March 19, 2015, - 2:43 pm

Harry Jubas, Z”L: American Patriot, Saintly Holocaust Survivor Taken By Nazis @ Age 7

By Debbie Schlussel

The story of Dr. Harry Jubas, an American patriot and one of the youngest Holocaust survivors to live through the Nazi death camps, is truly amazing. And a lesson and example for us all.


Dr. Rabbi Harry Jubas

Late last week, I did one of my regular early morning radio appearances I do most days around the country. This one was on the morning show on KIDO-AM in Boise, Idaho. On the show, I discussed the Israeli elections, the Netanyahu speech to Congress, and the Iranian threat. Then, a caller phoned in to tell me that Israel is America’s worst enemy (Israel is actually America’s best friend). I asked the caller if he believed the Holocaust happened, and he denied it, with the typical BS of Holocaust-deniers. I told the audience that my maternal grandparents lived to tell what happened in the Nazi death camps, after surviving them, and that most of both sides of my family were wiped out. After my appearance was over, I checked my e-mail to learn that my longtime family friend, Dr. Harry Jubas, died at age 82, and that his funeral was being held that afternoon.

Harry Jubas was living, breathing evidence that the Holocaust happened and what it did to destroy families and lives. But, more important, he was living, breathing evidence that the Nazis lost and that good triumphed over evil. And Harry Jubas’ life was also the story of the great opportunities America gives to those who arrive, deserve to be here, and work hard. I wish you could have heard his three children’s touching eulogies at the funeral. They brought more than one tear to my eye, and not just because I knew this great man and was touched by him in life. I feel compelled to share his amazing story with you. I put it off for a week because it is daunting and difficult to put into words a description of such a special person.

Although he never shared the stories of the Holocaust with his children (in order to shield them and give them the childhood he was denied), his son and my friend, Mark Jubas, overheard the stories when he would relay them to others. I am only giving you the Cliff’s Notes version, as his story is even more amazing than what I can share in a brief column.

Harry Jubas was born to a Jewish family in Czestochowa, Poland, and at age seven, his family was rounded up by the Nazis. The Jews were ordered to stand in line as the Nazis went through the “selection process,” during which a seven-year-old was sure to be selected to go in the line to his death. Each time Dr. Jubas came closer to the front of the line, he sneaked to the back. A German soldier toward the back of the line was recruiting people to work in a munitions factory, and Dr. Jubas–again, then only seven years old–begged to be selected for that. He lied about his age and was chosen. Eventually, after a couple of years in the munitions factory, Dr. Jubas was sent to the Nazi camps and was at three of those camps with my late grandfather, Isaac Engel–Gross Rosen, Dora, and at the end, Bergen Belsen. My grandfather, about 12 or 13 years his senior, met him in the camps, and was served food by Dr. Jubas at Belsen.

Bergen Belsen was liberated by the British, and Dr. Jubas–again just a kid–survived the horrifying conditions and hard labor of the camp. He was only 13. Dr. Jubas was briefly adopted and raised by a family that adopted several of the young orphaned Jewish child victims of the Holocaust. But, then, his surviving sisters located him. Two of them were going to Israel and two were moving to the United States. And as a teen, Dr. Jubas had to choose between the two places. He wanted to be educated and felt he’d get the best education in the U.S. When he got here, he had only a fifth grade education. So, he lied about his age, saying he was younger, in order to go to school and get a complete education beyond fifth grade.

Ultimately, Dr. Jubas got his Ph.D. (his Ph.D. thesis is renowned and has been quoted and/or cited in books by others) and became a public school teacher, so that he could provide children the education he was denied as a kid. Dr. Jubas and my late father both learned at the Detroit-based Yeshivat Chachmei Lublin–a prestigious Jewish academy of higher Torah learning, the name of which translates into, “The Academy of the Sages [or Wise Men] of Lublin” (a city in Poland). also got “smichah,” certification as a rabbi. He was also Rabbi Jubas. He frequently taught bar mitzvah lessons to boys, often doing those lessons for free, because he had been denied a bar mitzvah by the Nazis.

Our families were good friends. Dr. Jubas married one of my father’s high school classmates, Shiffy. And Dr. Jubas’ youngest son, Mark, was just a year ahead of me in school. We celebrated Passover together in Miami, and Dr. Jubas and my grandfathers helped found and build the Detroit-area synagogue where we went, Young Israel. When I was a high school student and went to Washington on the “Close Up” program, he was one of the teacher-chaperones, and made sure I had my kosher meal and made sure I was safe and okay.

Dr. Jubas always looked out for me and my family, and our politics were the same. Dr. Jubas was politically conservative on American politics and right-wing on issues like Israel. When I ran for the Michigan House of Representatives twice (the first time, losing by just one vote), Harry Jubas both times happily volunteered and stood out at one of the polling sites in the hot August heat to pass out my campaign literature on the day of the Republican Primary. And he never asked for or expected anything in return. He was a proud religious Jew and a proud American and loved the opportunities this country presented him. And he gave back. He gave a lot of charity and invited people to his home for the Jewish holidays, when he knew they had nowhere else to go and would otherwise be alone.

And though the Nazis took away his childhood, they did not crush his spirit or his legacy. I remember Dr. Jubas as always smiling, always happy, and always cheerful. And always classy and a mensch. He had three wonderful kids who are all successful and–more important–very kind and generous people. And lots of grandchildren.

I am glad that my parents and I were friends with the Jubas family and that my life was touched by Harry Jubas’ generosity. He came from tremendous tragedy and turned his life into something amazing. And we can all learn from that.

Dr. Rabbi Harry Jubas, Zichrono LiVrachah [“Of Blessed Memory”–what we Jews say about another Jew instead of Rest In Peace].

More on Harry Jubas’ amazing story here.


It is because I knew a real child Holocaust survivor in Harry Jubas that it especially galls me when phonies like Hedy Epstein claim to be child survivors of the Holocaust (she spent her childhood far away from the Holocaust and the camps) to further their disgusting, anti-Israel, far-left, Fergustan BS.


The Extended Jubas Family on Top of a Glacier in Alaska

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18 Responses

Thanks for this Debbie, and this story with the late Harry Jubas (I never heard of the person, but I’ll do some research on him and who he was exactly), his background and story exemplifies the theory of “survival of the fittest”, meaning that: fit is as opposed to unfit people will survive some test, etc.

Sean R. on March 19, 2015 at 4:17 pm

What a wonderful story. Look at the picture of his family and all of them are good productive Americans. It has always struck me as the greatest tragedy of the Holocaust (besides the people’s suffering of course) was what the World lost. How many Albert Einsteins, Edward Tellers, Jonas Salks, etc died or were never born because their parents or grandparents were murdered.

This man’s life is incredible and would make a great movie instead of the left wing filth Hollywood usually puts out.

Jim Power on March 19, 2015 at 4:34 pm

    We NEED a movie about the life of Dr Jubas. What a remarkable human being!
    I read a book called “Rather Die Fighting” written by another survivor who, as a mere child, used his wits and courage to survive.

    lexi on March 20, 2015 at 11:13 am

Hey Debbie,

Great piece for what sounds like nothing short of an amazing person. Sorry for your loss.

Mike Gordon on March 19, 2015 at 5:07 pm

Very touching story. The Holocaust is a real (not manufactured by race-baiters and progressives) extremely sad chapter in human history, whether you’re Jewish or not.

It’s disgusting that Jew-hatred has become en vogue among filthy, young liberals and their hippie/baby-boomer overlords, who, I suppose, always hated Jews.

DS_ROCKS! on March 19, 2015 at 5:59 pm

Harry Jubas was my Social Studies teacher at Frost Junior High. I was in his class in June 1967 during the 6 day war, and I will always remember him holding his little transistor radio closely up to his ear in order to hear the latest updates. When a bulletin came across the wires he told the class, “Shhhhh!!! Newwwwssss!!” and turned up the volume so that we could all hear the latest. Little did we know at the time “the rest of the story.”

Nice tribute. What a great man, what an inspirational life.

Stuart G on March 19, 2015 at 10:28 pm

    What a nice little anecdote, thank you for sharing. You were very lucky to have him as your teacher.

    trix on March 22, 2015 at 10:27 pm

Dr. Harry Jubas was indeed a great man. He defeated National Socialism by surviving and building a successful life. Dr. Harry Jubas was and is sand in the eyes of anti-Semites everywhere. I am glad that Debbie brought this story forward.

Worry on March 20, 2015 at 1:47 am

Thank you for writing this and bringing his story to us.

Not Ovenready on March 20, 2015 at 12:43 pm

thanks ….great story of a good man…..jews who raise jewish families do great good….jewish christians like me and jesus do great things also for their families and are valued greatly in the church

harold pearl[hershel] on March 20, 2015 at 1:59 pm

Gorgeous picture of his extended family! I wish I could have heard the eulogies of his three children. Dr. Harry Jubas’ life was a fitting tribute to his parents, who I’m assuming did not survive the Holocaust. I’m very glad that you wrote this column, Debbie. How lucky you were to have him in your life. It was touching to read the comment of his former student Stuart G.

Nancy Brenner on March 20, 2015 at 3:07 pm

Thank you, Debbie. Great story of a man upon whom the best aspects of this country was built upon, and others like him. Very inspiring and encouraging.

Alfredo from Puerto Rico on March 21, 2015 at 10:38 am

Dr/Rabbi Harry Jubas (z’l) – Baruch Dayan HaEmet

I pains me terribly that that wonderful generation, even the youngest ones among them, are rapidly leaving us at an accelerating rate. The survivors in particular are/were such wonderful people and such humble mensches – wise, realistic, and strong as hell in their personal character. My late, who passed in 2008, when through the Shoah between the ages of 18 – 21. That Dr Jubas survived it starting when he was a child if only 7, and came out of it seemingly whole the rest of his life’s, is amazing to me. I knew a lot if survivors in the Detroit area growing up – I wish I knew Dr Jubas – sounded like a wonderful man. May he rest in peace.

Phil Raimi on March 22, 2015 at 1:41 pm

Debbie, Thank you for posting this story. My father is a Polish Jewish Holocaust survivor, so I always have a special interest in the subject. In fact my father was liberated from the camp in Czestochowa. His story along with many others including Dr. Jubas is on the very interesting website Portraits of Honor. May he be Of Blessed Memory!

trix on March 22, 2015 at 5:31 pm

May his name be for a blessing.

Jeff on March 22, 2015 at 11:04 pm

May his life story and memory also be thorns in the lives of anti-semites, Israel boycotters, and filthy muslims, who will never in a million years attain his greatness. I wish I could have had him as a teacher in school, especially College, instead of leftist brain-dead liberals.

A.S. on March 23, 2015 at 2:14 am

Another survivor, Walter Kase, also passed away recently in Houston. He had an amazing story too and much of it was printed in his obituary. Look him up in the archives of the Houston Chronicle for another fascinating story of overcoming despair and adversity.

Pancake on March 24, 2015 at 11:38 am

G-d Bless Him and his wonderful family. RIP.

Occam's Tool on March 24, 2015 at 12:11 pm

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