October 30, 2014, - 12:02 pm

Malala Yousafzai, Jihadist & Phony Saint, Gives $50,000 to HAMAS; Longtime HAMAS Supporter

By Debbie Schlussel

Malala Yousafzai (also spelled Yousufzai), appointed a saint by the mainstream media and the left–all because she’s Muslim–donated $50,000 from her Nobel Peace Prize to HAMAS in Gaza. The money will be used to rebuild HAMAS-run schools where Palestinian Muslims are taught to hate Jews, Christians, and America. The money will be distributed via UNRWA, the UN agency devoted to Palestinian “refugees,” many of the employees of which double as HAMAS terrorists and all of whose schools feature anti-Semitic, anti-Christian, anti-American hate-filled textbooks. Yeah, that’s peace!


I’ve never ever fallen for the baloney surrounding Yousafzai, the Pakistani Muslim girl who’s been using her story to promote Islam around the world non-stop. She’s used her alleged story–that she was trying to get girls to go to school when Taliban terrorists shot her in the head and she survived–to say that, “this is not Islam,” when in fact that’s affirmatively, definitively Islam. And she’s used her story to promote Islam. I’m not surprised at all that she’s giving the money to HAMAS, as she and her extremist Muslim father, Ziauddin Yousafzai (who runs the show), are not new to their anti-Israel, pro-HAMAS views. The October issue of Glamour Magazine (which honored Malala as one of its 2013 Women of the Year) gushed over her and had this quote:

And no part of the world intimidates Malala. While prepping for her speech in Nigeria, she struggled with how to discuss recent fighting in the Middle East. At one point she looked up at her dad and said, “Father, I think we need to go to Gaza.”

Hint: she didn’t want to go to Gaza to tell them they’re extremists and they should stop showering deadly rockets on Israel or to tell them to stop their terrorism. Nope. She wanted to go there in solidarity with the HAMAS-supporting Palestinians against Israel.

Again, there is NOTHING moderate about Malala. Her views on Islam and non-Muslims are just as extreme as those you’d hear in the typical mosque in Riyadh. They’ve just been whitewashed by the mainstream media, which declines to ask her serious questions about jihad against Westerners and Western values. Education for women–which is what the left wants us to think she stands for–is NOT necessarily a Western value. The school she wanted to attend and get other girls to attend taught the extremist teachings of Islam and anti-Western views. And here’s a tip: there are plenty of “educated” Muslim women all over the world. And THEY. STILL. HATE. US. They still support jihad. They still hate Jews and Christians, but they are educated, so I guess that makes ’em all heroes, right?

WRONG. And the UNRWA-funded schools that Malala is funding “educate” kids exclusively in extremist hate.

Malala is no hero, nor a saint. She’s an extremist just like most Muslim women. Just like all of these Muslim men. If any member of the press dared ask Malala and her guru dad serious questions, I guarantee–if Malala and Abu Dearest answered honestly–you’d be disturbed, but not at all surprised, at what you heard.

Malala Yousafzai, the Pakistani education campaigner shot by the Taliban, has donated $50,000 (nearly £31,000) towards the reconstruction of schools in Gaza. The Nobel peace prize winner, speaking after receiving the World Children’s Prize for the rights of the child in Marienfred, Sweden, on Wednesday, said the money would be channelled through the United Nations relief agency UNRWA to help rebuild 65 schools in the Palestinian territory.

Malala, who now lives in the UK and has her own fund to help small-scale organisations in a number of countries, including Pakistan, told journalists that children in Gaza had suffered from conflicts and war. The money would help children get “quality education” and continue their life, knowing they were not alone and that people were supporting them, she said. . . .

In remarks published on the UNRWA website, Malala said the organisation was performing “heroic work” to serve children in Gaza. She added: “The needs are overwhelming – more than half of Gaza’s population is under 18 years of age. They want and deserve quality education, hope and real opportunities to build a future. “This funding will help rebuild the 65 schools damaged during the recent conflict. Innocent Palestinian children have suffered terribly and for too long.”

No surprise that Malala is not actually peaceful or moderate. As we know, the Nobel Committee has a long history of giving peace prizes out to those who are anything but peaceful. See Yasser Arafat, whom I’m sure Malala and Daddy see as a hero.


From reader Rob in 2013:


This young lady is being used to represent a kinder, gentler version of Islam all over the places. Read the transcript of her speech at the UN Youth Assembly.


Note that she referred Mohammed as the first before Jesus Christ and Buddha and called Islam a religion of peace, humanity, and brotherhood. Barf.I suspect she is being used by the adults to promote the baloneys about Islam. In few years, she probably touts anti-Semitic/anti-Israeli statements as fashionable as it can get.They can put a headscarf and lipstick on a hyena, beautify it and it is still a hyena anyway.



Check out this e-mail promoting Malala, below, which I received a few weeks ago. I think you’ll enjoy my response, which follows:

From: Emily Golomb egolomb@constitutioncenter.orgDate: Fri, Oct 10, 2014 at 1:50 PMSubject: 2014 Liberty Medal Recipient Malala Yousafzai Wins Nobel Peace PrizeTo: Emily Golomb egolomb@constitutioncenter.org, Ashley Berke aberke@constitutioncenter.org

TWEET IT: JUST ANNOUNCED: Malala Yousafzai awarded Nobel Peace Prize; will receive 2014 #NCCLibertyMedal Award on Tues., October 21. @MalalaFund

CONTACTS: Ashley Berke Emily Golomb
Public Relations Consultant Director of Marketing
267-250-5148 215-609-6717
aberke@constitutioncenter.org egolomb@constitutioncenter.org


Youngest recipient in both award histories

Philadelphia, PA (October 10, 2014) – Malala Yousafzai, who will soon receive the 2014 Liberty Medal at the National Constitution Center, was also awarded the Nobel Peace Prize on Friday, along with Kailash Satyarthi, an Indian children’s rights activist. Yousafzai, 17, and Satyarthi were awarded the prize for their work promoting child rights, including the right to education.

“Despite her youth, Malala Yousafzai has already fought for several years for the right of girls to education, and has shown by example that children and young people, too, can contribute to improving their own situations,” the Norwegian Nobel Committee announced. “This she has done under the most dangerous circumstances. Through her heroic struggle she has become a leading spokesperson for girls’ rights to education,” the committee added.

“We are thrilled that Malala Yousafzai has been awarded the Nobel Prize weeks before coming to the National Constitution Center to receive the Liberty Medal,” said National Constitution Center President and CEO Jeffrey Rosen. “Six Liberty Medal recipients have subsequently won the Nobel Prize, and Ms. Yousafzai is the youngest recipient. She is an inspiring advocate for free speech and education around the globe and we are honored to be recognizing her magnificent achievements in Philadelphia on October 21.”

The National Constitution Center will award Malala Yousafzai with the prestigious 2014 Liberty Medal during the 26th annual Liberty Medal ceremony on Tuesday, October 21, 2014 at 7 p.m. The ceremony will take place at the National Constitution Center on Independence Mall in Historic Philadelphia and will be recorded for broadcast on WPVI-TV/6abc. Tickets for the general public are sold out. For more information about the Liberty Medal, visit constitutioncenter.org/libertymedal. Media wishing to attend the Liberty Medal ceremony must complete and return the credential application at http://constitutioncenter.org/libertymedal/downloads/liberty-medal-2014-media-credential-form.pdf.

“It’s an honor to be awarded the Liberty Medal,” said Malala Yousafzai. “I accept this award on behalf of all the children around the world who are struggling to get an education.”

Yousafzai came to international attention at the age of 11 by writing for the BBC about life under the Taliban in her native Pakistan. In October 2012, Yousafzai was the target of an assassination plot by the Taliban and shot in the head as she was returning from school on a bus. She miraculously survived and, undeterred by the continued threats to her life and the lives of her family members, continued to campaign for education.

About the Liberty Medal

The Liberty Medal was established in 1988 to commemorate the bicentennial of the U.S. Constitution. Given annually, the medal honors men and women of courage and conviction who strive to secure the blessings of liberty to people around the globe. Six recipients of the Medal subsequently have won the Nobel Peace Prize. For more information, visit constitutioncenter.org/libertymedal.

About the National Constitution Center

The National Constitution Center in Philadelphia is the Museum of We the People, America’s Town Hall, and a Headquarters for Civic Education. As the Museum of We the People, the National Constitution Center brings the United States Constitution to life for visitors of all ages and inspires active citizenship by celebrating the American constitutional tradition. The museum features interactive exhibits, engaging theatrical performances, and original documents of freedom. As the only institution established by Congress to “disseminate information about the United States Constitution on a non-partisan basis,” the National Constitution Center serves as a Headquarters for Civic Education—offering cutting-edge learning resources including the premier online Interactive Constitution. As America’s Town Hall, the National Constitution Center hosts timely constitutional conversations uniting distinguished leaders, scholars, authors, and journalists from across the political spectrum. For more information, call 215-409-6700 or visit constitutioncenter.org.

# # #

EDITOR’S NOTE: A complete list of Liberty Medal winners follows.

Past Recipients of the Liberty Medal

Hillary Clinton, former U.S. Secretary of State

Muhammad Ali

Dr. Robert M. Gates, former U.S. Secretary of Defense

Tony Blair, former British Prime Minister

Steven Spielberg

Mikhail Gorbachev, former Soviet leader


Bono and DATA


George H.W. Bush and William J. Clinton, former U.S. Presidents


Viktor Yushchenko, President of Ukraine


Hamid Karzai, President of Afghanistan


Sandra Day O’Connor, Associate Justice, U.S. Supreme Court


Colin Powell, U.S. Secretary of State


Kofi Annan, United Nations Secretary-General*


Dr. James Watson and Dr. Francis Crick, co-discoverers of the structure of DNA


Kim Dae Jung, President of South Korea*


Senator George J. Mitchell, Irish peace negotiator


CNN International


King Hussein I of Jordan and Shimon Peres, former Prime Minister of Israel


Sadako Ogata, United Nations High Commissioner of Refugees


Václav Havel, President of the Czech Republic


F.W. de Klerk, President of South Africa* and Nelson Mandela, President of the African National Congress*


Thurgood Marshall, former Associate Justice, U.S. Supreme Court


Oscar Arias, President of Costa Rica and Médecins sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders)*


Jimmy Carter, former U.S. President*


Lech Walesa, founder of Solidarity, Poland

* Liberty Medal recipients who subsequently won the Nobel Peace Prize

Emily Golomb

Director of Marketing

National Constitution Center 525 Arch Street, Independence Mall Philadelphia, PA 19106 T (215) 409-6717

Stay connected 24/7!

Don’t miss the new Constituting Liberty exhibition, opening October 30. Reserve your tickets today: constitutioncenter.org/visit.

Reserve your seat at an upcoming Town Hall program or watch videos of past programs by visiting constitutioncenter.org/debate.

Here’s my response:

From: Debbie Schlussel writedebbie@gmail.com
Date: Sun, Oct 12, 2014 at 12:53 PM
Subject: Re: 2014 Liberty Medal Recipient Malala Yousafzai Wins Nobel Peace Prize
To: Emily Golomb egolomb@constitutioncenter.org

Everyone you’ve given a “Liberty Award” to promotes less liberty, more tyranny, and more Islamic extremism, including Malala. Botton line: Liberty Award ain’t about Liberty. A bunch of assh*les you promote.

Needless to say, the Liberty Award people didn’t respond. I wonder what they’ll say about their awardee’s support for liberty-lovin’ HAMAS. Crickets chirping.

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52 Responses

Riiiiiiight. This isn’t Islam. ‘Cuz after all, the people who shot her for going to school were….WICCANS!

Sean M on October 30, 2014 at 12:58 pm

well written

Aro Korol on October 30, 2014 at 1:05 pm

As I was reading Debbie’s entry, I ran across a few things that prompted ideas regarding commentary. Then, I got to Debbie’s response. Wow. In the immortal words of David Cassidy, . . .

I Think I Love You.


Alfredo from Puerto Rico on October 30, 2014 at 1:19 pm

    WTF are all talking about.

    ed on November 11, 2014 at 12:38 pm

Thank you, DS. I also knew she was a fraud. It’s simple: if she was the real deal she would not be a Muslim going around with a cloth around her head. She would be like Ali Hirsi, Sultan Wafa, Nonie Darwish, etc. But that would require courage.

L: Amen, except for Nonie Darwish, who is a big phony and is in it all for the money and fame. Don’t believe a word she says. She’s a shrieking scammer and con artist just like Hanan Kahwaji Tudor a/k/a “Brigitte Gabriel” and Walid Shoebat. DS

lexi on October 30, 2014 at 1:21 pm

As a friend of mine (who has since died) would have said about this aspect of Malala which, as noted here, no-one ever reports about in the media . . . “Quelle surprise!” Or in other words, up there with such others as Hanan Qahwagi Tudor (a.k.a. “Brigitte Gabriel”) and Nonie Darwish, whose less than savory characters have been documented here in the past . . .

And in terms of this business of “educating” Muslims, there is this old saying I remember from a Jewish activist group: “An educated person is a more dangerous person.”

ConcernedPatriot on October 30, 2014 at 1:30 pm

    Islamic terrorists tend to be well-educated.

    In Israel, its Israeli Jewish taxpayers that enrich their ability to kill Jews while behind bars.

    NormanF on October 30, 2014 at 1:49 pm

    This just shows that even a bullet in the head cannot educate properly a Muslima.

    Occam's Tool on October 30, 2014 at 6:14 pm

      Bingo. You nailed it.

      Not ovenready on October 31, 2014 at 12:26 pm

There are very philo-semitic Muslims.

You’d have to look hard to find them.

Why does the world gush about Malala Yousafzai? Perhaps because its views and hers about the Jews and Israel aren’t all that different.

And given Obama’s low class treatment of Israel, it is any wonder he likes her and why Islamic terrorists in Israel feel empowered to shoot Jews point blank?

We do live in a world where no one cares about truth and justice. The Nobel Prize abandoned that standard a long time ago.

NormanF on October 30, 2014 at 1:46 pm

Go figure.
The “revolution” has had a sex change and facelift. From Che to “she.”
Probably will be special guest at Harvard, UN, Princeton, and visitor to Lincoln’s bedroom.

Sick_Boy on October 30, 2014 at 1:56 pm

She gets an award by deliberately lying about the “Religion of Peace”. Islam is really a religion of tyranny. The Liberty Award is not about liberty. Obama lies about everyting. All fake phony frauds.

Debbie, thanks for your deligence is pointing out the facts.

Panhandle on October 30, 2014 at 2:03 pm

“Everyone you’ve given a “Liberty Award” to promotes less liberty, more tyranny, and more Islamic extremism, including Malala. Botton line: Liberty Award ain’t about Liberty. A bunch of assh*les you promote.”


DS_ROCKS! on October 30, 2014 at 2:25 pm

Former Democratic Governor of Pennsylvania and alleged Jew sponsored the terrorist financier.

The Jihadists think it is “culturally insensitive” to sing America at the US Constitution Center in Philadelphia.
I think it is “culturally insensitive” to give a “Peace” prize to a financial supporter of terrorists.


From pennlive

Malala was in Philadelphia last week to pick up a Liberty Medal. At the ceremony, the National Constitution Center, which gives out the medal, had agreed to play a music video by the 14-year-old daughter of a wealthy car dealer who has given to Rendell’s past political campaigns.

In the song, titled “America,” the girl sings about how lucky she is to live in the U.S., “where the kids are safe.”

Malala was shot in the head by the Taliban over her support of girls’ education and went on to win the Nobel Peace Prize. Her advisers nixed the song hours before the event, Rendell said.

“They came back and said this is culturally insensitive,” Rendell said. “I don’t think it was any anti-Americanism (on their part). I think they just thought it made it feel like America’s the superior nation.”

DS proves why she is indispensable.

bobguzzardi on October 30, 2014 at 2:38 pm

    bobguzardi, Fast Eddie Rendell is not a Jew, but a JINO who maintains the front only to take lots of cash from lots of wealthy–but foolish–Jews in Pennsylvania.

    Rendell has always been a scumbag. When he was district attorney of Philadelphia he prosecuted a furniture salesman named Neil Ferber–an actual Jew–for the Philadelphia Mafia murder of Steve Booras (a hood who didn’t pay sufficient “Street Tax” to the Mafia) and his female companion (“collateral damage”) while they were having dinner at a popular South Philly restaurant. Rendell KNEW that Ferber had no connection to the Mob and that the star witness against Ferber had failed a lie detector test, information that he withheld from the defense. In addition, Rendell’s police goons and a sketch “artist” phonied up a drawing of Ferber to implicate him further.

    Ferber was convicted and was sentenced to death. Only thanks to a very rare breed among the Philly police, John Guinther, and the evidence he collected, did Rendell eventually agree to toss the case–but only after Ferber spent years on death row. The City also agreed to pay Ferber a cash settlement, but the man’s life was ruined and he died shortly afterward.

    Of course, not only did this low life bastard Rendell go on to become Mayor of Philadelphia, but he became a governor as well. You can read a littler bit about this story here:

    Ralph Adamo on October 30, 2014 at 9:25 pm

Panhandle said that ISLAM is a . . .



Oh sure, I can agree with that. It’ll rot your mind, everything and everyone unfortunate enough to get too close to you.

Alfredo from Puerto Rico on October 30, 2014 at 3:00 pm

We should remember this the next time we hear all the claptrap about US troops building ‘schools’ for the people in Afghanistan, Iraq, or wherever else they are made fools of.

Little Al on October 30, 2014 at 3:22 pm

Ok Debbie, thanks for this story, and I’ll be honest with all of you here, about two years ago when this child was nearly killed by Taliban terrorists, I sympathized with her and took her side against what the Taliban jackasses did to her. However though, I had my antithesis with her regards her faith where she kept saying that “Islam is peaceful, beautiful, etc.”, where which it’s NOT, about 60% of Islam is fundamental, violent, etc. (just about ALL organized religions have had their histories of violence and blood on their hands, not just one alone).

And when I heard this story a few days ago, I was cynical of it and had some sketchiness of this decision that Yousafzai allegedly did, by sending money-funded to Palestinian territories, where it went directly towards UNRWA and other Arab con-artists as well, who yes supports Islamic-terrorism, not just against Israel, but against humanity in general. More than likely she knows about this, but lacks the empathy of where precisely the money went to!

Sean R. on October 30, 2014 at 3:35 pm

No, Malala is not some Jeffersonian Democrat. She is just as much of an Islamic Theocrat as her father, who is just cashing in on her fame.

Worry on October 30, 2014 at 4:01 pm

    So in other words Worry, it’s all about the “profit” for not only Malala the teenage-kid, but also her father and possibly her mother as to enrich themselves from a financial perspective to do propaganda speeches, PR-events, et al?

    More like a politician if you ask me, they to do their PR-reasoning(s) for money/profit and could careless for the individual!

    Sean R. on October 30, 2014 at 5:43 pm

Malala is young and doesn’t understand that she’s backing the weak horse.

japple on October 30, 2014 at 4:52 pm

The question to ask her is how is HAMAS different from the Taliban? This woman has been ridiculously over-hyped.

worry01 on October 30, 2014 at 6:15 pm

Malalalalalalalalala just reminds me of another overhyped hero of National Geographic magazine – the green eyed Sharbat Gula, who they caught on their magazine cover during the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan, and revisited her years later.

She too was a big fan of Islam, and by then, was pretty happily doing what Muslimas are supposed to do – get married and breed more Muzzies. The Pakis have pulled off a very good scam here w/ Malala, and the rest of the world has just fallen for it. And like Worry mentions above, the question to ask her is how is Hamas any different from the Taliban?

Infidel on October 30, 2014 at 8:27 pm

I feel shocked and betrayed that Malala Yousafzai is supporting Islamoterrorism. Jimmy Carter and Barack Obama had promised us that she was even more saintly than Mother Teresa. It’s going to take me at least a few days before I’ll ever believe anything those two have to say about anything.

Ralph Adamo on October 30, 2014 at 9:01 pm

In hindsight, that pic of Malala with Obama should have been seen as a warning sign that she wasn’t what she appeared to be.

ConcernedPatriot on October 30, 2014 at 9:26 pm


I guess you gotta educate the uneducated, but this column falls under the “Well DUH!” column for me. Anti-Semitism is a prerequisite for receiving the Nobel Prize in ANYTHING these days. Here’s how bad it is!

A year or two ago, a friend of mine trumpeted on his blog that an Israeli woman had won the Nobel Prize in one of the sciences. (I think it was chemistry or bio-chemistry; something like that.) I sent him an email telling him that anti-Semitism is a prerequisite for receiving the Nobel Prize; that this woman was bound to be an uber-leftwing, hyper-critic of Israel who never served a day in the IDF. A couple of days later, sho ’nuff, every Israeli newspaper was blaring away about her “support for the Palestinians”. We all know what that means.

Here is a summary of the state of affairs: The Nobel Prize Committee has a manifest policy of anti-Semtism. It’s just that simple.


There is NO Santa Claus (aka TINSC)

There is NO Santa Claus on October 30, 2014 at 10:23 pm

TINSC, I understand where you’re coming from when you say that “Anti-Semitism is a prerequisite for receiving the Nobel Prize in ANYTHING these days–Here’s how bad it is!” This is certainly true for what I’ll call the REAL prizes, i.e., those given for science, medicine, finance, economics–not the BS “peace” prizes. The “peace” prizes are pretty much recognized by reasonably intelligent people as a load of politically loaded bullsheis.

And, consistent with your view, if the Nobel committee can manage to find some anti-Israel or leftist stooge who also has contributed something to science, medicine, finance, or economics, they’d hand out a Nobel Prize to that person. However, being anti-Israel or a leftist isn’t a requirement, and, frankly, the Nobel Committee has a great deal of difficulty finding genuine contributors who have that political baggage they desire. You know that the Nobel Committee would be falling all over themselves to hand out an aware to some Muslim scientist if they could, but everybody knows Muslims don’t contribute anything to advance science, medicine, finance, or economics in any shape or form. It’s not part of their society and, in fact, is completely contradictory to their entire cult which greatly values death over life.

So, given the difficulty in finding anti-Israel or leftist professionals that have made genuine contributions to humanity, they ultimately have to award to real contributors and ignore their political angles. Thus, although Jews/Israelis make up only 0.2% of the world’s population, they win about 1/4 of all real Nobel Prizes.

Ralph Adamo on October 30, 2014 at 11:44 pm

    Hi Ralph:

    Thank you for your reply. I disagree with some of your comments. The Nobel Committee has no trouble finding Israel-haters for prizes. The reason Jews make up 1/4 of the recipients is because it wasn’t always that way.

    While Muslims may not have made much in the way of groundbreaking discoveries, I know a few very good and bright Muslim engineers and scientists. Their problem lies in the fact that their countries don’t place a lot of resources into general scientific research. Nor do their countries have home-grown corporations that fund scientific research (for reasons I’m sure we both know and likely agree on).

    There are some non-Jewish/non-Muslim scientists and researchers (one who I knew back in college) who clearly deserve the Nobel Prize but haven’t received them because they aren’t anti-Semitic, and have mentored Jews AND (most importantly) Israelis.

    I wonder where the Nobel Prize committee gets their money for their prizes nowadays. My guess is that there are a lot of petro-dollars involved. If you look at WHEN Jews and Zionists received their prizes, you’ll notice that they were awarded during a period prior to the rise of OPEC and petro-dollar influence. You know what I always say: “It’s always the stinkin’ money!”

    There is NO Santa Claus on October 31, 2014 at 7:55 am

I’ll be honest right here: I initially thought that Malala was a heroine for advocating better education for girls in the Islamosphere and that her shooting was a despicable act that would be considered normal under a weaponized religion like Islam.

It’s fair to say that people deserve education. But it all depends on who is doing the teaching. Nazi Germany made it compulsory: look where it got them.

After following and reading the whole story, all I can say is… “HOORAY FOR TALI-WOOD”.

The Reverend Jacques on October 31, 2014 at 6:59 am

Islam is kind of a tar baby working against intelligent thought.

Occam's Tool on October 31, 2014 at 11:47 am

There is too much hate here. Multiculturalism and tolerance is the only solution.
Peter Jacob

peter jacob on October 31, 2014 at 12:13 pm

Was all shit anyway the donation proved it – when do you reward those who tried to kill you!

NightStalker Aus on October 31, 2014 at 9:09 pm

The nobel “peace” prize became a whore when it was given to arafat-head. It became an old unwanted dried up dying whore when it was given to obama. And in this case, the nobel peace prize is an oxymoroni dead whore: nothing nobel, no peace, no prize.

marlene on October 31, 2014 at 9:36 pm

I never fell for this fraud who shows her devotion to the sharia every day by wearing a headbag.

She’s only upset she got shot in the head for not being allowed to go to the same hate-preaching muslim schools that the men go to.

Now she’s funding Hamas and their schools where they teach muslim kids to hate and kill Jews and Christians, and hide the rockets to carry out these genocidal acts.

It’s a shame this terror supporter and funder survived.
She is vile.

K on November 1, 2014 at 2:16 am

On the money Debbie. Like K says re her continued wearing of the hijab. She’s playing Good Cop standing up to Bad Cop.

Bronson on November 1, 2014 at 5:31 am

So i guess that insulting muslims is all right, but one goddamn word I say about a christian or someone besides muslim will make me a racist person, huh?

Do you think hamas’s goal is bad? it is to make every MUSLIM, not person, a SUNNI MUSLIM. How they do it is indeed terrible, but I do not see why you give a damn about this debbie. You’re like any america. brainwashed, dumb, stupid, and hopeless. People enjoy your stereotype speeches, while I constantly laugh.

Malala may not be the greatest person in the world, but her money her choice.

YourDumbButtWithWeedUpIt on November 1, 2014 at 2:15 pm

    Dumb ass, do you really think we believe that Hamas is only concered with Muslim worship?

    skzion on November 2, 2014 at 1:24 am

    Just curious. What is the significance of the marijuana suppository you claim to be using? I’ve been smoking weed for 40 years, but I really don’t think such extremes are necessary. Is that a Muslim thing?

    Alfredo from Puerto Rico on November 2, 2014 at 1:41 am

Dumb, her money her choice, True. But the press and administration are not treating this as a private matter and they need calling out on the obfuscation and dissimulation they are using to dress up this girl’s situation as something it is not. They are cynically using her to promote their artificial distinction between moderate and extremist Islam, something they do time and again (totally ignoring time and again just about every honest Muslim who will say there is no distinction).

Oswald on November 1, 2014 at 8:11 pm

So clearly by the logic of this moron, the KKK represents every Christian? The groups that have bombed abortion clinics represent every Christian? The westboro baptist church represents every christian? You need to get your fucking head out of your ass you half brained cunt.

Greg on November 3, 2014 at 3:21 am

Mohammed, I mean Greg, one need not go back decades or visit obscure mosques to find the real Islam–it’s all around us. Including your example. That’s why we need to kick you out of the US.

Thanks for playing.

skzion on November 3, 2014 at 10:44 am

BS, she is a Jew, as you can tell by her surname

Giusi on January 22, 2015 at 12:31 pm

This guy also “gets” it.

Nobel peace prize – Right! That should always be a red flag.

just a thought on February 9, 2015 at 7:04 pm

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