February 12, 2015, - 7:48 pm

Bob Simon, Anti-Israel Self-Hating Jew Who Also Lied About US in Vietnam, RIH

By Debbie Schlussel

So, liberal, elitist, anti-American, anti-Israel, self-hating Jew and professional propagandist Bob Simon is dead. No tears from me. He lied about Israel, he lied in favor of the Palestinians, and his lies cost American lives in Vietnam. If this is “great journalism”–and the conventional mainstream media wisdom is that it is–then we have yet more confirmation that “great journalism” is lying-through-your-teeth propaganda pimping leftist garbage. And we knew that already.


It’s fitting that Bob Simon died yesterday in a car accident in his regularly-chauffer-driven Lincoln town car. This limousine liberal was driven around like royalty because he made a career of spitting on the graves of U.S. servicemen and Israeli Jews, most of whom could never dream of living his hifalutin, luxe, holier-than-thou Manhattan lifestyle. It’s hardly news that Simon died because he refused to put on a seat belt. His was a life of arrogance. Arrogantly lying on TV news, and too arrogant to wear a safety harness in an automobile. Because nothing had ever happened to him as a result of his conduct and behavior. And he believed nothing ever would. He thought that his open contempt for Jews and Israel made him “better” than everyone else. But if this were 1940’s Auschwitz, this condescending asshole would be sent the ovens just like everyone else–including the millions of fellow co-religionists he very clearly hated.

Simon’s so-called “reporting” consisted of lying about American boys on the front lines in Vietnam, lying about Israeli soldiers trying to protect their country, lying about an Israeli fence built to try to keep Islamic terrorists out of Israel so it would be harder for them to bomb coffee and pizza shops, bars, synagogues, and Passover Seders. Even in one of his few mildly decent reports, about persecuted Christians in the Middle East, Simon still took the opportunity to attack Israel, the one place in the region where Christians are actually safe. I would link to some of these “stories” as evidence, but I don’t want to lend the lies any credence. Search “YouTube” for Bob Simon and Israel and you’ll see.

Bob Simon’s career began in earnest while helping Walter Crank-ite lose the war for us in Vietnam on TV, even though we were actually winning it on the ground. He lied about our victories and the actions of our troops, defaming them as murderers and rapists (in the same way, Arab Muslim NBC “reporter” Ayman Mohyeldin recently attacked late sniper Chris Kyle as a “racist” engaged in “killing sprees”). Simon’s lies cost lives, telling the American viewing public that America committed atrocities on the Vietnam battlefield–much of what he said exaggerated and untrue. And, yet, after he defamed American men who served while he did not, America was dumb enough to give this schmuck Simon a seat on one of the last helicopters out of Saigon when the U.S. withdrew in 1975. Bleep him. He had American blood on his hands.

I wasn’t surprised when, last night, after I tweeted about the real Bob Simon (follow me on Twitter), I was hatefully attacked by Palestinian–and other garden variety–Muslims who hate Jews and loved Bob Simon’s special brand of self-hatred and love of HAMASism. See the tweet below from Palestinian Muslim Jew-hater Rania Khalek (who also hates America and whose Twitter profile features attacks on American drones and the Israeli fence–she likes terrorists and hates whatever stops them). Khalek’s tweet was retweeted over 100 times and favorited 48 times by Muslims and far-left liberals who lionize Bob Simon and wish his propaganda and falsehoods would continue to be perpetrated. And, unfortunately, they will. There are far too many others like Bob Simon in the media–more of them like him than not. Dishonest, lying, and with zero conscience of any sort.


As my late father said when Saddam Hussein kidnapped Bob Simon and kept him hostage for 40 days, shutting him up, finally, Saddam Hussein did something right! Sadly, Bob Simon’s captivity only lasted for those 40 days instead of forever. Bob Simon came back to America with even more gusto to continue his lies parading as investigative journalism and news. Where were Uday and Qusay when you needed them?

Soon Bob Simon will be six feet under. And his flesh will be rotten worm food. But his “soul”–and it could be debated if he even had one– will be going a lot deeper down there.

I hope Bob Simon packed light because it’s very hot where he’s headed. He and Yasser Arafat can share the 72 Helen Thomases there.

In the meantime, though, I’m sad to report that Bob Simon’s not-so-unique and all too common brand of urinalism will continue. His daughter, who helped produce his lying “60 Minutes” “reports,” continues to work at CBS News and “60 Minutes.” She’ll help other Bob Simons perpetrate their frauds on the American TV-viewing audience.

Bob Simon, Rot In Hell. And send our regards to your professional colleague and competitor, Josef Goebbels.


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87 Responses

You always tell it like it is! G-d bless you! I learn so much from you.

faithful reader on February 12, 2015 at 8:05 pm

    Yes, thankful for your (Debbie) going back further than just that Simon was a reporter…and focused on WHAT he reported.

    P. Aaron on February 13, 2015 at 2:15 pm

Take THAT all you Kayla Mueller apologista concern wankers!

This is where the truth is told & we don’t run from dopey weaklings like your lot! LOLOL! 😀

Skunky on February 12, 2015 at 8:35 pm

You’re a disgusting hateful person.

Ben on February 12, 2015 at 8:35 pm

    truth hurts Ben

    thatsallfolks on February 12, 2015 at 8:43 pm

A guy that doesn’t wear a seat belt is one thing. A guy that tries to convince other people they don’t need them is something else.
Be almost too much like poetic justice if the accident was caused by an illegal alien without a driving license.
Secure borders would supposedly be another safe guard we can do without.

thatsallfolks on February 12, 2015 at 8:38 pm

here is a syllogism for you…a valid one:

1) no nation is perfect or perfectly just, neither in its conception nor in its administration.

2) to properly and factually identify instances and aspects where a nation is imperfect is not necessarily to hate the nation or its constituents, nor is such criticism necessarily motivated by hatred for the polity (and in fact a desire to critique can be motivated from a loving desire to correct.)

3) an imperfect nation cannot become more perfect without facing fact-based critique.

4) therefore, if bob simon’s critiques of israel were based in fact, he was not necessarily a self-loathing jew or an israel-hater…and in fact could be the converse.

logic 101. try again…the onus is on you to show 1)his facts were exactly wrong and 2) he was not motivated from a loving desire to correct.

only then would you have a point…everything else is speculation which is very boring since you are only one of 7,000,000,000 people and your mere speculative opinion is hardly special.

zan on February 12, 2015 at 8:42 pm

    Damn, zan, don’t you have an exam to study for? Or sheep to herd? You’re one of those guys who never gets the cute girl so tries to impress with your “brain.” Maybe YOU should prove where DS is wrong in her assessment of BS. Speaking of BS, your BS is hardly special, merely …BS

    WilliamMunny on February 12, 2015 at 8:57 pm

    Ugh, Zan, you want BORING…re-read your illiterate word vomit! Yuck!

    Trying soooo hard to sound erudite & all you sound like is Charlie Brown’s teacher…but at least her whomp-whomp-whomps were cute & charming.

    I have no idea what you were trying to say. You’re a boring dud. You FAIL. You do not get any points & may Satan be gentle with your tush! Effin’ git!

    Skunky on February 12, 2015 at 9:07 pm

      all you sound like is Charlie Brown’s teacher


      And notice the awful hipster, faux-avant-garde “style” of no caps. Makes me want to throttle these jacka$$es.

      DS_ROCKS! on February 12, 2015 at 10:03 pm


      I think he’s trying to diplomatically spout the very tired so-called complaint of Israel-bashers/anti-Semites that Israel is not perfect, and when some truthful person such as themselves attempts to point out some bad thing Israel is doing, the poor souls are accused of being anti-Semitic.

      Frequently, the haters will preemptively make their complaint before they launch into their Israel-bashing. Often times they’ll claim they’re being muzzled by the all powerful Jewish lobby/media.

      Scott on February 12, 2015 at 11:50 pm

    @Zan Zen Zero Man

    It’s the facts he left out and the double standard he applied to justify their omission that proves what kind of “converse”/perverse love he had for Israel.

    Plus the irony of a long winded bore like yourself criticizing the opposing view point as boring through tortutously pedantic and desultory logical analysis is obviously lost on you.

    thatsallfolks on February 12, 2015 at 9:12 pm


    Given that his facts were always correct and I don’t give you that

    thatsallfolks on February 12, 2015 at 9:16 pm

    Zan, I’m not answering this for your benefit, but rather for others who will read this.

    How often did Debbie use the word ‘lie’ in her post?

    Your so-called syllogism does not take into account that Simon actually lied about numerous things. This renders points 2, 3 and 4 of your, uh, syllogism inapposite. Er, uh, lies are not based on fact.

    Little Al on February 12, 2015 at 10:01 pm

    Zan, you unconsciously gave yourself away in your syllogism. Step four is in the subjunctive (use of ‘were’ — contrary to fact). Thus, you know deep down, yourself that Simon’s critiques of Israel are not based on fact.

    Little Al on February 13, 2015 at 8:28 am

    zan, in Logic 101 you would have learned the structure of a syllogism.

    skzion on February 13, 2015 at 10:41 am

Always come here for the true story.
Keep up the good work Debbie!

PaulaMalka on February 12, 2015 at 8:42 pm

again…logic 101.

did he omit facts or did he omit your narrative? there is a distinction.

i enjoy how posters here are quite creative experts of the ad hominem.

thats why i gave you a syllogism. you dont have to care about it…but if you dont address the premises or argument, youre not using reason.

zan on February 12, 2015 at 9:17 pm

    @Zan Zero,
    OK I thought you were just boring but obviously you’re also an idiot.
    The fact is that to criticize Israel without taking a good hard look at its neighbours and the rules of the game in that particular part of the world can only be done by following a narrative.

    thatsallfolks on February 12, 2015 at 9:30 pm

    If you don’t want to be the object of ad hominem attacks, present some facts in your comments. Include some substance, rather than abstract tautologies. Refrain from suggesting a sophomoric superiority over the rest of us.

    Present your thoughts in language that shows some respect for those reading what you have to say. Your deliberate flouting of basic English conventions suggests a disdain for your readers, a disregard for the long-standing grammatical rules that suggest a common basis of communication. Such arrogance invites ad hominem responses.

    Little Al on February 12, 2015 at 11:59 pm


    Your syllogism can ONLY be effective *IF* it is understood. You did a piss-poor job because your writing is pretentious & incoherent. It’s nothing more than you engaging in mental masturbation or admiring your hipster arse with a selfie stick.

    Ad hominem was used because you deserved it. And as previously stated, I would have been able to dismantle your syllogism if only I could understand what you were saying. Using an overabundance of 2 cent college words fails when sentence structure does not flow and the diction used is more boring than a puse-coloured cement wall.

    Boring git! Take off!

    Skunky on February 13, 2015 at 10:26 am

If you’re talking absolute certainty like the kind of moron you actually are then yes, that does not exist in the real world outside of logic 101.
Which is why your arguments are about as convincing as Obama’s red blooded American patriotism.

thatsallfolks on February 12, 2015 at 9:35 pm

*about absolute certainty*

thatsallfolks on February 12, 2015 at 9:37 pm


madman on February 12, 2015 at 9:42 pm

1) “but youre also an idiot” is an irrelevant ad hominem.

2) no…to “to take a good hard look…rules of the game…” you should NOT have a pre-conceived narrative. you let the facts dictate the big picture. and sure, perhaps they ultimately prove you correct. but just because someone isnt reporting your narrative doesnt mean hes not reporting facts, or that his motives are evil and he deserves to burn in hell…both of which you claim in this blog.

zan on February 12, 2015 at 9:47 pm

    Lots of comments about logic, but again, no facts presented by Zan.

    And any intelligent person will have hypotheses (which, uh, aren’t the same as ‘narratives’, an unfortunate word which has attained a great deal of currency among the politically correct).

    Your insolent manner, and total absence of any concrete discussion about Simon, unfortunately invites the type of ad hominem attacks that you deplore.

    But, really, what else is there to attack about you? You present no facts — nothing to say that Simon was a loyal American, defending our country in time of war, telling the truth about our troops in Vietnam, or defending by facts, the inflammatory comments he has made over and over about Israel.

    Logic which is not fact-based runs a serious danger of compounding inaccurate abstractions to the point of distortion. The second point of your syllogism is so conditional as to make it worthless.

    Point three is a gross oversimplification with huge omissions of how a nation can become better. Such a process is incredibly complex, and cannot be reduced to a sentence or two. Volumes and volumes have been written about how nations become better. Comments about ‘fact-based critiques’ ignore these complexities and avoid the question about whether Simon’s critiques are fact-based, or even if so, whether they are relevant to a nation’s improvement.

    But of course, since you state no facts, it is not possible for you to evaluate whether critiques are fact-based.

    Attacking American troops is enough to cast this person as a traitor, and some pipsqueak who may or may not have successfully completed an introductory philosophy course does not change this.

    Debbie has summarized Simon’s positions, and explained why she has not referenced the specific sources documenting these positions.

    Without resorting to vague and extremely hedged syllogisms, you need to explain where Debbie is wrong. Which summarized positions does she state inaccurately?

    Which of Simon’s positions are fact-based, and offered in a spirit dedicated to constructive improvement of a nation, whether the U.S. or Israel, rather than the weakening of these two nations?

    I wonder whether the omission of apostrophes is an unconscious admission that nothing of value is possessed in Zan’s comments. I wonder whether the absence of capitalization unconsciously tells us that Zan will not admit to a hierarchy of criticism, from superior to garbage. Differences in values related to alphabetic letters can symbolize failure to make distinctions not only in alphabetic letters, but in quality of criticism.

    Little Al on February 12, 2015 at 11:34 pm

there is no world outside of logic.

either a claim is logical or it is illogical.

its binary.

if you make a claim, be logical…otherwise your opinions are unconvincing to critical thinkers. but then, perhaps you only want to preach to the choir like a bunch of hyenas sitting around in the dark alone laughing over rancid scraps of reason.

zan on February 12, 2015 at 9:51 pm

Hey Zan here’s a fact for you. I’m not claiming to be Debbie

thatsallfolks on February 12, 2015 at 9:51 pm

Run along little boy

thatsallfolks on February 12, 2015 at 9:54 pm

“Simon displayed a striking double standard in his interview with Israelis and Palestinians. On the one hand, he personally challenges the Israeli allegation that Palestinians deliberately put their children in the front lines. In addition, he allows Palestinian spokeswoman Hanan Ashrawi to counter the charges. In contrast, he lets Palestinian charges against Israelis pass without comment, and Israeli guests do not have the opportunity to respond.”

thatsallfolks on February 12, 2015 at 9:57 pm

“run along…”

isnt logic. its fear.

zan on February 12, 2015 at 9:57 pm

    Little man “no caps” zan (sic) is too stupid to realize that he’s waaaay out of his league in here. I love it!

    And remember – your c03x1$T drivel won’t spare you – they’ll behead you first.

    DS_ROCKS! on February 12, 2015 at 10:07 pm


thatsallfolks on February 12, 2015 at 10:05 pm

And very telling that you would use abstract logic rather than facts, to defend Simon.

Little Al on February 12, 2015 at 10:06 pm

The ’72 Helen Thomases’ was the very first thing that ran through my mind when hearing about Simon’s death. That and the ‘R.I.H.’ sentiments. All of which I wholeheartedly agree with.

I read, B.T.W., that the chauffeur who drove him on his ultimately fatal ride was 23 years old. Draw your conclusions on that one.

On another tangent, I wish I would say good riddance to Jon Stewart (né Leibowitz) in terms of his departing “The Daily Show” on Comedy Central later this year, but alas he’d be replaced by someone as typically leftist as he – and by definition, the likes of Bob Simon – is.

ConcernedPatriot on February 12, 2015 at 10:29 pm

Awesome you KNOW that dude’s burning in hell.

Also don’t feel sorry for Kayla, I hope they raped that whore every single day. She probably would have loved it though, whore.

Muh! on February 12, 2015 at 10:31 pm

yes, bs allowed israelis to respond. citation please.

zan on February 12, 2015 at 10:46 pm

Yah! Bob Simon was a crummy reporter. That he was still working at age 73 tells me more than what Debbie said. It tells me he was drunk with power and couldn’t let go.

I’m not happy he’s dead. I’m sad that anyone thought he was a legitimate reporter with any integrity. The reverence shown for him and his “career” tells us a lot about the degree that the news media tolerates anti-Semitism.

Simon was an anti-Semite. He hated Jews. Whether he hated himself is between him an his shrink. I don’t care whether he was “self-hating”. I don’t care whether his mother was Jewish. He deliberately demonized Jews and that makes him an anti-Semite. Because of that, there’s no reason for anyone to respect his work or career.

Just callin’ ’em like I see ’em.


There is NO Santa Claus (aka TINSC)

There is NO Santa Claus on February 12, 2015 at 11:09 pm

    critiquing israel isnt necessarily anti semitic. see above.

    zan on February 12, 2015 at 11:30 pm

      You are right, Zan—critiquing Israeli policy isn’t necessarily antisemitic. For example, here are some critiques:

      1) Israel should have bombed Gaza harder.
      2) Palestinians should be stomped on without recourse or remorse by Israel until they admit defeat and surrender.

      I believe that the fact that Israel is not doing these things is a cause for criticism, for example. I think the Debmaster might agree here.

      Oh, wait—he supported Palestinian terrorists and opposed anti-terrorist initiatives?

      Well, the overwhelming way to bet is that he hated his Fellow Jews until proven otherwise. You see, the number of honest Israel critics over their anti-terrorism policy is similar to the number of homosexual tolerating Jihadists. Vanishing towards negative infinity.

      Occam's Tool on February 13, 2015 at 1:06 am

I’ll never forget a hit-piece he did about the Bush administration and the Iraq war. In the interview the camera goes to Simon and he has this big smile on his face and I am thinking who the hell would edit a piece like that showing the reporters clear bias. No doubt that was one of the major factors in opening my eyes to the bias of the media (I didn’t quit the Democrat party till the summer of 2004).

Daniel Middleman on February 12, 2015 at 11:58 pm


Why don’t you study the facts with an open mind? It’s clear that Palestine didn’t exist before the war with Israel. It was part of Jordan and part of Egypt and the denizens identified and part of those countries.

Israel gives too much to the Palestinians and always tries to avoid killing innocent civilians but the Pally combatants put their troops near the civilians and near hospitals and fake and lie about atrocities done to them. Investigate with an open mind and this is what you will find.

Those who willfully ignore this and pander the evil slime attacking a true democratic country are slime of the lowest sort and deserve every condemnation.

FactsofLife on February 13, 2015 at 12:08 am

Zan’s arguments are so compelling and erudite, he makes Immanuel Kant look silly. His wisdom sparkles with powerful, ineluctable logic built on a foundation as dense and heavy as concrete fortified with steel supporting rods. Zan surely puts rank amateurs Alfred Tarski, Aristotle, Gottlob Frege, and Kurt Gödel to shame. I would suggest that Zan has earned the right for every one of his statements to be treated as an axiom that cannot be questioned.

However, on a different matter, the notion that 72 Helen Thomases awaits Bob Simon does not acknowledge the creativity of the Creator. I believe that such a fate is far too provincial. I would imagine that the creatures awaiting Simon would be more like hermaphroditic composites of Helen Thomas and Yasser Arafat.

Ralph Adamo on February 13, 2015 at 1:15 am

I find Simon’s death to be a matter of poetic justice, as he died at the hands of a Muslim:
Simon, a correspondent for 60 Minutes, was riding on the West Side Highway when the driver lost control, hit a Mercedes-Benz stopped at a red light and then struck the median, police said.

Emergency responders found Simon, 73, unconscious in the backseat of the mangled vehicle with injuries to his head and stomach. He was pronounced dead at St. Luke’s Roosevelt Hospital Center.

The driver of the town car, ABDUL RESHAD FEAHI, 44, was hospitalized in stable condition. No charges had been filed, although police said the investigation was continuing.

The driver of the Mercedes – identified as Zachery Miller of New Rochelle – told the New York Post the black car was veering erratically before the crash.

“He swerved into me,” said Miller, 23. “He hit me, and he looked like he lost control of the car.”


I hope that Miller sues the pants off the driver’s employer and Simon’s estate for good measure.

Ralph Adamo on February 13, 2015 at 1:30 am

ralph adamo,

sarcasm isnt argumentation.

you certainly dont have to consider my argument above, but if you do, its highly unlikely you can evade the conclusion if my premises are true (they are.)

in fact, its impossible. but you wont, because youre brainwashed.

zan on February 13, 2015 at 1:56 am

Why do you presume that I’m being sarcastic? I’m one of your biggest fans. But now that you’ve questioned my loyalty, I’m beginning to doubt my own confidence in my original judgments about you.

Ralph Adamo on February 13, 2015 at 2:42 am

I find it fascinating that David Duke made all those congressmen behave and be quiet when he snapped his fingers. Ha ha. Post racial my ass.

He was going to rat them out, and they scurried away like the rodents they are.

Sleepless Ramblings on February 13, 2015 at 2:44 am

Beautiful thread for its DS Poster Hall of Fame worthy submissions.

Thank you Ralph Adamo, Little Al, Skunky…et alia for toppling over the tent poles zan the man so self-assuredly staked. For me, his appearance here stands out only as an image of a dude “Fonzying” at the sight of his reflection in a mirror.

lee of the lower case "l" on February 13, 2015 at 2:44 am

Ah, so that’s how Simon died, and at the hands of whom. Also shows how muddled one account that I’d read, was. Poetic justice, indeed.

ConcernedPatriot on February 13, 2015 at 7:35 am


its remarkable not a single response here actually attempts to rebut the premises i listed above.

“youre out of your league here” is not a rebuttal.

this place is a hyena den….just snark and mutual self-admiration with zero rational substance. its unbelievable debz actually went to law school given her disregard for the syllogism.

zan on February 13, 2015 at 8:19 am

Bob Simon’s lionization since his death was sickening. He was a Communist Sympathizer who transferred his sympathies to Islam when his old pals turned their backs on their formerly beloved Marxism-Leninism.

Worry on February 13, 2015 at 8:50 am

Yes, I remember his reporting during Desert Storm. We were the aggressor’s storming into Saddam’s land. This puke should have bought it 40 years ago. When I saw a picture of the mangled car that he was riding in I thought of a line from Planes, Trains & Automobiles. “This isn’t so bad. They’ll be able to bump this out, no problem”.

MuzzCrusher on February 13, 2015 at 9:18 am

Despite growing up in the 60’s and paying attention to a lot of the subjects and areas he covered during his life, I don’t recall ever hearing of Bob Simon until he died. Guess I didn’t miss anything.

But I was hanging with a friend and his girl last night near LaGuardia Airport and they had the “news” on, ABC-TV. I wish I had a penny for every time I heard how good looking he was, and how honest and conscientious he was.

Just goes to show how true that passage in the Bible is about how one seems right, until the one on the other side of the issue comes forth and presents his case.

Thank you, Debbie. When the “news media” flocks to a certain narrative, you can always count on Debbie to stand in the midst of the swirling mass of bullshizz and raise the flag of unvarnished truth to the sky, beckoning all who would seek it.

Oh Debbie, by the way, Rush yesterday briefly touched on how Kayla Mueller supported terrorists by her rhetoric and actions. I was quite surprised, especially since one of his buddies that I listen to regularly, decried her horrible death without such balance.

Hey zan, that’s called giving aid and comfort to the enemy, like those who want to rid the world of Jews.

Wonder where Rush got that from, since the whole world rushed to a certain narrative regarding her life and death? ROTFLMAO!!!

Alfredo from Puerto Rico on February 13, 2015 at 10:03 am

Let’s just face it, you Americans hate everybody and everything. You’re ignorant, arrogant and crass.

Kaz on February 13, 2015 at 10:29 am

And there’s naz’ brother Kaz, chiming in from France, . . .

doing what James Brown mentioned, . . .

“Talkin’ Loud and Sayin’ Nothin’.


Alfredo from Puerto Rico on February 13, 2015 at 10:38 am

…….”And the truth shall set ye free.” Debbie, your accurate description of Simon’s “Journalism” would fit 90% of today’s journoprosties. Wasn’t it Brian (Bendover) Williams, who, when challenged by a guest on a point he was trying to make responded, “Are you questioning my journalistic ethics?” Journalistic ethics? The oxymoron of the year. Today, the “Journalists” are busy propagandizing the Sheeple that Obama’s infantile and degrading antics in an effort to boost Obamacare enrollment was sheer genius, etc. Obviously, Obama has no self dignity or dignity and respect towards the office he holds. Remember the picture of him sitting in the Oval Office with his feet on the desk? I rest my case.

Victoryman on February 13, 2015 at 10:54 am

Poor zan just doesn’t get it. He doesn’t know what a syllogism is. I could create a real syllogism from his meandering, tedious word salad, but that would be pointless. If we stipulate that accurate and well thought through criticism of America benefits it, it does not follow that Simon provided such criticism. Duh.

skzion on February 13, 2015 at 10:57 am

    Zan only cares that we can’t prove with absolute complete certainty that Simon’s criticism wasn’t intended as such. If the gloves don’t fit you must aquit.
    The fact that the man is already dead and this isn’t a court of law is only incidental because as Zan says, “there is no world outside of logic.”

    Zan doesn’t even really care about Simon, he only cares that his fragile abstract universe remains intact and logically consistent even if it remains completely isolated from reality which is why he reacts with anger when common sense intrudes.

    “isnt logic. its fear.”

    thatsallfolks on February 13, 2015 at 12:01 pm


      thatsallfolks on February 13, 2015 at 12:07 pm

    and so best to let him run and play

    thatsallfolks on February 13, 2015 at 12:04 pm

Oh, and as Debbie suggests, Simon did NOT provide such criticism.

skzion on February 13, 2015 at 10:59 am

ZZZZZZZZan is NOT interested in debate. The bloody bore is only interested in having retarded sorts say “Oh yes, you Big-Brained Bore…you’re quite right!”. The bore is not interested in anyone’s opinion but only converting others to his own…ZZZZZan feels a victory when mental defectives will acquiesce to his solipsistic word vomit.

No one’s afraid of you ZZZZZZan. Well, only if we don’t wanna doze off before our regular bedtimes. And perhaps narcoleptics.

Kaz, try not to be too jealous of we Yanks. Not everyone can be one so just get over your inferiority.

Skunky on February 13, 2015 at 11:10 am

I wanna see if this goes thru…

ZZZZZZZZan is NOT interested in debate. The bloody bore is only interested in having retarded sorts say “Oh yes, you Big-Brained Bore…you’re quite right!”. The bore is not interested in anyone’s opinion but only converting others to his own…ZZZZZan feels a victory when mental defectives will acquiesce to his solipsistic word vomit.

No one’s afraid of you ZZZZZZan. Well, only if we don’t wanna doze off before our regular bedtimes. And perhaps narcoleptics.

Kaz, try not too be too jealous of we Yanks. Not everyone can be one so just get over your inferiority.

Skunky on February 13, 2015 at 11:11 am

Once again Debbie you hit the nail on the head and liberals/muslims can’t take it. True to form CtheBS channel just like their Kayla Muller are lauding this urinalist. It is pure karma that dear old Bobby’s car got hit by the very Muslims that he agrees with and favorably reported on. While the Muslim concubine cow Muller was an ISIS tool Bob was far worse. This nutbag along with Obama jock sniffer Williams was a member of the Lame stream Media and as such had a platform to spread his lies and propaganda. He and the rest of the libmedia follow the same of tired playbook(I’ll break it down so that the dimwit liberals who posted on this column and the last one about Muller): Dirtbag Muslims good, Jews and Christians, bad. Losing any war the US is engaged in, good. Winning the war, bad. Obama, good. Any conservative(or in our governments case RINO) bad. Movies like Fifty Shades of Grey, good. American Sniper, bad. I could go on but even the blockheaded liberals posting here get the point(hopefully). Simon can now say hi to his buddies Cronkite, Wallace and Jennings since he has a room right next to theirs in the Hell Hilton.

Ken B on February 13, 2015 at 12:01 pm

    I’m just waiting for the princess Diana style conspiracy theories to start.

    thatsallfolks on February 13, 2015 at 12:11 pm

In the greatest irony, the driver who caused this crash was a Muslim. Afghan immigrant who had multiple license suspensions.

cookiebot on February 13, 2015 at 2:40 pm

As usual, the libtards, with their self importance, and ego, show themselves as “useful idiots”. Yisrael has kept their side of every agreement with the “fakestinians”. The muslims call every agreement made with Yisrael a “hoodnah”,(an agreement made, of which, they have NO INTENTION of keeping). These are all holy, pious, and sacred acts, according to their “god” ar rahman/allah. The muslim believes slavery, theft, murder, lying,rape, pedophilia, and host of other abhorrent acts, are HOLY, SACRED, PIOUS, and justified, as long as these acts are perpetrated against non muslims. May I suggest reading “Muhammad: Prophet of Doom”, it explains in thourogh detail, islam and the belief system, muslims have. I myself could usr “50¢” words, but as Schopenhauer said,(I’m paraphrasing), If you have a philosophy (or point to make), it should be understood by every one. I hate Nietzche (but even a broken clock is right twice a day) he said “Cowardice in the face of truth…..idealism”. He also said “The socialists love a criminal”. He was right about the left.

300 yrs in America on February 13, 2015 at 4:56 pm

Only commenting to congratulate Zan on revealing himself to be one of the most self-deluded tools on the entire internet! Sadly, this type of leftist hypocrite is Islam’s greatest weapon, the useful idiots of our time – a progressive willing to overlook Islam’s abuse of women, gays and all other minorities in order to take out the Christians and Jews.

The Palestinians are monsters thirsting for genocide, have been ever since they were invented after 1948. They deserve the hell on earth they and their fellow Muslims have created through their own evil designs.

Jay on February 13, 2015 at 5:38 pm

Thank you Debbie for the TRUTH, something that is hard to find anywhere else.

Jesse on February 13, 2015 at 7:44 pm

disprove the premises. otherwise youre evading. which is fine…just like good ol’ captain H.L.

zan on February 13, 2015 at 9:57 pm

    Zan why do you keep evading the fact that your syllogism doesn’t take into account lies of omission and is therefore defective?

    thatsallfolks on February 14, 2015 at 10:44 am

I kissed a girl, I liked it,
The taste of her Cherry Chapsti–, . . .

OOPS!!! Wrong thread. The Blond(e) Ignition got a little ahead of itself there. Or, perhaps behind itself, but I digest.

Zan, zan, zan, OH!!! I GET IT!!! You’re really NAZ, the rapper, right? Somewhere in the blond(e) smoke, actually tonight it’s Platinum Kush, but who’s counting, I seem to remember a rapper named NAZ.

SO, now you’re reduced to trolling web sites, huh, bro? Oh, well, gotta have fun somehow, right?

ROTFLMAO!!! Zan, at least you’re a PERSISTENT troll, . . .

but still a troll.

Which means you’re on the down low, . . .

way down, . . .


Time for another couple of hits. Put that in your Muslim hookah and smoke it, zan. You’re a bit obvious.

Alfredo from Puerto Rico on February 13, 2015 at 10:25 pm

Debbie – Too much sugar coating…how do you really feel? (Thanks for exposing truth).

Marshall Frank on February 14, 2015 at 7:52 am

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