August 29, 2014, - 11:06 am
Pierce Brosnan Wants You to Know Chechen Muslims Aren’t Terrorists, America Is – “The November Man”
I used to like actor Pierce Brosnan . . . until I saw his new virulently anti-American movie, pan-Muslim “The November Man.” The cliche-ridden film, which he executive-produced and in which he stars, debuted in theaters this week. The theme of the movie is that America is the villain of the world and that all Chechnyan Muslim terrorist attacks were really perpetrated by the CIA to frame the poor Muslims and help Russia. Huh?

Yup, this is the America that made Irish immigrant Brosnan fabulously rich and famous beyond his wildest dreams. And he repays us with America hatred on the silver screen. America hatred that is absolutely false and defamatory. The silver screen slander is absolutely disgusting.
Did the CIA and America really perpetrate the 2004 Beslan school massacre and not the Chechen Muslims who took over 1,100–most of them children–hostage and murdered 334? Did America and its CIA–and not Chechen Muslims–attack Moscow’s Dubrovka Theater, taking nearly 1,000 people hostage and killing 130 of them? Of course not. Brutal, hardened Chechen Muslim terrorists perpetrated these violent Muslim attacks. And Chechen Muslim terrorists have proudly joined their fellow co-religionists in ISIS for jihad over in Syria and Iraq.
But Pierce Brosnan’s absurd propaganda movie–posing as an action thriller flick–wants you to think that America is behind it all. That’s the central narrative of Brosnan’s latest, America-hating star vehicle–that America wants to set up and frame Muslims to help evil Russian rapists and war criminals gain power in Europe. If anything, in reality, the CIA sets up everyone else against the Muslims, as the agency has been–from its very inception–a pan-Arabist, pro-Muslim, anti-Israel, anti-American organization that would never dream of doing anything like what is done in this movie. Not even close, because the agency would never ever make Muslims look bad to the benefit of everyone else. Just the opposite in fact.
The story: Brosnan is a retired CIA assassin who fought for the good guys and is now retired and outta the biz. But he is drawn back in when a woman is spying for the CIA on a top Russian official (a former general who is seeking to become the country’s President). But the woman is found out and so the CIA murders her (“to get rid of loose ends”) just after Brosnan saves her. It turns out the woman is the love of Brosnan’s life and the mother of his young daughter. She obtained photos of young girls the Russian official raped (all of whom it conveniently turns our are Chechen Muslims).
Brosnan finds out that the shooter who killed his babymama is his young, smart protege, whom he mentored in the CIA and who was his closest friend at the time. The whole rest of the movie involves Brosnan trying to protect a young Chechen woman, whose family was killed by the Russian official, after the U.S. bombed a building and made it look like the Chechen Muslims did it. The Russian official raped the woman for years after that. Brosnan is trying to find which of two top CIA officials (both of whom he used to work with) ordered the terrorist attack to unfairly frame the innocent, victimized Chechen Muslim terrorists.
The movie is James Bond light and, at age 61, Brosnan is still trying to be James Bond, a position from which he was deposed well over a decade ago. This film comes complete with has-been Bond Girl, Olga Kurylenko as the innocent Chechen Muslim who was raped by the Russian general, after her family was murdered by him with the help of America and the CIA.
Like I said, Pierce Brosnan, with this movie, gives a giant F-U to America. And, if he thinks we are so bad–as America is the blatant villain in this movie–why does he still live here and make millions off of the American moviegoing public? Because we’re suckers, and he knows he can get away with it. Nobody seems to care that he made this America-hating movie. Except me and you.
In the movie, the head CIA official who set the whole thing up sums up why he promoted Russians who rape children and did it by blowing up buildings and framing Chechen Muslims:
“East versus West, that’s old news. Us versus the Middle East: I can live with. That’s our fight.”
Brosnan–who looked quite old and haggard in this–has already announced he’s making a sequel to this movie. I can only imagine the premise: that America–not ISIS–is raping, torturing, and murdering thousands all over the world and setting up ISIS to take the blame.
Heck, that’s already the going theory throughout the paranoid Muslim world, which “The November Man” plays right into. And all you need to do is substitute ISIS for Chechen Muslim terrorists in this movie. The message would still be the same:
Muslim terrorists: they didn’t do it, evil America did.
Thanks, Pierce Brosnan, for the tip. Now, go the hell back to Ireland.
**** UPDATE: Since there seems to be some confusion among certain readers, let the record reflect that I’m well aware and have noted on this site and elsewhere many times over the course of my life that the CIA is pan-Arabist/pro-Muslim, and anti-Israel. As I noted in a review of a similar movie in 2008:
“I’m no fan of the CIA, as I believe the agency is pan-Arabist, anti-American, and works counter to the goals of our country. Scholar Laurie Mylroie has written some excellent books on this. This movie essentially makes the same point. Except that the point of this movie is really not about the CIA. It’s against America in general. And that’s why it’s wrong.
I repeat that sentiment with regard to this atrocious movie, “The November Man.” If this movie had portrayed America as setting everyone else up to look bad, in order to help Muslims and make them look good and benefit from it, then this movie would have been accurate. Unfortunately, the movie shows just the opposite, as my review makes quite clear.
Watch the trailer . . .
Tags: Chechen Muslims, Chechens, Chechnyan Muslims, Chechnyans, movie, movie review, Movie Reviews, November Man, November Man Movie, November Man movie review, November Man Review, Pierce Brosnan, Pierce Brosnan Anti-American, Pierce Brosnan Islam, Pierce Brosnan November Man, Pierce Brosnan The November Man, The November Man, The November Man movie, The November Man movie review, The November Man review
Just curious: Did Mr. Brosnan come from the Northern part of Ireland which is still controlled by perenially Jew-hating England? If not, he certainly keeps ideologically after many British “artists” (i.e. Roger Waters, Elvis Costello, Emma Thompson) who have effectively taken the side of jihad against the West.
The other question: Which of the oil-rich Arab petrodollar states, if any, funded this pile of horse manure? (Given Qatar’s ownership of Al Jazeera, and the odious “ImageNation Abu Dhabi” – to say nothing of Prince Alwaleed’s share in the parent of Fox “News”[sic].)
ConcernedPatriot on August 29, 2014 at 11:12 am