April 14, 2015, - 5:19 pm
Told Ya: Kayla Mueller’s Parents Now Activists for HAMAS, Join Sex Molester’s, Jew-Haters’ New Grp

Kayla Mueller’s Parents, Marsha & Carl, Accept Palestinian Keffiyeh & Honors From Islamic Terrorist and Serial Sexual Molester Imad Hamad
I warned readers and friends that Kayla Mueller’s parents would become activists for Palestinian terrorists a la Pancake Rachel Corrie‘s parents. And I was right. It didn’t take long, either. Plus, they are hanging out with and hugging a serial sexual molester of women. Last week, the Muellers accepted an award from a Muslim organization whose officials have very similar views to those of Mueller’s ISIS killers. Alhamdulilah [praise allah], the supply of useful idiots for the cause never runs out.
Last year, I told you that ISIS-slain “human rights activist” and “aid worker” Kayla Mueller was really an activist for HAMAS who spent a year in Israel helping Islamic terrorists and harassing Israeli soldiers trying to stop them from entering the country with bombs. And when I did that, I was roundly attacked, including by moronic Daily Mail “reporter” (in name only) Claire Carter (who never contacted me for comment and blocked me on Twitter when I asked her why), for bringing out these facts. (I was also attacked by a small bunch of intellectually-challenged, professionally-jealous idiots on the right.) The truth hurts, and few people can really handle it, as they’d rather be infantilized and told that every American In Name Only put out of his/her misery by ISIS is really a hero fighting the good fight against Islamic terrorists (when in almost all the cases, the newly beheaded are really America-haters and Muslim apologists who were lucky enough to be born here).
And, now, just as I predicted, Kayla Mueller’s parents, Marsha and Carl Mueller, have traveled to Dearbornistan to start their journey on the anti-Israel, pan-Islamist, pro-HAMAS lecture circuit. Last week, the Muellers traveled to Dearbornistan, Michiganistan to be honored by serial sexual molester, Palestinian terrorist, FBI award revokee, and alleged HAMAS fundraiser Imad Hamad. Mr. Hamad recently founded a non-profit organization to support Islamic terrorism and Muslim illegal alien amnesty (and line his pockets), called the “American Human Rights League” (AHRL).
Hamad, as I’ve recounted on this site, was a Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine terrorist, who came to the United States on a student visa for a school he didn’t attend. Instead, he became an illegal alien, engaging in marriage fraud, and recruiting and fundraising for the PFLP, which is responsible for several homicide bombings in Israel and the murder of Israeli Tourism Minister Rechavam Ze’evi. The U.S. government tried to deport Hamad for nearly two decades when the Clinton Administration gave in under pressure from U.S. Senator Carl Levin and allowed him to stay and gave him a green card. The Bush Administration gave him citizenship. Right after 9/11, he told Detroit’s FOX affiliate that teaching children to hate and kill Jews, as was done (and still is) on Palestinian Authority TV’s version of “Sesame Street,” is “patriotic” and that he supports it.
In 2002, the FBI thanked me for writing a column about Hamad in the New York Post because it gave the agency good reason (many good reasons) to revoke a planned award they were going to give Hamad. Incredibly, Islamic terrorist Hamad was going to share the award with a flight attendant on 9/11 who gave up the chance to say good-bye to her family and called the ground crew instead, helping to identify Mohammed Atta and the other hijackers on her plane. The FBI spokesman who thanked me, told me that Hamad was the subject of more than a dozen open terrorism and immigration investigations. Hamad did nothing to earn any such award, unless being an Arab Muslim terrorist and open jihadist is the stuff for which FBI awards are merited. J. Edgar Hoover is turning over in his dress.
I later learned that Hamad was the apparent subject of a federal indictment that was never unsealed or acted upon even though sources informed me it related to fundraising for HAMAS. Hamad had friends in high places in both the Bush and Obama Justice Departments as both Presidents’ U.S. Attorneys in Detroit were and remain close friends of his. Mr. Hamad was for years the Senior Midwest Director of the Muslim-dominated, openly pro-HAMAS/Hezbollah organization, ADC (the deceptively-named American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee). But he was forced to “retire” after multiple women (nearly a dozen) who had been his employees and interns outed him as a serial sexual molester, saying he groped and tried to kiss and have sex with them.
Mr. Hamad has been a proud, open, vocal supporter of HAMAS and Hezbollah. And apparently that’s more important to most members of the Islamic community in Detroit (as it is in Islam around the world) than fondling and trying to rape women, as more than 500 Muslims, including prominent imams (one of whom has been accused of having improper, extorted sexual relations with female congregants), attended Hamad’s new group, AHRL’s first annual fundraising banquet. Detroit Police Chief James Craig was also in attendance, posing and yukking it up with the sexual molester and Islamic terrorist, Hamad.
Hamad’s new group–with whom Kayla Mueller’s parents were happy to keep company last week–has some interesting board members, including the mentor and imam to Al-Qaeda’s magazine editor and a former top official of an Islamic charity raided by the U.S. Army in Iraq for funding Al-Qaeda attacks on our troops.
* Imam Steve “Mustapha” Elturk: He was the imam and close mentor of Samir Khan, editor of “Inspire,” Al-Qaeda’s magazine, which instructed readers how to wage jihad against the West and stage terrorist attacks. Khan was killed along with his friend, Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula chief, Anwar Al-Awlaki, in a targeted drone strike on Yemen. Elturk made excuses for Khan’s jihadist Al-Qaeda activity:
America is an imperialist country that supports dictators and supports Israel blindly . . . . He was not promoting violence, but he had the opinion that the use of indiscriminate killing was justified.
Elturk has some interesting thoughts about Jews. In a sermon he delivered at his mosque proudly posted on his website, he stated:
If the Zionists don’t repent and stop their aggression . . . they will be rest assured punished by allah as he twice punished them here in this world . . . . Who are the Zionists? . . . . allah said, “Every time they enter into a covenant, they breach it. . . . People who break their covenant are worse than animals in allah’s sight.
Elturk is a member of the radical Pakistani jihadist group, Tanzeem-e-Islami, and he is the group’s American agent, operating as the Islamic Organizaton of North America (IONA), the name of his Warren, Michigan mosque. Elturk refused to condemn HAMAS, Hezbollah, Al-Qaeda, or the Hezbollah bombing massacre of U.S. Marines and U.S. Embassy employees in Beirut, when I asked him to do so at a public forum. He instructed his mosque members not to answer the same questions when I visited the first open house held by his mosque.
* Mohammed Alomari: He is the author of “The Secrecy of Evil,” a conspiracy theory book, the subject of which is that the Jews established the United States as a Zionist plot, that the Washington Monument is a penis, and that the Oval Office is its vagina. The latter claim might be legitimately argued with Barack Obama as the White House’s current inhabitant, but the book was written during the Presidency of George W. Bush, to whose campaign Alomari gave the then-maximum legal campaign contribution. Alomari also authored an article arguing that there were too may Jews employed by the Bush Administration.
Alomari was (and may still be) Chief Operating Officer and spokesman of LIFE for Relief and Development, the largest Islamic charity in the U.S. and one of the largest in the world. LIFE was raided by the FBI for financing terrorism (including, apparently, HAMAS), and its Iraqi offices were raided by the U.S. Army for financing Al-Qaeda attacks on U.S. troops there. While he worked at LIFE, his fellow LIFE officer, Muthanna Al-Hanooti, was indicted. LIFE’s 1996 fundraiser featured speaker Sheik Abdulmunem Abu Zant, an ardent Hamas supporter, who said, “May allah attack the Jews and those who stand with them. May allah attack the Americans and those who stand with them.” Alomari is now a member of the Michigan Bar and his current address registered with the bar is LIFE’s address.
Both Alomari and fellow Egyptian AHRL board member and best friend, Muslim ambulance chasing lawyer, Shereef Akeel, were board members of HAMAS CAIR. Akeel unsuccessfully tried to challenge my law license by filing a complaint against me for exercising my First Amendment rights in writing about him.
These are the people from whom Kayla Mueller’s parents accepted a free trip to Dearbornistan and an honorary award. You see, like I told you, the Mueller’s views aren’t that far from those of Kayla Mueller’s killers in ISIS and her friends in HAMAS. In fact, these people support and admire Al-Qaeda, and ISIS was previously Al-Qaeda in Iraq. You know what they say about “the company you keep.”
The Muellers didn’t pioneer this route of Al-Qaeda/HAMAS activism. The industry was made big by the Meuller’s fellow travelers, Craig and Cindy Corrie, parents of the late America-hating, anti-Israel, HAMAS activist Rachel Corrie.
I shed no tears that American-flag-burning idiot Rachel Corrie is flat as a pancake or that Kayla Mueller is no longer alive to help HAMAS.
Sadly, both of these most-used-pieces-of-equipment-in-the-Islamic-gym have moron parents easily played like a fiddle.
I told you Kayla Mueller’s parents would join the jihad. It was predictable.
Tags: AHRL, American Human Rights League, Carl Mueller, Claire Carter, Claire Carter Daily Mail, Imad Hamad, IONA, Islam, Islamic Organization of North America, Islamic terrorists, Kayla & Marsha Mueller, Kayla Mueller, Kayla Mueller's parents, Marsha Mueller, Mohammed Alomari, Mustapha "Steve" Elturk, Mustapha Elturk, Mustapha Elturk Al-Qaeda, Rachel Corrie, Samir Khan, Shereef Akeel, Steve Elturk, Tanzeem-e-Islami
This just further affirms that this country is an insane asylum run by the inmates. Nothing, absolutely nothing, surprises me any more.
Romac on April 14, 2015 at 6:36 pm