June 12, 2014, - 11:32 am

VIDEO: EEUUWW! Pro Baseball Player Torii Hunter Said WHAT?!

By Debbie Schlussel

Major League Baseball player and Detroit Tiger Torii Hunter (his pretentious, spelling-challenged parents bought too many vowels from Vanna) wants the world to know every detail of his sex life. See the video below from his appearance, yesterday, on Jim Rome’s Showtime show. And you wonder why Hunter had three kids with three different women he never married. I think the video explains why. The guy has no boundaries or sense of civilized behavior. Period. TMI, dude. TMI. But, then, TMI is the official sponsor of the selfiesocialmediamemememe generation. The guy wants to be one of the Black Kardashians, apparently.



I’ve written before about Hunter, his multiple kids from multiple women he shtupped, and his son who was accused of rape but skated.

It’s funny: Hunter claims to be a devout Christian, but he slept around with multiple women, neglected multiple illegitimate kids, and now talks about the intimate details of his sex life.

Somebody needs to teach this multi-millionaire how to keep his mouth–and his pants-zipper–shut. With Father’s Day approaching, this guy ain’t an example.

File under: Stuff We Just Didn’t Need to Know.

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3 Responses

Hmm, since Torii Hunter allegedly is a “baby-father” as you elaborated Debbie, more then likely with him knocking-out those three women, whom he didn’t marry, what he did was “inbreed” with those women, I to think that Hunter needs to keep his private and sex-life to himself.

Sean R. on June 12, 2014 at 3:50 pm

I don’t even watch or listen to videos like this – too disgusting. Thanks for the heads-up, Debbie.

DS_ROCKS! on June 12, 2014 at 4:53 pm

Too much info’ in that short bite.

William on June 13, 2014 at 7:53 pm

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