September 30, 2009, - 1:14 pm

Who is Leslie Touma?: Woman w/ Terror Ties Hijacks Homeland Security Millions

By Debbie Schlussel

Now that her failed doggie bedding business is officially down the toilet, Leslie Touma is trying a new tack:  hijacking Department of Homeland Security Grants  to Michigan.  Michigan gets the fourth most DHS grants of any State in the Union, totaling nearly $32 million dollars.


Michigan Security Network Chief Leslie Touma w/ Medicaid Defrauding Crony, Maha Freij

Problem is, Ms. Touma is a pan-Arabist who was active in a number of Arab organizations that openly promote Hezbollah and HAMAS and have Hezbollah agents in their midst.  And she was vocally anti-Israel when she ran for Congress in 2000.

As the self-appointed chief and founder of the Michigan Security Network, Touma is getting a lot of unduly positive press (including in USA Today) and a lot of help in her mission to steer millions of Homeland Security money to her friends. Unfortunately, her friends are not necessarily America’s friends or those who have the best interests of America’s security at heart.  In fact, they are people who openly support groups like HAMAS and Hezbollah.  And that’s aside from the fact that her most recent experience in any aspect of homeland security or counterterrorism is keeping America’s dogs in comfy bedding.

When Leslie Touma ran as a moderate, pro-choice Republican in 2000 against Jewish liberal U.S. Congressman Sander Levin, she milked her anti-Israel views, and garnered the support of the Saudi-funded, anti-Semitic Washington Report on Middle East Affairs.  The magazine ran Holocaust-denier ads.

In 1998, James Zogby, the vocally anti-Israel and pro-Hezbollah chief of the Arab American Institute (AAI), wrote of his support for Ms. Touma:

Touma has been active in a number of Arab-American community organizations and is already generating strong support from Michigan’s large Arab-American and Muslim communities.

In 2000, Touma spoke at Zogby’s AAI event (where anti-Israel sentiment and support for Islamic terrorist groups and where Jesse Jackson was the honored banquet speaker):

It’s important that Arab Americans recognize the power they have.

Touma was a board member of the American Arab Chamber of Commerce, founded by open Hezbollah supporter Nasser Beydoun.  There’s a reason American is only an adjective in the title of this organization.  Beydoun heads a foundation that has been under investigation for funneling money to Hezbollah, and one fellow officer in the foundation was a business partner of fugitive Hezbollah financier and restaurateur Talal Chahine.

In a speech in Cairo, Egypt, Beydoun told fellow Muslims that he founded the Chamber of Commerce to get America to change its foreign policy toward Israel, by bringing money and Arab Muslim business to America.  The organization sends a number of politicians on fancy trips to Dubai, United Arab Emirates, and other Mid-East Arab locations, lobbying them to do deals with Arab countries.  And one of its most prominent members is Faris Alami, a Palestinian alien who committed immigration fraud, marriage fraud, social security fraud, and visa fraud (and is still here).  More on him here.

How many Homeland Security dollars will Touma funnel the way of Beydoun and his Gulf State and Hezbollah cronies or her immigration law violating  associates in the American Arab Chamber of Commerce?

When she ran for Congress, Touma openly sought and obtained the endorsements of several groups, including the Dearbornistan-based, Muslim-run Arab American PAC (AAPAC).  AAPAC is openly pro-Hezbollah and pro-HAMAS, has endorsed anti-Semitic candidates, and is the political mouthpiece for anti-Semitic Muslim extremists, including:

*  Osama Siblani (the Shi’ite Muslim publisher of the anti-Semitic Arab American News, who called Hezbollah, “the martyrs–the freedom fighters”;

*  Abed Hammoud, a Wayne County (Detroit) prosecutor, also a Shi’ite and also a man who openly praises Hezbollah and compares Israel to the Nazis;

*  Convicted Felon Nael AbuNab, who sold people cars with fraudulently rolled back odometers;  and

* “Former” Islamic terrorist Imad Hamad, a marriage fraud perpetrator and FBI award revokee.

AAPAC has endorsed open anti-Semites in the past, including former Congressional candidate Mario Nesr Fundarski, who flew a Swastika flag in front of his home.  And its then-Secretary, Lola Elzein sent me and my family rape, torture, and death threats.

Yup, these are the people with whom Leslie Touma associated in the recent past.  Is this really the kind of woman who should be involved in doling out Homeland Security dollars . . . or having anything to do with Homeland Security?

Touma’s website states the the Michigan Security Network

will serve as an advisor for entrepreneurs and established businesses to encourage commercialization of technology in cybersecurity, biodefense, and border security and provide a platform to support homeland security decision makers.

Wanna trust our cybersecurity, biodefense, and border security to this woman who associates with Hezbollah and HAMAS agents?  Only if you’re an idiot.

And sadly, there are a lot of idiots and individuals who don’t have America’s best interests at heart.  Touma has garnered several prominent member/partners to her organization, including defense contractor General Dynamics, several universities, DTE Energy, PVS Chemicals (whose CEO/owner Jim Nicholson brought Hezbollah agent Ali Jawad on board the McCain campaign), Oakland County Sheriff and Republican Michigan gubernatorial candidate Mike Bouchard–a man of Lebanese descent whose chauvinism includes hanging out with extremist Hezbollah imams and paying tribute to a Muslim-dominated Arab Agency (ACCESS–the Arab Community Center for Economic and Social Services) which committed Medicaid fraud and furnished fake social security numbers to thousands of pregnant Muslim aliens, enabling them to rip off U.S. taxpayers for healthcare costs.

Touma is a donor to ACCESS and is pictured above with her crony Maha Freij, the #2 officer of ACCESS and its chief financial officer.  She was in on the Medicaid fraud, big-time.  Touma also donated to ACCESS’ anti-Israel Arab American National Museum.

Another of Michigan Security Network’s partners is Detroit’s Ambassador Bridge–a huge national security risk because it is THE major connection between Detroit and Canada and is privately owned by Lebanese businessman Manuel “Matty” Moroun, who opposes a publicly-owned second span.  Moroun has paid off his fair share of Republican allies to head off the public span, including State Senator and Michigan Attorney General candidate Mike Bishop and sleazy State Senator Jason Allen.  (Moroun dumped his sister from the multi-billion dollar family business and kept her from her share of it, reportedly because she married a Jew.)

Ironically, in Hebrew “touma” means “impurity.”  And in this case, the Hebrew meaning applies in English in spades.

Leslie Touma overseeing Homeland Security grants in Michigan is like the fox guarding the henhouse.  And the foxes in her pack support murderers of Americans around the world.

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9 Responses

This is not about someone being an idiot who appoints such people to Home Security. They are smart people, leftist, whose agenda is destroying the society’s fabric. They need terrorists in order to clear the ground for their shiny new world. At least, that’s what Obadiah argues at….htm

Dan - Israel Uncensored News on September 30, 2009 at 3:29 pm

    Can’t agree more.
    Americans are fools to give their corrupt and timid politician sthe benefit of ‘ignorance’. Starting with Bush Sr., who was in wahhabbi pockets even before being he POTUS, sent American braves, shelled American tax-dollars and shed American blood to save Al-Sahabs (who paid him a million for a lecture). His son, who was raised on wahhabbi petro-dollars, did one better by making wahhabbi Bandar a ‘Bush’ (talk about brown-nosing), followed by covering up his Saudi ‘friends & family’, escorting Bin-ladens to safety and spitting on americnas on 9/17:
    Finally, the fake ‘war-on-terror’, whose allies were terrotists themselves (Saudi Arabi aand Pakistan), did no more for terror than to get Saudi Arabia’s enemy Saddam. In-between, Clinton sold American kids to Islam:

    In short, corrupt and timid POTUS after another, has sold out America. There is no reason to give any of these traitors any benefit.

    Kapil on September 30, 2009 at 10:39 pm

Can’t agree more.
Americans are fools to give their corrupt and timid politician sthe benefit of ‘ignorance’. Starting with Bush Sr., who was in wahhabbi pockets even before being he POTUS, sent American braves, shelled American tax-dollars and shed American blood to save Al-Sahabs (who paid him a million for a lecture). His son, who was raised on wahhabbi petro-dollars, did one better by making wahhabbi Bandar a ‘Bush’ (talk about brown-nosing), followed by covering up his Saudi ‘friends & family’, escorting Bin-ladens to safety and spitting on americnas on 9/17:
Finally, the fake ‘war-on-terror’, whose allies were terrotists themselves (Saudi Arabi aand Pakistan), did no more for terror than to get Saudi Arabia’s enemy Saddam. In-between, Clinton sold American kids to Islam:

In short, corrupt and timid POTUS after another, has sold out America. There is no reason to give any of these traitors any benefit.
Sorry, forgot to add great post! Can’t wait to see your next post!

Kapil on October 1, 2009 at 11:22 am

Traitors such as these will be dealt with as things spiral downward, when the muzzys start rioting like they are in Europe, Americans will not tolerate it and take action.

Drakken on October 1, 2009 at 1:48 pm

Bonez, I fear that your conclusion is coecrrt. Tehran and its Philistine puppets have doubtless reached this “rational transaction” that is a death sentence on ANY member of the IDF or possibly Israeli citizen, thank you very much Herr Olmert.NEVER AGAIN! NEVER AGAIN! NEVER, NEVER AGAIN!The sooner this Abimelech is excised from office, the better. This kind of crap would have led to a coup in countries with armed forces that have a far lesser standard of answering to a Higher Authority for answering to those appointed and “elected” officials that are vested with authority over them.This goy has more reason to raise prayer in intercession for the protection of the IDF and my country’s armed forces as well. The hostage game _WAS_ an old practice of extortion among bandits, now _IS_ blood sport for Phillistines and their allies, so we watch to see if the US bothers to naively pursue negotiations or act decisively. November elections in the US are a lynchpin and I suspect, as was broken yesterday by Jerusalem Post reporter Aaron Klein, Obama’s election could see a rapid move against Tehran, before January.

Kazuma on April 22, 2014 at 8:46 pm

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