November 28, 2005, - 2:52 pm

Jihad Darrell: Hezbollah Supporting Congressman Rips Tom Tancredo on Immigration

Our fave member of “Republicans Who Don’t Get it,” crybaby millionaire U.S. Congressman Darrell Issa (a/k/a “Jihad Darrell”) (San Diego), is at it again. And it won’t help his aggressive quest for higher office in California.
We’ve been following his career of criminal activity (from which he always gets away, blaming it on his brother or giving some other excuse) and gushing praise for terrorists, including Yasser Arafat, Hezbollah, terror-host Syria, etc. Jihad Darrell was so mad we exposed him on this that he continues to waste taxpayer dollars on materials he sends out that he claims refutes us (but doesn’t). Issa also defended indicted and now-convicted , who today pled guilty to accepting $2.4 million in bribes for lucrative defense contracts. We earlier this year. Issa’s defense of Cunningham’s bribe-taking enraged even his constituents, such as the one who wrote this letter to the editor.
Today, Issa is quoted in the Denver Post attacking U.S. Congressman Tom Tancredo (R-CO) for being so on the money on the illegal alien problem. Apparently, Issa, who pretends to also care about the illegal immigration problem (but really doesn’t), has a problem with that.

Jihad Darrell: Crybaby, pro-Hezbollah, anti-Border Patrol Republican Darrell Issa Rips Patriot Tom Tancredo

We note that Issa has been , and has been out to get hard-working Border Patrol officers, since they stopped him for speeding and a resulting “Do You Know Who I Am?” refrain, several years ago. That’s tough on illegal aliens? We also note that Jihad Darrell supported unfettered, open immigration, when he was the California head of the Arab American Institute. Gee, we wonder why.
We love Tom Tancredo for sticking up for America. No wonder Hezbollah’s representative in the U.S. Congress, Jihad Darrell, doesn’t. Jihad D is just jealous that Tancredo is the real thing on this issue, whereas Issa is just another pair of silicone implants that need to be replaced when the lap dance is over.

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3 Responses

How pathetic! Jihad Darrell is fortunately not the Congressman in my district here in San Diego. But, guess who is??! Yep! Randy Cunningham. I’m extremely disappointed in Cunningham’s piss-poor judgement. Until recently, I had regarded the man as an institution of rock-solid integrity. Just when you think you’re completely confident in your incumbent representative. These two guys represent adjoining districts here in San Diego. Shame on both of them.

Yiddish Steel on November 28, 2005 at 4:21 pm

With lapdances like these, the songs need to be MUCH shorter.
I’m glad Issa was able to get together the support to get rid of the pencil neck Gray Davis who was going to start jackin’ up the taxes all over the place. But instead of getting someone who knows what they’re doing like Tom McClintock, we ended up with the Governator who has clearly shown himself to be in some serious need of political Viagra.

Dairenn on November 28, 2005 at 5:45 pm

That’s 2.4 Million, not billion. That would be some take. I thought it was about 1 slick real estate deal, but it turned out to be a gluttonous hog at the troth. Real disappointing.
Issa has good company with some of those Michigan politicians, eh Debbie?
Who needs enemies with friends in our Congress like these?
And why must our FBI be corrupted? Is it just one big ‘good ole boy’ network? Its just creepy to see them muzzling with the Islamics.

John Sobieski on November 28, 2005 at 9:56 pm

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