February 1, 2015, - 10:38 pm

Where is Marshawn Lynch’s Father? You Can Probably Guess the Answer

By Debbie Schlussel

Where is Marshawn Lynch’s father? You can probably guess the answer, since it’s sooooo typical in today’s NFL. He’s absent and always has been. And he’s serving his latest prison sentence. This time it’s a 24-year stay in the big house.


So, now, the Super Bowl is over, and the New England Patriots won. And Lynch’s Seattle Seahawks weren’t victorious. But Lynch, the Seahawks running back who answered all media questions with, “I’m just here so I won’t get fined,” lost something far more important. Like many NFL players today, he had no father in his life. His father was an absentee sperm donor and drug addict who was in and out of prison doing time for crimes he committed to get drug money. Sadly, this is the norm in Black America and quickly becoming more and more the norm in White America, which slavishly follows the trends in the hip-hop culture, constantly pimped in the media and pop culture as the thing to do. It’s sad, and it’s taking a tremendous negative toll on America in every aspect.

Marshawn Lynch is playing himself in a movie about his life, titled “Family First the Marshawn Lynch Story,” and a list of roles to featured in the film has a noticeable omission. There is no father. Lynch’s dad, Maurice Sapp, is serving a 24-year sentence for burglary and been convicted six times, twice on felonies — grand theft and burglary — according to records reviewed by USA TODAY Sports. He is absent from the movie that’s in post production, just as he was absent from much of Lynch’s life. . . .

Lynch and Sapp last spoke by phone a few months ago. This week Sapp called USA TODAY Sports from Tallahatchie County Correctional Facility in Tutwiler, Miss., used by California because of its overcrowded prisons. He declined to comment and referred questions to [his sister Bernice] Feaster, who said she speaks frequently to her 53-year-old brother. “He wants a better relationship with Marshawn, but he doesn’t want Marshawn to think he’s reaching out to him just because he’s a famous football player,” Feaster said. “That’s a sticky situation.”

The situation, according another of Lynch’s aunts, Sarah Bridges, has been strained since the separation of Sapp and Lynch’s mother, Delisa Lynch, in the early 1990s. They said their brother had begun to steal from Lynch’s mother to support his drug habit that led to criminal behavior. . . . Over the years, he was arrested on the charges including unlawful transportation, distribution and importation of marijuana; possession of narcotic paraphernalia; grand theft and burglary.

Feaster said although her brother was well liked and talented, he was notoriously unreliable — especially when he’d made plans with Lynch. She said she thinks that contributed to Lynch’s distrust of people. “I think that does have a part in it because Marshawn would be sitting there and he’d be anxious waiting on his dad,” Feaster said. “Sometimes his daddy would show up, and sometimes he wouldn’t.

I can’t even imagine what that would be like. I was lucky to have a great father who was very involved in my life. And the Super Bowl was full of ads about caring fathers (except for the strange Nissan ad featuring the old Harry Chapin ditty about an absentee dad).

But, again, sadly, America is being ripped apart by serial babydaddies and babymamas who don’t take responsibility to be in the lives of the children they produced.

And Marshawn Lynch is lucky that he succeeded and became a multi-millionaire. How long will his money last? Many of the kids of absentee dads repeat the cycle and they also spend money like it’s water. How many kids out of wedlock does Lynch have? So far, he’s supposedly child-free, though there is a rumor that his girlfriend is pregnant with his kid.

And there’s plenty of info on his legal troubles, including having his license revoked after he was involved in a hit and run accident, hitting a woman with his Porsche and leaving the scene. And he was arrested for driving under the influence in 2012. And he already throws oodles of money away on expensive, precious metal mouth grills a/k/a “grillz”, including one that is has a Seattle Seahawks theme.

In 2011, Lynch signed a four-year, $30 million contract. Ten years from now, will Marshawn Lynch still have any of the money he made in the NFL? If the answer is no, you can blame that in part on the culture in which he was brought up . . . and in which he wasn’t brought up with a dad in the picture.


Marshawn Lynch & His Dad, Maurice Sapp

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13 Responses

At least Marshawn wasn’t as boneheaded as that bonehead Wilson – showing off, I suppose – with a boneheaded pass at the 2 yard line, ten seconds and two downs left. What a jacka$$ – heh.

DS_ROCKS! on February 1, 2015 at 11:27 pm

Great story. If he has no children and just one on the way, he’s way behind the curve for who he is. Props to him so far. Hope he is the dad to his kids that he never had in his life.

NE Patriot on February 2, 2015 at 12:37 am

It is very hard to break out of that cycle once you are locked into it. Marshawn Lynch already seems to be having some problems. Hopefully, those past mistakes will not become a habit.

Worry on February 2, 2015 at 9:14 am

This website is disgusting

Tord on February 2, 2015 at 10:58 am

    Why are you here? Are you disgusting, as well? Just asking.

    JeffT on February 2, 2015 at 12:23 pm

If this site is “disgusting” then I am proud to be a regular, Tord.

You can think it reeks ’til the end of time but it STILL will have not done a modicum of the damage absentee sperm-donors & very selfish baby mamas do. Just ask ANY kid who was/is cursed with having non-married parents and absentee Mums and Dads.

Why don’t you concern wankers open your eyes and see where the REAL damage and “DISGUSTING” things happen? We all will be long gone when the stats finally come out on the TRUTH of not having an intact (married heterosexuals) and loving family does to a child in all stages of their lives.

Too bad the Pats won. My fun would have been ruined anyway as there is a huge storm here in Boston and I would not be able to see the long faces had they lost. Womp.

The Black community better wake up. This kind of filth robs them of their inherent AMERICAN freedoms and liberties and I don’t know what is worse…following the sick template into the sh** bin or trusting frauds and charlatans that want them to stay down in the filth for their own power and edification.

Skunky on February 2, 2015 at 1:17 pm

Excellent as usual, Skunky. You point up the misery loves company philosophy of the left very well. With the American left, instead of everybody in to the pool, it’s everybody in to the cultural toilet they are making of “this once great republic.”

Alfredo from Puerto Rico on February 2, 2015 at 1:51 pm

Why don’t you give equal time to football star player Richard Sherman and his father Kevin, who is still working as a sanitation worker? Richard Sherman’s father taught his kids to never quit, which is why Kevin Sherman is still hard at work and two years shy of retiring and earning a pension. While focus on the negatives is important, repeated failures to look at the positives is an indicator of bias.

Ralph Adamo on February 2, 2015 at 2:01 pm

Yes, Ralph, and Richard Sherman got his degree from Stanford, and still behaves like a mouthy jerk. There are examples of class actis in Football: Manning, Staubach, Luck, Dalton come immediately to mind.

Marshawn’s life will be headingdown the tubes. It really isn’t all that hard to stay on the straight and narrow with regards to drugs and alcohol, and he already has one DUI.

Increasingly, though, the NFL stands for National Felons’ League.

Occam's Tool on February 2, 2015 at 2:08 pm

Manziel is now in rehab.

Hopefully, he will grow out of punkdom. Actions speak louder than words, though.

Occam's Tool on February 2, 2015 at 3:44 pm

Why attack the man? He plays football, he does his job, he refuses to talk to the media, and he gets condemned. Is it his fault his father was a dirtball. How come no one here can pat the man on the back for making something of himself?

Do you know his spending habits? Why assume the worst? Why assume he is going to go broke? This is too negative for no reason at all.

The people attacking Sherman, who cares, he makes the game fun. He isn’t a pantomime. Stop being so sensi.

Now be my guest to judge Warren Sapp, he’s been a dirtball for a long long time.

Why Judge the Man on February 3, 2015 at 7:29 pm

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