May 8, 2014, - 4:24 pm

DISGUSTING: How Hollywood Raises Their Kids . . . and Yours to Be Pedophile Bait

By Debbie Schlussel

Have you seen the pictures of 13-year-old Willow Smith, whose famous parents, Will and Jada Pinkett Smith are trying to turn her into a star? The pictures are definitely sexual. And it’s yet another sad example of how Hollywood parents “raise” their kids . . . and by pop culture osmosis, yours.


Willow Smith is lying on a bed in front of a 20-year-old male without his shirt on. Yes, if any other male took a photo like this with a 13-year-old girl, her parents would be calling police and demanding pedophile charges be filed. Contributing to the delinquency of a minor, anyone? I have represented men who faced at least a decade of prison time because they were criminally accused by young women of doing a lot less than what comprises this photo. This is photographic evidence that would outrage most parents.

But not the Smiths.

They, like their White counterpart, Billy Ray Cyrus, want their kids to be famous, and they will do anything to make that happen. Allow anything to make that happen. When she was just nine years old, the Smiths helped produce their daughter’s annoying and slightly suggestive, “I Whip My Hair Back and Forth” song and music video. Now, this.

Remember when papa Cyrus designed his then-teen daughter’s stripper pole performance on a kids’ awards show? Now it’s the Smiths doing the same. Same rancid whiff. It has echoes of Brooke Shield’s mother doing the same by pimping her daughter for full-frontal nude appearances in movies (at age 12 in “Pretty Baby”) and sexy Calvin Klein jeans ads throughout her younger teen years.

The Smiths live in a giant, palatial mansion. They have all the money in the world. But money doesn’t buy you class. It doesn’t buy you decency. And, quite apparently, it doesn’t stop the Smiths from pimping their kids–and slutting out their daughter–in their desperate attempt to create a Hollywood dynasty. “After Earth” (read my review), the Scientology movie they produced as a star vehicle for their son Jaden, bombed last year. But no worries. They are producing his “Karate Kid 2” movie to keep his dreams of fame on track.

Will Smith famously told the press that he told his children that his property isn’t theirs and that they must earn a living. But his “old-fashioned values” parenting claims were bunk. Just another Hollywood act. The real Smith parenting isn’t the kind that makes good American citizens. The Smiths told the world that they don’t believe in raising their children or disciplining them. They believe that these young kids can “raise” themselves. And, now, you see the consequences. You also see the consequences of what happens to kids when they are not only treated like independent adults, but also allowed to roam free with the sleazy Kardashians. The man in the photo is a Kardashian friend, as are the Smith kids. Jaden Smith was “dating” (euphemism) one of the Jenner daughters of the Kardashian-Jenner clan, all of whose fame emanated from Kim Kardashian’s porn tape with a rapper.

While the photo doesn’t overtly show in flagrante delicto sexual acts, it’s been said in Hollywood that 13-year-old Willow is “dating” (euphemism) Moses Arias, the 20-year-old in the photo. And her parents don’t care, just like Angelina Jolie’s mother, who she bragged allowed her to live and sleep with her boyfriend in her bedroom at age 14. This is how Hollywood raises its children, and you don’t need to wonder why the rest of America is now filled with teens who have sex and younger and younger ages. What Hollywood does, it now projects onto America through pop culture and elsewhere, as okay for everybody else to do. Everyone wants to be a Kardashian or a Pinkett Smith. And young kids think this is the way.

The woman who is supposed to be the mother in all of this, Jada Pinkett Smith, reacted in a well-rehearsed response on video, in which she called those who are criticizing her absentee parenting and her daughter’s pedophiliac photo, “covert pedophiles” and sick people.

Whoever is advising Mrs. Smith about her faux outrage toward those criticizing her daughter’s lewd photo should tell her to direct that faux outrage inward.

Jada, look in your mirror, and that’s where you’ll find the real pedophile. Or at least the pimp to those pedophiles looking for child porn you approved and allowed involving your own daughter’s image.

Sadly, with so many families having only one parent or with both parents working, American parents allow Hollywood and social media to raise their children, rather than the actual parents being sufficiently involved and aware of what’s happening their kids’ lives.

And when you allow Hollywood to raise your kids, this is what happens.

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26 Responses

“Remember when papa Cyrus designed his then-teen daughter’s stripper pole performance on a kids’ awards show? Now it’s the Smiths doing the same.”

Can’t agree with Debbie on this one.

Maybe the Smiffs *want* to do the same with Willow, but at least Ciley Virus has some viable talent with her voice and somewhat with acting. The Smiff progeny are jug-eared, no-talent dolts, the lowest common denominator of their imbecilic parents at best.

DS_ROCKS! on May 8, 2014 at 4:42 pm

I’m not a parent, and have no plans on being one, but I do sympathize with parents and what they are dealing with today. As far as music and movies, internet, its a constant onslaught of debauchery. The celebration of drugs etc, not to mention the homosexual agenda, i.e (in California they are revamping the elementary school books to include a Homosexual chapter on their contributions, and also a law passed for transgender students to use the bathroom they identify with).

However with all that said, this picture is much ado about nada. This kid and Jayden Smith are best friends. He took the pic. I know first hand of the sick twisted debauchery that goes on in Hollyweird, but this pic is of kids just hanging out.

Now with Miley, yeah she is not a role model for the daughters out there, but she is just laughing all the way to the bank. She is no dummy. I just don’t think she is.

Big D on May 8, 2014 at 5:08 pm

    Big D, are you trolling again? Debbie writes:

    “it’s been said in Hollywood that 13-year-old Willow is “dating” (euphemism) Moses Arias, the 20-year-old in the photo. And her parents don’t care”

    So, when you say that the photo is “much ado about nada. This kid and Jayden Smith are best friends,” you show that you haven’t even bothered to read the story.

    “I know first hand …”

    My, you get around a lot. You can speak to the details of Michael Jordan’s parties (previous thread) as well as having the inside scoop regarding apparent kiddy porn. However, you do make sure to take a swipe at the “homosexual agenda” of California, so evidently you only object to kiddy porn when it caters to heteros.

    skzion on May 8, 2014 at 5:32 pm

      Correction: “when it caters to heteros” should be “when it caters to homos.”

      skzion on May 8, 2014 at 5:34 pm

    “The celebration of drugs etc, not to mention the homosexual agenda, i.e (in California they are revamping the elementary school books to include a Homosexual chapter on their contributions, and also a law passed for transgender students to use the bathroom they identify with).”

    Not to get off the track, but the whole issue of so-called “gender neutral”[sic] bathrooms is all about supremacism and imposing the depraved values of one group over everybody else – no different, in essence, from Muslims in Dearbornistan demanding taxpayer funding for installation of footbaths in public bathrooms being one of many backdoors to their ultimate goal in achieving the imposition of Sharia law in this country.

    But back to Hollywood: This issue with the Smiths is the tip of the iceberg. Think of the allegations of sexual abuse now being brought up against bigwig producer Bryan Singer. And those who consider that “no big deal” (among them, I presume, Whoopi “Cushion” Goldberg) are among the same ones harping on the Catholic Church over sexual abuse by priests decades ago.

    ConcernedPatriot on May 9, 2014 at 6:53 pm

Unfortunately, in the movie industry, nepotism often opens the door to a spiral into hell. Good luck to them.

HK on May 8, 2014 at 5:12 pm

One more reason to boycott Hollywood. And remember, these are the scum that have Obama’s (coffee handled) ears.

Jonathan E. Grant on May 8, 2014 at 5:17 pm

@ Skzion, how come you seem to twist and tangle everything I say?

Yes, I know the story, and as Debbie says, Its been said, rumored that they are dating, but I read where Jayden and Moises are best friends and have been for years. So let me clarify, if it is true that a 20yr old is dating a 14 year old, then that’s a problem.

” Speak about Michael Jordans parties”, You’ve lost me here.

” I know first hand” ” I get around alot” Not as much as I should, but I don’t speak on anything I don’t know and if its an opinion or something else, I would say so. I don’t understand your references to kiddy porn, that’s sick, but yes I’m quite familiar with the debauchery of Hollywood, not getting into details, thats just another tangent that I’m not going to go off on.

Big D on May 8, 2014 at 6:01 pm

    Big D, I erred in saying you had the inside scoop on MJ’s parties. I meant Jay-Z’s parties (see

    That was my only error, however. I don’t know how many times you have casually dismissed evidence if it made anyone black look bad. For all your “Blacks United Against Niggas” schitck, you seem always to defend the Niggas. This is so even when, if white people were involved, you would not step up in their defense. I do not twist your words around, Big D; instead I take them seriously as they are written.

    The photo that you uncritically accepted as innocent is in fact a depiction of kiddy porn whether or not the principals really have hooked up. You think kiddy porn is sick, but you seem to defend its promotion if it involves heteros.

    skzion on May 8, 2014 at 6:36 pm

Even if you try to be a good parent these days its almost impossible due to the culture. God bless those who can home school or can send their children to private or charter schools. We need to unplug our children from this cesspool of a culture. I never could stand Will Smith, and now that he is pimping out his spawn I think he is even more disgusting. I believe I read the Smith’s have an open marriage, so what can we expect from their children?

We do not develop habits of genuine love automatically. We learn by watching effective role models – most specifically by observing how our parents express love for each other day in and day out. ~ Josh McDowell

john on May 8, 2014 at 6:03 pm

I didn’t realize that was a girl until I read this post.

Bomb on May 8, 2014 at 7:39 pm

    So what is her talent besides spending her parents money on outlandish hairdos anyway?

    BTW, is Jada Pinkett related to Obama? They both carry that same phony, smug look on their faces.

    theShadow on May 9, 2014 at 12:31 am

I never understood how any decent parent allowed/paid for their children to attend any Miley Cyrus or Justin Beeber event or watch them on tv or purchase any of their products. Parenting takes guts. Being able to tell your kids NO. It also takes giving up much of your own wants and time to turn those kids into decent adults.

Laura S. on May 8, 2014 at 7:57 pm

I would never allow a teenage daughter of mine to date a 20 year old man. It would be unthinkable in my household.

Hey, we live in a country in which Obama can’t draw and enforce a clear “red line” for foreign miscreants. Why on earth then should we be surprised when Hollywood families can’t lay down the law to their own kids?

Wealth, power and fame moreover is no predictor of human decency.
I find the photo Debbie posted here shocking and its yet another sign of how this once-great country is dying.

NormanF on May 8, 2014 at 8:41 pm

What makes a Hollywood star mostly doesn’t make a good parent.
I think these kids might end up paying the price for that.

Frankz on May 9, 2014 at 12:26 am

BigD, I am having problems posting to the site, so while I have replied to your latest, this reply does not show.

skzion on May 9, 2014 at 10:01 am

Big D, I erred in saying you had the inside scoop on MJ’s parties. I meant Jay-Z’s parties (see

That was my only error, however. I don’t know how many times you have casually dismissed evidence if it made anyone black look bad. For all your “Blacks United Against Niggas” schitck, you seem always to defend the Niggas. This is so even when, if white people were involved, you would not step up in their defense. I do not twist your words around, Big D; instead I take them seriously as they are written.

The photograph that you uncritically accepted as innocent is in fact a depiction of kiddy porn whether or not the principals really have hooked up. You think kiddy porn is sick, but you seem to defend its promotion if it involves heteros.

skzion on May 9, 2014 at 10:02 am

I’m with Norman on this one. I would never in a million years let my daughter date a 20 year old. They would be serving snow cones in Hell to Bin Laden and Robert Byrd before that happens. The funny thing about this is that I used to like both Will and Jada. But much like most of the Blacks in Hollyweird they hooped in the Obama “Hopey and Changey” Train(wreck) and threw their money and fame his way all because he was our “first Black president”. Now if that wasn’t bad enough morons like these two had the nerve to say that Black Conservatives like me who saw the man for what he was were nothing more than Uncle Toms and such. Whatever the fact that the Smiths allowed their daughter to pose in a stupid picture like that and to feign “outrage” when called on it is pathetic. Newsflash to Willard and Jada. Stop pushing your kids to be in show biz. It may have worked for you two but your kids cannot act/sing especially your son. The situation is like Jordan and his son Marcus. Big named father but the son has ZERO talent.

Ken b on May 9, 2014 at 11:00 am

I remember the scene from the Godfather novel (I can’t remember if it’s in the final cut of the movie) where Tom Hagan shows up at the movie producer’s mansion to make him an offer he shouldn’t have refused. A woman is walking out of the mansion and pulling her young daughter with her. The daughter looks ruffled and has lipstick smeared all over her face. Guess what the producer did? He gave her an “audition.” This exploitation of children goes back to Charley Chaplin and when he impregnated 15 year old Lita Grey (his co-star) and had to marry her to avoid prison and scandal.

Hollywood is a cesspool which is poisoning America’s culture. And politics is downstream from culture. You wonder why we elect people like Obama, the Clintons, Harry “I’m losing it” Reid and Nancy “banshee” Pelosi. This is why Hollywood and the Democrats get along so well.

Concerned Citizen on May 9, 2014 at 1:07 pm

@Skzion, It goes to Debbie’s spam folder. You have to email and let her know you posted but its not showing. I have to do this on all my comments lately. That’s why they show up so much later.
She’s working on fixing it. Just fyi

Big D on May 9, 2014 at 4:57 pm

It is Wrong . a 13 year old is not mentally developed like an adult,that is why our ancestors recognised the age of consent. They will be having sex. I do not know of any teens ,including myself in the dark distant past , who were not curious about sex and wanted to try it.
Perhaps will smith is in fact a member of the islam death cult and is simply arranging a child marriage for his daughter in return for financial favours?.
Afteral it is the muslim who enjoy marrying children ,witness the return of emigres back to their country of origin with girl children in tow at any western countries airport on any given day.
Myself, if I were to find a 20 year old man in bed with a child of mine,the retribution would be both swift and enduring.

AronB on May 9, 2014 at 5:21 pm

@ AronB ” ancestors recognised the age of consent.”

Quack. America isn’t consistent. If I go to one state I can screw a 16 yr old. Another state, 17, and another 18. This crap never made sense to me. Never.

Big D on May 9, 2014 at 6:35 pm

Jada Pinkett Smith, if based on her faux “outrage” over the photos of Willow, is yet another in a long line of Class “A” hypocrites – especially given her being part of the drumbeat against human trafficking in the world, even going so far as to take part in photo-ops with Hillary Clinton on that cause. (Never mind her – and the rest of Hollywood – not saying diddly-boop about the real root cause: I-S-L-A-M.)

ConcernedPatriot on May 9, 2014 at 7:15 pm

My guess is that will smith serves the same “illuminated” people that billy ray serves. They will be under a contract to do the bidding of their masters. Don’t know, but wouldn’t be suprised if incest is involved here, as with billy ray and miley.

William on May 11, 2014 at 8:14 pm

That boy is a disney kid… that alone should explain why he feels its okay to lay in bed, shirtless, with a 13 year old girl… also, her parents dont care, they also victimize her & her brother

Nicky Agnew on September 9, 2014 at 8:45 pm

I don’t even take my kids to movies anymore.

We play Mahjong, Volleyball and Ping pong with relatives, family and neighbors – basically everyone who wants to have a good time in our community. Movies are terribly boring and crass, nowadays.

I did bring our family to American Sniper – I got conned in by that table trailer about the wolf and the shepherd (that might have been worth the ticket though) – but now I regret it after reading some things about the movie and about its lead actor. I’ve had to have a talk with my kids that while movies are ‘fun’, they are still fantasies and to resist taking them seriously (I went into a lecture of medieval bards and I’m sure I droned on too long, so I’ll have to try again some time).

I come on this blog to see what it is I’m missing, and it’s nice to know I’m not missing too much. It saves me from the deadly nostalgia of taking my kids on another Hollywood indoctrination bonanza from which I’ll have to explain and extricate myself again.

Never again.

Jerry on November 1, 2015 at 2:45 am

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