April 2, 2015, - 4:48 pm
Obama Said WHAT?! About Iran Deal – Iran is Laughing @ This Fraud
Barack Obama said WHAT?! That’s what I kept thinking as I listened to his speech today announcing the “deal” with Iran that will only enable Iran to develop nuclear weapons (if it hasn’t already–and we’re clueless on this), and laugh at us all the way to the bank. I couldn’t decide whether he is incredibly, arrogantly stupid and naive, or an incredibly arrogant and egomaniacal liar. I think I vote the latter. Among the absurd things he said:
WATCH The Video (speech doesn’t begin until 21 minutes in):

* Well, Ronald Reagan and Richard Nixon did nuke deals with the Soviets.
Um, yeah, and the Soviets cheated repeatedly and substantially the entire time. Obama implied that the deals we made with the Soviets enabled us to destroy the Soviet Union in the arms race. Uh, no. The reason the Soviet Union crumbled is because we continued to build more arms and outrank them in the arms race, and because we also focused on SDI–the Strategic Defense Initiative–to shield us and/or shoot down their nukes. These worthless-piece-of-paper “agreements” with the Soviets, whether it was START or SALT or any of the other alphabet soup BS, were all meaningless and a joke. Hey, just like the “agreement” with Iran.
* Obama’s happy we “reached a resolution to Iran’s nuclear ambitions.”
Here’s a tip, Barack, we resolved it IN IRAN’S FAVOR–in favor of Iran’s nuclear ambitions.
* Obama claims we stalled Iran for “several years” from achieving nuclear weapons ownership with this deal.
Huh? We have zero way of knowing that. And, more than likely, it’s the exact opposite: we hastened and enabled Iran to pick up speed. In fact, USA Today columnist James S. Robbins has a nice little history documenting each time (which was basically ALL the time) we were wrong about how close other countries were to achieving nuclear weapons status–whether it was the Soviets or China. The column is a must-read, and he points out that we’ll only know we were blind and foolish when Iran gets its nukes and tests them:
What if we only know for sure Iran is cheating on a nuclear weapons agreement when it tests an atom bomb? If history is a guide, that is exactly how we will find out. . . .
Today, we are not even sure what capabilities Iran has. For all we know, it could already be a screwdriver turn away from having the bomb. This week, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) faulted Iran for refusing to share information about the military dimensions of its nuclear program. Absent full disclosure from Iran before the deal is signed, how can anyone be certain that the guarantees in the agreement make any sense? Even if we knew Iran was a year away from a nuclear weapon, in diplomatic terms, a year might as well be a day. . . .
If Tehran is not allowing United Nations watchdogs to do their jobs today, blocking inspections and not revealing the full extent of Iranian military nuclear technology, there is no baseline for estimating its true breakout capacity. It makes no sense signing an agreement in which the mullahs promise not to do what they might already have done.
And Obama’s “response” to legitimate criticism citing disturbing facts like this is . . . . crickets chirping.
* “If Iran cheats, the world will know it.”
Really? Nuh-uh. Obama claims that while, yes, Iran can cheat, this agreement will make it absolutely verifiable and catch the cheating. It will? How? See Robbins’ comments above. And see, also, Daniel Henninger’s excellent column in today’s Wall Street Journal, “Why the Iran Deal is Irrelevant,” in which he cites North Korea’s many agreements with the West on not developing and acquiring nukes, all while the country was developing and acquiring nukes:
By the nuclear compliance standards of Barack Obama and John Kerry, North Korea was a model state—in 1992. In 1985, North Korea joined the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. In 1992 it and South Korea jointly declared the “denuclearization” of the Korean peninsula. North Korea next signed a safeguards agreement with the International Atomic Energy Agency. Within months, the IAEA reported “inconsistencies” in North Korea’s nuclear program.
What follows is a quarter-century summary of arms negotiations with North Korea, based on the chronology assembled by the Arms Control Association. What happens in Lausanne doesn’t matter. No agreement is going to stop Iran. Agreements, and a lot of talk, did not stop North Korea. . . .
North Korea proves, irrefutably, that the “talks” model, absent credible measures of coercion or threat, won’t work. Iran knows it has nuclear negotiators’ immunity: No matter how or when Iran debauches any agreement, the West, abjectly, will request—what else?—more talks. Iran’s nuclear-bomb and ballistic-missile programs will go forward, as North Korea’s obviously did, no matter what.
* “I encourage debate” over the Iran deal.
Um, isn’t debate supposed to come before capitulating in the form of a losing, unverifiable, easily-cheated-on agreement is reached, not after? There already has been much debate, and you can’t even find very many liberals who will agree that this is a good deal. There’s simply no point in it.
The debate, now, is how anyone can claim America is still the leader of the Free World. In fact, the only thing we are leading in is . . . driving it into the ground.
This hilarious non-deal “deal” with Iran, enabling it to obtain nuclear weapons quickly, while previous penalties and embargoes are lifted, is Exhibit A.
I really don’t believe Obama is that stupid. But he is that arrogant and deliberate in destroying the West as we know it.
And that’s even scarier.
Tags: Iran, Iran nuclear deal, Iran nuclear weapons, Iran nukes deal, Obama Iran, Obama Iran nuclear deal, Obama Iran nukes
And making Iran America’s new ally and lecturing Israel selling it out is for own its own good is the height of chutzpah.
I don’t know whether to cry or laugh at Obama’s waving a piece of paper and declaring this century’s equivalent of “peace in our time” deal makes a heck of a lot of difference.
As Hillary Clinton is fond of saying, “what difference does it make?” Zero and no signed agreement is going to stop Iran any more than it stopped North Korea
The bottom line is Obama has paved the way for Iran to build a nuclear bomb and all of us are in greater danger now than ever before. Imagine Islamic terrorists armed with nuclear bombs and the picture is terrifying.
Obama and Kerry don’t care. They have a diplomatic triumph now (however dubious its real value) and whatever might happen afterwards is of no concern to them because they’ll soon be gone from office.
Iran and Islamic terrorists around the world are laughing at us.
NormanF on April 2, 2015 at 5:06 pm