November 8, 2005, - 5:14 pm

ICE Supermodel Meltdown: Immigration Leader Plays Personal Secretary to Terrorist

When we last saw ICE supermodel coverboy (a/k/a “Abu Moskowitz”), Immigration and Customs Enforcement Special Agent in Charge for Michigan and Ohio, he was the centerfold of a puff-piece in an internal newsletter for ICE agents–a mash note written in direct response to the reporting on this site about his nefarious activities.
Now, it has come to light that Abu Moskowitz, who is supposed to be investigating terrorist money-laundering and illegal Islamic immigration (but isn’t), is serving as the pseudo-personal secretary to a terrorist. It’s incredible, but true.

Brian Moskowitz: Why did ICE Official Play Personal Secretary to “Former” Islamic Terrorist Imad Hamad?

(Hamadafat artwork courtesy of Preston Taylor Holmes of Six Meat Buffet)

For months, Abu Moskowitz has been whining to any ICE agent or official who will listen that this website has “endangered” his family by mentioning that he lives in the mecca of multi-millionaires, Bloomfield Hills, Michigan. (Why the pretentious Abu M, who earns roughly $140K a year (and whose wife doesn’t work–so how does he afford to live there?), needs to live down the street from wealthy athletes and a woman with her own private jet is another question.) He even repeated his whining to other high-ranking ICE agents when he did a month-long stint at ICE Headquarters. He claims that YOU, the readers of this site–who include many of his fellow ICE agents–will go to his home and attack his family.
Yet, Moskowitz reportedly invited “former” PFLP terrorist and eternal FBI award revokee, , to his home (on more than one occasion, we’re told). If he’s not afraid to invite a terrorist into his home (and we know the exact address–just as “former” terrorist Hamad and his cronies do), he can’t possibly be afraid of you and me.
But it doesn’t end there. You see, Abu Moskowitz has been whining to ICE leaders and fellow agents that one of his subordinate agents told me where he lives. He has used that as an excuse for an abuse of power to find out who is talking to me. But Abu M knowingly lied to ICE officials about that. He knows I did not get his address from any federal agent or employee. (In fact, Moskowitz is a registered voter, owns property, and has a driver’s license, all ways I could have gotten his address in Michigan public records. He is not living off the grid.)
Abu M knows where I got his info–a website that also featured the addresses and info for his buddy, “former” terrorist Hamad, his Assistant Special Agent in Charge, Mick “The Tool Belt Holder” Hodzen, and his incompetent spokesman, Greg Palmore. I know he knows this because, miraculously, one day, his information disappeared from that site. On the very same day, Palmore’s, Hodzen’s, and “former” terrorist Hamad’s info also disappeared from the site.
It appears–since all of these parties’ info disappeared from the site simultaneously, and the site requires a written snailmail letter to do so–that Abu M, his secretary, or one of Abu M’s subordinate agents who are supposed to be enforcing the law, wrote the letter to the website on Hamad’s behalf.
(As we’ve mentioned Hamad is tightly tied to a Southfield, Michigan that openly donated millions to HAMAS and secretly raised funds for insurgents against our soldiers in Iraq. Hamad makes a suspicious yearly trip to Syria and Lebanon and is believed to be involved in money laundering. He engaged in marriage fraud and the government tried to deport him for decades, until Bill Clinton and Janet Reno gave up. Not the kind of guy anyone at ICE should be buddying up with, much less writing letters for.)
We wonder how Abu Moskowitz enjoys being the personal secretary to an (“former”) Islamic terrorist–kinda like Wadih El-Hage was the personal secretary to Osama Bin Laden (and is now in federal prison).
Remember, this is the guy (Abu Moskowitz) who is vying to become national security chief for ICE. YOUR TAX DOLLARS AT WORK.

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4 Responses

THAT SCHMUCK LIVES IN BLOOMFIELD…?(“I’m only a poor corrupt official.”-Claude Raines as Louie Renault in ‘Casablanca’)

jaywilton on November 8, 2005 at 7:51 pm

LOL! at Abu M. saying we have endangered HIM after his deeds you have reported, Debbie.
Abu M., if you get so scared in the USA, try France. I think you’d be a perfect choice as head of the ICE equivalent for France.
Yet another challenge, Abu Moskowitz. Why don’t you respond to these allegations from Debbie on this site or somewhere?

The_Man on November 8, 2005 at 7:53 pm

Maybe Abu M. is on Hamad’s payroll. Otherwise he could have some family money. Either way I’m sure the terrorists of Detroit must think he’s the best Jew since Adam Shapiro.

shleppy on November 8, 2005 at 8:21 pm

Surely they are going to bring charges against him, or is the entire upper hierarchy of ICE completely incompetent. It’s dysfunctional when we need it most. When Dearborn declares itself an independent Islamic state, can we blame Abu?

John Sobieski on November 8, 2005 at 11:37 pm

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