August 17, 2009, - 10:47 am
Hilarious “Racism” Charge of the Day: National Parks are Racist; Blacks Don’t Visit b/c Soil Reminds Them of Slavery?!
This has to be the most absurd claim of racism and intimidation of Blacks I’ve heard yet–that America’s national parks are racist and that Blacks don’t visit because the dirt and the soil remind them of slavery. Hilarious. Blacks have been farmers in America for centuries. But now, soil and dirt at parks reminds them of slavery?
Hmmm . . . maybe the reason they don’t like national parks is that Yosemite’s only Black ranger wears two earrings, if ya know what I mean. Maybe Blacks don’t go to national parks because they don’t want to. Maybe they prefer something else for their free time. Why is this a problem? It’s their business what they choose to do with their free time and their free choice, not a national crisis that needs to be socially engineered otherwise.
As I always say, if you look for racism, you’ll find it. Time to stop looking for it and move beyond absurdities like this.
Oh, and by the way, Snoop Dogg at the national parks–bad idea.
Tags: American National Parks, Blacks, National Parks, Only Black Ranger, race card, Racism, Yosemite
I want to charge the North American Hunting Club as being racist also because you don’t ever see black people hunting on television. It’s because they were shot at a lot in the past so now they hate guns and killing animals. Will any African American volunteer to go into inner city classrooms and elaborate upon the virtues of game hunting? Anyone?
JohN HENRY on August 17, 2009 at 11:04 am