May 6, 2014, - 2:09 pm

HUH? AMC Show Calls US Founding Fathers “Insurgents,” Terrorists – “Mad Men” Network Gone Mad

By Debbie Schlussel

Did you know that America’s Founding Fathers were terrorist “insurgents”? That’s not only the favorite line of the HAMAS co-conspirator CAIR (the Council on American-Islamic Relations), but it’s now also the standard line from the AMC cable network.


AMC–the cable network known for the hit series “Mad Men”–has gone mad. Its new series, “Turn,” wants you to know that Islamic terrorists are no big deal because, hey, WE–yes, the Americans–were terrorists once, too. Like I said, this is HAMAS CAIR’s standard BS, and now it’s mainstream entertainment’s message, too.

“Turn,” which bills itself as a “new Revolutionary War spy drama” begins by describing the Founders who wanted to be independent from Great Britain as “insurgents.” The show declares, “Insurgents have declared war against the Crown.” Yup, we are the traitors, the terrorists. We are the bad guys–you know, just like all the Islamic bad guys around the world. We were like them once, is the message. Barf.

Reader Frank:

I recently came upon an AMC show called Turn (I thought it would be a good show about American history, spies etc.) The first thing I see is this written on the screen ‘Insurgents have declared war on the crown.’ American revolutionaries are now insurgents! I tried to watch the show but, I couldn’t get past that line.

I can’t either. Again, it’s AMC and Hollywood leftist TV show producers letting us know that we–Americans–are morally equivalent to the Islamic terrorists of today.

Gee, thanks for the tip, AMC. I guess that makes you what? Al-Manar? Al-Jazeera?

Here’s a tip for AMC. The Founding Fathers did not blow up buildings and murder 3,000 innocent civilians. They didn’t try to blow up innocent passengers on horses and buggies with their underwear or shoes. They didn’t do any of these things. In fact, they were quite civil compared to anything terrorists ever did. Benjamin Franklin didn’t behead his son for supporting the British. Nor did any of the other Founders savagely dissect alive their family members who supported the British Crown. They didn’t kidnap nearly 300 girls and sell them into sex slavery or forcibly marry them off to savages. George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams,and John Taylor of Caroline were nothing like Osama Bin Laden, Hassan Nasrallah, Ismael Haniyeh and Yasser Arafat. Not even close. Not even in the same galaxy.

No, AMC, the Founders were NOT “insurgents.” They were civil, educated men who fought for liberty and freedom. The difference is quite clear.

So sad that you and the rest of Hollywood don’t get it.

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19 Responses

Given all the high quality Bin Laden cinema coming out of Hollywood, I can’t say I’m exactly surprised.

After all, if Islamic terrorists are freedom fighters, the American revolutionary heroes must be the true terrorists.

This is how America’s cultural elite sees the American Founding and the country: as a deed to be atoned for. With that kind of language now invoked in a show on American history, let’s just say no bad deed goes unrewarded.

Debbie, thanks for the review. I won’t be watching “Turn” period.

NormanF on May 6, 2014 at 2:31 pm

I certainly won’t be watching. Doesn’t Hollywood realize that if Muslim’s were in the majority here, it would be their wives and daughters who would be being “captured” and sold into sex slavery. Well, if they had wives and daughters, which most don’t since they’re largely gay and often gay pedophiles (see Bryan Singer and friends).

Adam on May 6, 2014 at 3:33 pm

I must have missed that part of American History where the colonists went to EU and started bombing civilians –oh wait- and also missed the part where colonists immigrated en masse to other nations to preach sedition and violence on their hosts

isahiah62 on May 6, 2014 at 3:46 pm

“Here’s a tip for AMC. The Founding Fathers did not blow up buildings and murder 3,000 innocent civilians. They didn’t try to blow up innocent passengers on horses and buggies with their underwear or shoes. They didn’t do any of these things. In fact, they were quite civil compared to anything terrorists ever did. Benjamin Franklin didn’t behead his son for supporting the British. Nor did any of the other Founders savagely dissect alive their family members who supported the British Crown. They didn’t kidnap nearly 300 girls and sell them into sex slavery or forcibly marry them off to savages. George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams,and John Taylor of Caroline were nothing like Osama Bin Laden, Hassan Nasrallah, Ismael Haniyeh and Yasser Arafat. Not even close. Not even in the same galaxy.”

Thank you, Debbie!

DS_ROCKS! on May 6, 2014 at 4:00 pm

I did not recall Hamilton, Jefferson, Washington, and Franklin battling the United Kingdom to impose Sharia Law.

Worry on May 6, 2014 at 9:54 pm

I don’t recall George raping 9 year old girls, either.

Occam's Tool on May 6, 2014 at 10:10 pm

Biggest difference – American Revolutionary activists weren’t there in London or other cities in Britain trying to terrorize Brits. Once the Brits were gone from the US, the enmity ended – for a while at least.

Contrast this w/ Islamic claims that they only want Infidels out of their lands, but then turn around and happily encroach on bilad ul Kafir territory

Infidel on May 7, 2014 at 1:23 am

“Here’s a tip for AMC. The Founding Fathers did not blow up buildings and murder 3,000 innocent civilians. They didn’t try to blow up innocent passengers on horses and buggies with their underwear or shoes.”

Yes, but the distinction is meaningless to those who wage war in the name of Allah because that’s what their prophet sanctioned.
Therefore by definition as far as they’re concerned we’re the terrorists even if we aren’t.

It’s also meaningless to progressives because all that matters to them is that the West is more affluent and powerful(for the moment) than many of the countries that cultivate terrorism.
Therefore the US is a colonialist country even if it isn’t.

Frankz on May 7, 2014 at 7:11 am

Another difference between the Founding Fathers and terrorists: the Founding Fathers (note: not mothers and/or sisters) used RELIGION TO FREE PEOPLE AND THAT RELIGION WAS CHRSITIANITY; terrorists use islam to enslave and kill people. Christianity good. Islam bad.

Yeah, its that simple.

FriscoKid on May 7, 2014 at 12:18 pm

    Christianity didn’t enslave people? Really. Then how did all those Black Folks get from Africa to America? Yes, Yes, I know the Muslim Arabs were busy in Africa selling them but WHO transported and bought them, transported them to and used in America? Ok, the Founders weren’t Christians so maybe they get a pass for not owning and failing to free their slaves. NOT

    Meira on May 7, 2014 at 12:47 pm

      Besides, I’m not necessarily referring to physical enslavement, but rather intellectual and spiritual enslavement is also part and parcel of Islam. Maybe you should think about that too.

      FriscoKid on May 7, 2014 at 3:42 pm

      Besides, I’m not necessarily referring to physical enslavement, but rather intellectual and spiritual enslavement, which is also part and parcel of Islam.

      FriscoKid on May 7, 2014 at 3:43 pm

Did ancient Jews have slaves? Yes, they did. Did the Torah prohibit slavery? No. Does that make Judaism the moral equivalent of Islam? No, you errant ignoramus.

And if you knew ANYTHING about history, you would know that Jefferson freed his slaves. So again you are wrong.

Finally, slavery was a normal economic activity in that era. And it was CHRISTIAN activists in the mid-1850s that started the anti-slavery movement in the U.S.

FriscoKid on May 7, 2014 at 3:39 pm

Besides, I’m not necessarily referring to physical enslavement, but rather intellectual and spiritual enslavement, which is also part and parcel of Islam.

FriscoKid on May 7, 2014 at 3:44 pm

In 2014 we should be able to discern between the truly evil barbaric medieval sociopathic ideologies ( nigeria Boko Haram, Sunni vs Shiite in Iraq and Syria, global islamoterrorism) and those that deviate or waver from the norm

HK on May 7, 2014 at 4:04 pm

AMC aka the American Movie Classics channel has become like MTV. Back when it was first on the air back in 1981 it showed classic movies. I remember back in the the day I enjoyed watching movies like “To Kill a Mockingbird” and “A Bridge on the River Kwai.” Somewhere along the way just like MTV they went against their regular format and started playing crap. Turn is just a long line of BS that this channel is now promoting. Due to the fact that I’m very busy I don’t have the time to waste watching leftwing revisionist crap like this. I won’t even bother wasting DVR space(recording live TV is the bomb.) My guess is that in order for the dopes to feel good about themselves they have to say that those evil white men back during the Revolutionary War were not only rotten slave owners but terrorists. Hey libnuts the last time I checked the Founding Fathers didn’t strap bombs on children, fly planes into skyscrapers nor did they yell death to America while they shot their unarmed countrymen. Turn and stupid shows like it need to be turned off so that the liberals in media can get a clue.

Ken b on May 7, 2014 at 5:51 pm

in·sur·gent: a person who fights against an established government or authority

You idiots are right, Americans never did this.

Lucas on June 9, 2014 at 12:44 pm

I’ve not seen anything in Turn that’s not the usual redcoats are the bad guys, patriots are saints kinda stuff. Fairly standard biased history trash, so no change for Hollywood really…

It may grate nerves but many a great men were called ‘terrorists’ at the time – Mandela, Ghandi etc. Judging history with a contemporary attitude is fraught with danger.

Benjamin on July 7, 2014 at 11:44 am

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