June 25, 2014, - 4:50 pm
Meet America’s “Moorish” Muslims: Islamic Terrorists, Drug Dealers, Deion Sanders’ Ex-Wife
You probably don’t know who the “Moorish” Muslims are. But they are dangerous–terrorists, drug dealers, and assorted other bad apples populate this radical Muslim group that gave birth to the Nation of Islam. And while they live on American soil, they claim they aren’t subject to American law. That was an excuse tried by one of the religion’s adherents when he was convicted in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing.

Moorish Muslims Include Convicted Al-Qaeda Terrorist Clement Rodney Hampton-El; Drug Dealers Earnest Proge, Carlos Power & Eric Powell
The Sunni Muslim sect has been in the news of late because of a trial for three major drug dealers and a divorce case involving a famous athlete. But Islam is never mentioned in the news reports, nor is the dangerous nature of this brand of Islam, like most others. Recently, former pro athlete Deion Sanders’ ex-wife, Pilar, filed papers in court stating that she’s a “Moorish National Aboriginal” and, therefore, not subject to a divorce decree cutting her off from hubby Deion’s millions. But she’s not the only one. And her newly-declared Muslim religion is dangerous.
The Moorish Science Temple a/k/a the Al-Murakush Society [DS: “Al-Murakush” means “the Morrocan”] was founded in the early 1900s by Timothy Drew a/k/a Drew Ali, a Black man who claimed he was the son of a Moroccan Muslim and a Cherokee Indian (he also said he was the son of two former slaves and was adopted and raised by Cherokees). Elijah Poole-Bey a/k/a Elijah Muhammad was a member of the Moorish Science Temple before he founded the Nation of Islam. Members of this group say they are not U.S. citizens and not subject to U.S. law because of their membership in this Islamic sect. And, while the religion’s late founder and its adherents might sound crazy to you, they are actually very deadly serious people who work with other Muslims to foment Islamic terrorism against Americans.
Clement Rodney Hampton-El a/k/a Abdul Rashid Abdullah, a Moorish Muslim, was convicted in the 1993 Al-Qaeda bombing of the World Trade Center. He was a follower and friend of the “Blind Sheikh,” convicted terrorist Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman. And Hampton-El was trained in jihad by Ali Mohamed, the CIA/Al-Qaeda double agent.

Hampton-El was the only American-born Muslim involved in the ’93 WTC plot and assisted the bombers in testing the explosives. He was also involved in Al-Fuqra, a secretive Black Muslim sect (related to the Moorish Scientists) that vows to conduct jihad against American from within. It is headed by a non-Black Pakistani Sheikh (who regularly met with HAMAS and Islamic Jihad terrorists), and Al-Fuqra members plotted to blow up federal buildings, the United Nations, and other significant locations in New York. Hampton-El was to be the explosives provider in that plot, too.
Hampton-El’s parents were considered pioneers in the Moorish Muslim movement. And Hampton-El went on to become a Mujahid in the Afghan-Soviet conflict, fighting–of course–for the Afghans. He also said he was paid tens of thousands of dollars by the Saudi Embassy in the United States to convert U.S. soldiers to Islam and train them to become fighters for jihad in Bosnia. In 1995, Hampton-El was sentenced to 35 years in prison.
And in addition to Deion Sanders’ ex, the Moorish Science Temple is in the news for another reason. Three convicted drug kingpins in Detroit are members of the Moorish Science Temple (although the group denies it), and the men wore fezzes–the traditional garb worn by the Moorish Scentist males–to their trial in federal court. The men, Eric Powell, Carlos Powell, and Earnest Proge, filed a document in court on Moorish Science Temple letterhead, saying they were not subject to U.S. law because of their membership in the Islamic sect. On the recent day that they learned the jury had reached a verdict (guilty!), they did not show up in court and had fled. All three were found and captured, and yesterday, one of them appeared in court.
Franklin resident Eric Powell, 36, made his first public appearance since being arrested June 4 near Atlanta, Ga., following a nationwide manhunt led by the U.S. Marshals Service. He arrived at the Wayne County Jail on Monday and is being held without bond until he is sentenced Sept. 5 in the drug case. Powell, who faces up to life in prison and a $10 million fine, said nothing during the brief court hearing . . . .
Powell was a key member of one of the most prolific drug rings in Metro Detroit history. The ring was headed by his brother, Washington Township resident Carlos Powell, 39. His operation generated tens of millions of dollars and was responsible for importing hundreds of kilograms of heroin and cocaine, and thousands of pounds of marijuana from Mexico, prosecutors said. During a year-long investigation headed by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration, agents seized 66 pounds of heroin, 12 kilograms of cocaine, 1,000 pounds of marijuana and more than $21 million in cash.
Carlos Powell’s drug ring allegedly laundered profits and purchased $800,000 worth of jewelry, real estate in Michigan and Georgia and luxury vehicles, including two Bentleys, a Ferrari, a Rolls Royce and boats. Most have been seized.
Like I said, the Moorish Scientists are not to be ignored. They are dangerous Muslims who have no regard for American law or American lives.
Just ask Clement Rodney Hampton-El. And the thousands he tried to murder in two different Islamic terrorist plots against America.
Deion Sanders’ ex shouldn’t take associating with these people lightly.
Tags: 1993 World Trade Center bombing, Al-Fuqra, Al-Murakush Society, Ali Mohamed, Black Muslims, Carlos Powell, Clement Rodney Hampton-El, Deion Sanders, Drew Ali, Earnest Proge, Elijah Muhammad, Elijah Poole-Bey, Eric Powell, Islam, Jihad, Moorish Islam, Moorish Muslims, Moorish Science Temple, Moorish Science Temple of America, Pilar Sanders, Timothy Drew
“…they are actually very deadly serious people who work with other Muslims to foment Islamic terrorism against Americans”
So, just regular muslims, in other words/
DS_ROCKS! on June 25, 2014 at 4:56 pm