November 26, 2015, - 3:01 pm

“Creed”: New “Rocky” Flick Entertains, But Really a Black Lives Matter Movie

By Debbie Schlussel


I was pleasantly surprised by “Creed,” which is in theaters today for Thanksgiving. It’s essentially “Rocky 7” (with “Rocky 6” being “Rocky Balboa”–read my review), and it’s a much, much better movie than I expected. But, at the same time, I have some very strong reservations about who is behind it and what this is all about.

Overall, it’s a good, uplifting movie in the Rocky spirit, although I have mixed feelings about what is pretty much the subliminal, somewhat racist celebration of the transformation of everything White in America to Black (when the reverse definitely would have been called out as “racist”). This is the story of Rocky Balboa passing the baton to the new Black Rocky, played by Michael B. Jordan.

When I first heard about this movie, I denounced it on this site as ridiculous and yet another promise Sylvester Stallone made about the Rocky movies that he didn’t keep. As I noted then, Stallone promised us that 2006’s “Rocky Balboa” would be the last, last Rocky movie ever. That was after, years earlier, he promised us 1990’s “Rocky V” was the end. I view Stallone’s promises about the last, last, last, ever, ever, ever, final, final, final Rocky movie like I view illegal amnesty pimps’ false promises that their latest push for legalizing invading alien criminals will be the “last, last, last” time. It never is the last time. They’ll always do it again. There is too much in it for them not to keep doing it over and over. And so it goes with the Rocky movies. There’s too much money in it to stop . . . and Stallone has a model wife and several glammed-up daughters to keep dressed in high style and bling.

Note, however, that last time, Stallone apparently intended to keep his promise. This is the first Rocky movie that Stallone neither wrote nor directed. Those duties are filled, this time, by Black director Ryan Coogler, who approached a dubious and supposedly unwilling Stallone and eventually convinced him to get involved in this production.

Coogler is something of a race merchant, and as I also noted when I first wrote about this movie, the original script was even more politically correct and featured a vastly multicultural cast, with only a lesbian Muslim vegan terrorist missing. Coogler’s first hit movie was “Fruitvale Station,” a race-laden, completely fabricated, anti-police movie that sharply contrasts with the facts of the real story on which it is based. The movie glorified convicted criminal, all-around low-life, and drug dealer Oscar Grant, a Black man who was shot by a White police officer after Grant resisted arrest and the cop thought he’d grabbed his taser instead of his gun. And since Hollywood hates America and loves to ingratiate itself and pretend it’s “down wit da struggle,” liberal movie critics gushed over the fictional “Fruitvale” and it received much undue critical acclaim. So, as you watch Creed–if you decide to spend money on seeing it–you must recognize that its writer/director (who stands to earn gazillions from this) is part of the Black Lives Matter movement of fictional narratives glorifying criminals and attacking cops.

In this movie, Michael B. Jordan, who played Oscar Grant in “Fruitvale,” is Adonis Creed, the illegitimate son of boxer Apollo Creed, who died in “Rocky IV.” I know Hollywood doesn’t strictly adhere to real timelines. But Rocky IV came out on November 27, 1985, almost exactly 30 years ago. And, yet, in this movie, Adonis Creed, is about 22-years-old for the portion that takes place “today.” It would have made more sense, as I originally thought–and had written on this site–was going to be the plot of the movie, if Adonis Creed were Apollo Creed’s grandson. But, that aside, the movie is a slightly ghetto-ized version of the original Rocky story.

Creed is a parentless kid and troubled punk imprisoned in juvenile detention. Adonis doesn’t know he’s Apollo Creed’s son. He knows only that he never met his father, who was never in his life and left his mother, and that his mother is a drug addict who is nowhere to be found. He likes to fight and often gets in physical altercations there. But one day, Mrs. Cosby, er . . . Mrs. Creed (Phylicia Rashad) tracks the young Creed son to the juvie center where he’s housed and bails’ Adonis out. Mrs. Creed explains to the young Adonis “Johnson” in semi-evasive but understood terms that his father/her husband had an affair with Adonis’ mother and he is the child of that relationship. She brings Adonis home to live with her at the giant Creed estate, complete with gargantuan mansion and fancy automatic gate with a “C” on it.

Mrs. Creed raises Adonis as her own son and he grows up to do desk work at a bank. But, instead of taking a promotion, he quits to become a full-time boxer, after having some success in small fights in Mexico. But Adonis knows he needs something more to take him to the next level, and, soon, he pays a visit to Rocky at his “Adrian’s” Italian restaurant (where amnesty-supporting Stallone’s Rocky happily employs illegal aliens). This time around, not only is Adrian dead, but Paulie is, too. Rocky regularly goes to their adjacent grave sites to read them the newspaper and tell them what is going on in his life and the world.

Now, here’s what I liked about this movie. Despite the title and the Black Rocky who is at the center of the movie, this is a Rocky movie. Sylvester Stallone is the real star and he (and the usual Rocky nostalgia we all have) carries this thing, down to the playing of the Rocky theme, “Gonna Fly Now” and the traditional run up the steps of the Philadelphia Museum of Art, this time with Adonis in tow. Without Stallone as “Rocky,” this wouldn’t be worth seeing. In Germany, movie posters for this, call it, “Creed: Rocky’s Legacy.” It’s Rocky’s training and camaraderie with Adonis Creed–Adonis calls him “Unc,” short for Uncle–that is the highlight of this movie. Rocky motivates Adonis and turns him into a star. And he allows Adonis to move in with him, despite some very rude, behind-Rocky’s-back, insults and derogatory comments about him by Adonis. The two become like family, as Rocky’s son moved away to Toronto long ago, in order to live his life away from Rocky’s shadow. Rocky also faces a serious crisis in his life–and Adonis plays the “magical Black friend” (Black L.A. Times columnist David Ehrenstein first iterated the concept and calls it the “Magic Negro”) role in motivating Rocky to be tough and strong in the fight of his life.


Me with Sly Stallone @ Detroit “Rocky Balboa” Premiere

I found this movie enjoyable and entertaining, though there is nothing new here. As I noted, it tracks the Rocky story with a little ghetto-ization. For example, Creed is a rude house guest and has sex with his girlfriend on Rocky’s couch. (Missing was any scene of Rocky throwing the couch out.) There’s nothing objectionable about the movie on its face. It’s just who’s behind it and the not-so-sub-rosa message about what is going on here: the deliberate darkening of formerly-White American pop culture icons as an in-your-face, lording-it-over-you statement about who is now in control and who is no longer welcome, except as the help.

This movie says all that without saying it. It’s not heavy-handed. But sometimes, the lack of heavy-handedness is the most effective on-screen messaging.

(Blacks may get mad at me for saying this, as many do if you say James Bond isn’t Black–he isn’t, and he’s not blond either, a la Daniel Craig. He’s a swarthy, dark-haired White guy. But, as dumb as the “Shaft” movies were, I’m sure there would be “Black Movie Characters’ Lives Matter” riots in the streets, if they made a movie in which Shaft is forced to retire and train a new, White Shaft before handing over the keys to da crib.)

By the way, if Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Hussein Obama Idi Amin Dada saw this, she’d probably declare that for the first time in her life she’s proud to be a Rocky fan.

If you are a “Rocky” fan, as I am, you will like this, aside from the race issues which aren’t spoken (but are quite evident). If skin complexion weren’t such a major (though unspoken) factor in this movie and driving motivation for the career of this movie’s creator, I would probably give this THREE REAGANS. But given that it is, I downgrade and give this one of my rare mixed movie ratings of . . .


Watch the trailer . . .

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25 Responses

Sometimes the indoctrination is not so subtle. The CBS series ‘Supergirl’ features a colored (oops, I mean person of color) Jimmy Olson — although I guess it’s OK to say ‘Black’ now with the emergence of the Black Lives Matter movement.

And of course the Black Jimmy Olson rekindles his romance with the White Lucy Lane (Lois Lane’s sister.) The suggestion of course is that any woman who doesn’t ‘date’ a Black man is racist.

Although the writers of Supergirl cannot really free themselves form racial stereotypes, since the Black Jimmy Olson is something of a stud. In addition to Lucy Lane, there is the suggestion of an impending romance with the very White Supergirl (unless in a future episode it turns out she isn’t really White — wouldn’t put it past them.) I guess Tiger and Billy must have made an impression unconsciously on the writers.

Little Al on November 26, 2015 at 3:38 pm

Very interesting, Debbie.

I’ve been following Michael (B.) Jordan’s career since he played Reggie Montgomery on All My Children as a teenager. He seems to gravitate and/or be chosen for roles that are all fairly similar. Young man already or perhaps going astray, basically a good guy who fights through “unfortunate circumstances” to build a life as a “regular good man.”

I saw Fruitvale Station, and while the story was laced with bullcrap, Michael Jordan did well, again, for the limits of the roles he’s been chosen to play. This Creed movie appears to be a vehicle for him, as Jordan recently was subjected to a lot of public controversy when he was chosen to play a role as one of the super heroes in a big movie. The producer/director/studio was attacked for this move, because the character in the original comic book was white.

Jordan has obviously been noticed since his days at All My Children, and chosen for some sort of stardom. He’s natural enough, that’s for sure, but let’s see him do Shakespeare before we go calling him a star or pushing that star thing too far.

As for the blanket premise which Debbie mentions, that of the movie being a vehicle for African American Lives Matter, etc., sure, of course, it wouldn’t be Hollywood if they weren’t pushing something. You can’t turn on a football game without being preached to about global warming, black lives, abortion, gay rights, etc.

Alfredo from Puerto Rico on November 26, 2015 at 3:40 pm

I know I am in the minority here on this, but why would anyone care one way or the other. Can’t stand mush mouth Stallone and could not care less about about any of the Rocky movies and certainly will not see this latest BS from Hollywood. Just saying.

ra2216 on November 26, 2015 at 8:20 pm

Well yes, of course, ra2216, and the previous two replies to yours don’t necessarily imply “caring” one way or the other about Michael (B.) Jordan, Sylvester Stallone, or anyone else associated with this movie one way or the other. But for the reason that Debbie bothers, some others bother to participate.

As for me, I bothered for that general reason and also because I’ve been following young Mr. Jordan for a while. It’s just another passing human interest thing. I don’t spend an inordinate amount of time on it, and it doesn’t take my mind off God or what’s going on in the world. I doubt that Little Al gets too caught up in distractions, either.

Alfredo from Puerto Rico on November 26, 2015 at 10:19 pm

Never saw any of the Rocky movies, so won’t be missing much by passing over this one as well

Infidel on November 26, 2015 at 11:07 pm

Sylvester Stallone is all about Sylvester Stallone. For those who choose to ignore this stuff entirely, they really aren’t missing anything. For the record, I only saw the first two or three, but refused to participate after that. By the time he got to Rocky IV, it was getting ridiculous.

Not to mention that it was sort of ridiculous anyway. If Sylvester Stallone had just chosen to stick to reality, and done the Chuck “The Bayonne Bleeder” Wepner story that “Rocky” was really based on, it would have been interesting enough. The problem with that is it never would have spawned the sequels and millions of dollars that Stallone has made on the enterprise. There’s not much money in the truth.

Alfredo from Puerto Rico on November 26, 2015 at 11:17 pm

I agree with you wholeheartedly that White people should be able to have fictional heros without always being changed ethnicity. Leave Bond alone and create Black spy originally.
All that being said, Debbie you are cebebral and by far more sophisticated mentally, than the average movie goer. So even though your analysis is on point breaking down the racial motivation of the director, I think it goes over the average movie goers head and they just see an entertaining boxing movie, in fact, I think the director is wasting his time, for attempting any type of message. Just my thoughts.

Mrbigbrain on November 27, 2015 at 1:42 am

Good day Dear Debbie thanks for sharing Rocky! Sylvester Stallone really good boxer and a good actor. i had just seen 2 moovie of him boxing he seems cool!I do not Watch any other boxers! to me it is a waiste of time! by the way Dear Debbie Talking about Two Reagans!We Love you President Ronald Reagan!Tirdad Gharib!

Tirdad Gharib on November 27, 2015 at 1:19 pm

    and Dear Debbie Great Picture!..

    Tirdad Gharib on November 28, 2015 at 2:48 am

You look so cute in the pic with Stalone!

DS_ROCKS! on November 27, 2015 at 1:33 pm

Stallone should be justifiably proud of his Rocky franchise. His original Rocky screenplay was a classic and still stands the test of time. Stallone, the man himself, is a Rocky story of sorts, as the actor worked long and hard to achieve success before striking with Rocky against all odds. Of course, the little breaks he got along the way helped to put him in place to take advantage of the opportunities. As a bit of movie trivia, Woody Allen really helped him in the film business by casting him in his small, but memorable role in Bananas (1971):

Ralph Adamo on November 28, 2015 at 1:21 am

Mr. Adamo, Bananas was my favorite Woody Allen movie, and a clearly recognizable Stallone plays a mugger on a subway train in it. There are many people who know Woody Allen movies fairly well who don’t even know Bananas exists. Hilarious and fun. My only copy was destroyed when all my videotapes were ruined by waters from Sandy entering a LIC basement area storage space. One of my laments, since I was hoping to turn many of those tapes in to digital format some day.

Alfredo from Puerto Rico on November 28, 2015 at 10:53 am

    Alfredo, I’m sorry that you’ve lost your video collection. I saw Bananas a couple of years ago and it’s still funny. One of the things I like to do is to check out movies I haven’t seen in some time to see if they’ve become dated or still hold up. Though Bananas is a political comedy, there’s much in it that’s still relevant.

    I was hoping to see some reviews of the new movie called “Trumbo,” based on the career of the writer Dalton Trumbo. Some people are asking why is Hollywood coming out with this movie at this particular time, since the period covered by the movie, at least according to my understanding of it, is the Hollywood blacklisting period, starting around 1947? That’s not too difficult to see. Hollywood seldom misses an opportunity for adulation of the left, and I’m only surprised that it’s taken them this long. I think the last fiction movie on this topic was “The Front,” which starred Woody Allen, though he didn’t write or direct it.

    I would love to see Little Al do a review of “Trumbo,” though I’m sure he’s too principled to spring for the bucks to see it. Trumbo figures prominently in a book by Allen Ryskind called “Hollywood Traitors,” where Ryskind persuasively demonstrates that Trumbo was a dyed-in-the-wool Stalinist.

    Interesting, Allen Ryskind is the some of screenwriter Morrie Ryskind, who wrote for the great Marx Brothers movies, e.g., “Animal Crackers” and “A Night at the Opera.” (As a bit of trivia, Hitler enjoyed watching the Marx Brothers comedies, even though he knew the Marx Brothers were Jews, and Hitler’s favorite opera, “The Merry Widow” was co-written by Jews, but don’t let that take anything away from their works.)

    Ryskind even makes the case for Trumbo as “Hitler’s enabler.” His main point supporting that conclusion was that Trumbo was fanatical in his support for Stalin to the point that when Stalin made a pact with Hitler in the late 1930s, he was vehemently opposed to any efforts to harm Hitler. But when Hitler (not surprisingly) broke its agreement, Trumbo enthusiastically supported a US war effort to come to Stalin’s rescue.

    Ryskind was less convincing in his classification of filmmaker Charlie Chaplin as a Stalinist. While parallels between Trumbo’s “Johnny Got His Gun” and his Stalinist politics can be readily drawn, with Chaplin, there’s far from a clear link. And I’m not saying this merely because I happen to like Chaplin’s works. I also happen to think Trumbo’s “Exodus” and “Spartacus” are great screenplays, but I will readily acknowledge that Trumbo’s politics were abominable. But Ryskind cannot satisfactorily explain his assumption that Chaplin was a Stalinist when Chaplin came out with “The Great Dictator” right in the middle of the pact between Stalin and Hitler. Yet, Chaplin’s comedy attacked dictators of all stripes, though his focus was on Hitler. Moreover, Chaplin did this at a time when both the right as well as the left, did not want the US involved in World War II. Not surprisingly, Stalin hated “The Great Dictator.” (Hitler also saw the movie, though it was, of course, banned in Germany, but there’s no record of what he thought of it.)

    One little other bit of trivia on this Trumbo subject that you might find interesting is that Stalin happened to like the movies of John Ford and John Wayne, though both Ford and Wayne were staunch anti-communists. (Again, the fact the Stalin liked them should take nothing away from them.) However, when Wayne began to discuss his political views more publicly, Stalin became very angry with him. During one of Stalin’s drunken rages, he even “took out a contract” on Wayne. Later, when Nikita Khrushchev met Wayne, sometime during the JFK years, Krushchev told Wayne that he personally intervened to make sure that the “order” wasn’t actually taken seriously.

    Ralph Adamo on November 29, 2015 at 7:28 pm

Bananas indeed stands the test of time regarding relevancy. I think my favorite scene in the movie is Howard Cosell interviewing the dying dictator of San Marcos on the steps of the capital building. My next favorite is when the military leader who takes over the country is informing the people of certain new policies. He ends his speech with “from now on, underwear will be worn on the outside . . . so we can check.” ROTFLMAO!!!

A very relevant line in the movie is one of the American troops asking another whose side they’re on. He is informed that some are on the side of the revolutionaries, while others are on the side of the current San Marcos regime. It’s because “the CIA’s not taking any chances this time.” That sounds like the America I know and love to hate but still love, LOL!!!

Thanks also Mr. Adamo, for very informative background information on those times. I remember many years ago, Bill O’Really telling Ann Coulter on his TV show that he felt Dalton Trumbo got jobbed during that period.

The Marx Brothers are among my very favorite entertainers.

“My father was a little headstrong, my mother was a little Armstrong. The Headstrongs married the Armstrongs and . . .”

you can’t say the rest in public anymore. Especially since there’s at least one regular around here who loves to call me a racist/bigot. He won’t explain why he suddenly turned on me after showing courtesy and respect during the early stages of my tenure here.

Whatever. I’m healthy and extremely fit. The rest of my life mostly REALLY SUCKS. I’ve got better things to do than to waste time defending myself to people who don’t know me from Adam. I guess in that case, Groucho Marx and his brothers were all racists, too. Ditto Al Jolson.

OH, WAIT!!! I’ve got racism in my DNA!!! I plumb forgot. Barack Milhous Hussein Benito Obama SAID so, and I guess it MUST therefore be true.

Alfredo from Puerto Rico on November 29, 2015 at 9:58 pm

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