August 19, 2009, - 12:05 pm

9/11 Truthers Lament Bob Novak: First to Call Terrorist Attacks “an Inside Job”, Claimed Israel Behind Attacks

By Debbie Schlussel

While conservatives have shown themselves–almost universally–to be hypocrites in lamenting anti-Semitic HAMAS-nik Robert Novak, I have to say my favorite lament over Bob Novak (which shows how absurd the conservatives lamenting him are) is that of the 9/11 Truthers. (Sultan Knish points out Novak’s trutherism in his column we linked to earlier today.)


Bob Novak: Father of the 9/11 Truther Movement

The nutjobs over at (hint:  it should be called WhatDidn’ are memorializing Novak as the first person in print to call 9/11 “an inside job,” just two days after the attacks.  FYI, it’s in the same column in which he blames Israel for the attacks, but it’s toned down from when he said–on  9/11–that Israel was the perpetrator of the attacks because it, he said, “had the most to gain.”

Here’s what the nutty Truthers are posting in tribute to Dear Old Bob:

Interestingly, columnist Robert Novak was among the first to use the phrase “inside job” in connection with the events of 9-11.

New York Post, Sept. 13, page 59
Beyond Pearl Harbor
by Robert D. Novak

Novak’s first sentence:

Security experts and airline officials agree privately that the simultaneous hijacking of four jetliners was an “inside job,” probably indicating complicity beyond malfeasance.

He continues further down:

In the rage and mourning following Tuesday’s disaster, few officials wanted to dwell on how a 10-year hiatus of airline hijackings in this country could be followed by four in one hour. At a minimum, the blame can be put on ill-trained, incompetent personnel performing the screening of passengers. At the worst, security experts fear collusion with terrorists, possibly even extending to the cockpit. This is a subject that the airlines are loathe to discuss.

By the way, what the 9/11 Truthers don’t mention is that last sentence of the column by Novak:, the private intelligence company, reported Tuesday, “The big winner today, intentionally or not, is the state of Israel.”

Um, yeah, Bob.  The pilots who had their throats slit were in on it.  Uh-huh, Chick Burlingame was in on it with the Israelis.  And it was all a nasty evil plot by those dirty Zionist kikes to make Islam look bad.

Gee, why do I feel like I  was just reading Al-Ahram or watching Al-Arabiya?

Uh-huh, this is the “conservative,” National Review, Michelle Malkin, and all the other ignoramus hypocrites on the right are memorializing as some sort of saint.

But, hey, this Truther–the father of 9/11 Trutherism–is a conservative.  So that means he’s great and never was a truther, right?  I wonder what Malkin’s friend, Debra Burlingame (the late 9/11) pilot’s sister thinks of her praising this Truther who claims “the cockpit” was in on the plot?  (She gave Malkin some sort of token of her brother’s.  I guess the token didn’t mean that much.)

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70 Responses

That’s it!

Headlines should read:

Robert Novak, Raving Lunatic, has gone on to “just reward”

goldenmike4393 on August 19, 2009 at 12:08 pm

    Debbie, you are going to rot in hell for supporting the inside job, 9/11. My natural father was Jewish and I totally believe that 9/11 was an inside job. You are rejecting and spitting in the face of the one true God when you do this.

    Gary Anderson on May 25, 2013 at 3:10 pm


I wrote the following in a previous thread.

Some people will never get it. Keep up the great posts.

Where did you get the latest updated information about the Saudis giving Israel the go ahead to fly over them to bomb Iran? The latest information I found was from a July 5, 2009 article in the Jerusalem Post about this, but it also stated that the Prime Minister’s Office in Saudi Arabia issued an official denial. I hope that it is true that the Saudis do give Israel permission for fly overs. And if Israel does take action, I just hope it is nuclear in nature. Turning Iran into a glass parking lot would be a great example to the rest of the world on how to deal with rogue, tyrannical, Muslim terrorist supporting regimes with nukes.

Jarhead on August 19, 2009 at 12:45 pm

    From what I have read, Egypt and Saudi Arabia and other countries fear Iran, too. It’s true. Fly-over permission has been granted (even though denied). It’s pathetic to see Middle Eastern leaders running over here asking O to help stop Iran, but O doesn’t see it.

    That’s Barry Sotero (O’s name when his mother remarried, and he took Indonesian citizenship and went to muzzie school).

    goldenmike4393 on August 19, 2009 at 1:17 pm

“Security experts and airline officials agree …” and “…security experts fear…”

Novak was reporting, not endorsing. There’s nothing to indicate that he believed the sort of conspiracies fantasized by the 9/11 Truthers.

C: You keep telling yourself that. The rest of us live in reality. It was an opinion column in which he was openly embracing the anonymous quotes he put in it. You must have failed reading comprehension in high school, and apparently never recovered. DS

cm smith on August 19, 2009 at 12:48 pm

    Oh, yes,

    “anonymous sources”…

    Some folks don’t seem to understand that reporters often hide their personal opinions under those two words

    “anonymous sources”.

    It’s a thinly veiled disguise.

    goldenmike4393 on August 19, 2009 at 3:10 pm

Wow…. i had no idea, thanks for the lesson.

sharon on August 19, 2009 at 12:50 pm

He was “reporting” without actually quoting anyone. Later in the article he similarly cites anonymous sources to suggest Osama bin Laden was not responsible, but it was some extremist splinter group of Al Queda.

Finally he throws in bits of Dhimmis like this

“An attack on Afghanistan for sheltering Osama’s terrorists will put the United States in danger of being perceived, however incorrectly, as launching a holy war against Islam. There is strong sentiment in Congress for hitting somebody, somewhere who has unsavory terrorist credentials even if not connected with Tuesday’s attack.”


“Unlike Nazi Germany’s and Imperial Japan’s drive for a new world order, however, the hatred toward the U.S. by the terrorists is an extension of its hatred of Israel rather than world domination.”

This stuff could have come from just about any left winger or Truther

Sultan Knish on August 19, 2009 at 12:53 pm

Well! At least I now know why I don’t read Michelle Malkin’s blogs and columns.

Hey Deb! Without taking one shred away from Novak’s obvious hatred of Jews, his PRIME assignment in life was putting an American face on the Saudi Lobby. Because of that and the largely Saudi contingency of the 9/11 hijackers, it was Bob Novak’s assignment to immediately deflect American anger away from Saudi Arabia.

Needless to say, someone who represents the Saudis represents a country with a manifest policy of anti-Semitism. As such, there’s no minimizing Novak’s anti-Semitism. Indeed, his anti-Semitism was one of his great motivations for enthusiastically promoting Saudi interests. However, he also got paid handsomely to do it as well.

More than a few Conservatives are “in bed” with the Saudi Petrochemical Lobby. Many of them talk a good game about supporting Israel. The acid test comes when these conservatives (and liberals I might add) are called upon to eliminate petroleum as the prime mover of our national transportation system. When you see them hem and haw; mumble and blurt words like “energy (as opposed to “oil”), wind, solar, coal, nuclear” etc, you know who they are beholden to. They may not be as overt and obvious as Novak, but they are playing on the same team.

There is NO Santa Claus on August 19, 2009 at 1:07 pm

Novak’s hatred of Jews was so extreme he whitewashed the real enemy, Islam – out of the picture. That’s why the 9/11 Truthers loved him. He lied about 9/11. Over the coming years, we will be digging up many more of Novak’s lies. There isn’t enough time in the world to refute them all but this one example reveals his true character and its absolutely damning. Some role model for the Right!

NormanF on August 19, 2009 at 1:18 pm

    Norman F

    “…Novak’s hatred of Jews was so extreme he whitewashed the real enemy, Islam – out of the picture. ”

    To be honest with you, I suspect Robert Novak had some form of dementia. He had brain cancer (poetic, isn’t it?).

    GM: Almost all of what Novak wrote and said against the jews and Israel was while he was perfectly fine. This wasn’t dementia. It was genuine hate. DS

    goldenmike4393 on August 19, 2009 at 3:22 pm

      My pastor has clarified it for me. It’s not regular “hate”. It’s demonic-driven hatred toward Israel. It’s not the normal kind of hate… It’s the very worst kind. While I see the demons in muzzies just looking at them, Novak appears more “normal” but the demon is controlling his hatred.

      goldenmike4393 on August 20, 2009 at 12:03 pm

      Novak was just a plain hater, sick or not.

      Sewsalot on August 20, 2009 at 2:29 pm

      He was sincere. Oddly enough, his fan contingent can’t bring themselves to talk about his repellent legacy. I’d call him the Marquis De Sade of American conservatism. If you’ve ever tried to read De Sade, its impossible to grasp the thought of that 18th Century madman. That is exactly the same way I feel about Novak.

      Good riddance!

      NormanF on August 26, 2009 at 4:35 pm

I remember reading that column and thinking “Novak is so filled with hatred towards Jews and Israel that even after 9/11 he can’t control himself.” The man was very sick and the people praising him and sticking their heads in the sand should be ashamed of themselves. There is no whitewashing his hatred towards Jews. He and Jimmah Carter can bunk together in Hell.

JulieJ on August 19, 2009 at 1:20 pm

Tim… all you have to do is connect the dots and follow the evidence. It seems a reasonable deduction to make about the man and I don’t think he would refute it. No, he owned up to his being a racist which is a lot more than can be said for his defenders. On that score, he was completely honest about what he wrote and said. The only question left is whether they agree with his views. You take a person as they are warts and all and in his case there were more flaws than virtues to Novak. And it isn’t like they were a state secret.

NormanF on August 19, 2009 at 1:24 pm


    Novak had the art of Politically Correct anti-Semitism down to a science. To my knowledge, he never said: “I hate Jews”. I never heard him say or write that he hated Israel.

    When confronted about his views, he gave the standard answer: “Why is it every time someone criticizes Israel, they’re branded an anti-Semite?”

    There is NO Santa Claus on August 19, 2009 at 1:32 pm

What do you expect from an 80 year old schmuck who hits a biker with his Corvette while he bounces of the windshield, speed away, and then claim you didn’t know.

The world is a better place.

Joe on August 19, 2009 at 1:32 pm

I love Debbie, always have. Especially when it comes to her views on muslims & terrorists in general. I am Italian, and a friend of the jewish community. But her complete refusal to
see any of the in-you-face evidence about 9/11 amazes me. People as smart as her usually become so by doing research. There is so much out there…videos, eye witness accounts, military & FBI agents making statements about that day and so so much more, I am perplexed that she still believes that 19 hijackers hijacked 4 planes and that’s it. The BBC have reported many of the hijackers alive & well. There are a million things wrong with the accounts of that day. It doesn’t take much to see all the evidence. Thank you.

Frank on August 19, 2009 at 1:33 pm

    [Frank: I am perplexed that she still believes that 19 hijackers hijacked 4 planes and that’s it. The BBC have reported many of the hijackers alive & well. There are a million things wrong with the accounts of that day. It doesn’t take much to see all the evidence. Thank you.]

    Based on my job that day I know for a fact there are significant facts that have not been revealed (I know at least one of them and based on this I have to believe there are more). However, that not everything has been released to the public in no way proves 9/11 was an inside job. It wasn’t.

    I_AM_ME on August 19, 2009 at 1:57 pm

      Some things I have heard but not officially released are that there were in fact another 12 planes on runways ready to take off with “guest” muzzie pilots which is the reason all planes were instantly grounded for a few days, too.

      This was supposed to be A MUCH BIGGER ATTACK ON AMERICA by the muzzies than occurred. They planned on killing 100,000 people working in the towers, they got 5,000.

      Remember the muzzies dancing on the west bank and handing out candy celebrating our murders?

      goldenmike4393 on August 19, 2009 at 3:35 pm

        [goldenmike4393:Some things I have heard but not officially released are that there were in fact another 12 planes on runways ready to take off with “guest” muzzie pilots]

        You are so very close to something I know for a fact to be true.

        I_AM_ME on August 19, 2009 at 4:53 pm

          I know a lot of things, but I cannot always “substantiate”.

          goldenmike4393 on August 20, 2009 at 12:13 pm

    Frank: How long have you been DELUSIONAL?

    goldenmike4393 on August 19, 2009 at 3:25 pm

I see Debbie quotes from I haven’t read that loony blog in over five years.

Cartoonist Michael Rivero, the editor of that blog, attacks Israel in illiterate english and complains among other things that Israel is unamerican (of course, it is not an american state, afterall).

Michael Rivero may very well have gotten his vicious anti-Semitism from his bitter divorce with his Jewish wife. He claimed in typical, hysterical divorce style that she used drugs and assaulted him (beat me my Jewish mistress).

Underzog on August 19, 2009 at 1:56 pm


You are a fool if you believe what the Truthers believe. Tell us who brought down the Twin Towers, and how they did it. Have you been talking to Charlie Sheen and Rosie O’donnell? Oh, I get it. Bush and those evil Jews conspired to bring down the Twin Towers so they they could jointly start the War On Terror because Israel needed help in killing those innocent “Religion of Peace” Muslims. Where’s the concrete evidence against the real people who did it, and why haven’t they been brought to justice?

I think I found out who destroyed the Twin Towers – THIS JUST IN. Halliburton hired Martians to bring down the Twin Towers with the Martian’s invisible death rays so that Halliburton could profit by the War On Terror and make Bush and Cheney rich.

Jarhead on August 19, 2009 at 1:58 pm

“But, hey, this Truther–the father of 9/11 Trutherism–is a conservative. So that means he’s great and never was a truther, right?”

Well, yeah, pretty much.
He had major access to high ranking politicians, he had major status in the mainstream media, and he regularly called pro-choice supporters “murderers”/denounced big government/invoked the name of Reagan in the same reverential manner as liberals now invoke the name of Obama/other current conservative buzzword.
Taken together, that forgives a wide range of sins, much as similar access forgives all that and more among liberals, or related popularity can forgive egregious excess as it has with Giuliani (until a few conservative columnists gave him a deeper look during the last campaign cycle and realized just how heavy handed his reign over NYC had been).
Cronkite declared victory for the North Vietnamese and was ever after hailed for his “objectivity” and lack of political partisanship. With liberals tripping over themselves to praise Novak “even though [I] never agreed with him”, it is only to be expected that most conservatives will join in to heap praise him.
Think of it like an inversion of Mark Anthony’s oratory from Julius Caeser: Brutus (the conservertive commentators) and Cassius (the liberal commentators) have told us that Novak was a paragon of conservative values, and they are honorable men.

Sam on August 19, 2009 at 2:09 pm


Don’t get me wrong. I absolutely believe you about the fly over permission given to Israel by the Saudis, I am just looking for something official.

The U.S. should supply Israel with every type of weapon we have to take out the Iranian nuke sites and anything else the Israeli’s deem a threat to the region, Mosques included!!

I’ve got an idea for a new weapon. It would be a multi-stage air-bursted bomb filled with pork chops that detonates about 50 feet off the ground, but the first stage released would be leaflets letting them know what they are about to be sprayed with!! What awesome Youtube videos that would make.

Jarhead on August 19, 2009 at 2:13 pm

    To Jarhead:

    Don’t get me wrong. I absolutely believe you about the fly over permission given to Israel by the Saudis, I am just looking for something official.

    ******You won’t get it “officially”…

    The U.S. should supply Israel with every type of weapon we have to take out the Iranian nuke sites and anything else the Israeli’s deem a threat to the region, Mosques included!!

    ******I believe Israel did a strike in 1983 to stop them. Now, I fear our bunker busters won’t go deep enough. To be sure, it’s Glass City for them. They have the program spread over several sites in different parts of the country. I also hear they have had some “accidents” killing workers 🙂 . I guess Iran doesn’t want the whole program to blow up at once. That leaves Israel to find the sites and destroy. It is going to take a miracle. I am thankful He’s a Miracle-Working God. I have seen Israel win against all odds and pray that this happens again.

    I’ve got an idea for a new weapon. It would be a multi-stage air-bursted bomb filled with pork chops that detonates about 50 feet off the ground, but the first stage released would be leaflets letting them know what they are about to be sprayed with!! What awesome Youtube videos that would make.

    ******You and your pork. Apparently, they’d rather have AIDS than touch pork! Why not both?

    (awww to be a Navy Seal behind enemy lines slitting throats…)

    goldenmike4393 on August 19, 2009 at 3:18 pm


      Yeah, I know I am kinda overdoing the pork stuff, but there are so many great jokes that can be made of it.

      Jarhead on August 19, 2009 at 3:32 pm

        Yeah, I know I am kinda overdoing the pork stuff, but there are so many great jokes that can be made of it.

        Jarhead on August 19, 2009 at 3:32 pm

        It’s funny because PIGS are so far above muzzies 🙂

        goldenmike4393 on August 19, 2009 at 3:39 pm

No Santa Claus, criticism of Israel is not anti-Semitism. Novak was being evasive. He may not have said it directly but it was clear to all in the know his bete noire was the Jews and Israel. He didn’t have to say I hate them to wish them harm. That he openly embraced Hamas and Hezbollah tells us all we need to know about where he truly stood.

NormanF on August 19, 2009 at 2:18 pm

Rob’t Novak was a filthy Muslim terrorist sympathizer. May he roast in Hell for eternity.

DS_ROCKS! on August 19, 2009 at 2:49 pm

Thanks, Debbie. I can always count on your Website to offer the “rest of the truth.” You are one of the most consistently “conservative voices” on the Web today (If you can direct me to more of the others, please do so!).

E.Frat on August 19, 2009 at 2:51 pm

To Frank
Obviously you have been bit by the dumbass monster, for if you believe that we had something to do with it, it goes to prove that ya just can’t fix stupid, as a former govt official I can tell you that the muzzies did it. Period !
To Golden Mike
The only good islamist is a dead islamist, do not allow them to bury the bodies of their dead, pile them on high and burn them, let the villagers watch, it makes for good cooperation among them. Disclaimer: or so I have heard.

Drakken on August 19, 2009 at 4:32 pm

    The only good islamist is a dead islamist, do not allow them to bury the bodies of their dead, pile them on high and burn them, let the villagers watch, it makes for good cooperation among them. Disclaimer: or so I have heard.

    Drakken on August 19, 2009 at 4:32 pm

    To Drakken:

    Yesterday I had the pleasure of viewing a video on BareNaked Islam that showed Iraqui military that had killed two terrorists driving the streets with their “carcuses” (not bodies – carcusus like animals) on the hoods of their vehicles. I watched it several times with a very big GRIN on my face. Then, I wanted to become Director of the Clip, I envisioned their severed heads on their chests on the hoods of the military vehiles, then I fugured why not totally dismemembered? I learn quickly 🙂 I commented to the website “Thanks for making my day.”

    goldenmike4393 on August 20, 2009 at 12:09 pm

Look at the date of of his post…9-13, so they did not know about what all went on for the event to happen.

ANd there was a conspiracy….amongst 19 Muslims.

Novak was guessing like everyone else was then. There had to be many involved to get this done…and as we found , it was 19 Muslims nutters , rather than 19 Ron Paulian nutters or Birther nutters etc.

mrbill on August 19, 2009 at 4:42 pm

Yes…I’m delusional.
The Pentagon had a small hole in it, and no debris
on the front lawn. 2 massive buildings with no raging infernos
were brought down in 10 seconds each. Building 7…not touched, dropped in 6 seconds. Mamy military & FBI have spoken
out. Yes…I’m delusional and a dumbass. Keep your blinders on. Good for you. Out.

Frank on August 19, 2009 at 4:54 pm

    Frank: You are supposed to take those pills EVERYDAY.

    goldenmike4393 on August 20, 2009 at 12:17 pm

Don’t be gatekeepers, Let the truth out MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Still waiting to see specials on how Jews eat Gentiles babies to mark Purim on NBC Primetime.

Dirtyleb on August 19, 2009 at 4:59 pm

    I too am looking forward to specials on blood drinking, and harvesting Palis for organs!

    Bizarro World!

    goldenmike4393 on August 20, 2009 at 12:38 pm

      goldenmike4393: “I too am looking forward to specials on blood drinking, and harvesting Palis for organs!”

      that “story” just broke on Aftenbladet in Sweden. Their government refuses to denounce the modern blood libel.

      Petr Buben: any sane person looking at footage of the towers going down sees their completely chaotic destruction. One tower’s whole upper section tilted before breaking off; whole peaces, multy-story high, were breaking off the towers in mid section, looking like a flower opening up all over the streets below – total chaos. Certainly is didn’t look anything like a neat implosion from any vantage point except from extremely far away.

      All you need to see it, is to look. Problem is, this footage is not promoted on the net like the truthers’ garbage. I saw it in a documentary on NG.

      And with WHAT SPEED would you expect to see the broken-off building sections to fall down except with the free-fall speed? Do you think they should have HANGED in mid-air?

      What idiocy!

      Will48 on August 23, 2009 at 6:48 pm

Would ObamaCare afford Novak treatment….

Or does merely get to have “THE TALK” with his doctor along with some pain meds?

Sam Adams on August 19, 2009 at 5:15 pm

[Yes…I’m delusional.
The Pentagon had a small hole in it,
Frank on August 19, 2009 at 4:54 pm]

Yes, you are. Where else would that plane go? Barbara Olson was on it and phoned and told her husband that the plane was being hijacked. The plane hit the pentagon and blew up. The pentagon’s walls are like 30 feet of concrete, how big a hole did you expect?

Norman Blitzer on August 19, 2009 at 7:47 pm

The truth of 9/11 is finally revealed. The Canadian government ordered the destruction of our towers:

Other revisionist links of note: The Potato famine hoax:

Jews don’t exist:

“There’s no need to fear. Underzog is here!”

Underzog on August 19, 2009 at 8:27 pm


Who was worse?

A. Walter Cronkite

B. Bob Novak

My answer: B Novak

There is NO Santa Claus on August 19, 2009 at 9:14 pm

To the person who wrote, “The BBC have reported many of the hijackers alive & well”, why, because someone else named Mohammed Atta is still alive? There are close to zero names in this world that are unique. This is very true in the Muslim world where every family wants to name their son Mohammed, or, more reecntly, Osama.

Funny, I always thought Novak was Jewish.

Greg on August 19, 2009 at 11:03 pm

    That Novak was born a Jew makes his hatred even more pathological. I heard William Bennett state that “Novak converted out because he was tired of liberal sermons in synagogues”. Novak entered a synagogue? Excuses, excuses, excuses: he converted out to fit in with the John McLaughlin/Kathryn Jean Lopez/Kate O’Byrne crowd. And he did it with hatred for the Jews. That whichever priest he hobnobbed with did not correct him, speaks volumes. Again, the message is “get baptized and all your hatred will be overlooked and you will fit in.” The nerve of these people to attack the anti-Semitism of the Left (which is huge and terrible). They should look at Novak and Buchanan. And then they wonder why more Jews don’t vote Republican!

    JulieJ on August 20, 2009 at 9:19 am

      That Novak was born a Jew makes his hatred even more pathological.

      *****I like your word “pathological”. It’s better than the term I used “demonic-driven” because people won’t understand it. It’s not a normal “hatred”. It’s extremely demented hence “pathological” although I know it’s a demon! You are correct. Thank you.

      Again, the message is “get baptized and all your hatred will be overlooked and you will fit in.”

      *****Catholicism is built on “confession” or, do what you want, confess it, Hail Marys, and then do it again. Novak may have skipped straight to “do it again”.

      goldenmike4393 on August 20, 2009 at 12:27 pm

        I am afraid there is something to what you have said. I have many Catholic friends and they are dwelling on the fact that he was a Catholic convert and forgetting his hatred of Israel and the Jews. This is just plain twisted.

        JulieJ on August 21, 2009 at 12:41 pm

I keep reading in the MSM over and over that the Birthers are going to be the death of the Republican Party- that those people who think that there is something fishy with Obama’s birth certificate are certified nutjobs who are going to sink the entire GOP. I’ve heard it on the radio and TV, and read it in the newspapers and in magazines.

And yet, Truthers were not the death of the Democratic Party. Those people who say that the US killed thousands, and that Bush was behind a master plot to kill civilians and innocent people to drag us into a war in Iraq, and other foolish comments of this nature- they are even more crazy by an exponential amount than birthers, and yet the MSM and radio and TV embraces and welcomes them, and gives them a forum.

There are questions about Obama’s official documents, including his registration card (which I wrote about on my blog a while back), and talking about these is not going to kill the party, only undermine Obama’s credibility. March onward you crazy wing nuts!

A Conservative Teacher on August 19, 2009 at 11:03 pm

The only “inside job” that could have happened is if Muslims within the airline industry cased the weaknesses of airline security. Not the “inside job” of Jews conspiring to have plane fly into to buildings. I have heard the 9-11 Truther dudes and most of their assertions have been debunked. I met one at a town hall the other day. Most of them aren’t with either party, just anti-government. Hell I met some Larouchies at another Town Hall and their Obama Hitler poster was covered by the MSM as Conservative Hate. Obviously the dead giveaway was LarouchePAC on the bottom, but for the MSM truth be damned when the Obama agenda must be crammed down our throat. However I will still listen to these guys because one can never trust conventional wisdom to disregard the so called “fringe”. That attitude led to the MSM, the liberal intelligentsia, NAFTA, GATT, Banking Collapse, Electricity Crisis, Alan Greenspan (POS wizard who was never questioned), WMDs that weren’t found, Obama’s “birth certificate”, Obama’s associations, Housing Collapse. Every time conventional wisdom comes to an agreement, be afraid it goes bad. Remember all those were so called geniuses with Ivy League degrees told us to listen to their world view. Everyone else was crackpots. A stack of Ivy League degrees don’t mean much anymore with graduates like Meghan McCain and Obama. Being an “intellectual elitist” brings you closer to being a liberal.

As for Novack being anti-semetic. I wonder what in his life brought him to hate Jews when he was born and raised a Jew?

CaliforniaScreaming on August 20, 2009 at 12:59 am

“As for Novack being anti-semetic. I wonder what in his life brought him to hate Jews when he was born and raised a Jew?”

Jews have gotten a lot of grief over the centuries (to say the least) and some just don’t want to deal with it. Jews always seem to be “outsiders”, especially socially, and some want to be on the inside. A telling anecdote from Debbie in a previous thread was about Novak’s desperate wish to be accepted by his well-bred, WASPy partner Rowland Evans.

I will be very revealing and acknowledge that I occasionally have had those kinds of thoughts myself, even though I have had a very good (and mostly secular, not nearly as devout as Debbie) life here in America. But I know I cannot run from my Jewish identity so I embrace it. Moreover, despite the often-tragic history there is a great heritage stretching back 4000 years to be proud of.

Those who do reject the heritage, however, seem to feel the need to get as far away from it as possible so they are often anti-Israel or even antisemitic. Another example besides Novak is Caspar Weinberger, raised an Episcopalian. In the Reagan administration, which on the whole was probably the most sympathetic to Israel ever, Weinberger stood out for his adamant hostility to the Jewish state.

Gary Rosen on August 20, 2009 at 2:31 am

Now Larry Kudlow is praising Novak! What I am getting is, “convert to Catholicism and we will forgive your hatred and bigotry towards Jews.” Disgusting! Novak was filled with self-hatred and wanted to fit in. His hatred became pathological when he accused Jews of persecuting Christians in Israel (I guess that 2,000 year history of Christians persecuting Jews didn’t exist, Mr. Novak). He will need an asbestos suit for where he is going. He came dangerously close to reviving the blood libel against Jews in some of his writings. And he was doing this for decades! And getting away with it in many circles, proving that sneaky anti-Semitism is acceptable in America. Don’t forget how some people still fall over Pat Buchanan, the old Nazi defender and Israel hater.

JulieJ on August 20, 2009 at 9:14 am

Three months before 9-11 I was picking my sister-in-law up at O’Hare airport in Chicago.
It was almost a mile long walk to from the car to the airport security gates. I got to the security gates and realized I had still had my clip-on pocket knife with me.
I didn’t want to throw it away and I didn’t want to walk a mile back to the car. So I asked the security guard if I could just leave it with them and pick it up later.
The lady guard took the knife and measured the blade. It was under 3 and a half inches long so she said it was alright.
I asked her directly “Could I get on a plane with this?”

She said “Yes, you’re legal.”
19 Muslims found the same stupid loophole that I had found and exploited it. It didn’t take millions of dollars and a massive government conspiracy. Just 19 knives and 19 guys.
Right there at that security gate I thought “So what would keep 4 or 5 guys from getting on a plane with knives and hijacking the plane?”

I seriously thought at the time about writing the FAA about changing the knife regulation to a zero tolerance and expressing my concern about how easy it would be to hijack a plane at knifepoint I never wrote the letter.

smg45acp on August 20, 2009 at 10:28 am

There is little doubt that 911 was preplanned and had to have had complicity within the highest reaches of government. Skyscrapers just don’t fall into their own footprint: 3 times in one day when it has never happened before. And what about all the nano-partical thermite that was found throughout the crime scene.

But I never much liked Novac. Just struck me as a conservative boob and now a dead conservative boob.


Bruce W. Cain on August 21, 2009 at 10:46 am

    Bruce W.Cain

    Are you another foolish Truther? Are you in league with Frank from previous posts on this thread?

    I would like to know where you obtained your engineering degree. What makes you an expert?

    THIS JUST IN… The Twin Towers were actually brought down by a secret government organization as a test run. Their next targets are any building in the U.S. that are taller than 40 stories. The reason for this is the government wants to create martial law throughout the U.S. and control everybodies actions. Bringing down these buildings and the Patriot Act were just the beginning of Bush and Cheney’s secret plan to implement a “Big Brother” society.

    Jarhead on August 21, 2009 at 11:54 am

    Bruce W. Cain’s idiotic post shows an obsession with conspiracy theories and falsification of history knows no boundaries. In that regard, Novak was the truly the father of the Truthers.

    NormanF on August 26, 2009 at 4:40 pm

Despite all the vitriol directed at Robert Novak, he was hardly a prominent 9/11 Truther. He mentioned the phrase “inside job” in one column.

However, the evidence that 9/11 was an inside job is solid at this point. Those that believe otherwise are a testament to the effectiveness of government and media propaganda.

tanabear on August 21, 2009 at 11:34 pm

Yes Isreal should nuke iran.But i belive time will
come when muslims will be crushed by u.s and uk
and Isreal.

paul gear on August 23, 2009 at 2:01 am

9/11 is an inside job, a controlled demolition. Per irrefutable scientific evidence, and per common sense …

I mean, look at pictures, look at the footage. Anybody normally intelligent will see buildings exploding, imploding, pulverizing with the speed close to free fall, 10 floors per second.

Nanothermite was found at WTC site

We need independent investigation.

I feel sorry for people brainwashed into nationalistic war self-admiration.

Also Germans loved, passionately supported their leader, who burned down Reichstag, German parliament, to be able to go to war …. to rally obedient nation.

Genocidal occupation of Iraq cost 1-2 mil civilian Iraqi deaths.

Petr Buben

PB is yet another 9/11 Truther nutjob fan of Bob Novak. I warned you about these peple. DS

Petr Buben on August 23, 2009 at 2:16 am

    Debbie by all rights should have deleted that kind of post. I think she left it in to let people know that intelligence and logic aren’t some people’s strong suits. Some people just want to let the world know how stupid they are. And yes – they deny there is evil, which just compounds their original offense. The one thing that will never set folks like Petr Buben straight, ironically enough, is the truth!

    NF: Exactly. DS

    NormanF on August 26, 2009 at 4:45 pm

With apologies to the many here who have difficulty recognizing reality when it crashes down on their doorstep:

Robert Novak was no one I ever looked up to. He was a traitor to the US – by exposing a covert CIA agent.

But if even he recognized that jet fuel never could, never did, and never will bring down a steel-framed tower –much less 3 in a single day– then you all should wake up.

DrDave on July 11, 2010 at 4:09 pm

    Other Key Facts:
    – Near-simultaneous, total collapse at virtually free-fall speeds of 3 major steel-framed buildings with massive quantities of thermite explosives in the dust.

    – High-speed lateral ejection of massive steel beams to distances of over 100 ft
    a force beyond gravity. READ: Gravity pulls down – not out. Only explosives hurl massive objects hundreds of feet away from the collapse.

    – The Clincher: REMOVAL AND DESTRUCTION of all WTC debris BEFORE ANY FORENSIC INVESTIGATION was ever performed. . . . THAT is criminal regardless of who you think was behind the attacks.

    DrDave on July 11, 2010 at 4:18 pm

    The plane crash weakened the internal struts that held the building up. Superheated jet fuel did the rest.

    After that, simple gravity. The WTC buildings were never designed for that kind of scenario.

    Something tells me if its truth you are after, you didn’t want to learn about it.

    Get a grip, please! Not everything in life is a government conspiracy!

    NormanF on May 9, 2011 at 12:28 am

Truthers like you refuse to attribute ANY responsibility to the savages who crashed planes into the WTC.

No building on earth could have withstood the impact of a plane crash and tens of thousands of gallons of jet fuel cascading over and down its already weakened infrastructure. Once that buckled, simple physics brought the buildings down.

Its too much to expect you to follow Occam’s Razor. The explanation is as obvious as the videos from that day but you refuse to also see what’s right in front of you.

Good riddance!

NormanF on May 9, 2011 at 12:23 am

Hey guess what, Im a jew as jewish as any of you and I think Isreal is the real terrorist and a shame to my religion, the govt of Israel is as corrupt as the sovies were, and many of us feel that way, were taking our turn as the nazis now

Judaism needs to wake up to the truth, its a violation of our humanity and our religious laws

we suck oo face it…let the bashing begin

ANDREW on September 10, 2011 at 4:06 pm

Read my article and you may come to think that those opposing the 911 truth movement are fricken STUPID.

Gary Anderson on December 22, 2012 at 8:52 pm

Novak told the truth.

Gary Anderson on December 19, 2013 at 1:54 am

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