September 11, 2015, - 5:44 pm

Suzy Favor Hamilton: Former Olympian I Knew Uses Bipolarity as BS Excuse for Being Hooker, Slut

By Debbie Schlussel


Former Olympian Suzy Favor Hamilton’s Fame-Whoring Continues

In 2012, I told you about Suzy Favor Hamilton, a former track star and Olympian and an eternal attention whore narcissist. Now, exactly as I predicted then, she has a book out and is attention-whoring all over again on every talk show who’ll have her. Hamilton, who was married with a daughter at the time (and still is because her husband is a ball-less wimp) was working as a “high class” call girl in Las Vegas, even while she was earning a mint in endorsements, appearances, and speaking engagements after her athletic career ended. She excusing her kinky threesomes and prostitution, claiming she is bipolar. Nice excuse. Even Tiger Woods didn’t come up with something that weak. But those who know Suzy Favor Hamilton–and I know a bunch of ’em–say she’s just always been an attention whore and a literal whore.

And the fame-whoring begins again, this week. A year ago, I heard from close members of Suzy Favor Hamilton’s family. They contacted me and told me my prediction about her writing a book was coming true. They didn’t seem too pleased about it, nor did they seem to be too proud of this woman. Most people–if they were outed as prostitutes–would be embarrassed and want it to go away. They would be happy when the negative publicity subsided and they would just go away, as she should. But not Suzy Favor Hamilton. She’s always been a “me me me me” person, as evidence by the fact that she abandoned her husband and young daughter to fly to Vegas to sleep with men for money. And she doesn’t want to let that attention end. That’s why–like every single Kardashian and Kardashian wannabe–she’s decided to keep milking her sex scandal with a book, “Fast Girl,” and multiple interviews and TV appearances.

Tonight, Hamilton is on ABC News’ “20/20’s” season premiere for a full hour, and it’s being heavily hyped. She’ll be on the season premiere of “Dr. Phil,” next week (and, predictably, Dr. Phil is very understanding of this crap). And she’s also whining in this week’s People magazine. I mean, why should she care that she’s discussing, “I was a high priced hooker” and that her seven-year-old daughter knows about it> She dismissed it in People as no big deal. Yup, no big deal, when mommy wants to remain famous.

And, then, there’s her whipped, penis-lacking hubby, Mark Hamilton, who allowed his wife to fly out to Vegas and have sex with other men for money. Where are his testicles? You wonder what he told his young daughter about where mommy was.

Suzy Favor Hamilton is trying to pawn off her lowlife, sleazebag life as a hooker on being bipolar. She claims that a medication she took after deliberately falling and losing in the Olympics, caused her to be “hypersexual.” Nah, I don’t think that’s what happened. Because that doesn’t explain why, before she was on the drug, she was a complete slut at the University of Wisconsin. As I noted on this site before, I met the then-Suzy-Favor (before she married her husband) on several occasions when I was in grad school at the University of Wisconsin. She was then training for the Olympics, and hung out with a lot of the athletes whom I tutored in the Wisconsin Athletic Department. They all told me what a slut she was then. They still tell me what a slut she was then. They told me she did some pretty “nasty” things and got around. Again, this was before she claims that she began taking a medication later in life which turned her into a hooker. (She’s also now claiming that the only man she slept with before becoming a hooker was her husband. Baloney.)

I don’t believe her story that she became a prostitute because she was bipolar and “hypersexual” after taking a new medication. And even if that were true, then why did she insist on being paid for sex. Did the medication say, “Hi, I am your pimp–you must get paid $600 per hour for being a slut!”? Doubtful.

I think we all know what’s going on here. Suzy Favor Hamilton was a big star in high school, college, and Olympic track. And she was pretty. She was used to being showered with attention. And when she lost every Olympic track competition she entered (in three Olympic Games) and got older, her career–and the attention that went along with it–disappeared. But she’s a narcissist who craved attention and still does. And she couldn’t handle not being in the spotlight and the center of attention. Being a hooker gave her some of that. And now that she’s been outed and the hooking is over, she’s written a fraudulent book full of excuses and no responsibility taken for her actions. It’s all, “the illness and the medication made me do it.” That’s the Suzy Favor Hamilton those who went to the University of Wisconsin know.

And she’ll be rewarded for it with endless TV appearances and some book sales. If you buy this idiotic book, you’re a moron. But as the success of the Kardashians shows, there is no shortage of morons in America, so she’s certain to make big buck on this. Cha-ching! Suzy Favor Hamilton’s only regret is that she didn’t make a sex tape with rapper Ray-J. Kim Kardashian beat her to the punch.

And her castrated, zero-pride husband, Mark Hamilton, is a sick co-dependent, appearing with Hamilton all over the place on her, “The Drugs Forced Me to Be a Hooker” World Tour. He posed with his whore wife in People. He appears with her on Dr. Phil, talking about how he was in on this and allowed it to go on in their marriage. And in the world’s greatest example of fame-whore child abuse, the Hamiltons posed with their 7-year-old daughter for the People hooker article, which explicitly details many of Suzy Favor Hamilton’s sexual exploits. What kind of parents do that to their kid? They should be locked up.

“We told Kylie in a way a 7 year old could handle. She knows I didn’t mean to hurt anyone,” Suzy told People. Um, how do you tell your seven-year-old kid mommy is a hooker in a “way [she] could handle”? What kind of a mother whores out her seven-year-old daughter to a tabloid magazine in her ceaseless fame-seeking quest? A very selfish one. An egg and womb donor. And that’s all this slut, Suzy Favor Hamilton is. Sadly for her daughter, Suzy married a penis-less enabler who couldn’t and wouldn’t stand up to her and take her daughter away, as most real men would have done.

Neither bipolar disorder nor any medication forced Suzy to become an expensive hooker in Vegas. She did that all on her own.

And now, true to current form, America is rewarding her for it.


BTW, when Suzy was outed for being a hooker, the Big Ten revoked her award as “Female Athlete of the Year.” But since sex tapes (Kardashians), prostitution, and nude lesbian photos (Vanessa Williams is being welcomed back to Miss America, with a full apology, Sunday Night) are now “in,” I predict that Suzy Favor Hamilton will soon have the Big Ten apologizing to her and restoring her award, too. After all, the drugs and the “illness” made her do it.

It’s not cool to have any shame for anything anymore in America. And if you insist on that, you are “slut-shaming” people, and you should be embarrassed about it. The slut should be proud.

And why not?

After all, not only was she paid six hundred bucks an hour for it, now she has a book, and she’s in People!


Reader Alfredo From Puerto Rico:

‘Hi, I’m Suzy, since girls jus’ wanna have fun, join me in making bipolar disorder in to an excuse to further women’s empowerment issues.’

Wanna have sex with anyone you want? Wanna rob banks, commit acts of terrorism, live life as you please? Join the growing ranks of The Bipolar, LOL!!!

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16 Responses

… that she became a prostitute because she was bipolar and “hypersexual” after taking a new medication.

What did they prescribe for her – Spanish fly?

DS_ROCKS! on September 11, 2015 at 10:58 pm

I was a BIG Suzy Favor Hamilton fan. I cried when she fell down at the 2000 Olympics. I followed her career very closely. In the summer of 2012, there was an interview with her that did not mention the hooking. That didn’t come out until a couple months later. But in that interview, she continually made what I consider to be excuses for errant behavior and she also took the time to extol the virtues of Zoloft.

I finished reading that interview disappointed that I had ever been a fan of hers. Too bad. She is still fourth on the all-time list of 1500 meter runners in the USA. Her time in the mile is also pretty high up there, although two American girls ran the mile a wee bit faster than she did in a big meet in Brussels today.

What a shame, what a lot of years wasted being a fan of someone who has been so disappointing. All those looks, all that talent, the obvious intelligence, just so twisted. Reminds me of the human race. Collectively, we are like a psychologically very conflicted person.

I wish Suzy well, I really do. I wish her a place in The Kingdom on Judgment Day. Part of preparing for that is recognizing your flaws and doing something other than blaming them on a made up disorder and settling for a panacea from a pill.

I still love Suzy. I may not have the best opinion of her, but I wish her the best. She is really screwed up, though.

And as for Debbie’s writing style, particularly this article, . . .

ROTFLMAO!!! Cold, hard facts. Nothing but. It’s called “biting humor.” ROTFLMAO!!!

Alfredo from Puerto Rico on September 11, 2015 at 11:40 pm

    I, OTOH, had a huge crush on Tonya Harding in the ’90s. I still have a thing for trailer park trixies and hillbilly women. Don’t ask me why.

    DS_ROCKS! on September 13, 2015 at 2:34 pm

      Me, too. Before she had fake boobs and all that work done on her face. She was fine the way she was, chunky flat chested ice skater with a decent ass, great thighs and a snide look on her face. Kristen Stewart has that same snotty bitch face that Tonya had.

      Alfredo from Puerto Rico on September 13, 2015 at 6:39 pm

      “Oh, one other thing,” . . .

      said the attorney to the temp at 5:27, after the computer had been turned off.

      Anyway, I never really appreciated Suzy for her looks. WAY too slim to me, great potential, but her running weight of 105-110 at what was listed at 5’3″-5’4″ is way too light. GREAT structure, potential for certain bodyparts, but she didn’t chunk out after her career ended. A woman that height should be 125-130 for my taste.

      I was just a fan of Suzy’s, intrigued by her generic beauty, and story. It was just a house of cards.

      Alfredo from Puerto Rico on September 13, 2015 at 6:43 pm

It’s awesome to read something I was thinking in my mind.

And the Vanessa Williams thing…yep…at least in the 80’s there was shame. Shame has gone on walkabout. What VW did in the 80’s was NOT consistent with the cultural values and mores of that time so she paid. Her 80’s self would fit right in with the cultural toilet of 2015. The apology is totally lame. Why don’t they have the contestants act out what she did in those photos if apologies are in order? Ratings would rise in 2015, that’s fo’ sure! Other things too, but not righteousness and dignity and respect.

Skank it up in 2015. It’ll go down soooooo smoothly. I ain’t having any of it and I’m kicking against these frauds and pervos hiding behind psycho-babble BS.

Skunky on September 12, 2015 at 12:11 am

Debbie hit the nail on the head (pun somewhat intended) when she said this ex-hooker is a narcissist who craves attention. But her husband is a man-whore pimp. He probably got off on the thought of other men using his wife as an astray and pin cushion. Both of them should not be raising their child. Whatever demons and desires were involved in their choices have not gone away. If she and her testicle missing husband were truly sorry about what occurred, they would have repented in shame and either kept it to themselves or gone public and not used the excuse of her being bi-polar. I wonder if they were being blackmailed and went public to stop the blackmailing.

Concerned Citizen on September 12, 2015 at 9:26 am

It is a real slam and trivialization of people who actually suffer from mental illness. Bipolar women do not run out and become prostitutes. As Debbie has noted, Suzy Favor Hamilton did not simply sleep around, but got paid for it. Finally, Child Protective Services should look at removing her daughter from that environment.

Worry on September 12, 2015 at 9:45 am

‘Depression drugs’ are SSRIs. Selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors. Which screw with your brain chemicals, in order to change your behavior. I withhold judgement on the skank label, for the moment ..

Jesse Conroy on September 12, 2015 at 12:28 pm

On this latest “attention whore” tour of TV talk shows Suzy Favor Hamilton is now undergoing, what’s the chance she’ll end up one place on the exact same show as fellow fallen ex-Olympian Bruce a.k.a. “Caitlyn” Jenner?

ConcernedPatriot on September 12, 2015 at 5:18 pm

The husband stayed cuz she was making all the money, both legally and illegally. And she still is.

Jack Armstrong on September 13, 2015 at 9:34 am

reminds me of a song i heard on the radio, driving into work today… it’s much funnier hearing the actual song by larry the trucker. well, if you appreciate the low-brow stuff like i do:

They both make a livin’ in their bare feet
Catchin’ one is like a treat
They both hang out right there by the Shell
They both walk slow, at a simple pace
Both afraid to show their face
Only one has a built in place to hide


Turtles and whores, turtles and whores
I love them turtles and whores
They both advertise a little tail
Move so much they never get mail
They both go by the same nick-name “Snapper”
Daddy never told me about the birds and bees
But always talked about both of these
And made it clear only one was fit to eat


If you catch one here’s some advice
One is dirty and the other ain’t nice
[They ain’t polite and always walk up from behind]?
Make small talk and never let them see fear
Don’t work alone, just bait or beer
When you’re done just drop them by the river


I’ve caught both while fishin’
I’m always on a mission
And they both hate the kitchen
Turtles and Whores

kirche on September 14, 2015 at 6:01 pm

You cannot change a whore into a housewife it’s not a cliche it’s a fact.

Bigfish on September 15, 2015 at 1:21 pm

I was a huge fan of Suzy’s. I met her twice at national track meets in the late 90’s and she signed several things for me. She could not have been more gracious. She looked every fan in the face, addressed them and signed whatever they wanted her to sign. She was the total opposite of other sports celebs, who avoid their fans. So sad to learn of her double life and the wool that she pulled over our eyes, mine included. Even more disgusting to learn that she truly is a brain damaged whore, who sees only money and has no morals. I have no doubt, she will be pimping her daughter out, for modeling and other public attention, within a few years. Her daughter will be in and out of rehab by age 19.

Trigeek on September 19, 2015 at 10:35 am

What is so bad about being a hooker? I think if women are talented in that way and enjoy the work they should be left alone to provide a very useful service to men. Some men have a difficult time meeting or relating to women and yet still have a need for sex. I am no rapist but I can say that it can get very uncomfortable not having sex for a long time. Since many women may never feel that urge, try imagining needing to use a toilet but having to “hold it” because there isn’t one. Isn’t it better men be allowed to discretely pay for it rather than a possible very bad alternative of forcibly trying to get it? Are you afraid that if prostitution were to become legal and common that your way of life would be threatened? Not so, the vast majority of men prefer normal long term heterosexual partnership and are faithful.

Joseph Phallis on August 13, 2016 at 2:57 am

Selfish? Yes. Unfit parent? Absolutely. Failure of a wife? 100%. But one could argue you don’t understand bipolar disorder based on all your slut-shaming and unhelpful name-calling.

Bad decisions and hypersexuality are key components of a manic episode, along with lack of sleep, euphoria and delusions. If Suzy is being honest, she experienced all these symptoms shortly after starting Zoloft–an SSRI that is known to trigger mania in bipolar people. Check. Her brother’s condition proves the gene was present in her family tree. Double check.

Sometimes bipolar disorder looks like Kurt Cobain; sometimes like Mary Kay Letourneau. Suzy battled bulimia early on, proving she was always unstable on some level. The bipolar gene was likely laying in wait to be triggered by a stressful event, such as her multiple Olympic failures, her brother’s suicide or post-partum hormone issues.

Who’s to say her “sluttiness” was not always caused/aggravated by an unstable mental state? Maybe it was just made dramatically worse by the Zoloft. Or maybe she’s lying about the whole thing. If so, she’d need an in-depth knowledge of bipolar disorder to construct such a lie, and she’d need to be able to fool not only psychologists but multiple TV producers & hosts. Possible but not probable.

Is she seeking attention in an unhealthy way for her “shameful” past? Absolutely, but whether that’s because she’s a horrible person–or a SICK person–remains to be seen.

Sometimes, when you spend decades in the spotlight, you don’t know any other way of being. If you disagree with attention-seeking fame whores, maybe address 20/20, Dr. Phil and all the other publications who gave Suzy airtime in your next post. As long as the viewing public seeks this sordid stuff out, there will be someone there to supply the stories.

Lady Shadetree on August 13, 2016 at 6:18 am

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