October 28, 2005, - 5:02 pm

Al-Arian Walk Watch: Terrorist Professor May Go Free

More than four years ago, I was among the first to write about Sami Al-Arian, the University of South Florida Professor who founded Islamic Jihad and headed it up from his university office. I’d written about Al-Arian even before 9/11, but the only interest in him came after the attacks, when people became interested in my series of columns about him.
I appeared on FOX News Channel’s “O’Reilly Factor” and countless other media outlets. Since then, many also-ran writers have jumped on the bandwagon and ripped off my work (and even this photo I had of Al-Arian with President Bush).

Laura and George Bush and the Terrorist Al-Arian Clan

Yesterday, Al-Arian’s defense lawyer rested without presenting a case in the ongoing trial against him. Speculation is that he didn’t have to. After months and months of testimony, media reports say jurors eyes are glazing over daily. Clearly, prosecutors bored them and didn’t stick to the meat of the case against Al-Arian. It will be a travesty of justice if Al-Arian walks. He is responsible for the murder of many civilians, including the bus-bombing murder of American college student Alisa Flatow.
But while it will be a travesty, if Al-Arian walks, it will be no surprise. The Justice Department has a terrible record post-9/11 of prosecuting terrorists, losing most major cases. It’s as if they really want to lose and are just putting on a show for the post-9/11 audience who pays their salary, but whom they secretly disdain. The one terrific victory, in which prosecutor Richard Convertino obtained a guilty verdict against terrorists, Justice Department officials and a questionable judge .
Remember this, if an when Al-Arian walks–a very serious and sad possibility.

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7 Responses

I hope you are wrong. It will be a sad day. It sounds like the Prosecution may have confused the jury with mundane details and trivial facts, just like Marsha did OJ. I hope this is not true. It’s a tremendous sacrifice to serve on a jury that long and DAs need to keep thsir case compact and on target.

John Sobieski on October 28, 2005 at 6:19 pm

Funny thing though, terrorists are set free but folks like Howard Stern and Rush Limbaugh are persecuted and possibly prosecuted by the fullest extent of the law. It’s a sad day when Americans are imprisoned as well as censored and terrorists like Al-Arian are set free. I hope someone in the Moussad don’t miss 😉

KOAJaps on October 29, 2005 at 1:14 am

There are people in governmen who went there primarily to eviscerate government authority in order to champion thir own philosophies.

Walter E. Wallis on October 29, 2005 at 11:27 am

Walter E. Wallis, ironically, that line of thinking is considered by many as Conspiracy Theory, but not just by the Bush admin elitists but also from the elitists from the http://www.dlc.org and both are in bed with each other.

KOAJaps on October 29, 2005 at 1:15 pm

WHY are you surprised???
Besides Matt Drudge, YOU are the only one on the right who actually does any research…and i often wonder if the “p” in GOP stands for “plagarists”…

EminemsRevenge on October 31, 2005 at 8:48 am

Will Prof. Sami Al-Arian be released?

That’s the speculation being raised recently since his lawyer rested without presenting any more arguments in the trial that’s been conducted against this terror-supporting professor who worked in South Florida, who also happens to have been a guest …

Tel-Chai Nation on October 31, 2005 at 4:23 pm

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