York (WCBS-TV) reporter Pablo Guzman lying? Will he also backtrack the way the Washington Post (now New York Times) reporter Serge Kovaleski is now backtracking on his September 18, 2001 story about Muslims cheering 9/11 in Jersey City??? Will he go back and get eyewitnesses to change their stories, the way MTV did because their video backed what I said I saw on MTV?
Uh, the video still backs up that Muslims in Paterson cheered on 9/11. But I love how this woman, Emily Acevedo, is now lying and backtracking on what she saw and said on MTV, just like the liberal “reporters” in the media. Um, if it’s a lie, then why did she have such elaborate details back in 2001? And who did all that damage to city property in front of Paterson??? BTW, don’t cheer for that babydaddy schmuck, Curtis Sliwa, who is also now backtracking and attacking Trump.
It’s funny: there were all these news reports of Muslims in Jersey City and Paterson cheering on 9/11 and all of the reporters and media outlets now say they lied. How do we know they aren’t lying now? In fact, we know they are, indeed, lying. Just because nobody had a video smartphone back then to record it, it now didn’t happen and the stories are all made up? Well, then, I guess all of these media outlets are admitting they lie, make up stories, and can’t be believed. They were either lying then or now. They can’t have it both ways. I vote, now.
BTW, it’s worth noting that New York Times columnist and “fact-checker” Robert Mackey refuses to post the video of Pablo Guzman’s report, even after I sent it to him on Twitter (and he’s now impugning Israelis, the way FOX News’ anti-Israel senior correspondent Carl Cameron did on and after 9/11 in a video since pulled by the network). We can’t confuse people with the facts.
BTW, I tried to contact Pablo Guzman at WCBS-TV in New York today, but they said he left the station a couple of years ago. I’m awaiting their promise to get back to me with his contact info. But not holding my breath.
Thanks to reader Duane for sending me the video, earlier this morning.
As evidence, many of Mr. Trump’s supporters have pointed to a detailed account of a television report on the reaction to the attack in an Arab-American neighborhood of Paterson, N.J., described by Debbie Schlussel, a conservative political activist and blogger who is deeply critical of Muslims.
Writing on her blog in 2013, Ms. Schlussel insisted that “even leftist MTV News (yes, that MTV) broadcast news reports showing thousands of Palestinian Muslims outside Paterson’s town hall, cheering the 9/11 attacks against America (and starting a riot using cement garbage cans and metal poles, which they used to attack police).”
Over the holiday weekend, MTV News dug out the original report from its archives, and posted it online with a new interview of the sole witness to what appears to have been a very different event than the one Mr. Trump, and Ms. Schlussel, have been saying they watched on television.
Uh, no, they actually back up what we said. Not the number, but the fact: that Muslims cheered all over America (and the world) on 9/11. They applauded the attacks. But the liberal media wants you to pretend they did not because we might have gotten the numbers wrong. Oh, and why was it necessary to have a “new” interview with the eyewitness, other than to get her to backtrack on what we knew and she knows she saw then.
Trump’s comments (as well as the coverage he mentions) are thematically linked to a persistent strain of conspiracy theories about Arab and Muslim Americans celebrating 9/11. Some of these cite as evidence a column from controversial anti-Muslim commentator Debbie Schlussel, which “makes a reference to an MTV broadcast of protests and riots in Paterson, N.J.” — a claim, the Post continues, that “has never been authenticated.”
We dug up the footage in question, and the truth is that these protests and riots never happened — at least not in the manner depicted by Schlussel and Trump.
Schlussel writes, “even leftist MTV News (yes, that MTV) broadcast news reports showing thousands of Palestinian Muslims outside Paterson’s town hall, cheering the 9/11 attacks against America (and starting a riot using cement garbage cans and metal poles, which they used to attack police).”
This is not true. The reports to which Schlussel refers are part of a documentary called “Fight For Your Rights: Aftermath of Terror,” which first aired on MTV on Nov. 17, 2001. Here’s what the footage actually shows: a Paterson resident and high school senior named Emily Acevedo telling MTV that she saw “a lot of people … chanting and raving,” “holding rocks and sticks” and “saying ’burn America.’”
Schlussel, like Trump, seems to have confused “a lot of people” with “thousands of Palestinian Muslims,” despite the fact that Acevedo doesn’t mention the peoples’ race nor their religion. What’s more, Acevedo goes on to say, “Everyone that was out there, they were only 13 or 14 at most. They were kids. They didn’t know what they were doing.”
Acevedo also points out damage like chips on a metal railing and a roughed up garbage can to support her claims, but there is no actual evidence of the events in question. In fact, despite what Acevedo says she saw, a reporter quoted in the footage immediately after Acevedo’s interview says her team couldn’t find “one person” who had witnessed celebrations that day. A clip of then-mayor Martin Barnes shows him similarly affirming that there was “no jubilee in the streets,” nor “anybody out in the neighborhoods having fun or thinking this was a great or glorious idea.”
Yes, because the dhimmi Mayor who depends on Palestinians to keep him in office (the city has the most Palestinians of any city in America) would never ever ever ever lie. Right? Politicians never lie to shield or pander to their constituents. That never happens in America, does it?
Tags: Jersey Muslims cheer 9/11, Muslims cheer 9/11, Muslims cheer 9/11 video, video
Yesterday, in one of the Fox News programs, Rudy Giuliani mentioned that there were cases that came to his attention of fights that were provoked by Muslims celebrating 9/11 in Brooklyn.
He specifically said that there were celebrations of 9/11 in New York and other places, may be not in the magnitudes mentioned, but they did happen
Infidel on December 2, 2015 at 4:45 pm