October 19, 2005, - 7:02 am

Good Riddance, Brett Hull

By Debbie Schlussel
So Brett Hull retired from playing pro hockey. We say, buh-bye!
In the past, we’ve been , the NHL player who is the son of NHL legend Bobby Hull.
Brett Hull is basically an overgrown child at age 41. We’ve documented his stints on the U.S. Olympic team. In 2002, he whined about the trip to the “far away” Salt Lake Games. On the 1998 Olympic delegation to Nagano, Japan’s Winter Games, he co-starred in dorm-trashing and furniture-breaking with his buddy and team captain, Chris Chelios, and complained about the distance to Nagano, too.

Brett Hull: Good Riddance to Spoiled Brat NHLer

We compared his antics and behavior to the who, this year, celebrated their 25th anniversary of miraculous victory over the Communist Soviet Union. Unlike Hull, most of them–like my friend, Mark Wells, who scored three goals in the Games, but later spent nights slaving as a manager at “Ram’s Horn” restaurant–never made big money. Brett Hull couldn’t come close to filling their skates.
Good riddance, Brett Hull. We only wish your equally immature and inappropriate hockey buddy, Chelios, would leave with you.

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8 Responses

Amen, Debbie!
His father was a hockey player.
He’s just a punk.

William Smith on October 19, 2005 at 12:18 pm

And he cried like a BIG [WIMP – edited by Debbie] at his retirement press conference. “Whhhaaaaaaa!! (insert Artie Lange sound bite)I’m not good enought to make the 3rd line on a certain-to-be last place team, so I have to retire. Whhaaaaaa!!”

Yiddish Steel on October 19, 2005 at 2:24 pm

i don’t watch hockey but that victory over the USSR in the ’80 Olympics is the greatest sports moment I will ever see.

shleppy on October 19, 2005 at 6:29 pm

Debbie… what did you expect… he’s a hockey player!

MichaelRoland on October 19, 2005 at 6:35 pm

And don’t forget his cheap-ass goal while he was parked in the goal in that Dallas-Buffalo game. What a loser…

Reboots on October 19, 2005 at 10:34 pm

Yiddish Steel;If you follow how this Arite lange treats debbie when she comes on the stern show,the last thing you would do is even mention his name.Debbie ,please pass this to be printed. Thank’s Dannny

danny on October 20, 2005 at 4:31 pm

Waa Waa Waa Waa Waa Waa Waa

KOAJaps on October 23, 2005 at 10:54 am

I guess that to get the loan from banks you should present a good reason. But, one time I’ve received a small business loan, just because I wanted to buy a bike.

Cline23Opal on May 18, 2010 at 10:36 pm

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