November 25, 2014, - 7:49 am
“Post-Racial” Season’s Greetings From Ferguson
It’s trite but true: a grand jury would indict even a ham sandwich. And yet a grand jury that met for 25 days over three months didn’t indict Ferguson, Missouri police officer Darren Wilson. And this with race-obsessed professional racist, Attorney General Eric Holder, pulling the strings, running the show, and breathing down their necks.

So, what does America–“post-racial” America with Obama (the false declarer of the claimed state of post-racialism) as President–get in response? Despite Obama’s empty lip service pleas, the predictable race riots, 150 gun shots, none of them from police–police and a National Guard who were essentially castrated into tear gas users. Gunfire so bad a no-fly zone had to be instituted like a war zone in Afghanistan or Iraq.
The photos showed Wilson was beaten and bruised. The testimony showed that many of the backers of Michael Brown, the “gentle [violent] giant,” didn’t actually see what they claimed they saw. They admitted to it and/or changed their stories. Still others were caught in lies and refused to change their stories in the face of concrete evidence and overwhelming testimony that Wilson was the victim, NOT Brown.
But, no matter what, don’t confuse the race mobs and their race merchants-in-chief with the facts. They don’t want to hear it. They’re too busy in “peaceful” protest burning down strip malls–many of which are filled with stores owned by their fellow minorities. Too busy setting police cars on fire and wilding all around because they want “justice” that consists of exactly non-justice.
Darren Wilson did everything right. He was a good and dedicated police officer who treated a criminal thug the way criminal thugs who try to beat police officers and may take their guns, should be treated. Black police officers treat Black criminals this way on the streets of Detroit and other urban settings every single day. But skin color is the ONLY thing that matters, that mattered here, in Obama’s “post-racial” America that is at the same time Eric Holder’s “cowards about race” America. We know who the cowards are. It’s the people burning and shooting up the streets like babies who didn’t get their way, “grown” babies equipped with high-tech killing toys.
We saw how the gang of “gentle giants” behaved last night. How they behaved for months in order to bully officials and the grand jury, etc.
But there should never have been a grand jury. And if skin tone of the beaten and bruised cop weren’t different from the aggressive now-dead criminal, there never would have been one. If the race merchants–from Jackson to Sharpton to Crump to, yes, HAMAS CAIR (which regularly ignores slavery of Blacks by Arab Muslims all over the world–many of these masters are CAIR patrons)–hadn’t whined in their regular grievance theater stage, there never would have been a grand jury.
Still, the grand jury inaction against Darren Wilson won’t help any. He’ll never get his life back. He’s had to do a disappearing act. He’ll never be able to be a cop again or set foot on the streets of Ferguson . . . or many other places in America. Darren Wilson followed his training and followed the law and did what he had to do to preserve his own life. And, yet, for many intents and purposes, that life is over, even though he is still alive. There are death fatwas against him. And always will be. And criminals went free. The Washington Post reported that a drug dealer Wilson arrested went free because Wilson–out of concern for his own safety–couldn’t appear in court to testify against him. So did other felons. Congrats, race mobs, you helped put another drug dealer and more violent criminals back on the streets to deal to your kids. But, hey, I guess that’s not a big deal if you can get Whitey.
The pictures and the testimony the grand jury saw (and we didn’t for months) said it all. But I didn’t need that to know the ultimate truth:
America is not better off without police officer Darren Wilson off the streets and now in fear and hiding.
But America is definitely better off without Michael Brown, the actually not-so-gentle giant.
One morning late last month, a St. Louis courtroom filled up with prosecutors, lawyers and press who wondered if they’d catch a glimpse of a vanished man. The man, police officer Darren Wilson, hadn’t been seen in public since Aug. 9, when he shot and killed an unarmed black teenager and found himself in a wave of national fury. But here, at this unrelated preliminary hearing, Wilson had incentive to appear. He’d been asked to to provide testimony against an alleged low-level drug dealer — somebody he’d wrestled to the ground and handcuffed 20 months earlier, in an arrest that won him a Ferguson city commendation. Now Wilson just had to recount the story to a judge.
The courtroom players took their places for just one in a series of rapid-fire hearings. A few minutes passed. The judge called the defense attorney and prosecutor into whispering range, and soon it became clear: Wilson wasn’t going to show, his absence emblematic of a remarkable period in which the central character of an explosive national story has gone totally dark. Judge Mary Schroeder then dismissed the drug case for what she called a “failure to prosecute.”
“The defendant and I, we walked out the door, said, ‘Thank you, Jesus,’ and shook hands,” said Nick Zotos, attorney for the defendant, Christopher Brooks. “You could not make that case without [Wilson].”With Wilson in hiding, some of what he accomplished on that force is being undone. Days after Wilson no-showed at the Brooks hearing, the St. Louis County prosecutors’ office said that several other pending felony cases were being dismissed because they “could not proceed without the testimony of Wilson.” . . .
With Wilson in hiding, some of what he accomplished on that force is being undone. Days after Wilson no-showed at the Brooks hearing, the St. Louis County prosecutors’ office said that several other pending felony cases were being dismissed because they “could not proceed without the testimony of Wilson.”
I repeat:
America is not better off without police officer Darren Wilson off the streets and now in fear and hiding.
But America is definitely better off without Michael Brown, the actually not-so-gentle giant.

Tags: #Fergusondecision #Ferguson, Darren Wilson, Ferguson, Ferguson Decision, Ferguson Grand Jury, Ferguson Grand Jury decision, Ferguson race riots, Ferguson riots, Michael Brown, race, race merchants, race mobs
Darren Wilson is a decent man – the kind of man who as a police officer does more than arrest suspects – he helps people and saves lives.
But in today’s America, thugs are elevated over heroes and good people are held in utter contempt.
The grand jury did the right thing – it refused to give in to a lynch mob. But for all that, the reasons Ferguson is burning has nothing to do with Wilson.
We live in a country bereft of G-d, of morals and of decent manners. That too, is an America Obama has done much to undermine and remake.
And we see what it looks like and its not a good sight to behold. Wilson may never again work as a cop and that to this country’s profound loss. Above all, the real victim of all this racial Kabuki theater is Black America itself.
NormanF on November 25, 2014 at 8:02 am