December 8, 2014, - 3:36 pm
EXCLUSIVE: Ali in Top 100 Male Baby Names for 6th Yr Since 9/11 – Hezbollahstan, USA
The name, “Ali,” has made Michigan’s top 100 male names for new babies for the 6th year since the 9/11 attacks, proof that Michigan’s Shi’ite Muslim population is growing and taking over. The Social Security Administration–which tracks names of new babies born and registered with a Social Security number–just released the 2013 list on which Ali is number 99, with 123 new baby boys given that name.‘s exclusive research shows that Ali has been in the top 100 male names for most years since the 9/11 attacks, signalling that nothing was done at the border after the attacks . . . except for opening it wider. In 2012, Ali was number 88 on Michigan’s new male baby names, with 128 new male babies born with the name Ali. In 2010, Ali was 94 on the list, with 122 new Alis born in Michiganistan. In 2006, Ali was ranked 90th in new baby boys’ names in Michigan, with 143 Alis born. In 2003, Ali was the 94th most popular new baby boys’ name in Michigan, with 133 of them born. In 2002, Ali was ranked 84th, with 149 new Alis born.
(Keep in mind that there are likely even more Alis born in these years, because many of them are anchor babies born to illegal aliens who don’t register them with the Social Security Administration.)
You’ve likely heard that the name, “Muhammad,” is now THE TOP male baby name in Great Britain. But this isn’t about the once-Great Britain. This is about America, where some idiots thought Islam would not be a threat or that the threat would take several generations to materialize here. Not so. And this is about Michigan, where Shi’ite Muslims–the vast majority of whom openly support Hezbollah, which murdered hundreds of Americans in jihad–are rapidly growing in population and have already taken over at least two cities politically.
Ali is usually a Sh’ite name (though some Sunnis have the name, such as the former Cassius Clay a/k/a Muhammad Ali). Ali was Mohammed’s son-in-law (and cousin), and is a revered guy in Shia Islam. Shi’ite Muslims consider Ali to be the first imam after Mohammed and the first male to convert to Islam. He’s also believed to be the only male to be born in the Kaaba, that silly “holiest” site in Islam in Mecca, where they circle around a large black rock (and yet somehow believe Jerusalem is theirs, too, because they want it all).
This isn’t just a Michigan phenomenon, either. The name Ali has remained steadily in the top 400 names in America every year from 2000 to 2013, the last year for which complete data is available from the Social Security Administration. See the graphic, below.
And Alis are even marrying into the Jewish population. Recently, I saw this obituary from a Jewish funeral home which caters mostly to Orthodox Jewish families. And it appears the deceased is an Orthodox Jewish woman. But check out whom her daughter married: a guy named Ali. Yup, another stupid Jewish womb donor for the jihad. Another Va-JINO (my term for female Jews In Name Only). I see more and more of these (also many of these chicks marry Mohammeds, too).
So, why is this important? Well, if you are worried about Iran and Iranian-backed terrorist groups like Hezbollah and HAMAS, then you should be very worried about the proliferation of Alis in America. For every Ali, there are also plenty of Husseins, Hassans (both Hussein and Hassan are prominent Shia names), and their wives (multiple wives), babymamas through mut’a (temporary Islamic marriages in Shia Islam, usually for sex), children, and grandchildren. People named Ali are very likely to support Hezbollah and Iran (and HAMAS, too). They aren’t moderate people, generally.
These Shi’ite Muslims have already overtaken Dearbornistan and Dearbornistan Heights, Michigan, to the point where they elect terrorism-supporting judges and non-Muslim dhimmi judges who mete out “justice” according to what favors Islamic parties and aids and abets sharia. And they are coming to your cities and suburbs next . . . if they aren’t there already.
Do you think America will oppose Iran when it is infected with a growing population of Alis and their ever-expanding kin? Think again. The federal government already turns a blind eye to Hezbollah operations in Southeastern Michigan because of the large Shi’ite presence and accompanying grievance theater.
And it will only get worse.
Taking bets on how long it will take Ali to leave the top 400 names in America and approach the top 100 names. Here’s a tip:
It won’t take as long as you think it will.
And the name “Muhammad” is the 422th most popular male baby name in 2013, jumping 544 positions since 1976.
Using linear regression, Ali would be the 9th most popular male baby name in 2042.
Rodrigo Veleda on December 8, 2014 at 5:51 pm