August 16, 2009, - 5:11 pm

More Schlussel TV Guide: Ookie, er . . . Michael Vick on “60 Minutes”

By Debbie Schlussel

As you may know, tonight on “60 Minutes,” Ookie a/k/a “Ron Mexico” a/k/a Michael Vick gives an exclusive interview to my friend, James Brown.  I like James Brown, he’s interviewed me many times for several of his radio and TV projects, and I think he’ll do a good job.  I doubt he’ll shy away from asking the dog killer/quarterback some tough questions about his “Bad Newz Kennels,” though he’ll probably do it in his usual more subdued, classy way.


ookiejerseyMichael Vick/”Ookie” Jersey by David Lunde/Lundesigns

As you probably know, Ookie (vick’s dog-fighting biz name) signed with the Philadelphie Eagles of the National Football League, and NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell has allowed dog torturer Vick to play, this season.

I have mixed feelings about this.  On the one hand, it’s not just that Vick abused dogs, it’s that he was extremely cruel to living creatures (read the indictment for the details on what he did to the dogs).  Anyone who is as cruel as he was to the dogs (literally throwing them against a wall or the ground, repeatedly and making them suffer) is sick–and I don’t think it’s curable.  You don’t have to agree with the extremist views and goals of PETA a/k/a PUTAh (People for the Unethical Treatment of Animals and humans) to recognize that such cruelty to living creatures is indicative of violent tendencies to ALL living creatures, including–and very likely–humans.

On the other hand, Vick has served his time, spent a good deal of his sentence in prison.  And that’s hardly the case with NFL players that actually killed human beings, as opposed to animals.  Ray Lewis, for example, took part in the stabbing murder of three people.  And he was never suspended from the NFL for it.  After the fact, this multiple murderer was a Superbowl MVP.  Donte Stallworth, who killed a man while he was drunk driving and stoned on marijuana, served less than 30 days in jail, and he will only be suspended for one NFL season.  (And, as I noted earlier this year, the 2009 Superbowl MVP, Santonio Holmes, is a chick-beating, drug-dealing, multiple-times baby daddy who likes to expose himself.)

Clearly, the NFL and our court system doesn’t place as great a value on human life as it does on canine life, aside from the despicable torture Vick and his dog-fighting compatriots put the dogs through.

Exit Question:  Since the NFL outlawed the manufacture of Atlanta Falcons jerseys with Michael Vick’s “Ookie” nickname on them, can we expect the same embargo for Eagles jerseys?

I’d bet on it.  Remember, the NFL is the No Fun League.  But what about “Ron Mexico” (Vick’s name for picking up and giving groupies STDs) jerseys?




In my own religion of Judaism, even though we eat meat and are as carnivorous as anyone, our kosher slaughter and dietary rules are designed to be humane to animals as possible because even though we are killing them for the purpose of food (the only purpose permissible for killing animals in Judaism, other than saving human lives), we recognize that these are lives and can suffer and feel pain.

It is for that very reason that Jews are not permitted to eat dairy and meat ingredients together.  We do this because of the Biblical saying, “Thou shalt not cook a goat in its mother’s milk.”  In earlier times with self-sufficient farms, it was very likely that if you cooked a goat in milk, it might be in its own mother’s milk.  In Judaism, it was thought that it is bad enough that we have to kill the goat to eat it, but we won’t embarrass it and make it suffer further by cooking it in milk, which could be its own mother’s milk.

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35 Responses

Debbie, Vick is one of the dumbest guys ever to play in the NFL, judging by his Wunderlick score. I would doubt that he’s capable of having much empathy.

A1 on August 16, 2009 at 5:40 pm

I am a PETA member; but with that being said I do not agree with everything PETA says and does. But it was PETA that helped break this horrible story about the monster Vick. Some of the dogs have been rehabilitated by rescue and shelter groups one of which I am also a member. I did not agree with PETA saying the dogs should be killed. Vick is a horrible guy for kids to emulate and admire.

Then you must agree that wearing fur is unacceptable in Judaism. Fur is a symbol of greed, materialism and violence. No one should wear fur except its righful owner which are fur-bearing creatures ( lynx, raccons, chinchillas, minks, cats, dogs,lambs,etc.) They are routinely anally/vaginally electrocuted, trapped, stomped on, have their heads bashed on the ground, choked and many times are skinned while still alive. (I am sure Vick would approve).

I am a member and USA board member of Catholic Concern for Animals, We promote a compassionate lifestyle
which requires making an effort to live a vegan one. We don’t strive to be perfect, simply be as compassionate as possible to all sentient life (human and non-human). Peace.

VC: Nope, I’m 100% for wearing fur, leather, etc. Nothing in Judaism against me wearing it. Animals were made to serve man, but we should just try to be the least cruel possible in the process. DS

Vegan conservative on August 16, 2009 at 8:05 pm

Doobie, did you hear what one trapped mink said to the other trapped mink?

“See you in shul.”

A1 on August 16, 2009 at 8:10 pm

With the filth that is the NFL, I simply choose not to watch. Same with the NBA. What happened to the code of ethics for professional athletes? OH thats right MONEY now makes the rules.

wolf2012 on August 16, 2009 at 8:45 pm

    There are 460 convicted felons in the NFL.

    That said, Vick can’t play ball with a darn! He wasn’t delivering under his last contract.

    Finally, the cruelty he inflicted IS UNFORGIVEABLE. Let him sell insurance.

    Boycott the NFL.

    goldenmike4393 on August 17, 2009 at 12:30 pm

I can’t watch sports I’d rather be playing them. I wouldn’t know who Vick was if it wasn’t for his infamous dog fighting.

But ultimately it is up to every individual to decide if they forgive his trespasses. I wouldn’t say he would still be cruel to animals. I hope he is working hard to seek his remittance, some of which he has paid it with his time in jail.

But I’m all for comedy, let the funny shirts roll!

Andrew deRenzy on August 16, 2009 at 10:06 pm

As you have noted many times Debbie, NFL (and all pro) sports these days are really mercenary money making schemes. If this thug or that can put the ball or puck in the net or knock the other goon out (like Tyson)–we stand in awe and gape at our TV’s through endless ads to watch and adore.

One wonders why/how we Americans pay $100+ for a ticket to fight traffic, pay rip off prices for parking and “refreshments” and most often watch some mediocre effort at a sports competition. I wonder how much less a beer would cost if it was not for the appetite we have for pro sports?

The hypocrisy on all fronts is appalling and ironic. Take the steroids in baseball scandal. It was well known 20 years ago that most of the producers were juicing–hitting over 70 hrs in a season, sure. Notice how human each of them has become, less the juice these days.

As for Vick, I would have to say I despise the guy. Yet since the NFL is mercenary, it was only a question of WHERE he would land–not IF he would play again. The best we can hope for is that he will never lose this stigma of being a brutal cruel sicko. But, like the recently killed McNair (killed by his mistress for cheating with another ho, I’m told), fans are quick to forgive these thugs for their indiscretions.

Yes, as Americans we get the government AND THE SOCIETY we deserve. The Romans had a blood lust which led to all kind of atrocities for entertainment in their colisseum. This is what we have become–how sad.

BB on August 16, 2009 at 11:25 pm

Have to disagree with you on this one Debbie. I aint falling for the PETA propaganda. Waiting to buy my Mike Vick Eagles jersey. Just my way of giving the middle finger to the PETA people and the psychotic animal lovers. The amount of attention given to this was totally unbelievable. They were dogs. Don’t give me crap about they were tortured. Sorry but I would go out of my way and protest the infliction of humans on humans before protesting any dogs being tortured. I have been to bullfights puh-leeze. Not gonna get worked up. He did his time and it his time was justified. Time for him to move on. I saw more people protest this guy than child molesters getting protested coming into a neighborhood. Those that are getting so worked up that they must show up in droves are psychotic animal lovers and PETA people who have a larger agenda to ban meat for consumption or have animals as pets. Vick is despicable, but his crime must be seen in the context it was done in. He did his time, lost tens of millions and now is his time to make money. Those protesting at this vociferous level don’t watch football anyway. Screw them. Why in the hell would I listen to them whether I should watch football or not.
I am glad Vick signed with the Philadelphia Eagles. Philadelphia fans are notorious. They booed Santa Claus and Sarah Palin. They will give Mike Vick the boos at the start. But I guarantee when Vick plays the best football of his career, he will get all the love from the Philly fans. Once he proves his worth on the field, that is what it will be all about. SCOREBOARD. Then I dare those sissy PETA people to protest Vick. Hell hath no fury like a Philly fan.

Terrel Owens gets a Philly cheer after his attempted suicide by OD…

CaliforniaScreaming on August 16, 2009 at 11:30 pm

I quit being interested in football about 11 years ago. The book, “Pros and Cons in the NFL” was all the eye opening I needed. They’ve not impressed me AT ALL ever since.

All the time outs and play stopping after every play doesn’t help me either.

CAGE FIGHTING!!! That’s the real deal.

Joe on August 17, 2009 at 12:32 am

I will stop watching NFL. How many dogs would a player have to kill, torture and mane before NFL Commissioner would say ” No, We do not want that person working and representing us.”

Jim on August 17, 2009 at 12:41 am


    Exactly. In fact, with 460 convicted felons playing in the NFL, it sounds more like “organized crime” and I won’t be watching.

    goldenmike4393 on August 17, 2009 at 12:36 pm

I will stop watching NFL. How many dogs would a player have to kill, torture and mane before NFL Commissioner would say ” No, We do not want that person working and representing us.”

more than 9

Andrew deRenzy on August 17, 2009 at 1:07 am

“Drunk driving and stone on marijuana?”
Animal rights groups, such as PETA, do tend to focus on cruelty to animals, rather than cruelty to children. At one time, animal rights groups recognized that there was a connection between the two. The first successful prosecution for child abuse in the United States, the so-called “Little Mary Ellen” case, was taken to court by the ASPCA, under animal protection laws. Henry Bergh, the founder of the ASPCA, was the co-founder of the New York State Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children.

Miranda Rose Smith on August 17, 2009 at 1:51 am

@Vegan conservative

And Catholic no less! Humph/poppycock! You are a glorified version of typical hypocrisy.

You have no problem with pleather shoes, purses… purchased from the monetary gain made by ripping up baby skin. You have no qualms associating with peta, though peta’s end justifies the means.

It amazes me how one picks the most important thing on the planet to become active in, hmm. That animal abuse exists is obvious. It is not even close to an epidemic, which is how peta reacts to it and promotes it. The abuse of children and babies IS an epidemic of HUGE MULTILEVEL proportions: Not just babies, HUMAN babies, even those in the womb that peta members consider to be just a blob of tissue. If animal “fetuses” were treated to economic gain by sucking them out of animal wombs in the same fashion as human babies peta would come unglued.

V.G., you are a hypocrite of the worst kind, stfu!

Smile on August 17, 2009 at 7:32 am

@Miranda Rose Smith

Yeah, things morph don’t they. Like the aclu, and peta. So called ‘rights’ morphed into anything but empathy.

It’s not about peta being focused on animals rather then… They support abuse of children and babies. A clue to that can be found in their affiliations. If you can’t see the glaring facts (as it’s kinda hard to tell where you’re coming from) you can stfu as well.

Smile on August 17, 2009 at 7:44 am

He abused dogs not huimans. It coost him twop years of real prison and 100 million plus a persnal fiancial bankruptcuy. He has earned another chance and I am sorry but I believe mistreating dogs is nothing more than a misdemenaor. Killing murder is a capital crime that requires the forfeit of the perpetraotr’s life. These PETA frauds refuse to support that but they have elevated the detah of animlas to moral equivalence to the murder of a sacred human. That is what is sickening not thsi petty thug.

Bill Ford on August 17, 2009 at 8:34 am

Sure Vick served his time and says he’s sorry. What else can he say? Severing his time doesn’t change who his is, his cruelty to the helpless animals defines exactly what and who he is: Cold,cruel, and heartless. If I lived in Philly I would let the Eagle org. know (constantly) that I will not support their team until he is released and they apologize.

KrazyKafir on August 17, 2009 at 8:38 am

Well, if Vick is playing for the Eagles, I know what team I WON’T be watching this year, and I hope other football fans do the same.

Paul on August 17, 2009 at 9:24 am

Here’s my take on it. Michael Vick was incredibly cruel to those dogs. But, he got caught and served his time, unlike so many of the other murderers, wife-beaters, and druggies in the NFL, as Debbie mentioned. So let Vick get on with his life, he has a right to make a living just like everyone else.

Suzanne Quigley on August 17, 2009 at 9:47 am

    So let Vick get on with his life, he has a right to make a living just like everyone else.

    Suzanne Quigley on August 17, 2009 at 9:47 am

    Yes, let him sell insurance. Take him out of the public eye.

    goldenmike4393 on August 17, 2009 at 12:33 pm

The reasons some have said they they don’t watch the NFL or NBA anymore simply amaze me. How is it that some people expect folks who train and spend their professional lives knocking the hell out of other human beings are somehow supposed to be “nice” people? In no way do I want to excuse pro athlete crimes and excesses, but it’s amazing that folks look at history with rose-colored glasses and somehow believe that historically, sports stars always acted honorably off the field. The sins of certain athletes were covered up just like President Kennedy’s extramarital affairs were covered up. For example, read the bios of sports starts like Ty Cobb and many others…these were not “nice” people. I recently saw a documentary on the History channel that included a well-known and popular baseball star of the 1940’s…but what was not known to the public was that he habitually got drunk and beat people up off the field (including his wife and kids). Today’s scandal-hungry press today is much different that the press was for most of the 20th century when dealing with high-profile athletes, entertainers and politicians. If Michael Vick were a sports star in the 1950’s, this story probably never would have seen the light of day.

Unlike PETA, I believe there are a lot more pressing issues going on in the world than animal cruelty…let’s deal with the human cruelty happening all over the world first (as other commentators have mentioned). Mr. Vick has served his time and been punished. He lost $135 million dollars…that $135 MILLION dollars. And that’s NOT counting the endorsement money that he lost and will never see again. And he served time in Leavenworth, not exactly the most pleasant Mr. Vick wants to get back on the field and try to make a living, I have no problem with that. He’s served his time and besides, he will be punished for what he did for the rest of his life in one way or another. But I must give a big “attaboy” to Tony Dungy for actually living out his faith and walking his talk by putting his reputation on the line for Mr. Vick. We need more men of faith and good reputation to get in the face of some of these knuckleheads and try to turn their lives around….

JibberJabber on August 17, 2009 at 10:37 am

    I have to agree with this. It’s amazing how all weekend most of america was more focused on Michael Vick’s history of abusing animals, than the MORE DEPRESSING things that are going on in the world.

    And oh by the way….Michael Vick is a BACKUP QUARTERBACK!!

    Squirrel3D on August 17, 2009 at 11:26 am

      And oh by the way….Michael Vick is a BACKUP QUARTERBACK!!
      Squirrel3D on August 17, 2009 at 11:26 am

      He is a poor ballplayer. Now, he will blame pubic opinion on his downfall.

      Let him find something else to do so we don’t need to be reminded of his demonic cruelty inflicted on innocent animals.

      goldenmike4393 on August 17, 2009 at 12:34 pm

What he did was criminal, and until he says that and stops phrasing it as bad judgment, it feels like *wink wink* don’t get caught kids and wannabe rappers. He served his time, such as it was, but he isn’t reformed, and how dehumanizing the NFL is to toss him into their circus. They deserve each other, and their dwindling ratings.

FeFe on August 17, 2009 at 1:04 pm

“Vick’s an Eagle, so hide your Beagle!”

Mary on August 17, 2009 at 2:50 pm

The sad reality is that as long as Vick can still play NFL football, forgiveness will be issued. Now, if he had been a third-stringer, he’d be out of luck.

Still, in professional sports, drug users (Michael Irvin), wife and girlfriend beaters (too many to count), drunk driving suspects (such as the late Steve McNair) have practically been welcomed back with open arms.

Rick on August 18, 2009 at 4:21 pm

goldenmike4393 on August 17, 2009 at 12:34 pm wrote

“He is a poor ballplayer. Now, he will blame pubic opinion on his downfall.

Let him find something else to do so we don’t need to be reminded of his demonic cruelty inflicted on innocent animals.”

During a recent chat with my aunt, she summed it up perfectly.
She wondered How does the murder of human being created in the image of God generate less press-and even sentencing-than the dogs killed by Michael Vick.

This shows how sick America has become.

So, I’m going to be a rebel in the pro-dog/anti-human culture. I hope Vick does well with the Eagles and will ignore those who think killing dogs makes one Hitler.

Fred2 on August 18, 2009 at 9:58 pm

    You’re arguing facts not in evidence. AFAIK, no person charged with murder has done less than the 18 months Vick served. Your supposition is incorrect.

    Damn Vick to hell. We are supposed to care for the pets. God took time to name them, showing importance.

    Vick can sell YOU insurance because I won’t be buying anything he has to sell.

    goldenmike4393 on August 31, 2009 at 5:59 pm

I’d kill this motherf-cker with my bare hands if they’d let and I don’t think that tshirt is very funny and some of these comments are sick. Imagine your little animal whining in horrid pain because he’d just been slammed up against the wall and there was nothing but other disgusting scum humans around besides Vick and you had no way out of that fate. It just tells you that this country is on its last leg. We’re done. Now go have your baby ripped out of you.

You hope he does well … FU

JP on August 18, 2009 at 10:59 pm

JP, you’re advocating some seriously violent and disgusting acts against Michael Vick and some commentators on this site because you’re upset about some seriously violent acts against animals??? That’s as ironic as having a violent anti-war protest!

Dude, you need some serious psychological help…

ManoMano on August 19, 2009 at 3:56 pm

Oh STFU, manomano — you’re an over-the-top idiot. I used a figure of speech against Vick and didn’t threaten. You f-cking moron.

JP on August 29, 2009 at 2:02 pm

didn’t threaten = didn’t threaten others on the site. You asshole, you NEED the therapy.

JP on August 29, 2009 at 2:02 pm

    Michael Vick deserves to suffer the same harm he inflicted on his dogs: electrocution, beating, suffering, left to die, torment, ad nauseum.

    goldenmike4393 on August 31, 2009 at 6:02 pm

What kind of job would you be able to get after you did what Michael Vick did? I know I wouldn’t be able to do what I do now.

Playing in the NFL should be seen as a privilege, whether the players like it or not, they are role models. It is the choice of the NFL to let these criminals back in, until they stop I am not watching.

EB on September 14, 2009 at 4:37 pm

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