February 28, 2014, - 5:03 pm
Weekend Box Office: PC, Islamo-Friendly “Non-Stop,” Moronic “Adult World”
Another disappointing weekend at the box office. I did not see “Son of God.” Here are the movies, new at theaters this weekend, which I did see.

* “Non-Stop“: As I’ve told you in the past, actor Liam Neeson said he considered converting to Islam and claimed that the lion in “The Chronicles of Narnia” and “The Lion, Witch, and the Wardrobe” movies is Mohammed (and not Jesus, which author C.S. Lewis specifically wrote the lion to represent). And, most recently, Neeson said the only reason he did not convert to Islam is that the people in his native Irish hometown of Ballymena, Co Antrim wouldn’t like it (they probably wouldn’t have had a problem with it–it’s Israel Ireland doesn’t like; Islam it’s embraced quite warmly, and it’s the fastest growing religion on the Emerald Isle). And this movie is consistent with Neeson’s multi-orgasms for Islam. In other words, you know who the villain probably isn’t.
Given that, you know that this hijacking movie, in which Neeson stars as a Federal Air Marshal, isn’t going to make the Muslim the hijacker. And if you know that, you are right. But the identity of the hijacker(s) in this movie and their motive is so absurd–so outrageous!–that it makes the rest of the movie absurd. The first 1.5 hours of this movie is okay, until the identity and motive of the villain(s) is disclosed. And while a good mystery/thriller gives you some hint of who the villain is and his/her motive, this movie gives almost none.
Neeson is Bill Marks, a troubled Federal Air Marshal, who is an alcoholic, filed for bankruptcy, has personal, marital, and family issues, and is mad at the TSA for putting him on a non-stop flight transatlantic flight from New York. Once the flight begins, he gets repeated text messages from someone on the plane, threatening to kill a passenger every 20 minutes until $150 million is wired passenger’s Swiss bank account. But all of it is a frame-up job, as the account is in Neeson/Marks’ name, and he realizes all the other evidence points to setting him up. So, Neeson must figure out which of the mysterious passengers–including Julianne Moore, stewardesses (er . . . “FLIGHT ATTENDANTS!”), and pilots–is the hijacker, all while battling the TSA on the ground and the pilots, whom the TSA has instructed to ignore Neeson/Marks and relieve him of his duty. And Neeson also discovers a bomb on the flight and that his TSA partner has issues.
When Neeson/Marks boards the flight and throughout the movie, we are shown “ominous” glances at various passengers, including a Muslim with a skullcap. I immediately ruled out the Muslim as any source of evil or wrongdoing, as Hollywood never does that, these days, plus Neeson’s reverence for Islam would prevent that from being in the script. And, as we all know, Muslims have never and would never try to hijack or blow up planes, right? Never ever happened in American history (if you’re a moron or a Hollywood exec–same diff.)
**** SPOILER ALERT #1 **** And–guess what?–I was right. The Muslim is a doctor and a good guy who helps the Neeson’s Air Marshal and tries to save people on the plane from dying. **** SPOILER ALERT #2 ****: Turns out the actual hijackers/terrorists are two men–a White guy and his Black stooge (isn’t that always the way in the Hollywood narrative), who served in the U.S. military in Iraq and/or Afghanistan and are upset they served in a war they didn’t understand why we were fighting. Also, the White dude’s father died in 9/11, and he and the Black dude want to show the world the holes in the TSA security and what a joke it is–how we aren’t safe. And they are willing to bomb the plane and blow themselves up to prove it (at least, the White guy is; the Black guy has more sense and is less militant–another Hollywood meme).
By the way, when was the last time, U.S. military veterans hijacked and tried to blow up planes? When was the last time this was done by those of us who question TSA security? When was the last time a Muslim tried to hijack a plane? In PC fantasy v. truth, the PC fantasy always wins out in Hollywood (and in Liam Neeson’s philo-Islamic mind). Incredibly, the morons at PJMedia, per their usual idiocy, just loved this absurd, pan-Muslim fantasy. Can’t believe anything you read there. Not a single thing.
As I said, it’s a great movie until these revelations drain all juice from the film. Until then, I’d have given it TWO REAGANS. But the “resolution” of the movie changes it entirely to . . .
Watch the trailer . . .
* “Adult World“: This is one of the two most stupid, insipid, disgusting, and inane coming of age movies I can remember seeing. (The other is “The To Do List”–read my review–which is decidedly far worse.) What an incredible waste of my time. Boring and pointless. Garbage to the max.
Julia Roberts’ niece Emma Roberts is a loser unpublished poet with huge college loans who is living at home with her parents and mooching off of them. Her parents finally cut the purse strings and force her to get a job, but the only job this unemployed poet with the worthless college degree can get is as help at a seedy porn shop in the inner city. There, here life predictably “opens up” and she blossoms while hanging out and living with a transvestite, a fellow adult store employee, and the far-left revolutionaries with whom she eventually shares an apartment. Because–don’t you know?!–you can only blossom and become enlightened in America by hanging out at sex shops and befriending trannies. They are the muses of Western civilization!
Oh, and also, she is in love with some loser poet (John Cusack), whom she stalks, and who eventually allows her to clean his house for free. Since Roberts cannot get published–her poetry is dreck–she takes on a pen name and writes porn–er, “Erotic!”) poetry. Oh, and did I mention that throughout the movie, “hip” (for the ’80s! not the 2010s) off-beat music and songs keep playing non-stop.
High quality Gitmo torture material.
Watch the trailer . ..
Tags: Adult World, Adult World movie, Adult World movie review, Adult World review, Ballymena, Co Antrim, Emma Roberts, Federal Air Marshals, Julianne Moore, Liam Neeson, Liam Neeson Ballymena, Liam Neeson Islam, movie, movie review, Movie Reviews, Non-Stop, Non-Stop movie, Non-stop movie review, Non-stop review, TSA
I also saw “Non-Stop” and agree with your take (as usual). Like you, I genuinely liked the film for the first two thirds. People are mysteriously and improbably dying on an airplane every twenty minutes and no one can stop the deaths. Whoever is committing the murders is someone so fiendishly clever he’s almost supernatural like Jigsaw of the “Saw” films. Or he might be Judge Wargrave from “And Then There Were None.” Two Reagans would be a fair assessment, I agree.
Then, though, that plot line shifts suddenly and changes from Agatha Christie on an airplane into something like “Airport” or one of those other cheesy disaster film from the sixties, with explosions, gunfights, heroics, hammy acting, and bits of personal background suddenly revealed and treated with mawkish sentimentality (and of course there’s a little girl who needs comforting).
And of course there’s the idiotic explanation for the mystery which you discuss in your spoiler alert.
It’s almost as if a new team of sceenwriters took over the last third of the film and botched the job.
Burke on March 1, 2014 at 10:20 am