February 18, 2014, - 2:24 pm

Incredible: Mugabe’s Zimbabwe Far Tougher on Illegal Alien Criminals Than US – See Melvin Reynolds

By Debbie Schlussel

Crazy African dictator Robert Mugabe is tougher on illegal aliens than we are in America. And it’s embarrassing. Take the case of Melvin Reynolds. Zimbabwe’s “President For Life” don’t want none o’ that.


Mel Reynolds (center) with His Buddies, the Jesse Jacksons

I’ve written a lot about Mel Reynolds over the years because he’s case in point of how Democrats treat their child molesters (they embrace them), which was the title of my 2001 column on this guy. The Democratic former Congressman from Obama’s Chicago was convicted of several crimes relating to his child molestation (he had a sexual relationship with an underaged teen). Then, Bill Clinton commuted his sentence for his conviction for bank fraud. Then, he was hired by Jesse Jackson as a community organizer (yup, da same job as Obama held in his mysterious pre-Presidential life). After that, Reynolds ran for Congress 1.5 years ago in a comeback attempt, but lost (before that, he’d challenged Jesse Jackson, Jr. in another Congressional race and lost that, too). But the latest is what happened in Zimbabwe, where authorities take the illegal alien problem and illegal alien criminals far more seriously than we do here in America (see Immigration and Customs Enforcement – ICE – whose incompetent drunk driving defense lawyer just resigned, but I’m sure Obama will pick a similar incompetent as his replacement).

Reynolds overstayed his visa in Zimbabwe, where he spent months making porn movies with various models (hey, Bill Clinton’s DREAM JOB!) and running up nearly Twenty-Five Grand in unpaid hotel bills (Bill Clinton didn’t have to pay for the Lincoln Bedroom). Reynolds was arrested on–ironically–Valentine’s Day for all of this. Yes, Reynolds is the American lib Dem who keeps on giving. But the Zimbabweans, unlike us here in America, aren’t having any of it. If only he were a Zimbabwean illegal alien visa overstayer making and possessing child porn in America, we’d give him amnesty and Paul Ryan would tell us about the need to “bring him out of the shadows.”

Here’s how Zimbabwe’s “The Herald” is reporting it:

Former United States Congressman for Chicago Melvin Jay Reynolds, who came into Zimbabwe last year purporting to be a middleman for foreign investors in the tourism industry, was yesterday arrested for violating immigration laws and possessing pornographic material. He had also accumulated bills worth US$24 500 at two hotels which he was yet to pay.
Reynolds . . . was picked up by police detectives and immigration officials at Bronte Garden Hotel.

Attention, ICE, this is how it’s done.

According to his former aide identified as Sunny, Reynolds was in possession of pornographic material he shot on different occasions while in the company of a model (name supplied) and several girls in his hotel rooms. “His travel documents were not up to date and he used to bring beautiful women at different times. He employed five of us including a personal assistant and a driver. He currently has unpaid hotel bills of more than US$24 500 accrued at two local hotels,” he said. Another closely placed source said Reynolds shot more than 100 pornographic videos and a further 2 000 nude pictures while he was in the company of at least 10 women including famous models.

“Reynolds entered Zimbabwe via Plumtree Border Post on November 13, where he was given a 14 day visa. The visa was later renewed and expired again on December 10 and he has been in the country illegally all along. “He conducted the acts in the hotel rooms when he was guarded by four personal aides that were on his payroll,” he said. When The Herald arrived at the hotel at around 1pm, Reynolds was being escorted to a vehicle and was demanding his mobile phone and the laptop from the officials. “It’s the way it is and I have been in this country 17 times where I have done a lot of work for the people including the fight against sanctions.”

Really? He’s citing his “fight against sanctions” against this brutal, racist, anti-White dictator? Hilarious. But, wait, there’s more.

Reynolds said he was not expecting the treatment after bringing several investors in the country.
He recently hogged the limelight after he was connected to the construction of the US$145 million five-star Hilton Hotel and office complex along Samora Machel Avenue in Eastlea which was scheduled to begin in April this year.
The project was expected to be completed in late 2016. He toured the construction site back then in the company of Government ministers Walter Mzembi, Webster Shamu and Ignatius Chombo, and businessman Mr Farai Jere.

See, greasing the skids of a racist dictator doesn’t help you when you violate the dictator’s immigration laws. Best to try that in America, where it seems to work all too well. Just ask Aunt Zaytouni Oniango.

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8 Responses

It makes you wonder how much Affirmative Action was involved in his Rhodes Scholarship.

Little Al on February 18, 2014 at 2:48 pm

So true! That thug Justin Bieber isn’t one of the 2 million people deported by President Obama since his term started. Neither was Rupert Murdoch, but hey–they are both rich!

Lee on February 18, 2014 at 2:51 pm

    Oh it’s moronic libtard Lee. The dummy doesn’t even realize that Debbie wrote a whole column supporting the deportation of Bieber.

    skzion on February 19, 2014 at 9:46 am

You missed the biggest part of the story. The only reason Reynolds has been spending a lot of time in Zimbabwe is because he’s been working for one of Obama’s biggest bundlers from Chicago, Elzie Higginbottom, on opening up new business opportunities in the lucrative diamond mining business in exchange for Higginbottom using his influence with Obama to ease sanctions. It’s hard to believe that Higginbottom hasn’t already engaged in business transactions there in violation of U.S. sanctions after spending several years schmoozing the Mugabe regime. That’s apparently not a problem if you’re one Obama’s biggest financial contributors from Chicago.

Gary Welsh on February 18, 2014 at 4:58 pm

Perhaps Mel is getting his Dem “resume” upgraded so he can become Her Thighness’ presidential campaign leader.

All for naught, for khalifa Barak is not leaving the WH after 2016. He has not done all these “transformations” just to let some ugly old white hag step in and wear His crown!

Hans Schaden on February 19, 2014 at 9:42 am

You know you’re a low-life when even Zimbabwe doesn’t want you in their country!

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