March 11, 2014, - 4:27 pm
Mummified Detroit Body Voted for Democrats Two Years After Death
A mummified dead body in Pontiac, Michigan, a Detroit suburb, voted in the 2010 Michigan gubernatorial election, about two years after she is believed to have died (2008). Pontiac is a mini-Detroit in every way–corruption, race-baiting, bankrupt finances, war zone setting, etc. It is a few miles north of the Motor City.
But, hey, why would we need voter ID laws? After all, there is no voter fraud, right? It’s just a fantasy of evil right-wingers. You might ask about my headline and why I’m sure that a mummified woman’s body in Pontiac voted for Democrats. Well, I’ll ask you: do you really think a dead body in urban Pontiac voted Republican? That’s usually not the way voter fraud goes. I think you’d have to go back to the era of Tutankhamun to find a mummy that voted Republican. Just sayin’.
Voting records in Oakland County show [Pia] Farrenkopf, who has not been positively identified by the Medical Examiner’s Office, is shown as voting in the November 2010 gubernatorial election.
Pontiac city records indicate Farrenkopf registered to vote in 2006 and had not voted until 2010, but officials point out that could have been an administrative error and she may not have actually cast a vote.
Uh-huh, sure it was. Oh, so, that’s what they’re calling voter fraud, these days.
The city clerk, who was not in that job in 2010, said infrequent voters tend to vote in presidential elections, like 2008, over gubernatorial elections like the one in 2010.
Exactly. But people committing voter fraud don’t account for that stuff. They’re clever, but not that clever.
But we’ll never know for sure how the mummy-ette voted on ballot initiatives. After all, dead mean–and dead chicks–tell no tales.
And that’s the point of voting mummy-style.
Three things are certain in Pontiac: death, taxes, and voting after death.
No, She Doesn’t Look Like an Obama Voter, But Female Mummies Change Their Voting Habits Often . . .
Tags: Detroit, Detroit mummy, Detroit Mummy Voted, mummy voted, mummy voted Democrat, Pia Farrenkopf, Pontiac, Pontiac mummy
There is voting after death.
Worry on March 11, 2014 at 4:36 pm