February 10, 2015, - 4:24 pm

Kayla Mueller: Dead ISIS Hostage Was Jew-Hating, Anti-Israel Bitch

By Debbie Schlussel

No tears for the newly-departed Kayla Mueller, the ISIS hostage whose parents confirmed today that she is dead. Mueller was a Jew-hating, anti-Israel piece of crap who worked with HAMAS and helped Palestinians harass Israeli soldiers and block them from doing their job of keeping Islamic terrorists out of Israel. She also worked to prevent Israel from tearing down terrorists’ “houses,” which the Palestinian terrorists used to smuggle weapons from and to HAMAS in order to perpetrate terrorist attacks. And she wrote several lying, anti-Israel blog posts.


Kayla Mueller @ ISM Palestinian Terrorist Headquarters

As I noted last week and many other times on this site, I have no sympathy for any of these “American” (in name only!) hostages of ISIS. And my attitude when I hear they’ve been snuffed out is, so sad, too bad. Every single one of these hostages has been a leftist America-hater. They are anti-American “journalists” there to tell us how “moderate” and “democratic” these beheaders and live-human-burners are. Or they are anti-American “aid workers” (that’s like the Middle East version of Barack Obama’s “community organizer”).

This latter category describes Kayla Mueller, who went to Israel and the so-called “West Bank” and Gaza to help HAMASnik Jew-haters. From the International Solidarity Movement (ISM), a terrorist group that aided and abetted Al-Qaeda, HAMAS, Islamic Jihad, and Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade terrorists (including two British Muslims who blew up “Mike’s Bar” in Tel Aviv):

Abdullah Abu Rahma, coordinator of the popular committee in the village of Bil’in where Kayla joined the protests, told ISM: “Kayla came to Palestine to stand in solidarity with us. She marched with us and faced the military that occupies our land side by side with us. For this, Kayla will always live in our hearts. We send all our support to her family and will continue, like Kayla, to work against injustice wherever it is.” . . .

With the ISM, Kayla worked with Palestinians . . . resisting the confiscation and demolitions of their homes and lands. In the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood of Occupied East Jerusalem, she stayed with the Al Kurd family to try and prevent the takeover of their home by Israeli settlers.

Mueller also praised Palestinians who attacked Israelis with rocks and said she marched “arm in arm” with them and supported their violence.

So, it’s poetic justice that Mueller spent her last months as a hostage of the Islamic terrorists with whom she thought she had some sort of kinship and sisterhood. And that she died in their hands.

When people ask me what I think of Kayla Mueller, I’ll say, I think she’s incinerated.

Buh-bye, Kayla. Have fun with your 72 Yasser Arafats.

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573 Responses

Despite your impressive CV, you decide to express yourself in such a low class way, by calling this dead girl a bitch? That invalidates anything you say there after.

I don’t like the fact that she worked with Hamas, but to level it down to this, is pretty gross. She does have grieving family.

Perrie on February 12, 2015 at 1:35 pm

    Oh please, Perrie. Her grieving family most likely shares her same beliefs. Furthermore, they have not dissociated themselves from those beliefs. Why should we then care?

    skzion on February 12, 2015 at 3:40 pm

      We know nothing about her family other than they lost a child. I don’t agree with everything my 20 year olds do, but if someone murdered them, I would not be talking if I agreed with their politics.

      Perrie on February 12, 2015 at 4:40 pm

        Perrie Halpern, from your name and location I conclude you are a Jew. You are also the owner and chief moderator of thenewstalkers and say on that site the following:

        Code of Conduct

        1. No Personal Attacks: Treat others as you would like to be treated. Address issues and arguments, not individual members. Comments or articles designed as personal attacks or those which in-and-of-themselves, are off topic, disruptive, abusive, threatening, harassing or offensive, unlawful, harmful, defamatory, libelous, known to be false and presented as truth, invasive of another’s privacy, hateful, or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable; are prohibited, and will be removed. Comments, posting of articles, etc. that violate this rule are to be reported to the Resident Adviser or moderator.

        But you come over to Debbie’s website and have no comment whatsoever about the moronic, vicious, and hateful things others have said here, in particular to Debbie, a fellow Jew. I assume that you have no problem with any of that, which tells me something important about your own values.

        You say:

        Despite your impressive CV, you decide to express yourself in such a low class way, by calling this dead girl a bitch? That invalidates anything you say there after.

        How exactly is Debbie’s evidence and argumentation “invalidated” by calling this dead chick a derogatory name? The latter is, actually, utterly irrelevant to the argument at hand.

        You say:

        We know nothing about her family other than they lost a child.

        We can certainly get a sense of the values of the family of someone who runs off and participates with Hamas in killing Jews.

        I don’t agree with everything my 20 year olds do, but if someone murdered them, I would not be talking if I agreed with their politics.

        Fair enough, but this involves something very serious: aiding the killing of Jews. It’s not an issue of mere politics. In any event, why should any concern for her family outweigh our concern about the lionization of a Jew hater and Jew killer?

        Finally, you do not dispute the argumentation here except to take the easy way out and claim it is “invalidated.” In that you join the various other “critics” here, which makes you, at best, an annoyance.

        skzion on February 12, 2015 at 5:33 pm

          I have not been rude to Debbie, I expressed my opinion on how she expressed hers, which would never be how I would express it. I made a comment to that pig Mark, you must have missed it. Furthermore, it is not my responsibility to defend Debbie, when what she said, which is not the least bit professional but meant to stir up emotions, which it has. There is an old expression that goes, there is no such thing as bad publicity, and I feel that Debbie thrives on that. Had she made a professional argument without the inflammatory title, I would have never even made a comment.
          You say I am an annoyance, but I find that that Debbie is. She makes statements like:

          “As I noted last week and many other times on this site, I have no sympathy for any of these “American” (in name only!) hostages of ISIS. And my attitude when I hear they’ve been snuffed out is, so sad, too bad. Every single one of these hostages has been a leftist America-hater.”

          which isn’t factual or journalistic, but mean and extreme. I’m sorry if you
          don’t see that way, but she actually feeds the anti-semitism that is expressed here, and I am not talking about that Stormfronter, Mark, but your regular run of the mill American, who is uninformed about the M/E, but reads Debbie’s hate filled rants and will not look any further into the issue. She does more harm to Israel and Jews than any Stormfronter could do… and in that way, I find her far more than just an annoyance… I find her dangerous to Israel and Jews everywhere.

          BTW, if she doesn’t want hateful comments, she should put that in her guidelines for commenting. Half of these would have been deleted on my site and Mark needs to be reported to the Feds for making a threat.

          Perrie on February 12, 2015 at 6:30 pm

          Well skzion it appears that Debbie doesn’t accept a cogent response that makes her look bad, but I did give you a lengthy reply that doesn’t seem to be posted. I won’t bother again. Apparently the only comments allowed are either hateful or in agreement with her.

          Perrie on February 12, 2015 at 7:16 pm

          Perrie, sometimes comments are swallowed here. They are usually restored fairly quickly. However, you can email Debbie and she will find it.

          I see that you’ve jumped to a negative conclusion about a fellow Jew, which is itself a sin.

          skzion on February 12, 2015 at 7:34 pm

          Perrie, I am getting fed up with your seeming inability to understand basic points. If I can’t reach you this time, I will ignore you henceforth.

          Yes, you did crititize a blatant–and known–Neo-Nazi. My first point is to wonder what you stand for. What is “right” in your view? Clearly you do care about civility per se. If you did, you would have objected to 85% of these comments. There is scarcely a negative one that would qualify as decent. You don’t even object to all the Stormfronters–just the most extreme one, as a token gesture, it seems. The issue is not defending Debbie

          skzion on February 12, 2015 at 11:13 pm

          Perrie, I am getting fed up with your seeming inability to understand basic points. If I can’t reach you this time, I will ignore you henceforth.

          Yes, you did crititize a blatant–and known–Neo-Nazi. My first point is to wonder what you stand for. What is “right” in your view? Clearly you do care about civility per se. If you did, you would have objected to 85% of these comments. There is scarcely a negative one that would qualify as decent. You don’t even object to all the Stormfronters–just the most extreme one, as a token gesture, it seems. The issue is not defending Debbie. That is a red herring. You also don’t seem to take Halacha seriously. If you did you wouldn’t assume that Debbie deleted your comments deliberately or that Debbie is just an attention seeker.

          Second, while you jump to all sorts of conclusions about Debbie, you seem willfully resistant to any of the EVIDENCE THAT Debbie provided about Mueller. You have even granted that Mueller loves Hamas. WELL, “bitch” seems a pretty mild term for her. But you seem to specialize in red herrings because you quote Debbie commenting about her feelings concerning Mueller but not the evidence explaining such feelings. Feelings are not an argument, and it is silly to point to them as if they were what I was referring to as an argument. Mueller did indeed hate Jews and Israel, which Debbie showed. She therefore showed that Mueller did not deserve applause or other sweet nothings.

          Your suggestion that Debbie’s comments cause anti-Semitism is the concern of scaredy-cat Jews in Name Only. Fighting back is the the only way to address anti-Semitism.

          Mueller was a nasty creature. I have no sympathy for her because SHE WAS A NASTY CREATURE. Insofar as Debbie has supported this assessment, the natural response should be to abhor Mueller, not Debbie.

          skzion on February 12, 2015 at 11:35 pm

          “Clearly you do NOT care about civility per se.”

          skzion on February 12, 2015 at 11:37 pm


          It is not my job to defend Debbie. Her statements should be able to stand on their own, just as mine should. And if you cared so much about Halacha, then you wouldn’t be doing your own attempt at smearing me. Sure, it is plain to see that the girl was a Hamas sympathiser, but I have done a whole lot of digging, and there is no evidence that she ever killed a Jew, which Debbie claims, which you claim, which is false at best. You said:

          Your suggestion that Debbie’s comments cause anti-Semitism is the concern of scaredy-cat Jews in Name Only. Fighting back is the the only way to address anti-Semitism.

          I see you’re practicing your Halacha. You don’t know me yet your your calling me names. Here is my wake up call to you. My daughter was on Birthright during the bombings this summer. We sent her and she wanted to go. Where were you? Where was Debbie? Safe here in the US? Fighting back isn’t name calling a foolish 20 year old girl a bitch. It is making aliyah when it isn’t easy to do, to show your support of Israel. It isn’t having a hard heart to grieving parents, who you know nothing about, but having Tikun Olam as someone else here said. It’s presenting your case in a logical manner instead of making statements like this:

          “As I noted last week and many other times on this site, I have no sympathy for any of these “American” (in name only!) hostages of ISIS. And my attitude when I hear they’ve been snuffed out is, so sad, too bad. Every single one of these hostages has been a leftist America-hater.”

          She said everyone one of them leftist America haters, because why? She said so? So you might not mind writing Steven Joel Sotloff’s mom and dad, both Holocaust survivors, why their son, an Israeli American was what Debbie called him. I’m sure they will feel very enlightened…. not.

          If you want to have an honest dialog about this, you know where to find me.

          Perrie on February 13, 2015 at 2:21 am

          skzion: excellent slapdown of Perrie.

          And on this point especially – why should any concern for her family outweigh our concern about the lionization of a Jew hater and Jew killer?

          Exactly! By Perrie’s reasoning, we should lay off of criticizing Hitler because his relatives might have been saddened by his death.

          DS_ROCKS! on February 13, 2015 at 4:02 pm

    Agreed. Debbie represents the absolute base of our supposed moral society.
    And she calls herself Christian! LOL!!

    Jenna Alan on February 12, 2015 at 8:42 pm

Debbie you must be a complete failure. So much money spent on your education – and the outcome is this revolting blog. How sad!

PittMichels on February 12, 2015 at 1:40 pm

It figures that a fat-assed, fake blonde, kike whore would have no sympathy for the dead.
You filthy jews never ask WHY everyone hates you land-grabbing, mass-murdering, genocidal fucks and WHY they are willing to die just to rid the world of a few more of you socio-parasites!
It’s really too bad some anti-semite hasn’t blown your fucking shit away yet. One day hopefully but until then, feel free to continue your hypocritical hatred of everything white and normal, you fucking kike cunt!

Mark Martin on February 12, 2015 at 1:46 pm

    Really Mark?

    So we are going the antisemitism route to make your point? Wow.. equally disgusting.

    Perrie on February 12, 2015 at 1:55 pm

    Is this the same Mark Martin?


    skzion on February 12, 2015 at 3:47 pm

    Hey Mark, please take this in the spirit it was meant. FUCK YOU!!

    John the infidel on February 12, 2015 at 3:49 pm

    Oh, look some honest anti-semites have finally arrived.

    thatsallfolks on February 12, 2015 at 4:55 pm

    Debbie’s ass is not fat. It’s very nice and more attractive than your face.

    JayPee on February 12, 2015 at 8:16 pm

    1) Antisemitism is not the same as anti-zionism. That’s like saying someone who prefers democracy to socialism hates ALL people who live in a socialist state. Some idiots here will say it’s the same, but it most definitely is not.

    2) Hamas are in no way connected to ISIS. ISIS= Islamic State of Iraq and Seria, there’s no Palestine there. Also the Gaza Strip does not have government, therefore they do not have military,so if they’d like to defend themselves their tactics would have to be more “barbaric” as opposed to killing you quickly with bombs! How uncivilized, where are their manners?

    3) Debbie your take on Judaism is as ugly as the disgusting anti-Semite trash attacking you…and for that I pity you.

    JaneF on February 13, 2015 at 5:25 am

This saddens me. The lack of empathy to another human being is unimaginable to me. Please do not try to portray your values as Jewish values – your words are filled with hate and anger. My Judaism is about healing the world – your life seems to be about finding a wound and cutting it deeper. How sad for you, and for the rest of us who have to live on this planet with you. Please find a way to keep your hate and anger to yourself. Please take your energy and intelligence and use it to bring something positive to our world. Please stop attacking and hurting people and consider the hurt that your words (not just on this topic) have on others who are already in pain. Please have compassion for other human beings. Please learn about Tikun Olam. Please be a better Jew and a kinder human being.

Disgusted on February 12, 2015 at 2:17 pm

    Has, uh, Rabbi Michael Lerner graced us with his presence?

    Little Al on February 12, 2015 at 2:30 pm

    Well spoken, nice to see a civil response in this thread.

    sNaPpPeRHeaD on February 12, 2015 at 3:14 pm

And another telling aspect of these anti-Debbie comments:

not even one of those disagreeing with Debbie has disassociated himself or herself from the vitriol (to use one of the Left’s index words) of the anti-Debbie comments.

Not one of these people has disassociated himself or herself from the sexism, antisemitism or threatening nature of some of these comments.

Perhaps Debbie should report the emails of some of these people to the police.

Little Al on February 12, 2015 at 2:34 pm

How can you be soooo horrible? I see in you those criminal who killed her. I feel revolted that she worked with Hamas but then loath on her death? that is unimaginable. You should feel ashamed. I feel for innocent Israeli live the same I do for innocent Palestinian lives.

tantaman on February 12, 2015 at 2:40 pm

The author of this article should join ISIS, she’d fit right in.

Conservative Blogger on February 12, 2015 at 2:54 pm

The death of this young lady may be a controversy. What is sad is that an obviously well-educated, attractive woman left her family circle and in her disillusionment went to follow her dream. How she could have felt kinship with those who hate so much, and seem to take delight in the slaughter of innocents is a mystery. How tragic her alignment with evil. One can only guess where her spiritual values lay. What is known is that a young soul has departed… and in her wake is left the family that will grieve for her all their days. Judgement of her will be left to The Lord of All Creation.

JohnD on February 12, 2015 at 2:58 pm

The jews can go back to their real promised land in Auschwitz. Fuck Israel.
Rat-faced kosher cunt.
Also, who the fuck would donate any money to your fucking shit blog?

niggerlover on February 12, 2015 at 3:50 pm

That’s a vicious essay, made all the worse by saying and implying nasty things about a girl mourned by her family, friends, and the whole town of Prescott, Arizona, as well as a very great number of Americans. This woman has no heart.
There is no evidence that Kayla Mueller supported military action against Israel or ever wanted harm to come to Israel. Her concern was for Palestinians who got run off land they’d lived on for decades and whose kids endure rock throwing, taunting, and spitting from the settlers who usurped their land and orchards.
Worst of all, Ms. Schussler, as a Jew, violates the highly important Jewish laws of shmirat halashon, guarding of the tongue. A Jew is supposed to hold his tongue from unnecessarily speaking ill of someone, whether what he intends to say is true or untrue. The only circumstances in which a Jew is permitted to speak lashon hara (derogatory speech that is truthful) is to warn a person about someone who is likely to harm him, a bad prospect to enter into business with, or to marry. Making a false and derogatory statement about someone, called motzi shem ra, which I consider Ms. Schussel to have done about Kayla, is particularly bad. Since Kayla was a non-Jew, either lashon hara or motzi shem ra about her is considered a desecration of God’s name, really bad.
So Ms. Schussel should take back these horrible things she has said and not be brazen and obstinate about her behavior.
She should read what the Chofetz Haim said about evil speech in the book Guard Your Tongue, and the commentary about what constitutes sinful conduct and thought in the Artscroll machzor for yom kippur.
She’s way out of line in attacking a young, idealistic girl like Kayla Mueller, both as a Jew and also while so many are grieving Kayla. She needs to learn humility.

BW: I always love when clueless, areligious, liberal Jews lecture me on Jewish law and the Torah and–per usual–don’t know what the heck they are talking about. But they talk anyway to defend HAMASniks like Kayla Mueller. Shmirat HaLashon and what constitutes sinful conduct and evil speech is conduct and evil speech about fellow observant Jews, NOT about this HAMASnik whore (or even about JINOs like you). Has no application in Judaism, whatsoever. In fact, Judaism commands me to tell the truth, which you’d know if you were a Jew before you were a sad brainless male lusting after a fat dead HAMASnik. Go back to your Obama idol worship. Your “Torah” “knowledge” is worth every penny we paid for it. BTW, when I need a rabbi, I’ll go to one, not an idiot. Bye. DS

Bill Winkelman on February 12, 2015 at 4:04 pm

    Unlike most of the Soros termites swarming around Debbie’s post, and indulging their fundamental Jew-hatred, “Bill Winkelman” seems basically literate and has attempted to look up some arguments.

    By her own (dim) lights, Kayla Mueller attempted to “make a difference” to the world at large like so many victims of the government-educational complex. It is only fair that her legacy – for good or ill – be JUDGED accordingly. This is NOT the time or place for soft-headed reticence pursuant to the old motto de mortuis nihil nisi bene (speak only well of the dead).

    Kayla Mueller worked hard toward the PHYSICAL ANNHIHILATION of the State of Israel and its people, and made propaganda to encourage others to do so. This brings her case four-square within the exemption helpfully cited by “Bill Winkelman”:

    The only circumstances in which a Jew is permitted to speak lashon hara (derogatory speech that is truthful) is to warn a person about someone who is likely to harm him …

    It is the DUTY of every person of good will to ridicule and and demean the memory of any terrorist sympathizers and propagandists lest their memory serve to incite and enable even more terror and murder.

    BTW – living as she chose to do among the daily murder and mayhem committed in Syria, did Kayla Mueller SPEAK OUT against Muslim terrorism even ONCE?

    Guardian Angel on February 13, 2015 at 1:54 am

I’m relieved that piece of crap Kayla died like a rat. Jews are always #1 and whoever dislikes us should die and rot under our blessed feet. Shalom

Mica Stein on February 12, 2015 at 4:06 pm

I pray that Debbie gets the worse cancer ever. And I pray that she lives the rest of her short life in misery and pain. Please, God, give Debbie Schlussel cancer.

Mark Stevens on February 12, 2015 at 4:10 pm

I pray that Debbie gets the worse cancer ever. And I pray that she lives the rest of her short life in misery and pain. Please, God, give Debbie Schlussel cancer..

Mark Stevens on February 12, 2015 at 4:11 pm

Wow, as far as this post goes, Kayla Mueller is the successor to Lara Logan! Got all the trolls out of the woodwork.

Infidel on February 12, 2015 at 4:21 pm

This dead numbskull sounds a lot like Rachael Corrie. She was another terrorist apologist who thought that jumping in front of a bulldozer several years ago in order to save a terrorist’s home was a good idea. Good riddance to both of these pieces of human trash. No sympathy for either of them. They both got what they deserved.

Jeff on February 12, 2015 at 4:38 pm

LOL, love all the “sensitive, loving types” who are here to say nasty things about Debbie. Man, do you ever prove her point. As probably Debbie’s most left-leaning fan, this is a perfect example of how the far Left is just as deranged as the Far Right. And to counter all the lowlifes here commenting on Debbie’s personal appearance, as the young ‘uns say “I’d hit it!” Debbie, to me, you’re pretty darn cute!

Stay strong.

cookiebot on February 12, 2015 at 4:42 pm

Hey Debbie: Thanks to you and your fellow Judeo-Fascist Rodents for helping demonstrate that Hitler was right. Keep up the good work.

D Christie on February 12, 2015 at 4:45 pm

I see the dope brigade is still in high dudgeon over important stuff they don’t know or understand. You effers are exactly why we are in the bucket of crap we are.

You all make me sick. You do NOTHING but make me have more contempt for you and you show me that people today are despicable as a whole, hard-headed, retardedly DUMB and so primitive you should all be wearing the furry skins of dead animals. Oooga-Booga all you BOGANS!

Thank goodness for DS and this blog. Count me in as one of her proud readers. I agree with her 100%.

And I want all you Bogans to go to the ME and try to facilitate all that fake love and peace bullsh** you sling. Look at the posts attacking DS in an ad hominem vain…it just SHINES with your rank hypocrisy!

Here, we call it as we see it and we are loud and proud. Get over IT and get the eff out of our way!!!

Skunky on February 12, 2015 at 5:02 pm

Kayla Mueller was a daughter,a friend a peace loving caring person..it breaks my heart that you would use your public forum to spew hate for this girl.You must hate yourself more than anyone knows to be able to be so nasty and hateful to others.It is said that when one speaks as you do it is to make yourself feel mighty.As Kayla’s parents grieve their daughter and her friends remember her as a very special light in this world.I hope you Debbie Schlussel find your heart and know but for the grace of God it could be you daughter,son,family member.Must be very lonely up on the top of the soulless heap.

Mrs R on February 12, 2015 at 5:11 pm

    Kayla Mueller hated Israel just like the people she hung out with and the boyfriend that delivered her to ISIS like a sack of patotoes.
    Understand that and you’ll know what hate means you empty headed spigot.

    thatsallfolks on February 12, 2015 at 7:03 pm

      Kayla Mueller thought hating Israel gave her a ticket to ride in the Muslim world.

      thatsallfolks on February 12, 2015 at 7:13 pm

    I don’t rejoice in Kayla’s murder and don’t share Debbie’s thesis. However, it’s fair to point out that Kayla was an anti-Semite and aided other anti-Semites. It’s fair to point out that she accepted the risk of going to a war zone and suffered the fate associated with that risk.

    There are plenty of people who were murdered yesterday, the day before and the day before that. ISIS has murdered tens of thousands of people. Kayla isn’t special; her murder isn’t particularly newsworthy. Her acts were not particularly noble.

    I have sympathy for her family who bear the grief of her loss. That does not stop me from criticizing her actions and intent. Nor do I ignore the assumption of risk she took going to a hot war zone to aid people who have a manifest culture of Jew-hatred.

    Kayla was an anti-Semite who took excessive risks pursuing her passion. That’s why she died.

    I’m not glad she died, but it’s not like she was run over by a car crossing the street in mid-town Manhattan.


    There is NO Santa Claus (aka TINSC)

    There is NO Santa Claus on February 12, 2015 at 11:46 pm

    Kayla Mueller was a daughter,a friend a peace loving caring person.

    Dear Mrs. R.:

    She was a daughter and a friend and I’m sorry for her parents and I’ve already protested against these tacky posts. But she was not “peace loving.” She supported people who want to violently destroy the same Western Civilization that allowed her to get an education and travel around, in pants, with her face uncovered. A peace loving person is a pro-Israel person. She wasn’t caring either. She didn’t care a rap about the Arab children, that HAMAS uses as human shields in Gaza, or she wouldn’t have supported HAMAS. She didn’t care what agony she would cause her parents, if she got herself killed or kidnapped, or she wouldn’t have gone near Syria.

    Miranda Rose Smith on February 13, 2015 at 2:29 am


If people don’t tone down their hate speech soon it will be all over for the weak and in this case again it is the Jews, this time of Israel, who will suffer.

STEVE on February 12, 2015 at 5:12 pm

Apparently, you were suckled by wolves… and have an overwhelming need for attention. Even if it is negative. I hope your healthcare policy covers mental health, because you should seek help immediately.

Lauren on February 12, 2015 at 5:26 pm

    Lauren, I hope your health insurance covers your upcoming sexual reassignment surgery.

    skzion on February 12, 2015 at 6:45 pm

    I hope you actually have to make do with Obamacare one day and wind up waiting 12 months just to see a doctor for hemorrhoids you little trash talker.

    thatsallfolks on February 12, 2015 at 6:58 pm

      Lauren, what I’m saying is I hope you get what you voted for

      thatsallfolks on February 12, 2015 at 7:21 pm

This article is disgusting. I’m now officially against supporting Israel in any way. This is what pro-Israel looks like, I don’t want to be a part of it. Absolutely disgusting article by a disgusting individual.

kdp on February 12, 2015 at 5:27 pm

    Oh kdipshit, you were always an Israel hater.

    skzion on February 12, 2015 at 6:43 pm

What a sick individual Schlussel is. Kayla Mueller fought injustice, Schlussel is no more than a Jewish Nazi.

Tony Greenstein on February 12, 2015 at 6:18 pm

Stay Classy, America.
ps: you’re a cow.

T on February 12, 2015 at 6:25 pm

Dear Debbie Shit-for-brains,

You are a hateful piece of shit. You might want to thank God it wasn’t you or one of your demented spawn that suffered the same fate as Kayla. You’re cruel and since I’ve never heard of you until today, I’m guessing fairly irrelevant.

See you in Hell, Hater.

Stacia on February 12, 2015 at 6:26 pm

    Poor, moronic Stacia has just admitted that she expects to be in hell. I happen to agree.

    skzion on February 12, 2015 at 6:42 pm

    People will have less chance winding up in Kayla Mueller’s predicament reading this article thought won’t they Stacia?
    Isn’t that what really gets your goat?

    thatsallfolks on February 12, 2015 at 7:25 pm

    All your fine sentiments aren’t worth dog food and you can’t forgive anybody for reminding you of it.
    Not even ISIS makes you feel quite as inadequate do they?

    thatsallfolks on February 12, 2015 at 7:27 pm

‘Buh-bye, Kayla. Have fun with your 72 Yasser Arafats.”

Yeah, out of those 72 Arafats maybe a few of them might do Kayla; if they were really bored that is. Otherwise the paradise Arafats, like the earthly Arafat, would much rather get their jollies with boys. Come to think of it they might askew girls altogether in paradise since they wouldn’t have to worry about getting AIDS from the bacha-bazi boys there like the earthly Arafat did.

corncoleo on February 12, 2015 at 6:43 pm

Debbie you are a horrible horrible person that is all.

Stephen Black on February 12, 2015 at 7:00 pm

Not much support for you or your kind going on here. Horrible article by the way. More like a high school bully hate letter. Keep working on your blog though, you’ll need the donations. Doubt there’s much call for an attorney with an attitude like your’s.

Joanna on February 12, 2015 at 7:08 pm

    Keep barking puppy. You and Lauren should get a room together.

    thatsallfolks on February 12, 2015 at 8:30 pm

I like Debbie. Without rodents like her, a lot of people would never give Hitler a second thought. Now, his image is undergoing a revival – all thanks to the big mouths of scum like Debbie. Keep up the good work, Debbie.

D Christie on February 12, 2015 at 7:25 pm

Those who didn’t know what Kayla Mueller was all about need just look at the comments of her supporters.

skzion on February 12, 2015 at 7:27 pm

This woman was OBESE. Surely many of her problems, her need to be accepted, stemmed from that.

If she’d only put down her fork, she may have had a boyfriend, and wouldn’t have had to join fringe groups to find “acceptance.”

Any American who gives aid and comfort to our Enemies is not a hero.

Robert on February 12, 2015 at 8:28 pm

Regardless of Kayla’s (speculative) political beliefs, she clearly wasn’t a bitch.
But Debbie Schlussel has left no doubt that she is.

Jenna Alan on February 12, 2015 at 8:38 pm

If I were you Debbie I would kill myself rather than go through life knowing that I am a miserable cow that deserves to be strung up from a tree for the horrid shit that I speak. You are clearly a sociopath who needs a fat slap on the ear.

Just a guy on February 12, 2015 at 9:14 pm

What a surprise!

The minute I heard about this, I knew she was a “bad-guy”.

I don’t rejoice in anyone’s murder. However, this person was an anti-Semite and she wasn’t the only human being murdered yesterday (or the day before… or whatever).

The State Dept. issues all kinds of travel warnings. Here we have an anti-Semite going to a war zone and the news media tells us that we’re supposed to feel sorry for her when she gets killed.

The State Dept. doesn’t warn anyone to wander south of 8 Mile Road, but most people kinda know that. Here’s someone who goes to a war zone and we’re supposed to react as though there was no assumption of risk.

I don’t see it that way.

I don’t agree with the thesis of Deb’s column because she expresses joy in the murder of a human being. That being said, we all have priorities and when it comes to murder, we have enough in the USA without lamenting the death of an anti-Semite who took foolish risks to aid other anti-Semites.

Gotta call ’em like I see ’em.


There is NO Santa Claus (aka TINSC)

There is NO Santa Claus on February 12, 2015 at 10:57 pm

Debbie, you’re an idiot. Only in the GOP can you find such haters like yourself taking the podium. Just stop. Whatever you’re thinking of doing today…just stop. Look into a mirror and tell yourself – I’m a hating bitch and people hate me. I speak ill if the dead, I vomit garbage into the public domain and I love it. You better do, cause the rest of us certainly don’t.
Go fuck yourself

Absurtidy on February 13, 2015 at 12:21 am

To put simply, and bluntly. You are the bitch. You are an abhorrent person, and probably not even human. FU!

Dave on February 13, 2015 at 12:32 am

‘I’ll say, I think she’s incinerated.’

Good grief. Is there a vacuum where your heart should be?

Louise on February 13, 2015 at 1:52 am

As usual the uninformed left, shows their hatred and ignorance. First of all, there is no difference between the National Socialist German Workers Party, and the Communist Party. According to Harvard’s and Trinity College at Oxford’s studies done in in the early 40’s. Both reached the same conclusion, that in THEORY and in PRACTICE, National Socialism and Communism are IDENTICAL. The muslims supplied troops to aid the National Socialists in WW2. Mein Kampf (or My Jihad) is the 2nd best selling book in the m/e muslim countries. Hitler is routinely called Saint Hitler by peace loving islamists. The left has always hated HaShem, that’s why they hate Jews. The muslims divide the world into 2 spheres, dar al harb (the world of war) and dar al islam (the world of islam). The muslim “religion” is one of world domination. Women are to be treated “the same as your slaves”, homosexuals are to be put to death (unless they are imams and mullah pedophiles). People on the left have much in common with islamists. Both covet a totalitarian government, both practice taqquiya (holy lying to further their cause). The list is endless. As you on the left want to accept dhimmitude and pay the jizyah, those of us who would rather be free and hungry instead of well fed slave will continue to sound the shofar of truth. Please study for yourselves, instead of taking someones word for it. Wake up.

300 Yrs in America on February 13, 2015 at 1:52 am

Well…she finally did it. I thought she was garbage after she posted about Norway but now she outdid herself…and finally put an end to her career. Sure won’t be hearing again from her. Even a holes like Joel Pollak who also posted vile things about Kayla are trying to distance themselves…love that he’s now posting “but she hates me too…waaaaaa”

Debbie Schlussel is a walking talking hate crime.

Frumpycat on February 13, 2015 at 2:25 am

Her concern was for Palestinians who got run off land they’d lived on for decades and whose kids endure rock throwing, taunting, and spitting from the settlers who usurped their land and orchards.

Dear Mr. Winkelman:

It’s the Jews who get run off land. Ever hear of Gaza? Ever hear of Amona? It’s the Jewish children who get stoned, have Molotov cocktails thrown at them, get shot at.

Miranda Rose Smith on February 13, 2015 at 2:40 am

The posts in this thread – over 500 at present – are a fascinating example of leftard piranha tactics in action.

Most of the Soros termites posting here clearly had never visited the site and did not trouble to read Debbie’s blog post. Nonetheless, it is clear that they were operating in a concerted manner based on prepared instructions and talking points.

More saddening is the appearance of more sophisticated, high-brow agents such as Perrie Halpern and “Bill Winkelman” with their carefully contrived “more in sorrow than in anger” shtick.

Don’t fall for these suave swindlers.

Whether they are paid agents or merely useful fellow travelers is ultimately irrelevant. What stands out that – despite Halpern’s noisy objection to one particularly obnoxious leftard – both Halpern and “Winkelman” refuse to condemn outright the crass anti-Semitism of their fellow leftards.

Guardian Angel on February 13, 2015 at 3:10 am

How can she be anti semitic when arabs are semitic?
Jews of today are NOT semitic!
Get it right!

VRIL on February 13, 2015 at 3:20 am

I have had the guts to read the comments for fear of how many people agree with the crazy person that wrote this article. She and people like her are one of the reasons people dislike America. To celebrate a persons murder fits in well with Isis which this blogger seems to share much similarities to.

Neil Wood on February 13, 2015 at 5:23 am

Am just speechless in front of this post and comments…A girl had beliefs and went on to fight for…she stood up against injustice that none of you considers as such…people fighting for their independence are considered as terrorists ( Palestinians) and invaders are supported…I’ve always condemned those beheaders of ISIS but I also condemn those who created and are financially supporting those terrorists, ask the CIA who helped elQayda..have they ever showed the allegedly weapons of mass destruction found in Irak and everybody knows what happened after…it’s crystal clear that KSA, Qatar are the Fortknox of these terrorist groups and they are the closest allies of the United States…it’s all about oil and money nothing less nothing more.

Diraf on February 13, 2015 at 8:34 am

I cannot believe the author is allowed to write such hatred, no wonder Israel is hated by the rest of the world, this is the gibbering hatred of a Nazi, Shame on your inhuman attitude, I hope your people are dragged through the icc and publicly outed for your vile behavior.

andy on February 13, 2015 at 8:57 am

For dogs dog death!!!

Lion on February 13, 2015 at 9:11 am

Hating JEWS is one thing. After all it has been the sport of Muslims And the planet for tens of centuries.
But how did a Christian like her stand with palestinians whose charter calls for an apartheid state free of Christians and Jews?
How does a Christian stand with palestinians who beat up nuns, preists and burn curches to the ground.
So much for her noble cause. A little homework into the hatred of her reviled palestinians and their terror agenda she probably would be alive today.

OlderNdirt on February 13, 2015 at 9:31 am

    Older, good point.

    skzion on February 13, 2015 at 10:21 am

    Don’t listen to this quack. A Christian condemning a Christian with no proof.

    Jesus does not approve of this. Jesus would let Kayla into heaven for sticking up for human lives, regardless of which team she played for.

    Even Christians don’t fucking understand Christianity. Jesus Christo!

    Samuel Amann on February 13, 2015 at 11:02 am

      “Samuel,” you’re a Muslim hiding his faith. Muslims officially believe that Christians falsified their own texts–that the original “Christianity” was Islam.

      In fairness, though, it is true that Middle East “Chrisians” are a very mixed bag, being of pre-reform Catholic stock.

      skzion on February 13, 2015 at 12:04 pm

        Muslim hiding his faith? Bitch, please. I don’t bother relying on fucking religion to justify my actions or beliefs; I believe what the fuck I want, and as a child of this day and age, that pretty much makes me eternally set for better success than you.

        Get out of the 1200’s. These aren’t crusades. But, still, people like you are definitely the problem with America. You think you can hide behind Christianity, or Judaism, or Islamaphobia, for that matter, but I’ll side with the agnostics and aetheists; at least they don’t kill in the name of the “Lord.”

        But, hey, you probably also pay the GOP donations, and stream Palin speeches to your Apple iPad2, while cursing the lazy black man and blaming Muslims, all 1.6B, for the problems caused by a few.

        FYI ISIS was paid and built up by the US in 2012, 2013. Then they cut the strings and told us to fuck off. Guess you never saw the picture of McCain shaking hands with them.

        You ‘believers’ are affable, to say the least.

        Samuel Amann on February 13, 2015 at 3:15 pm

          Oh BITCH, do you think you’re fooling any of us here?

          Your language is from the gutter. You also tend to misuse words when you stray out of gutter vernacular. For example, you use “affable” when you mean “gullible.”

          I see that you are regular troll on Glenn Beck and CNN. Here’s what you said a year back regarding Justin Bieber’s arrest for DUI (he was underage and therefore any alcohol in his system would make him qualify) and drag racing:

          WHO CARES. The world would be better if he had pulled a Paul Walker.

          In other words, you have no problem publicly fantasizing and wishing for the death of an admittedly annoying teenage celebrity, but you go all high dudgeon when it comes to a chick who walked with, screwed, and advocated for Hamas. That tells us what your real “values” are.

          skzion on February 13, 2015 at 4:32 pm

Israel is always right. And anyone who doesn’t support them, might as well be an enemy of the US themselves, “American” or not. Debbie Schlussel, your toxic rhetoric and baseless accusations, as well as AngloZionist illuminatism, shows the world you know extremely little about balance, rights, or freedom. You remind me of most Libertarians; live and let live, so long as I approve of it. Well, I don’t approve of you, or your words, or your website, or your bat-shit NeoCon Fox n Friends propaganda. So too bad, so sad, I really hope you get hit by a bus, or better, strung up by your achilles tendons to bleed out slowly. It is people like you that poison the youth, and distract from the truth. Nobody needs you, or your words. And you talk down on field journalists? I bet you spout your hate, safely locked inside your heated middle-American town of Murfreesboro, TN.

The truth is something you choke on, like that Magic Mike dick you paid for services from. To you, the Ukraine situation is the doing of that ‘evil Putin’ and his ‘plans for world domination.’ Right out of a Saturday morning cartoon plotline, you actually believe the lies the Intelligence Agency and CNN tell you. You watch Fox and forget they aren’t a legally recognized news outlet. You believe Satanyahu can kill all the Palestinians he wants, because HAMAS. You rang the church bell, that’s the Christian church bell, when Charlie Hebdo lost less than 20, but you ignore the 2000 Boko Haram disappeared.

Jesus, if you are real, “strike down with great vengeance and furious anger, those who attempt to poison my brother, and you will know that I am the Lord, when I law down my vengeance upon thee.” See, you aren’t the only one who can quote scripture and make a point. You deserve nothing, and you are part of the problem of society with articles like the above.

Samuel Amann on February 13, 2015 at 10:55 am

To know there are venemous, hateful, sociopaths like you in this country makes me sorry I spent 21 years in the Military as a Ranger defending your right to free speech. You are a Human Being (maybe not) and you have not the slightest idea what death truly is do you? I fought in 4 wars in my time in the Military – Panama, Desert Storm, Somalia and Iraq/Afghanistan and I have seen death. No one should be able to say those hateful things about even their enemies. I never wished death on anyone, even while I was defending my own and my friends lives. You are less than human and have no place being able to publish such hateful drivel. SHAME ON YOU!!!

Steve Sheffer on February 13, 2015 at 11:10 am

    Thank you. I’m appalled she gets away with this, but not surprised.

    I thank you for your dedication and service to the people of this country. Please do not regret the time you fought for us, worthwhile people.

    But if people like you and me don’t shame these abominations of ‘Americans,’ we’ll never stop this madness. HUA.

    Samuel Amann on February 13, 2015 at 3:17 pm

    I spent 21 years in the Military…
    Your post itself is proof that you’re a liar. You’re a hipster and a jackass.

    DS_ROCKS! on February 13, 2015 at 3:55 pm

    Steve Sheffer, stop lying about your history. You’re just a punk.

    skzion on February 13, 2015 at 4:08 pm

That was the most awful thing I have ever heard. How sad to know we have to share this planet with such a horrible woman that speaks ill of a young woman that gave everything she had to help. If there really is a Jesus, she is in his arms.

Laurie on February 13, 2015 at 12:41 pm

    A dead antisemitic pig.

    Vivarto on February 13, 2015 at 2:04 pm

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