April 18, 2014, - 12:52 pm

Ukraine’s Jews: Wouldn’t Be Surprised if “Orders to Register” Came From Ukrainians, Faked

By Debbie Schlussel

By now, you’ve probably heard yesterday’s news reports about Ukraine Jews receiving flyers ordering them to register themselves and their property, something the Nazis did before rounding up Jews and sending them to the ovens. The flyers were reportedly in the name of the Russians who’ve taken over part of Ukraine. I was skeptical because, as I’ve noted on this site, Ukrainians have a history of brutal anti-Semitism and Nazism, and the leaders of Right Sector, the dominant force in the Ukraine “democracy” protests are open about their Jew-hatred. They also fought with and for Muslim Chechens, the Tsarnaev Bros’ people.


Not that Russia doesn’t have a storied history of anti-Semitism. It’s well known that anti-Semitism was par for the course in Russian history and that Jew-hatred was stepped up under the Soviet Union, which greatly persecuted Jews for practicing their faith and/or trying to emigrate to Israel, imprisoning them for these “crimes.” Vladimir Putin is a vestige of that era.

Still, when I heard about these flyers, they seemed to me to be fakes, created by Ukrainian movements and designed to gain sympathy for them and enmity toward the Russians. Now it seems that is exactly the case, as the Russian groups and officials attributed on the flyers deny having had anything to do with them. Are they lying or are they the victims of Ukrainian produced propaganda?

It’s hard to tell. Because, as I’ve noted before, picking a side in Russia versus Ukraine is like picking a side in Alien v. Predator. Neither side is worthy or can be trusted, but I don’t think the Russians are that stupid. I do believe the Ukrainians are that clever and devious.

The bottom line, though, is that Jews have always been pawns and victims at the brutal hands of both Ukrainians and Russians. And they will continue to be, as evidenced here.

It’s a stale adage but evergreen true: the more things change, the more they stay the same, especially for anti-Semitism, which remains steadfast throughout history. It’s ironic that I write this during Passover because during the first two nights of the holiday we read this in the Haggadah, the book that determines the order of the ceremonial Seder. “In every generation,” we say, Jews are the victims of oppression and persecution.

In every generation, indeed.

That Was Then . . .


This Is Now . . .

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26 Responses


I didn’t mind it so much – if it gets Jews to wake the heck up and move to Israel – its about time.

Europe is the vast graveyard of the Jewish people and they have no real future there.

Whether its Ukraine/Russia, ScandoIslamia, Belgium, France and the UK – the writing is on the wall.

And historic European Christian anti-Semitism these days is increasingly supplanted by Muslim anti-Semitism.

Unlike in the 1930s, Europe’s remaining Jews do have some place to go.

NormanF on April 18, 2014 at 1:19 pm

However we frame it, this is an absurd and heinous transgression of acceptability. It shows the evil that lies dormant in those wishing to annhilate the Jews and should serve as a hard, cold reminder to Israel ( and to JINOS living comfortably in the West ) that only by staying strong and never compromising our ability to defend ourselves will we survive. What an outrage !! They can go fck themselves. Yea, fck u Ukraine, you were always even more vicious and anti-Semitic than the Naziis. You and your country can go to hell.

HK on April 18, 2014 at 1:38 pm

It is an ugly part of the world.

Worry01 on April 18, 2014 at 3:05 pm

This little episode seems mighty suspicious –likely these flyers were planted by an intelligence agency as a way to indirectly pressure Israel, which did not vote to condemn Russia in a recent UN vote. Other countries that did not vote to condemn include India and El Salvador, and they are getting some pressure to stop being neutral as well.

It should go without saying that Jews have a right to live in peace in Russia, the Ukraine and any other country.

PW on April 18, 2014 at 3:25 pm

Russian oppression is such an integral part of their culture. Disgusting.

DS_ROCKS! on April 18, 2014 at 3:27 pm

One would think that the Ukrainian Jews and the Israelis would start airlifting Jews out of that hellhole and bring them to Eretz Yisrael. But I guess that’s reserved only for the Falasha.

FriscoKid on April 18, 2014 at 3:47 pm

    The Ethiopian Jews lived as most Africans do. In small, rural villages, they had nothing in Ethiopia. You need to learn about the civil war there after Haile Selaisse was deposed and see how terrible conditions were for ALL Ethiopians but especially the Royalists. The Jews had little and were not allowed to leave thru normal channels. They came with little more than the clothes on their backs. They have made incredible strides, contributed FAR MORE than any Russkie JINO and I love having them here.

    Meira on April 19, 2014 at 5:08 pm

Honestly, I never have been a fan of Kazakhstan, Russia, or the Ukies.

Occam's Tool on April 18, 2014 at 7:09 pm

Once you have met and become familiar with both Russians and Ukrainians,you understand what is going on. The ukrainians don’t speak Russian,they hate them with a vengeance after the events of 1934 ,which was why they invited germany in during WW2…thinking that the german ethnic population would help them escape the ravages of Stalins USSR.
Time and again the Russians have lusted after the vast productive farm lands of the ukraine and the events happening now,show us I nothing is different.
But what is different in 2014 is that putin is being outed as a 18th Century puppet prince whose backers see nothing but roubles and by taking over another country they hope to increase their stack of those otherwise worthless roubles. In the 1930’s the deaths from the famine created by Stalin were so immense that the world refused to believe such a thing could happen. It will happen again because the west refuses to learn from History . Even putins lies bring a chill as they mimic the words of hitler and the handwringing of obama et al reminds me of the tragedy of chamberlain .

Aron B. on April 19, 2014 at 5:18 pm

Is this something about Eastern Orthodox Christians? Looks like almost all people who have national Eastern Orthodox Churches – Greece, Russia, Ukraine, Egypt, Cyprus – have anti-Semitic tendencies.

I don’t know if the same is also true about the Ethiopian & Serbian Orthodox churches.

Infidel on April 19, 2014 at 10:39 pm

    Hitler called Orthodox Christians, “Christian Jews” and had them persecuted during WWII. Many monks from Greece and the Patriarch of the Serbian Orthodox Church was imprisoned in Dachau.


    Over 650,000 Serbian Orthodox Christians died in Jasenovac Concentration camp in Croatia. Run by Croatian and Bosnian Nazis. It is estimated that over 25,000 Jews and 16,000 Romas dies there as well.

    There is a site in Novi Sad where their are carved stone Stars of David and Crosses leading into the Danube River, where the German Nazis forced Orthodox Christians and Jews onto small ice floes and then shot them dead as they floated on the ice.

    IN Kosovo the Albanians there side with Hitler and like the Croats and the Bosnians, formed SS Divisions.

    Hitler promised the Albanians they could have Kosovo, the Cradle of the Serbian Orthodox Church since the 9th century, ALL to themselves IF they supported him in the war.

    Unfortunately NATO did what even communism was not able to do under Tito or Milosevic…destroy the Church totally in Kosovo ….sadly NATO made that possible… many years after the war. And thus NATO fulfilled Hitler’s promise to the Albanian invaders of Kosovo.

    It is all theirs and now Islamic to the core!

    It's just me again on April 20, 2014 at 8:57 pm

Debbie, you are very wrong about Russians. The whole (unfortunately too familiar) scenario is written by KGB. This is an old, old scheme designed deliberately to inflame hostility between pro and anti Russia population.
Tomorrow Putin will come to defend Ukrainian Jews from Ukrainian fascists, can you imagine that? I came from Russia and I know what I am talking about. Yes, I know about the antisemitism in Ukraine, but, believe me, at the moment Ukrainians have more important problems to solve – they are betrayed, humiliated, loosing their territories, have economy in disaster, and no one to rely upon. So, as a conclusion, it is not Ukrainian nationalists, it is a pure Russian plot.

Inna Kreer on April 20, 2014 at 2:18 am

    not implausible…..I’d still lump them both together, there are no good-guys here.

    HK on April 20, 2014 at 11:36 am

    This whole scenario is RIGHT OUT of the CIA playbook!

    The West has had its eye on taking the Ukraine for years…go ahead let the EU, the USSR-WEST have your little fiefdom and the next thing you will see( AS did the Republic of Georgia saw), homosexuals placed in high places and having no use for religion, those high officials have been ridding the govt. of ANY moral and religious people.

    It's just me again on April 20, 2014 at 9:04 pm


That’s refreshing. I like a leader without ‘filters’. Says what’s on his mind, complete with derogatory (but accurate) language.


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