April 25, 2014, - 9:00 am
“The Other Woman”: Kate Upton/Cameron Diaz Flick Cheers Violent Poisoning of Men (Rupert Murdoch Made This Flick)
What if a Hollywood studio put out a film in which three men, all of them cheated on by the same woman, violently poisoned her in ways that could get them sent to prison for decades? Would the media applaud?

Nope. Hollywood would be besieged by angry feminists marching against this “Violence Against Women.” Here, the marching should be done on the front lawn of Rupert Murdoch’s 20th Century Fox, which made this male-bashing garbage.
But “The Other Woman,” with the roles reversed, has all of the mainstream media applauding, cheering, and yukking it up with Kate Upton, Cameron Diaz, and Leslie Mann of “The Other Woman,” a long, boring, unfunny anti-male revenge fantasy (and comedy that just isn’t funny). And they get away with it because no one will ever have the cojones to whine about the real war on gender in America: the War on Men.
You’ve seen this movie a gazillion times before. Remember the 1990s awful “First Wives Club”? Yeah, I’d rather forget that, too. But it’s been dredged up again with this decade’s version of Bette Midler and Goldie Hawn done wrong by evil males played by Mann and Diaz, with Upton thrown in so that she can jiggle around her breasts and butt in a skimpy string bikini because otherwise who’d pay to go see a movie with the two aforementioned hags, Diaz and Mann–both of whom hit the wall decades ago?
You know this movie. Hollywood trots out its typical, stock bete noir male who not only two-times, he three-times, and infinity-times. And he cheats financially and tries to take his wife for everything. A complete creep. But this time the soon-“empowered” sisterhood of the cheated upon decides to get revenge. They poison the guy’s drinks with hormones and medications to make him grow large nipples and manboobs and shrink his penis. They also poison his drinks with excessive laxatives so he has bathroom accidents–the movie calls them “fecal incidents”–all over the place. And they put Nair (a hair depilatory for women) into his shampoo. Just one of these would result in several criminal counts against them, as it should be. But don’t let that get in the way of Hollywood and the media cheering on this crap.
With more and more women in the workplace, women getting the majority of college and grad school spots and degrees, earning more than males starting out in the workplace, and cheating on their husbands and male significant others in higher numbers than ever, do you think they’ll ever do the anti-female version of this movie? Think again. That doesn’t fit into the “Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 10 Years Later”/”Sex & the City Hags 20 Years Later” narrative of “We need more grrrrlpower!” You’ll never see a contrary message or any that reflects today’s reality of men under continued attack and on the decline.
Not with the media and Sheryl Sandberg constantly hyping the “woe is me”/”women done wrong” anthems of the “Lean In” BS. All the women want the same penisless Mr. Mom like the one she’s married to, and we need more anti-male revenge fantasies to help make it happen.
Leslie Mann is an annoying, airheaded housewife who has given up having children so her husband can build internet businesses and make them rich (not sure how that involves putting off having children). And she comes up with all of the fantastic internet ideas, while her husband uses them to rip off investors and make her the unwitting fall guy who signs paperwork without understanding any of it. Meanwhile, her hubby is cheating on her with Cameron Diaz and many other women who do not know he’s already married. Diaz and Mann meet along with another paramour, Kate Upton, and they become fast friends. The scorned sisterhood is ready for revenge and, as the saying goes, hell hath no fury like it.
Frankly, if you had to go through life living with Mann’s annoying idiocy and high-pitched, baby-talk voice–actually, it’s more like the sound of giraffes wailing in mid-beheading–you’d cheat, too. Her voice should be played over and over again on the loudspeaker at Gitmo. This movie doesn’t make a very good case against males perpetrating adultery, especially with these hags involved (again, Kate Upton is thrown in to make this appealing to more than two middle-aged cat ladies and to provide some entertainment amidst the non-stop torture for guys who get dragged to this flick by their female dates).
I’m tired of this hackneyed, stale, overused anti-male BS. And I’m not the only one. I predict this film will bomb.
Take the media to task for pimping this two-hour commercial advocating the violent poisoning of men.
It’s not just the men who are poisoned here, it’s the minds of the moronic women who pay ten bucks-plus to go see it.
**** UPDATE: One thing I forgot to mention. As I watched this movie I thought, “We’ll never see a major film called, ‘The Other Wife,’ in which the three abused wives of a Muslim poison and otherwise get revenge on him.” Yup, Muslim males are the only ones safe from Hollywood’s male-bashing.
Watch the trailer . . .
Tags: 20th Century Fox, Cameron Diaz, Kate Upton, Leslie Mann, male-bashing, movie, movie review, Movie Reviews, Rupert Murdoch, The Other Woman, The Other Woman anti-male, The Other Woman male-bashing, The Other Woman movie, The Other Woman movie review, The Other Woman review
More and more people have stopped going to the movies. Again, everyone, boycott leftist anti-male, anti-American, anti-Judeo-Christian Hollywood.
Jonathan E. Grant on April 25, 2014 at 11:59 am