August 13, 2009, - 11:58 am
Walt Staton Gets (Almost) What He Deserves for Helping Illegal Aliens
Walt Staton is getting what he deserves. Sort of.
The pro-illegal alien activist from a group called “No More Deaths” helped illegal aliens make it into the U.S. by putting out jugs of water for them in the Buenos Aires National Widllife Refuge as they illegally sneak acorss the border into Arizona.
Staton was sentenced to pick up trash for 300 hours, after a jury convicted him of littering. He was also sentenced to a year of unsupervised probation, and he’s banned from the refuge for a year.
In my view, the guy should have gotten jail time for helping along the alien invasion of America, and he should have received a ban from the refuge for far more than a year, perhaps a lifetime. But normally, he probably wouldn’t have gotten anything. Most who leave water jugs are ticketed for littering and that’s it. Staton is only the second man to be tried in criminal court for this behavior and the only one to get a sentence.
Let’s hope it’s the start of a trend. We need to put our foot down against these liberal illegal alien activists who commit what is tantamount to treason.
Tags: Buenos Aires National Wildlife Refuge, Illegal Alien Invasion, Illegal Aliens, No More Deaths, Tucson, Walt Staton
Joe on August 13, 2009 at 12:53 pm