March 25, 2014, - 12:52 pm
VIDEO: Nabisco Doesn’t Like Hetero White Families – Not “Wholesome, Traditional”
Traditional families–especially if they are White, heterosexual, and clean of self-inflicted body mutilation–are no longer “wholesome,” according to Nabisco and its “This is Wholesome” ad campaign.

The marketing of products to gays, interracial couples, and tattoo-covered hipsters isn’t new. I’ve noted the increase in marketing to gay families and so on, from J.C. Penney to Target. But, now, Nabisco wants you to know that straight, White, heterosexual couples and families aren’t cool, especially if they are not covered by tattoos and body piercings. That’s the in-your-face message of the company’s newest ad for its Honey Maid and Teddy Grahams products. The ad has been running during liberal-dumb-women-friendly shows like “The View” and “Good Morning America,” er . . . “GMA.” And Nabisco wants you to know that traditional families are OUT, OUT, OUT! And not as in “out of the closet.” That’s the “cool” kind of out for Nabisco.
The only thing missing here are a gay Al-Qaeda terrorist couple, a crocheting, needlepointing lesbian Muslim couple in hijabs who like antiquing, and a vegan, anti-vegetable Upper East Side couple who eat clay and ride bicycles to work as graphic designers for Occupy posters and makers of cashmere Q-tips for the starving in Africa. Clearly, they are wholesome, too. And you aren’t.
By the way, in case you didn’t get the hint–that Nabisco wants you to know that all of what is in the ad is “wholesome,” but heterosexual White, tattoo-free couples ain’t–here’s the message Nabisco posted with the video on YouTube:
Today we celebrate all families. From working moms to two moms; stay at home dads to single dads; adopted kids to surrogate kids. Honey Maid recognizes that the reality of family has changed, but the wholesome connections that all families share will endure.
Nabisco also has a series of “documentaries” such as the one below as part of the “This is Wholesome” campaign:
Here’s the Nabisco “Honey Maid” message that accompanies the video:
This is a touching story of another real family in our new “This is Wholesome” TV commercial about how two traditional guys built their family on love and laughter.
Ah, so, now, two men in a gay marriage are “traditional,” but a White man and woman in marriage aren’t. Up is down, right is left, blue is red.
Here’s a tip, Nabisco: along with straights, Whites, and decoration-free skin, sugar and carbs are OUT, OUT, OUT, too. Especially with the same progressive crowd Nabisco is targeting with that ad.
So, good luck with your Whole Foods-style marketing campaign for junk food.
Exit Question: when is this “Wholesome” ad debuting in Saudia Arabia, Iran, Egypt, Malaysia, or a gazillion other Muslim countries where gays are executed and Blacks are slaves (not partners in interracial marriage)? Nabisco sells products in all of these countries.
For the record, I couldn’t care less if you marry outside of your race or if you sleep with someone of the same sex. Not my business. But this ad makes clear that if you marry inside your race, you’re White, you have a family that consists of a man and a woman at the top, and you aren’t covered in self-defacing skin decor, you aren’t the preferred audience for the product. And, more important, you aren’t “wholesome” (by some idiotic marketing exec’s definition). So, maybe you shouldn’t buy this product or anything else from Nabisco (including Oreos, Chips Ahoy, Ritz Crackers, etc.).
I know that some lumenmorontariat members will tell me about how plagiarist Michelle Fraudkin just loves these ads and promotes interracial families in the conservative movement. Yeah, I know that–just like the left–she loves racial identity politics because affirmative action and the hipness of being a minority is the only reason (other than her ball-less guru wife, Jesse) that she’s ever gotten anything (she always checked the “minority” box on every application, from college on forward). She also constantly touts herself as a “woman of color” and has written columns about her “interracial marriage to a White guy.” Here’s a tip, Michelle: you ain’t Black . . . as much as you wish you were.
But, let’s be honest, if it weren’t for her minority status, we’d never have heard of the hack.
It’s the same attitude in the Nabisco ad. And it should be escorted to the garbage heap.
Tags: BJ's Wholesale Club, Honey Maid, Nabisco, Nabisco anti-heterosexual, Nabisco anti-Straight, Nabisco anti-White, Nabisco hipsters, Nabisco race, Nabisco racism, Nabisco This is Wholesome, Nabisco traditional, Nabisco Wholesome, Teddy Grahams, This is Wholesome
Might be time to check and see what Nabisco’s affiliations are in the corporate world, so I can boycott all companies that have anything to do with them.
Funny how a company which has such a big part of its identity wrapped up in “whiteness” is turning its back on it in society. By “whiteness” I’m referring to ‘Nilla’ Vanilla Wafers, a cookie line by Nabisco. In so many people’s lives, who hasn’t seen THAT box on just about every trip down the aisles of your local supermarket?
Alfredo from Puerto Rico on March 25, 2014 at 1:09 pm