February 16, 2015, - 3:36 pm

This Jew-Hating Wimp Didn’t Know What He Bargained For

By Debbie Schlussel


I may not live in Paris or Copenhagen. But I am a proud Jew and I shop at a kosher supermarket and go to the synagogue. So I am in danger. The growing Jew-hatred in Europe isn’t confined to that region. It’s all over the place, wherever Muslims rear their ugly, intolerant heads. This not only CAN happen in America. It has. And I, myself, have had many death threats from Muslims of the Shi’ite, Sunni, and assorted varieties, telling me they will rape, torture, and kill me. Those threats have been ramped up in the last few days by those who are upset I’ve exercised my free speech rights to expose the real Kayla Mueller, useful tool of the jihad.



“goody8504” on Google+ a/k/a Matt Goodyear is a Jew-hater

In the last few days, I’ve received hundreds of vile, anti-Semitic e-mails, tweets, and comments in my inbox, on Twitter, and posted on this site and my Facebook fan page in “response” to my accurate report on ISIS snuffee Kayla Mueller’s year in the service of HAMAS and Fatah, harassing Israeli soldiers at checkpoints as they try to keep terrorists out and trying to stop them from tearing down terrorist smuggling “homes.”

Many of these cretins have wished for my rape, torture, and murder, and the elimination of all Jews and Israel. Most have chosen the uber-classy path of calling me the c-word. I’ll post some more of those later (and more of my take on the jihadist events in Copenhagen), but in the meantime, I wanted you to see the exchange below from a Holocaust-denying Jew-hater and apparent skinhead (who is also a pothead). I note that most people who’ve attacked me online are cowards. They refuse to disclose their real names, because it might get back to their employers, their friends, and their families (though their families probably share in their hate and taught them this). And so I give you, “goody8504,” who apparently is very lacking in the testicles he initially pretended to have–and I’ve seen his e-mail address on a number of pot-smoking sites:

From: goody8504 goody8504@gmail.com
Date: Fri, Feb 13, 2015 at 9:16 AM
Subject: Hate mail for an ugly kike
To: writedebbie@gmail.com

How dare you speak ill of the dead (Kayla Mueller) you evil kike. She cannot defend herself. Only a coward would stoop to such levels. You claim to be morally superior yet your actions show your true colors. The world is growing tired of your lies and deceit. More people every day are becoming aware of the jewish problem. You have no one to blame but yourselves. Your old methods of manipulation are no longer working. You and your tribe will likely soon know what a real holohoax is like. I only pray I’m still alive when you parasites get what you deserve. Your demon gods will not be able to protect you once enough people discover the truth. I encourage you to continue posting hatefilled articles speaking ill of the dead or those who criticize israel. It does nothing but show the rest of the world why you rats have been kicked out of over 100 countries the past 2000 years. The difference is, this time, you’ll have nowhere to run and hide thanks to the internet.

My response:

From: Debbie Schlussel writedebbie@gmail.com
Date: Fri, Feb 13, 2015 at 9:22 AM
Subject: Re: Hate mail for an ugly kike
To: “goody8504 .” goody8504@gmail.com

What is your real name so I can publish this for the world to see?

Jew-hater’s response:

From: goody8504 goody8504@gmail.com
Date: Fri, Feb 13, 2015 at 9:25 AM
Subject: Re: Hate mail for an ugly kike
To: Debbie Schlussel writedebbie@gmail.com

Names are trivial

My responses:

From: Debbie Schlussel writedebbie@gmail.com
Date: Fri, Feb 13, 2015 at 9:38 AM
Subject: Re: Hate mail for an ugly kike
To: “goody8504 .” goody8504@gmail.com

Sure they are. If you hate Jews so much, stand up for it and don’t be such a ball-less coward. Tell me your name so the world can know who you are. BTW, are you a skinhead as your bald pate would indicate? Stand up for your views. What–you send me cowardly Jew-hatred but you don’t have enough of a microscopic penis to man-up and put a name with those comments? Most “kikes” I know have more of a penis than you’ll ever have. You see, we’re not afraid to use our names with our views. So, get some testicles and tell me your name, Jew-hater. What happened–cat (who doubles as your lover) got your tongue?

From: Debbie Schlussel writedebbie@gmail.com
Date: Fri, Feb 13, 2015 at 10:18 AM
Subject: Re: Hate mail for an ugly kike
To: “goody8504 .” goody8504@gmail.com

Hmmm . . . still waiting, ball-less, pot-addicted coward. Give your name, you wimp. Man up, Jew-hating idiot.

Jew-hater’s response:

From: goody8504 . goody8504@gmail.com
Date: Fri, Feb 13, 2015 at 11:38 AM
Subject: Fwd: Re: Hate mail for an ugly kike
To: Debbie Schlussel writedebbie@gmail.com

I simply said some things you don’t like. I never made any physical threats toward anybody or wished to kill anybody. All I did was deny the holohoax happened as we’re led to believe, which isn’t illegal here, and called you some names you find offensive, also not illegal here. Had I known you would react by sending me hate-mail and wanting me to have a dialogue, I never would have hit ‘send’

Riiiight. I “wanted a dialogue.” PUH-LEEZE. I just want his name, but the guy has no stones and won’t own up.

My response:

From: Debbie Schlussel writedebbie@gmail.com
Date: Fri, Feb 13, 2015 at 12:09 PM
Subject: Re: Re: Hate mail for an ugly kike
To: “goody8504 .” goody8504@gmail.com

You contacted me, Jew-hater and Holocaust-denier. Now get a penis transplant and give me your name so the whole world can know you feel this way. Why are you so cowardly that you won’t put your name with your feelings about Jews and the Holocaust? Why are you such a coward and a wimp? Here’s a tip: the hate mail, unsolicited I might add, came from you. Now tell me who you are. I will try to find out and let the world know.

Since then, I haven’t heard back from this anti-Semitic coward. Per usual, most of these Jew-haters are wimps. They happily attack me because I’m a Jew, but they won’t stand up for their views and put their name in front of them.

Sadly, that’s today. Pretty soon, this will be acceptable and a badge of honor, as it was in Nazi Europe and is in the Middle East. In fact, we may be at that point already. Soon, many of these Jew-haters will happily share their names. And that will be because Jew-killing will be okay all over the world.

Or as some guy on Pennsylvania Avenue said, there will be a whole lot of random killings of random people at delis. And nobody will care.

Are we there yet? If not, we will be soon enough.

All Jews and freedom-loving Christians, buy a gun (and bullets, too).

**** UPDATE: My super-sleuth Facebook fans and friends (join me on Facebook), MadMax Macabee and David Friedman, discovered who this low-life neo-Nazi is: Matt Goodyear, formerly of Metamora, Illinois, and currently of Colorado Springs, Colorado. Sure hope he isn’t in the U.S. Army at nearby Fort Carson. See his MySpace (smoking an Arabic hookah pipe) and Facebook profile pages, below.






I doubt this guy is Muslim, but it doesn’t matter. The stuff he said is regularly said on the Arab street every single day. Not the ISIS street. The Arab street. The Muslim street. And Muslim and Arab newspapers. And Muslim and Arab TV news. Muslims made this cool. They made this “okay.” They made this Jew-hatred into a part of “culture.” It IS their culture.

And Muslim immigration and the Jew-hatred that comes with it have made it okay to hate Jews. As the Muslim population in the U.S. has doubled since 9/11, I’ve watched the violent and vicious Jew-hating attacks sent my way more than double. Muslims are the new hip, cool group, and they’ve made Jew-hatred the in thing to do. Now more than ever.

If you recognize the person in the photo above using the name “goody8504,” or recognize his e-mail address, please e-mail me and let me know who he is, so he can finally man up to his Holocaust-denying Jew-hatred.

And by the way, that “Holohoax” he’s talking about? My late maternal grandparents were lucky to survive the Nazi death camps, which is why I am here today. They defied the odds, as did my paternal grandparents who escaped Polish anti-Semitism before the war, seeing the handwriting on the wall after centuries of pogroms. This cretin could have easily been one of the Nazis siccing the dogs on my grandparents or directing them to the “showers” to breathe fatal gas. He is no different than many SS officers and Gestapo during the Holocaust.

But he is here on U.S. soil, I believe. And he feels all the more comfy expressing his Jew-hatred today because the growing Muslim population made it hip. NOT ISIS, not “extremists.” But Islam and Muslims, who are, by definition, extreme in their beliefs. Their religion is extreme.

And now they have many more enabling allies like this guy, throughout America, more brazen than before, because that inherent part of Islamic culture–Jew-hating–is now becomeing inherently American as they reach critical mass.

That Was Then . . .


This Is Now . . .


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102 Responses

And the march of anonymous courage continues . . .

Dan on February 16, 2015 at 4:50 pm

Nice slap down Debbie! I stand with Israel and the Jewish people!!

Michael Lewis on February 16, 2015 at 4:58 pm

Without doubt the Muslims are the main instigators, and certainly skinheads are following them.

But we can’t understate the role of Blacks, who have a long history of antisemitism — most regular readers of this site are aware of it, but the incredible (or used-to-be-incredible) fact that Al Sharpton is an honored confident of our President says it all.

And the rest of the Left is also descending to this level.

Blacks are the main group vocally objecting to Netanyahu’s speaking before Congress. They are the main boycotters along with the Court Jews they have been able to influence, both Members and Jewish Defense (sic) Organizations.

As I said several days ago in a comment, I hope you report all these threats to the police.

Little Al on February 16, 2015 at 5:00 pm

    Speaking of Rev Al, Since he lost all that weight doesn’t his head look HUGE?

    John the infidel on February 16, 2015 at 5:32 pm

confidant — sorry for the typo

Little Al on February 16, 2015 at 5:01 pm

It is worth providing a little more detail about the relation of Black and Muslim anti-semitism. The spearheading manifestation of Black antisemitism was the activity around the New York Public Schools in 1967-68.

It is worth noting, and probably not a coincidence that most of this activity closely followed the 6-Day War (although significant manifestations of Black anti-semitism go back at least as far as the late 30s, reflecting, though they will deny it, the influence of Hitler.)

Little Al on February 16, 2015 at 5:06 pm

I am not Jewish but I thank God my Christian mother brought me up to respect the Jewish people. I can’t for the life of me understand with Islam spreading its hate and violence around the world how irrational people can hate on the peace loving Jews. How their world view can become so warped. My dear mother taught me that the world was blessed through the Jewish race and I have eyes to see and ears to hear it is true. Hussein Obama said that if the political winds shifted he would stand with the Muslims and he has. But I will stand with the Jews and Israel.

John the infidel on February 16, 2015 at 5:07 pm

    Amen and amen! My great-grandfather was an Orthodox Jew, but because of intermarriage through several generations, I was brought up in a Southern Baptist home with only my last name as a remnant of this part of my ethnic heritage. My mother’s side is Gentile and I also learned to love and respect the Jewish people through her. We Christians cannot have better friends, and yes, the world was and is blessed through God’s chosen, His people Israel!

    dnr on February 16, 2015 at 5:29 pm

    Your dear mother was a fucking idiot who didn’t teach you how to think….Individually, Jews are no better or worse than anyone else….as a group however, they need to be slapped back down. Whilst Islamic extremists are filthy animals for what they do, anyone with half a brsin cell can see that it’s a reaction to Israeli/US policies.

    me on February 16, 2015 at 10:56 pm

      Looks like widdle Matty Goody showed up to see what others were saying about him.

      dnr on February 17, 2015 at 8:45 am

      What did you say your real name is?

      Dr. Mark on February 17, 2015 at 10:34 am

      Really? That’s an interesting theory. Can 1400 years of Muslims waging jihad be explained by American and Israeli policies? You are as ignorant as you are bigoted.

      Laura on February 17, 2015 at 11:09 am

    Thank you John the Infidel. But Jews are not a race. There are Jews of all races in the world. Ashkenazi Jews have European blood going back centuries from intermingling and conversion before the ghetto’s in Europe.

    Barbara Jill on February 17, 2015 at 10:07 am

      Genetic studies reveal that Jews around the globe share genetic traits. So stop pushing this mass conversion myth.

      Laura on February 17, 2015 at 11:01 am

        Other studies says Jews have both European and Middle Eastern genetics. Look up jspacenews.com on Family Tree DNA founder Bennett Greenspan. This can also be found with other articles on FB page Jewish DNA Discovery. None of us are pure pedigrees. The European strain is stronger along the maternal line showing possible intermarriage with the local women before and during the early Christian Era. Anyway it shouldn’t matter. A convert is just as much a Jew as someone born into the faith according to Jewish law.

        Barbara on February 17, 2015 at 3:00 pm

          I didn’t say all Jews were of pure pedigree. Most Jews though have genetic roots going back to the middle east.

          Laura on February 17, 2015 at 6:44 pm

      Thank you Barbara Jill.

      John the infidel on February 17, 2015 at 2:16 pm

Love how he wasn’t such a big shot once you threatened to reveal his name. His tail is between his legs now 🙂

Karen G. on February 16, 2015 at 5:09 pm

DS, thanks for this little exchange between this scumbag and yourself for exposing him and he refuses to precisely identify himself.

I’m neither Jewish or Christian (nor Muslim), but “Agnostic” and currently I’m not a gun owner, I’d like to own one, one of these days and will get some training on how to use a gun.

In the meantime, with you linking and forwarding the Kayla Mueller death nearly a week ago, all of those inane comments was a repeat of history, reminded me of the Lara Logan raping, and the Norway shootings all from 4 years ago, where the same sh*t occurred on this source, nothing but irrational and illogical trolls who’ve at the time exposed themselves on using pseudo-intelligence and only either reading what they want to read and/or read only one or two sentences and make his/her/its conclusions and lacking critical-thinking techniques!:(

Sean R. on February 16, 2015 at 5:19 pm

“Had I known you would react by sending me hate-mail and wanting me to have a dialogue, I never would have hit ‘send’.”

Poor thing. He’s upset that Debbie sent him “hate-mail” (?!).

skzion on February 16, 2015 at 5:21 pm

    Typical punk.

    dnr on February 16, 2015 at 5:30 pm

I find it fascinating that Debbie gets into with these dummies. She is so superior than them, in intellect, accomplishments and goals. These people with their hate fueled nonsense, is…

I couldn’t think of the word to finish

Me on February 16, 2015 at 5:55 pm

Well done, Debbie. What [still] has me laughing is how he accused YOU of sending hate mail after the extraordinarily hatemongering rant of his own email. What’s even funnier (more pathetic) is that he doesn’t even recognize it. If he DOES recognize it, then he’s even more of a coward than we already thought, since he can’t even admit to THAT

Dan Toma on February 16, 2015 at 5:58 pm

The Daily Mail just ran a story on what its like for Jews in Paris. The man walked around with a wearing a yarmulke and had a friend with a hidden camera to record the reactions. Disgraceful how he was treated.

JtI: And yet the same paper, The Daily Mail, viciously attacked me for exposing Kayla Mueller’s support for HAMAS and Fatah. DS

John the infidel on February 16, 2015 at 6:00 pm

    That’s true.

    John the infidel on February 16, 2015 at 6:28 pm

      The ship is going down. Women and children first. Oh, wait we’re Muslim now. Every man for himself.

      thatsallfolks on February 17, 2015 at 5:26 pm

    Dailymail are dhimmis but they haven’t completely figured out what that means yet. Like most British people.
    They always try to appear balanced to counter the criticism they get from the left leaning respected papers who look at them as little more than a glorified tabloid.
    A lot of their articles are so superficial they don’t really amount to anything more than that.
    In the end this’ll be their undoing.

    thatsallfolks on February 17, 2015 at 5:23 pm

Well done, Debbie!

Dave Weinbaum on February 16, 2015 at 6:10 pm

Why is it that most Holocaust deniers are all demanding another Holocaust?

P. Aaron on February 16, 2015 at 6:12 pm

Michael Lewis, you stated it perfectly; he got himself a Debbie slapdown. Ha ha! I’ll bet he has already deleted his Facebook profile.

Lars on February 16, 2015 at 6:46 pm

Um yeah, brilliantly handled Debbie and unfortunately once this kind of idiot hooks up with Dar al-Islam central he no longer has the xenophobia stigmata so prominent to be concerned about.

I really wouldn’t know where the world is headed these days but all I have to do is look at the Muslim world and this turd to find out.

thatsallfolks on February 16, 2015 at 7:08 pm

This coward will not even stand for his wards:

Claim: “I never made any physical threats toward anybody or wished to kill anybody…”

Proof: “You and your tribe will likely soon know what a real holohoax is like. I only pray I’m still alive when you parasites get what you deserve…The difference is, this time, you’ll have nowhere to run and hide thanks to the internet.”

The above sound like a physical threat to me. What a pathetic collection of human waste.

Moishe on February 16, 2015 at 7:22 pm

Sphongle fan apparently according to facebook

thatsallfolks on February 16, 2015 at 7:24 pm

Brain has been fried most likely due to a mixture of dope paranoia and hallucinogenics at a very young age but that just gives him ease of entry.

thatsallfolks on February 16, 2015 at 7:28 pm

Just an aside jihadists have been know to take mind altering substances before going on their killing sprees and exterminating entire villages. That was the case long before Islamic State because it really is back to primitive with these guys and when you go that far back is really is one small clan.

thatsallfolks on February 16, 2015 at 7:44 pm

    That’s right — in fact, if one investigates the etymology of the word, “assassin,” one will discover that it came from the word, “hashish,” ( “hashashin” ) in tribute to the common practice of the ancient cowardly Arab murderers, who had to smoke hashish prior to going out on their missions, in order to screw up their courage enough to dare to venture forth and commit their atrocities, since they only outnumbered their victims on the order of 100:1.

    Dr. Mark on February 17, 2015 at 10:44 am

*it* really is

thatsallfolks on February 16, 2015 at 7:45 pm

I don’t know if Shpongle is the only band he could find he liked that’s played in Israel since maybe he updated.

thatsallfolks on February 16, 2015 at 7:49 pm

Being a Nazi and a Muslim isn’t incompatible.

One can be both. The original alliance against Jews was a Nazi-Islamic one.

Between this creep and Haj Amin-Al Husseini who collaborated with Hitler, there ain’t a shadow of a difference.

Its Islam that’s making anti-Semitism respectable. And this is the faith our President staunchly defends.

Today, hate of the Jews and Israel is cool and not only among Nazi nutcases. We have been put on notice.

NF: As a longtime reader, you know that I’ve repeatedly written about the connection between Hitler and the Muslims, including Hajj Amin Al-Husseini, and about the connections between Muslims and the SS. DS

NormanF on February 16, 2015 at 7:58 pm

This is the world we live in and they are amongst us, better recognize

thatsallfolks on February 16, 2015 at 7:59 pm

Seems that he’s heavily into UFO’s, extraterrestrials here o Federal Reserve conspiracies, the idea that we don’t have to pay taxes, etc.

He’s really out there, half Ron Paul fan, half new age delusional. Whatever he is, it’s not normal.


adam on February 16, 2015 at 8:32 pm

BTW: 85 seems to be his birth year and 04 his graduation from Metamora high school.

adam on February 16, 2015 at 8:33 pm

Kudos to Debbie! All bullies are cowards at heart. If you take the initiative and confront them they back off and wimp out.

PaulaMalka on February 16, 2015 at 9:12 pm

Jews must begin carrying weapons for self protection, must learn to be alert against personal surprise lethal attacks in the course of their daily routines, they must learn to aim and shoot, Jews must shed the revulsion to pulling the trigger in self defense and killing another human being. As long as Jews are perceived as scared, passive lambs, unwilling to strike back on the streets it will continue to be open season on the common Jew….shoot first, ask questions later.

harv on February 16, 2015 at 10:21 pm

I have many many Jewish friends, yet knowing that there are Jews with your repugnant views almost makes me hate all Jews. People like you are the reason anti-semitism exists…you’re just too stupid to realise it.

me on February 16, 2015 at 10:49 pm

    Although beyond mere jealousy, there are other reasons, but by way of simple analogy—and, if you’ve ever been there, you know—taking along a couple cases of beer say, gentiles will go fishing, and end up having a real good time, though, often with the negative results in which booze bears along. Contrariwise, Jews go fishing, catch most of the fish caught that day, and get home safe and sound.
    And through process of time in these differences, while Jews build lives in all the accouterments of comfortability, Gentiles end up as is so often to be seen on the nightly news, . . .
    But to give just one more: “A good understanding have all they who love Thy Law.” is one of many Scripture verse which provides for intra-personal freedom to think. And in natural consequence then, the Jews at say, 0.02% of world population have garnered up say, 30% of the prizes and patents in the hard sciences, and with equal strides in best-loved music, the arts and other elements in “the media”.
    So, what am I saying? Only this: Don’t just talk about it. Be about it! Show us what you’re workin’ with, . . . make something, . . . write something, . . . do something, . . . something for which the world will look up and say: “Whoa! This guys got it goin’ on!”. And lacking this, you leave yourself in the appearance of just another jealous soul, hyper-critical, twisted and alone, . . .

    PhillipGaley on February 17, 2015 at 11:16 am

Given all the hate mail that our host Debbie must have received in connection with her exposure of Kayla Mueller, Debbie’s deft evisceration of goody8504 is a good one to share with us because the themes in his emails encapsulate all of the IslamoNazi rhetoric. I see the same rubbish from goody8504’s emails that I see in countless posts on myriad websites. (IslamoNazi is my shorthand term to describe the current anti-Jew crowd.)

In other words, they all say the same thing, over and over, with slight modifications. These are the 5 IslamoNazi themes in a nutshell:

1. Jews are cowards, but if they fight back against their enemies and refused to allow themselves to be wiped out, they are evil.

2. The holocaust never happened, but I hope another one happens soon.

3. The Jewish problem must be stopped, the problem being that Jews refuse to allow themselves to be wiped out; hence, they are evil.

4. Jews control everything: they control the United States government, the banking industry, the media, Hollywood, and virtually everything that you see and hear, but somehow they are unable to quash attacks against Jews or even silence anti-Jewish Internet posts.

5. Life is a zero sum game. Anti-Jews can’t get a share of anything unless the Jews get less of something.

That’s basically it, folks. Just about every anti-Jewish, anti-Israel post comes down to one or more of these 5 themes, though sometimes the focus is on Israel, sometimes on Jews, and sometimes both. (Just substitute Israelis for Jews, when the focus is on Israelis.)

The last theme, on the zero sum game, is actually one of the most revealing ones, psychologically. Anti-Jews feel frustrated that they are unable to have more things in life than they have, but they must blame others for their feelings of emptiness and lack of satisfaction. Jews represent less than 0.2% of the world’s population, yet they seem to excel in virtually every intellectual, creative, or business field of endeavor, far beyond their numbers. How is this possible, the anti-Jews fume? Why it must be because they are evil or are aligned with occult forces, they “reason.” At any rate, they conclude, we’re not going to try to accomplish things on our own like they have, so we say the Jews must redistribute their wealth, land, etc. to us. Hence, to the anti-Jew, life is a zero sum game.

As for goody8504, based on my own minimal web research, goody8504 does seem to have expertise in one particular area: cannabis. For example, here’s one of his posts that I could find:

goody8504 says
September 12, 2014 at 4:48 pm

why do you prefer this over the ssv? i prefer the angle of the heating element on the ssv as well as the overall look myself, but whatever blows your skirt up i always say. have you tried the life saber vaporizer? it has the same internal components as dbv and the ssv


Now, at first I had no idea what goody8504 was talking about because I don’t have any expertise in this area that goody8504 does, but I was quickly able to figure out the meaning of his message. Goody8504 is basically saying that a device called the “Silver Surfer Vaporizer” is better than the “DaBuddha Vaporizer”. A vaporizer is a device that converts the THC and certain other components in marijuana into a vapor that the user inhales, and, purportedly, inhaling the marijuana vapor is smoother and “safer” than the smoke method.

Clearly, goody8504 is an idiot savant when it comes to cannabis. Apart from his mindless iterations of the 5 anti-Jewish mantras I’ve outlined above, which he regurgitates through constant and obsessive repetition, goody8504 is a total and complete dope about everything, except dope itself.

Ralph Adamo on February 16, 2015 at 11:18 pm

    Ralph, I think a 6th aspect of the letters is so blatant and common that it has to be mentioned, the sexual or bodily aspect.

    Debbie referred to this aspect in the current post, the sexual and bodily insults, and it is a classic and longstanding feature of antisemitism.

    This isn’t the place to analyze why this is so, but it needs to be highlighted. Antisemites seem to be obsessed with the sexual and bodily aspects of Jewish men and women — obliquely these features buttress their racial interpretation of Jewish people, and help understand the enduring racial feature of antisemitism at least in modern (last 150 years) times.

    youngfemme on February 17, 2015 at 4:02 am

      Yes, youngfemme, anti-Jews often makes references to sex and body parts, but this obsession is also probably shared by others engaging in verbal attacks, though to a much lesser extent. Speaking of body parts, in goody8504’s post regarding drugs that I copied, goody8504 said something that I think is telling, psychologically. He used the expression “whatever blows your skirt up i always say”–rather than the more common expression, “whatever floats your boat.” For a guy to say “whatever blows your skirt up” suggests that he unconsciously identifies with females, as I don’t think he was making any references to a kilt. Thus, Debbie’s comments about him having “no balls” must have struck a particular psychological chord with him, causing him to reflexively “shrink up” in response to her comments.

      Ralph Adamo on February 17, 2015 at 5:27 pm

    Great post Ralph.

    One you might have left out though.

    The Jews are all Bolsheviks except when they’re shape shifting as Neocons.

    thatsallfolks on February 17, 2015 at 5:04 pm

      Great point, thatsallfolks.

      Ralph Adamo on February 17, 2015 at 5:30 pm

What it’s REALLY like for Jews in Paris:
Shocking hidden camera footage shows journalist wearing a skullcap being spat at, called a ‘dog’ and threatened as he walks the streets
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2956040/Journalist-puts-Jewish-skullcap-walks-streets-Paris-filmed-hidden-camera-safe-streets-are.html#ixzz3Ryyu0rsL

Peter on February 17, 2015 at 1:51 am

Great point, Peter. It also happens in Sweden, as well. Debbie, you might want to set up a link for the Swedish TV dcoumentary showing a reporter wearing a kippah almost getting assaulted. (The idea for this doc originally came as a repeat of an article written in The Local, a Swedish on line journal for ex-pats, which in turn was originally suggested to The Local by Someone You Know.)

It’s gonna get worse before it gets better—This. Is. Islam. As the Great Lady frequently and correctly says.

Occam's Tool on February 17, 2015 at 1:58 am

Nice work, Debbie !!

“…and let he who hath no sword sell his garment and buy one”- J. Christ. (Luke 22:26)

Shootist on February 17, 2015 at 8:21 am

Way to go Debbie!

Funny how scum like this goodyear guy can dish it out, but when you call them out, they can’t take it.

Keep up the good work!

BTW, I’m grateful that you expose traders like this kayla mueller, we all know the media won’t.

Al from West Bloomfield, MI on February 17, 2015 at 8:28 am

We can see why Matt resides in Colorado. Must get the munchies a lot by the size of that gut. It’s good to “out” these punks. Let his community know that a worm like this is living amongst them.

MuzzCrusher on February 17, 2015 at 10:48 am

Punks like Goodyear will get a rude awakening when the Muslims they support come after them. So consumed with Jew hatred, they are unconcerned about their own self preservation. After the Jews, the Muslims are coming for them. Actually they already are.

Laura on February 17, 2015 at 11:06 am

Matt Goodyear is a low life piece of walking garbage, just like all others who think the world’s problems are so simple. So simple that all we have to do is bring the United States low and wipe out the Jooooooos.

Listen up, you low life pieces of walking garbage.

You think you have brains? You think you know world history? You think you know the human race? Answer this. What was the problem with the human race before the advent of the USA as a world superpower? And as far as we Jews go, we’re a convenient scapegoat for the world’s problems.

There are so few of us, and so easy to point the finger at, it’s very tempting for a psychologically conflicted world to invent problems and scapegoats, rather than look in the mirror. The ENTIRE HISTORY OF THE HUMAN RACE is fraught with turmoil and ineptitude at self-governance.

Hey Matt, just for effect, I’ll say it again. You’re a low life piece of walking garbage. And you give automobile tires a bad name.

You also give potheads a bad name. I’d like to see you shovel snow and chop ice as I have done at a certain home on several occasions this season. It’s been a brutal winter here in the northeastern US. I get high as I see fit, pretty much about 2-4 skinny joints a day if I can afford it. I leave the place I stay at in NYC on weekends Monday morning, after yup, another joint, and head upstate to shovel snow and chop ice. I have done 6 1/2-7 hour sessions, . . .

WITH NO BREAKS, EXCEPT TO PEE OUTSIDE IN THE FREEZING COLD!!! My longest shift was 8 1/2 hours on Jan. 26th. The following morning, I went outside to shovel for 6 1/2 more hours because of over a foot of new snow that fell during the night. NO BREAKS, MATT!!!

But you couldn’t shovel snow for 8 1/2 MINUTES without running back inside to your stupid postings. You have no life. You’re also wasting perfectly good marijuana, which really gets my goat. There are plenty of GOOD people who could use it.

You’re not corrupt because of marijuana, you’re corrupt because of SATAN. I’ve been smoking pot for 11 years longer than you’ve been alive, and I do more hard work in one day than you’ll ever do in your life, work that would kill many people 2/3 my age after just a couple hours. I also have my head on straight.

Debbie was right, you have a teeny weeny brain. And I’ll add that you’re nothing but a frivolous, low life piece of white American, privileged, entitled child, new age total trash. You’re part of the problem in America, a huge problem.

We’re not getting meekly on trains this time, Matt. Oh, wait, the Holocaust didn’t happen, right? Schmuck.

SCHMUCKS. ALL YOU JEW HATERS. The fire of God is coming. I have no illusions about what it may hold for me. But I KNOW what it holds for people who think the answer to the world’s problems is hating and killing Jews, along with those who support those who do so.

Read the Bible Matt. It says salvation is for the Jew first, THEN the Gentile.

Keep it up, Matt. It won’t be such a Goodyear for you after all if you do. Jesus is coming, and . . .

he’s going to kick some ass when he does. Because humans suck, and we’re going to need an ass kicking. That’s right, a LOVING GOD is coming to kick some ass. Watch yours, Matt, and all you anti-Semites.

Alfredo from Puerto Rico on February 17, 2015 at 11:28 am

    Alfredo, THAT absolutely kicked ass.

    John the infidel on February 17, 2015 at 3:41 pm

That guy has at least one Jewish guy on friends list. Or at least someone with a Jewish name.

Vivian on February 17, 2015 at 11:36 am

The man is an idiot. He thinks that he can express his noxious views without repercussion, but he is wrong. Being “Stoned” is not a defense for this person’s conduct. Mr. “No Name” is indeed a little coward, since he is unwilling to back-up his vile viewpoint with his true identity.

Worry on February 17, 2015 at 12:09 pm

Oh, my! The rants of another Hitler Acolyte who spews his Schadenfreude over the persecution, hatred, and murders of the Jews.

I know he has he has other traits of the Fuhrer, specifically METEORISM and TYMPANITES. How do I know?

It is the FLATULENCE escaping from his mouth!

Dennis on February 17, 2015 at 1:13 pm

With the number of attacks by muzzies against Jews and Christians, so frequent it is difficult to follow, it is painfully obvious that is is now too late to stop them. We are not willing to acknowledge or perform the acts needed to stop them. ????

Darrell Hicks on February 17, 2015 at 1:27 pm

Pot-head, skinhead and too timid and meek to roar his Jew-hatred unless behind the (assumed) safety of his anonymous Internet account. What a fzrking pu$$y.

DS_ROCKS! on February 17, 2015 at 1:39 pm

Debbie, you say: “They defied the odds, as did my paternal grandparents who escaped Polish anti-Semitism before the war.”

Yes, I was getting very confused. It doesn’t take much (to save anyone else the effort of saying so). I was sure that us Poles/Polonians were the handy all-purpose villains, and was finding it hard to adjust to the new situation, where we might not be(?!?). Does not compute. My world was turning upside down.

But, reassuringly, we are back.

And Goody8504, if you are listening, Debbie is right. Don’t post anything that you are ashamed of or afraid to put your name to. And why not listen to our Creator, the God of Abraham, who asks us to treat all with kindness and respect, and to keep “the law of loving-kindness” on our tongues?

His way is always best for us. It always is.

And for everyone who is very upset about the increasing of lawlessness worldwide, and the way hatreds are on the rise everywhere, a rescue is so close at hand.

It is the rescue we pray for when we say the Lord’s Prayer, and we ask for God’s Kingdom to come. We – Jehovah’s Witnesses – are trying to tell you this as we call at your doors. Please please would you listen to us.

sue on February 17, 2015 at 2:08 pm

    Oh no, it’s sue, the UK-based Polish apologist and Jehovah’s Witness with the bad knees. sue, I thought you were told to stop the proselytizing here?

    Typically, the loathsome sue makes excuses for Islam indirectly, via language like “increasing of lawlessness worldwide.” Oh yes, one wouldn’t want to address particular evils directly, would one? sue, in fact, counsels us to sit on our hands while “Jehovah” solves our problems, which is sinful for Jews, by the way, who are not to rely on G-d to solve our problems.

    sue on February 17, 2015 at 5:17 pm

      (Obviously that was me posting, not sue.)

      skzion on February 17, 2015 at 5:18 pm

      That’s right, Skzion….Sue The Pom is back. Who would listen to that wet noodle?

      I sussed her out years ago when she not only equivocated for Moooooooslims but was kissing up to them. More peeps should have called her out on it, too. She is loathsome. Someone who will sit by when evil is being done and say NOTHING. Detestable. (I don’t pile on peeps unless they deserve it & that JW Holly Hobbie wannabe deserves it!)

      & ZZZZZZZZZZZan is back. I’m gonna copy his solipsistic posts because every once in a while I get insomnia. Well, not anymore now that I will have copies of ZZZZZZan’s bilge! Instant remedy!

      Skunky on February 17, 2015 at 9:24 pm

        I’m glad you found a use for zzzzzan, Skunky. I really hadn’t appreciated his theraputic value before you mentioned it. Was he the guy with the faux syllogism on the Mueller thread, or was that some other artiste?

        skzion on February 17, 2015 at 9:50 pm

          He’s probably the same fool Skzion, but then again all those idiots mesh together.

          I bet it’s him because he uses no caps & DSR rightly points out what a DB move that is.

          I like to capitalize the ZZZZZZZZZs when I am bored!

          Skunky on February 17, 2015 at 10:31 pm


          skzion on February 18, 2015 at 9:57 am

    Do not put the Lord your G*d to the test. Matthew 4:7

    thatsallfolks on February 17, 2015 at 6:02 pm

What a tool he is. LOL Deb, hun, I hope you’re packin’. Not only for this little idiot, but there are going to be so many lone wolf attacks and you’ve already heard from them. They are indeed, coming for us all. Jews and non-Jews. I weep for the future.

WeAreAllInTrouble on February 17, 2015 at 3:19 pm

It’s interesting that none of Mueller’s defenders has responded on this post. The obvious explanation is that they don’t want to be outed.

But on a deeper level, I don’t think you would out them if they were to respond courteously and respectfully, explaining in civil language why they thought you were wrong.

So they seem to be telling us that not a single one of them can respond civilly or respectfully. Not a single one can disagree without obscenity or vile anti-semitic insults.

Little Al on February 17, 2015 at 5:37 pm


thatsallfolks on February 17, 2015 at 5:44 pm

debz can dish it out but cant take it in return. she can use her ideology to celebrate the rapes and murders of journalists and aid workers, but when those do the same to her, she cries foul. you simply reap what you sew.

shes the fool who walks the inner city black ghettoes shouting “nigger nigger!” and then screams “but free speech! free speech!” as she gets mutilated in retaliation….

simply irrational. she has created a situation for herself in which she will never be able to rest a la alan berg. sad. but her stubborn disrespect for others has earned her this. hopefully she knows, its no game.

zan on February 17, 2015 at 8:18 pm

    Zan you syllogizing simpleton, still trying to act down with peeps chanting death to America and then doubling down when Americans get killed.

    thatsallfolks on February 17, 2015 at 11:53 pm

    zzzzan, “The Simpleton”, “sans-caps” hipster pecked out: ….hopefully she knows, its no game.(sic)

    I won’t bother pointing out the obvious (to us) rapid-fire fallacies in your latest small-case, pointy-beaned regurgitation of interpreted (Zzzzan was taught to “put. fings. in. his. own. wurds” in grade school – bravo, little man!) “talking points”, but that last line sure as Hell looks like a thinly-veiled threat.

    What’s the plan, Zzzzan? Are you threatening Debbie’s safety?

    DS_ROCKS! on February 18, 2015 at 1:00 am

zan, you sound like an Idiot!
Debbie, Reading your replies to the asshole goodyear gave me the best laugh I’ve had all day! and meanwhile your article brought incredible sadness…

trix on February 17, 2015 at 9:51 pm

Zzzzzan, you moron, the word is “sow.” It’s a farming (Christian Bible) thing.

skzion on February 17, 2015 at 9:53 pm

    Hipsters don’t care – they have their own “style” (that was implanted by their baby-boomer/hippie overlords, of course.)

    DS_ROCKS! on February 18, 2015 at 1:11 am

Why Debbie, I had no idea you walked around the Detroit streets screaming nigger nigger. Lol, how brave of you.

Where do we find these people? Same place we find the Mississippi congressman alienating Blacks once again. Repubs are done, they will never escape the “racist” label. Not with fools like Gene Alday. He’s a fool just as Zan is.

Zan, Shut It! on February 17, 2015 at 11:31 pm

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