October 14, 2005, - 11:01 am

Illegal Immigration Hits College Hoops

Why did North Carolina State University allow an illegal alien to play for its basketball team? Does the “win at all cost” mentality in college hoops go so low that college officials will even jeopardize our borders?
Apparently so. At least, in the case of Gavin Grant, a Jamaican who entered the U.S. illegally, without a visa, in 1994 and has been living here ever since. That’s what ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) told Greensboro’s News and Record.
It’s bad enough that major college sports are dominated by domestic criminals, like the EIGHT(!) Central Michigan football players charged with beating a man to death, who are awaiting trial. Now, we have illegal aliens like Grant on the bench, too.
Because he’s here illegally, Grant could face a ban from re-entry to the States for 3-10 years, but could apply for a waiver. I hope government officials at ICE and CIS (Citizenship and Immigration Services) are tough and don’t grant him such a waiver.

Deport the Wolfpack!

A message needs to be sent that, even if you average 4.4 points and 2.4 rebounds per game (as did illegal alien Grant), you must be here legally. He may be a college hoops star, but he could also have been another Lee Malvo.
Authorities should start checking for other illegals in the universe of greedy NCAA schools’ sports fiefdoms. I doubt Grant’s case is unique. Sounds like a job for ICE Special Agents in Charge who enjoys getting his mug on the pages of ESPN.com (for ).
If Grant is deported, N.C. State will lose his scholarship and be short a player for the season. That’s exactly what should happen. Perhaps the penalty will send a message.
Maybe then, greedy NCAA college and university presidents who run these athletic conglomerates will finally begin to enforce immigration laws against their entire student bodies (not just the “student”-athletes), instead of constantly whining against it.

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4 Responses

…but,even if he’s dealing ganja-and he’s drafted by The NBA, he could be one of its few non-sociopaths.

jaywilton on October 14, 2005 at 2:08 pm

4.4 pts/game
2.4 rebounds/game
That is hardly a star athlete, he is probably barely making the team.

hunkpapa on October 14, 2005 at 3:13 pm

Is playing college basketball one of the jobs “Americans are unwilling to do?”
I would also wonder if he applied for and accepted any kind of financial aid or grants. Either way, his illegal presence there denied a US citizen, or a legal alien, or a foreign student who is paying the full amount of out-of-state-tuition, the opportunities that he is enjoying thanks to his deception.

icechick on October 14, 2005 at 5:20 pm

Yeah right Deb. Can you say race card?

KOAJaps on October 16, 2005 at 12:01 am

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