November 20, 2015, - 3:39 am

ABSURD: Subway Jared Fogle Lawyer Blames WHAT?! For His Child Rape; Says He’s Only a “Mild” Pedophile

By Debbie Schlussel


They Have a Lot in Common

Former Subway spokesnerd/eternal pedophile Jared Fogle gave a ludicrous excuse, yesterday, for raping young girls. Oh, and he and his lawyers claim he’s only a “mild” pedophile. Uh-huh, and Islam has a lotta “mild” terrorists, too.

Yesterday, at Fogle’s sentencing, his lawyers–in arguing for a lenient sentence–claimed that the previously morbidly obese Jared’s extreme weight loss caused him to be “hypersexual” beyond his control. Uh-huh, losing weight causes you to rape kids. Doesn’t everyone know that? Hey, it’s the new Twinkie Defense: the Subway Sub Defense.

On the other hand, I guess Jared picked the wrong state for sex with teens. In Michigan, the age of consent is 16, meaning that his liaisons with 16-and-17-year-olds wouldn’t have been a crime, as they were in Indiana and New York where they took place. But that argument is undercut by the fact that Fogel watched illegal videos of girls as young as nine being secretly taped while changing clothes. Sick.

[Judge Tanya Walton] Pratt seemed unpersuaded by two key arguments from the defense, intended to try in some way to explain Fogle’s behavior, or at least diminish his depravity.

The first argument: that Fogle has impulse control issues, having traded a food addiction — he once weighed 420 pounds before famously slimming down, in part, by eating Subway sandwiches — for a sex addiction. The second argument came from the defense psychiatrist, who said Fogle was merely a “mild” or “weak” pedophile — an argument [prosecutor Steven] DeBrota undercut with the next defense witness, a psychologist, who said that’s not a commonly accepted diagnosis.

The defense attorney, while repeatedly acknowledging that their client was “pathetic,” tried to introduce mitigating factors such as Fogle having had sex with 16- and 17-year-olds, not younger girls.

“It’s not a fun job fashioning these distinctions,” said his lawyer, Andrew DeVooght.

No kidding. But since Jared has multi-millions and paid tens of thousands of that to attorney DeVooght, I’m sure it’s “fun” enough cashing the checks.

The judge wasn’t persuaded. She veered upward from the 12.5 year sentence that prosecutors and defense attorneys had agreed on and the sentencing guideline upper limit of 14 years, giving Jared nearly 16 years of no meatball subs. Now, he’ll really lose weight.

By the way, I found this part interesting:

“Members of my family are also victims of my acts,” Fogle said, noting that his wife will be a single mother after their divorce.

And that’s when Pratt interjected: “You gave your wife $7 million, so she’ll be OK.”

Actually, it’s not true that wealth makes a difference in the deficiencies and social dysfunctions that occur when kids grow up without a father. Still, if their father is Jared Fogle, they’re probably better off without him. He’s a sick guy, as indicated by these, um, details:

Fogle, 38, must also have found the testimony on his own behalf nothing short of humiliating. The two witnesses for the defense — a psychiatrist and psychologist — recounted their examinations of him in sometimes cringe-inducing detail. Details such as his fantasies about prepubertal children. . . . Testimony revealed Fogle had spent at least $12,000 per year on prostitutes. It revealed that he knew one of his victims well enough to identify her just from a nude picture of her torso.

As I keep saying about all of these pedophiles, they should just say they’re Muslim and demand tolerance. Tolerance! And if you think Fogle’s warped sexual predilections are bad, don’t worry. We’re importing much worse from the Middle East. I mean, look at Mohammed–the guy that they revere as some sort mythical prophet–and his six-year-old chick (no worries ‘cuz he didn’t rape her until she was the mature age of nine). And with 15 years in the slammer, Jared will have plenty of time and opportunity to convert to Islam.

Halal Subway sandwiches for everyone!


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24 Responses

Today we humor sexually confused people by eliminating privacy in public bathrooms.

Tolerance for pedophiles tomorrow is now the cutting edge of the sexual rights movement.

We should draw the line at children but given how the culture is constantly pushing the line, there’s no telling how long it will last.

With Jared Fogle, society was right to throw the book at him.

People who claim child sex abuse is a right only show us what we have at stake.

Our traditional values and our sanity – both of which are under assault throughout the Western World.

NormanF on November 20, 2015 at 4:06 am

    I found this interesting:

    “His porn collection was vast and extensive, and Fogle took his business pretty seriously. A video would run a patron a dollar a day (cheap!), and people would come from all over to take advantage of the deal. Needless to say, Jared had enough porn to keep his customers happy.”

    That was Jared Fogle in college. A real mensch. Apparently Subway didn’t know enough about his past before they hired him as their brand spokesman.

    Goes to show ya, once a pervert, always a pervert.

    NormanF on November 20, 2015 at 4:52 am

    Today we humor sexually confused people by eliminating privacy in public bathrooms.

    I don’t know how many men’s bathrooms you have been in, but male bathrooms have no privacy. There are urinals usually with no dividers. If you are lucky, they have a small one maybe shoulder high. And unless you have male plumbing, you have to sit to pee. So if a tranny goes into a males

    Peter on November 20, 2015 at 10:23 am

Jared Fogle is a very disturbed individual who should never be allowed contact with anyone under 18 years of age, even after his release. What finally caused Fogle to be caught was his own big mouth. He apparently liked to talk about his sexual obsessions, which over time drew the attention of the authorities. What probably tipped this judge against him were recordings of Fogel actively seeking sexual encounters with even younger girls.

Worry on November 20, 2015 at 7:15 am

Even though it’s 8:00am in the heartlands, I am now physically sick to my stomach for the balance of the day…all of those subways…ugh…

Bill on November 20, 2015 at 9:11 am

The NFL was also pretty cozy with Jared, as I once saw him on one of those analysis shows where retired football players talk about upcoming or already played games.

Alfredo from Puerto Rico on November 20, 2015 at 9:47 am

Even before anybody ever heard of Jared Fogle, let alone his particular, ahem, peccadilloes, I was never into any of Subway’s food (whose “variety” has been compared by some to what could have been part of a restaurant’s menu in the old Soviet bloc states). You see, for much of my life, I’ve always been a Blimpie guy. Particularly their ham and Swiss cheese combo with (green) lettuce, (white/green) onions, oil and vinegar, and black pepper (no salt because it’s already in the ham, and definitely no mayonnaise). Best made and eaten in the summertime when the molecular structure or whatever it is about the foodstuffs are conducive to full enjoyment. And besides, Blimpie – which was once as ubiquitous on various streets and avenues all over town throughout America (the “Starbucks across from a Starbucks” syndrome that lefty “comedian” Lewis Black ranted about many years ago) as Subway is today – definitely needs the business (in New York City alone, once home to about 50 – 100 Blimpies, with some just around the corner from another, there are now only two – two!! – in Manhattan, possibly one in Brooklyn, can’t say about the other boroughs) – and more important, Blimpie to my knowledge has never had a pedophile / all-around sicko as its spokesperson, as Subway had.

Another strike against Subway: Until nearly two years ago, their bread was made with the same chemicals used for making yoga mats and shoe rubber. Not exactly the kind of things that would be beneficial to a person’s diet. (In other words, it isn’t advisable to eat either shoe rubber or yoga mats.)

ConcernedPatriot on November 20, 2015 at 9:52 am

    Yes sir Concerned Patriot Blimpies was awesome. Sadly they closed it down and put up you guessed it a Subway. We do have a Firehouse Subs down the street from them and you can guess who gets more business.

    Ken B on November 20, 2015 at 2:18 pm

Concerned Patriot takes me back to my childhood with the Blimpie’s specifics. One of my father’s favorite places to take me to. CP’s remarks about a particular sandwich and how a Blimpie’s tastes during the summer are those of a discerning person with a fine palate. Quite right about how they disappeared.

Funny thing about Blimpie’s. They have one here in the center of town in Secaucus, NJ. That’s where I stay when I come to the NYC area for work. I always chuckle when I walk past it. Blimpie’s, a blast from the past.

As for Subway, they virtually don’t put any meat in their sandwiches. I’ve been there twice, once in Manhattan, once in Puerto Rico, and each time, they put virtually no meat in. A cousin of mine said she experienced the same thing in PR.

As for Jared, I said something about him in a post that didn’t make it through the spider web (along with a few others), but I’ll add that when I read the “mild pedophilia” remark I laughed. What a country, and world, when people actually say things like that with a straight face. We’re dead.

Alfredo from Puerto Rico on November 20, 2015 at 10:12 am

    Interesting choice of words – “a discerning person with a fine palate.” One could make the case that food palates could be a metaphor for how people lean politically. I’ve noticed that the Subway customers are the types who couldn’t discern dung from Shinola, and who would consume anything even if it were rat poison. I also wonder how many of those Subway customers were two-time Obama voters, just as one example among many.

    ConcernedPatriot on November 20, 2015 at 3:17 pm

I got food poisoning from a Subway sandwich in 1993. Have not set foot in one since.

DS_ROCKS! on November 20, 2015 at 11:47 am

I got food poisoning from a Subway sandwich in 1993. Have not set foot in one since.

Best subs in the country are at Tubby’s around Detroit metro area. I worked at the one in Troy on Beaver when I was 16 – best job I ever had. They’re the first place I go whenever I visit Detroit. Cheeseburger sub is my favorite or Fried Ham & Cheese. YUM!

DS_ROCKS! on November 20, 2015 at 11:50 am

WTF is a mild pedophile!!?? You are either a pedophile or you are not. This sick twisted waste of space is.

MRobs on November 20, 2015 at 3:48 pm

    “Mild pedophile.” Yeah, right. Almost like saying a woman is “slightly pregnant.”

    ConcernedPatriot on November 21, 2015 at 6:59 am

honestly, can you picture mohammed having the patience to wait 3 years to rape aisha?

kirche on November 20, 2015 at 4:29 pm

Charlie Sheen on hearing that Jared spent $12,000 a year on prostitutes, “amateur”!

Mitch on November 20, 2015 at 8:13 pm

Jared Fogle should have just embraced Islam, then his rape could have been justified. And moved to Iran or one of the Gulf states, where he could have gotten away w/ that Islamic defense.

Debbie, that picture of Mohammed above looks too good to be Mohammed. Mohammed was most likely ugly – which is thought to be one reason why he banned any depictions of himself. Also, his beard would have been longer and he wouldn’t have had a mustache.

I know that the Muzzies probably already have a fatwa on you, so congratulations for putting a picture of him up on your site 😀

Infidel on November 20, 2015 at 8:32 pm

Subway is bad for your eyes. That’s because you have to squint so hard to see the meat. I call them “salad sandwiches” because they are all bread and lettuce. During an airport layover yesterday I had a Quizno’s. Barf.

CornCoLeo on November 20, 2015 at 9:03 pm

Corncoleo, Subways are fine. Dunno about you, but everywhere, they give you the option of what you want to put in. You can eliminate lettuce and the other veggies, and put in the meats. The chicken is usually right for the size.

Infidel on November 21, 2015 at 10:50 am

    Subway did drop Jared Fogle as soon as he ran into legal problems. As for Subway products, they are what they are. You do get the option of custom building your sandwich. If a customer wants some ultra cheap sandwich special, they will get what they pay for.

    Worry on November 21, 2015 at 2:26 pm

Jared was probably ignored if not made fun of by girls while growing up. Now that he had money, an image and some power, well now he could do catching up with girls instead of women. And weight loss caused him to seek out girls? Oh my. I remember the morons arguing that the celibacy rule (misunderstood as prohibition against sex but actually against marrying) in the Catholic Church caused priests to seek out older boys and girls (more of the victims were boys). Right, when men are deprived of sex, it’s understandable that some men would seek out boys, girls, farm animals, etc. Sure.

The untold story about Mohammed – thanks for sharing it Debbie. He married Aisha when she was 6 and consummated the marriage when she was 9. I once debated a moron who said that Moses and the Israelites practiced child rape as a norm and that it was expected of the men to rape girls, so those in the Middle East, including Muslims are carrying on a long tradition. The moron was probably a college or university professor.

Concerned Citizen on November 21, 2015 at 1:26 pm

I could have sworn that his perversion was caused by global warming.

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