November 19, 2015, - 6:48 pm
VIDEO: Parisian Father Just Taught His Kid the DUMBEST Lesson Ever About ISIS Attacks
Only Morons Believe These . . .
. . . Fight These . . .
A French dad just taught his kid the dumbest lesson ever about Muslims and how to fight them.
I agree that kids deserve to have a childhood (though they don’t get one anymore with TV and pop culture assaulting them with sex and violence at every turn). But there’s a difference between being sensitive to young children and teaching them uber-stupidity about the scary world in which we live. Watch the video, below, about which all of the media were gushing a day or two ago. This father crossed that line in spades, preparing his kid for a life of softness in a Paris-massacre-by-Muslims world.
It’s child abuse to teach your kids that flowers and candles will protect them or serve as any kind of defense against the guns and bombs of terrorists.
In the same vein, a few months ago parents and teachers at an Arizona elementary school went ballistic because Republican Congressman Matt Salmon taught their kids about Islamic terrorism and the threats we face. On the contrary, the Congressman was giving these coddled, sheltered kids a lesson in reality–especially the modern state and not-too-distant future of what they face, now that we’ve had almost 1.5 decades since 9/11 in which we allowed Muslims to invade America to the point that they’ve more than doubled their population after the attacks.
Arizona Rep. Matt Salmon had to explain himself to upset parents. Salmon frightened some second- and third-grade children at the San Tan Charter School in his district when his talk last Thursday about the upcoming vote on the Iran nuclear deal included comments about terrorist groups recruiting young suicide bombers.
“The congressman chose to give an example of the current situation in Iran, and made some inappropriate comments about ‘Do you know what a nuclear weapon is? Do you know that there are schools that train children your age to be suicide bombers?’” Scott Campbell, a parent of one girl in the class, told KPHO.
Whatta wimp. Glad I didn’t have that kind of dad. The Congressman had the right idea. Kids need to know that we live in dangerous times with dangerous people in our midst, just as we teach five-year-olds about “stranger danger.”
Similarly, this French father is a moron. He’s teaching his son that flowers and candles will defeat Islam and its followers who want to wipe the kid (and all of us) off the face of the planet. PUH-LEEZE. The only thing that defeats terrorists and killers is putting them down, violently and to death. When I was a kid, my parents didn’t shelter me. While they didn’t expose me to violence, they explained the threat of Palestinian terrorism and what happened at the Entebbe Airport in 1976 very clearly. My late grandfather, Isaac Engel, a Holocaust survivor, had no problem showing me his handguns and telling me, then a young kid, what happened to him and his family in the Holocaust. He didn’t tell me that candles and flowers would have stopped the Nazis. My grandfather told me he wished he was allowed to own guns as a teen in Poland and Nazi Germany, because that’s what would have protected him against the Nazis. Funny, flowers and scented candles weren’t mentioned.
Only malpracticing and neglectful parents teach their kids they can survive the modern world with flowers and candles (or with temper tantrums about race on college campuses). My parents taught me about the real world. They–being the “neglectful child abusers” that they were–let me ride around my neighborhood on my bike and walk alone in the field on my own. Shocking.
Sadly, far too many “adults” in this world had parents who never taught them anything but empty John Lennon and U2 lyrics that won’t gird them for survival. Only wimpitude-induced doom.
You want a soft country, ready to be conquered and soon to be wearing burkas and no heads? Then, teach your kids that pastel, lavender-smelling candles will defeat the terrorists and have your boys play with Barbies. While that kid in the video is a little young, better parents should teach their kids the “Call of Duty” way of fighting off terrorists. Better we teach our progeny the only way of fighting Islamic terrorists: “Finish Him . . . Fatality.” Works far better than candle wax.
Tip for America’s parents: Prepare your kids for the world we’re living in. We’re fighting ISIS, not Malibu Ken and My Little Pony.
The kid was smarter than the dad. Instinctively, he knew that flowers and candles wouldn’t stop the “baddies” and their guns. The dad is a schmuck.
Hillel on November 19, 2015 at 8:53 pm