December 17, 2013, - 5:04 pm

EXCLUSIVE: Paul Walker Gave Bupkus To His Charity & His Charity Donated Bupkus, Tax Docs Show

By Debbie Schlussel

When I wrote about my dismay with the excessive hype over Paul Walker upon his death, I received numerous comments and hate e-mails wishing for my death and lecturing me on how much money Paul Walker gave to charity, as well as how much his charity gave to others. Reality check: tax documents show that despite making a reported $15 million for each of the five “Fast & Furious” movie sequels in which he acted, Paul Walker donated little to nothing to his own charity, Reach Out Worldwide (ROWW). Tax documents also show that ROWW gave very little to charity itself.


Paul Walker Gave Little to His “Charity” Reach Out Worldwide & ROWW Gave Very Little to Charity examined ROWW tax returns for the fiscal years 2010, 2011, and 2012, all posted here (the charity’s fiscal years were the same as the calendar years). Despite making tens of millions from movies and as the spokesmodel for “Cool Water by Davidoff” cologne, the tax forms show that Paul Walker donated less than $32,000–if anything at all–to his charity in 2011 and $20,000 at the most–if anything at all–in 2010(the organization was founded in 2010). In 2012, the most he might have donated is $50,000, but it’s likely he gave much less, if anything at all. The documents also show that out of more than $700,000 raised from 2010-2012, ROWW only donated less than $20,000 to charity, less than five percent of the money taken in.

Documents show that the vast majority of money donated to ROWW was $607,766 donated by the AE Collection, LLC in 2011. AE Collection is the formal name of “Always Evolving,” the auto dealership and racing business owned by Roger Rodas, the late driver of the Porsche in which Walker and Rodas died. The $607,766 isn’t cash. It’s an investment interest in Fairway Global Holdings LLC. Then, there is the $7,085 worth of emergency rescue equipment also donated to ROWW in 2011 by an organization called Vagrant, Inc. And Coty SAS, the parent company for the Cool Water cologne donated $50,000 in cash.

In 2011, Reach Out Worldwide took in $696,220. After subtracting the donations from AE Collection, Vagrant, and Coty, that leaves $31,363 in “other donations,” so the most Walker could have donated was $31,363, and it is doubtful that this entire amount was donated by him. If it was, however, it is a paltry sum relative to his earnings and net worth and not the “ton of money to charity” that Walker-bots claimed in hate-mail to me and that the mainstream media gushed over.

And then there are the actual donations to charity that ROWW actually made to third parties. In 2011, ROWW spent $11,100 in accounting fees and $6,875 in legal fees, which are part of $54,184 in total office and management expenses ROWW spent. That is nearly twice as much as the $29,599 in “program services” that ROWW claims to have spent on charity. The $29,599 includes the $7,085 in rescue equipment donated by Vagrant, Inc. and $7,072 in travel, leaving only $15,442 in money that went to charity.

Perhaps the travel went for Paul Walker and his buddies to show up at disaster areas and take photos with victims (such photos are in abundance on the ROWW website). Some of those whose travel was paid for might even have included doctors and other rescue personnel. But, still this is a very tiny amount that went to charity, after taking in nearly $700,000. And the thousands of dollars in travel that the charity spent indicate that multi-millionaire Paul Walker likely never even sprung for his own plane ticket to take publicity pictures of himself yukking it up with disaster victims.

In 2010, the year the organization was founded, the figures are even more ridiculous. Reach Out Worldwide took in only $20,000. Perhaps Paul Walker donated that entire amount, but that’s the most he donated. And the organization spent it all on legal fees, offices expenses, and travel, ending the year with a debt of nearly $5,000.

In 2012, the latest year for which ROWW filed a 990 tax return, the charity took in $66,797–$55,000 in donations and the balance collected from merchandise sales and admission paid to fundraising events. Of that $66,797, $60,840–or nearly all of it–went to expenses, including $22,800 in rent, $11,120 in accounting fees, and $9,105 in insurance. Only $2,000 went to “program services,” or charity. Again, the amount that went to charity in 2012 was less than 5%.

Paul Walker isn’t here to defend himself, but the other two board members of Reach Out Worldwide–Walker’s accountant, Gary Margolis, who is ROWW’s Chief Financial Officer, and Walker’s attorney, Ronald M. Dorfman, who is ROWW’s sole director–are alive and able to respond to questions. But they declined to do so. contacted both Margolis and Dorfman on December 4, 2013, at their Los Angeles area offices. Both were “in a meeting” and “unavailable.” Apparently the meeting stretched on for nearly two weeks.

We also tried to contact ROWW via both an e-mail through its website–which went unanswered–and a telephone call to the phone number given on the charity’s website, (747) 333-8977. Problem is, the number is disconnected and has been for at least the two weeks since we began investigating this “charity.” J.D. Dorfman, who is apparently, the son of Walker’s lawyer and ROWW’s sole director Ronald M. Dorfman, was identified in a People Magazine article as the “Project Director” of ROWW. But we haven’t heard from him in the two weeks since we’ve been contacting ROWW and its board members.

It seems that the Dorfmans and Mr. Margolis are the biggest charity beneficiaries from this “charity.” From 2010-2012, Reach Out Worldwide paid at least $13,756 in legal fees to Ronald M. Dorfman and $22,220 in accounting fees to Gary Margolis. And that’s not counting what was paid to J.D. Dorfman for “running” the charity, which is unknown (I doubt he worked for free).

Yes, Paul Walker was cited in one “act of kindness” when he reportedly secretly paid $9,000 for a wedding ring for an Iraq war veteran whom he spied at a Santa Barbara jewelry store (and who could not afford the ring).

But the charity he founded and headed, contrary to conventional wisdom, gave very little to charity and victims of disasters. And Paul Walker, himself, gave very little to his charity despite being worth tens of millions of dollars from movies and modeling contracts.

The next time you mindless fans of celebrities write me with hatemail and hype about a celebrity’s “huge acts of charity,” look at the tax documents. They usually tell a different story. But while facts are stubborn things, moronic fans of celebrities are more stubborn.

Most celebrity charities are scams designed for PR purposes only. The old Mark Twain quote about “lies, damn lies, and statistics” needs an update. There are lies, damn lies, and celebrity charity “efforts.”

That apparently includes Paul Walker’s Reach Out Worldwide.

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99 Responses

From these numbers, it looks like Walker’s fans, so touched by his charitable actions, didn’t donate very much either.

Little Al on December 17, 2013 at 5:20 pm

    How dare you ,you stupid bitch to talk about Paul walker and his charity .Did you no Paul personally I don’t give a shit about your research on taxes and what not ,you are dicussting and you deserve all the hate mail in the world.two people have passed away this is not the time to say such terrible things or make accusations about Paul or his work for his charity. You are pathetic ,loser ,bitch ,joke, your just looking to gain do attention and its do unfortunate that your doing it on someone who has passed on. What your means nothing to me and I’m sure to thousands of people who loved Paul ,he was am amazing,caring giving person and for you to come up with this fake ass story tells me what kind of loser you are. And to all who want to agree with this bitch go duck yourselves . I love you Paul Walker and knew you good enough to never ever believe this bullshit. And I will continue to support your amazing charity. RIP Paul & Roger. Forever in my heart.

    nina on December 19, 2013 at 11:40 am

      “Nein”, you are truly pathetic.

      “But while facts are stubborn things, moronic fans of celebrities are more stubborn.”
      Spot on, DS!

      This crazed fanatic didn’t care that he didn’t marry the Mum of his 15-YO girl (just 1 year younger than the young snatch he liked…) and didn’t have a close DAD relationship with the 15-YO. No mention of his penchant for sweet, young teens, either. Did he subscribe to “Barely Legal”?

      Creepy, creepy, creepy and sick world. When a lunatic like Nein just chucks away all the research done that PROVES what she believes are lies are NOT! Hung up on a no longer existent pretty face. Sad, sad, sick & sad!

      Skunky on December 19, 2013 at 11:57 am

        Skunky, did you ever notice the DELIBERATE misspellings, misplacement of commas and other grammatical errors common among trolls? Anyone who could read Debbie’s article is not capable of as many errors as ‘nina’ made.

        Nina, you’re not slick, and you’re giving me an asthma attack with all the peanut dust you brought in to the room. Please leave, or Jesus will carry you out at an appropriate time if you persist in Living La Vida Bruta.

        Alfredo from Puerto Rico on December 19, 2013 at 12:12 pm

        You are a a pathetic loser like your buddy from Puerto Rico you guys talk about spelling my name is NINA! Asshole not nein. I’m not obsessed over Paul Walker because he was good looking, FYI I met Paul Walker he was a an amazing guy I’m not gonna explain to you all that he did for people in need because your a waste of time and to ignorant to comprehend. Like I told your friend stick your foot in your mouth and shut the FUCK UP!!!! As far as his daughter Meadow goes don’t speak about her she’s 15 years old and understand’s more then you ever will and knows jokes like you are pathetic and jealous and want to say shit like he had a 16 year old girlfriend blah ! blah ! Paul Walker was amazing in everything he did in his life its to bad god took him and not losers like you. Oh I know why god does not want assholes like you. Ps you should join your friend from Puerto Rico and go to church and beg ,beg, I mean BEG!! For forgivness.

        nina on January 14, 2014 at 2:33 pm

        Skunky!! Which means you reek of shit !! Go read the comment left for you under your buddy Alfredo from Puerto Rico ,your both pathetic losers ,as I said, go to church because I’m sure at this point your both going to Hell!! RIP Paul Walker I know your with God that’s why he sent for you I wish you were here its to bad we have to live in this world with assholes like stinky shit,and chicken alfredo which I can’t stand !!

        nina on January 14, 2014 at 2:45 pm

        That’s not where he did his charity work, he got doctors and nurses and formed emergency response teams for things like Haiti, he was a do something kinda guy. The charity probably wasn’t his idea and they killed him to distract us from doing something and pay for something instead. Isn’t it obvious?

        James on February 6, 2014 at 2:00 am

        You people are morons. Seriously, take some gasoline and pour it on you, then use a lighter to end the stupidity you allow yourselves to spread. Paul Walker donated money to a lot of charities. You do realize that there were like 5 people in charge of that charity right? not just Paul. I don’t see why he would have to use all of his earnings for that one cause?

        I’ve met him twice, have any of you? probably not. His ex girlfriend, doesn’t need any of his money. Do you go out, find a girlfriend and put her in the will? no, it’s usually for a wife and close family members. He’s given shit loads of money to his family and he’s bought is ex girlfriend tons of expensive things. Most of you idiots think they were still dating at the time of his so called death, right? well, once again you are wrong. They broke up in 2011. She was considered “obsessed” with Paul until 2012 when they were able to become friends.. But yeah. lets complain that a father left his DAUGHTER half of his money to live a good life and not have to worry about any stress like normal everyday people do. Oh I tell you.. That’s selfish. Anymore selfish and he would probably go to other countries personally and help with medical needs and help rebuild homes. Oh wait! he did!

        I’d like to know what you people do in life that’s so great?


        Amanda on February 25, 2014 at 1:50 pm

          My comment (the beginning of it) was not directed towards anyone specific. I just hate stupidity and the affect it has on many of you.

          To those who don’t believe a word of this article or what the media tells you, Congratulations. Now run before this Stupidity lowers our IQ any further.

          Amanda on February 25, 2014 at 3:55 pm

    Paul Walker was the owner of both Vagrant and Always Evolving companies. It means all the money that ROWW received, was donated by Paul himself.

    Maria on December 24, 2013 at 8:44 am

    Hey Debbie – I used to be a fan of yours but after the Paul Walker write up, not any longer. It’s not whether or not I’m a fan of Paul’s, but rather your lack of fact checking and reckless abandonment of the truth that is at issue. I guess you don’t consider $600,000 bupkis – after all, Paul OWNED AE but perhaps you didn’t find that tidbit of information relevant. I strongly suggest before you make disparaging remarks about the deceased that you get it right! Lastly, maybe we should examine YOUR tax returns and see the millions you’ve donated.

    JC on January 29, 2014 at 11:34 pm

Lol! Good work Debbie.

skzion on December 17, 2013 at 5:33 pm

He did do a lot for shark conservation though and raised a lot of awareness due to the great white shark being endangered.
So Paul wasn’t a bad guy and he did do some very good things.

But I agree that there was a lot of hype surrounding his death and not the driver’s which was sad.

Chary on December 17, 2013 at 6:09 pm

Unbelievable that Debbie gets f*cking hate mail and death threats for criticizing a useless, pudd-pulling, douchebag and cheapskate like Paul Walker. People like that make want to puke.

I’d LOVE to meet one Debbie’s harassers in a dark alley.

DS_ROCKS! on December 17, 2013 at 6:13 pm

And Walker, sadly, was not unique in this regard – apparently “Hanoi” Jane Fonda’s tax records show she too was likewise uber-stingy when it came to giving to charity. Only difference between her and Walker is she’s still around, unfortunately enough . . .

ConcernedPatriot on December 17, 2013 at 6:32 pm

    If true, typical celeb activity of “B.T.L.A.,” Big Talk, Little Action.

    Victoryman on December 18, 2013 at 9:50 am

Paul gave part of his time, for example he helped people in Chile earthquake.

“To do something like that for a perfect stranger is just unbelievable,” King added

Jayson on December 17, 2013 at 6:37 pm

Wow…what a cunt.

How much did you donate to charity last year? Why don’t you call his daughter up personally and deliver this info. I’m surprised you haven’t already.

Michael on December 17, 2013 at 6:59 pm

You gotta luv Debbie, she goes in hard on all, Paul,Mandela, Lawrence of Arabia, etc, she keeps it 100.

Big D on December 17, 2013 at 7:05 pm

Michael, don’t be such a twinkie. Sorry that Debbie exposed your man-crush to be a selfish elitist phony.

PDMac60 on December 17, 2013 at 7:18 pm

I’m shocked Time Magazine didn’t name him as “Man Of The Year” for that wedding ring kind gesture that gets mentioned ad nauseam. It makes me laugh because the weirdo certainly didn’t ever wanna marry the young chicks he liked to date. Snap!

While others get lost in that now defunct pretty face I focus in like a laser beam how he was “JUST” starting to get to know his teen daughter (LOL, ‘Dad Of The Year’!!!!) and how he liked his gals super-teenaged young.

I usually believe the more non-specific the celebrity “charity” name is the more it’s less than legit. I believe just as DS does most of these are PR tactics. It’s comical thou’. So many celebrities and so many fake charities. Most are not as canny as Angelina Jolie who has mastered the tactic of making a sociopath look as if she really cares. I gotta give that to her. Her colleagues don’t have the brainpower to steal her canny thunder. But they are celebrities after all. Narcissistic idiots who can’t see beyond themselves.

Skunky on December 17, 2013 at 7:21 pm

LOL thanks for the laughs Deb. I’m amazed at how eloquently you show how little you contain in that noggin of yours. Bravo!

By the way, Paul Walker also was in favor of gays and was kind to Muslim fans. I think you should write on that as well. He also had premarital sex. That’s a no-no.

Your “research” by the way, is so off the mark that I think it must have a been true miracle that you managed to pass the bar. Must have been a slow year.

Take care of yourself and be sure to preserve what little you possess of your fraying mental faculties.

Sara on December 17, 2013 at 7:30 pm

DS indeed did say it all when she said…

“But while facts are stubborn things, moronic fans of celebrities are more stubborn”.

I’m embarrassed not for but BY the Paul Walker rump-swabs. Give it up girls (& Nancy boys)! He was burned to a crisp and is now dead.

Skunky on December 17, 2013 at 7:50 pm

Progressives, in general, are the cheapest. Biden, Hillary, Jane, this guy and many others who claim to be benevolent are just the opposite. Check their individual tax returns and you’ll find a miser.

JeffT on December 17, 2013 at 8:16 pm

OK. He was a human being, he wasn’t perfect and now he is dead. I live near the crash site and this never ending bullshit (while terribly tragic) is still making news. I say we put it to rest and let the poor guy rest in peace. The End

#1 VATO on December 17, 2013 at 9:56 pm

    Hey, VATO,

    Rest in peace?

    Where do you THINK liars adulterers and frauds “go”?

    Let me guess. You think God is awestruck by Hollywood celebrities?




    Darrell L. Hicks on December 17, 2013 at 11:25 pm

      I am just tired of reading about him and how wonderful he was. I had no idea who he was in real life. Like ‘American hero, Jessica Lynch, Monica Lewinsky and other media saturated cases. Enough is too much!

      #1 VATO on December 18, 2013 at 10:28 am

Sorry Sara, if he wanted to preserve an unselfish legacy, he should have lived that way. But he didn’t. Sorrryyyy.

But if you want to refute what Debbie says on her blog, please bring facts and not just your ugly bluster.

PDMac60 on December 17, 2013 at 10:04 pm

Great going Debbie! Go after a dead man who never did anything to you personally and was an overall good guy. And he’s not alive to defend himself. Mwah!

Lee on December 17, 2013 at 11:04 pm

    Oh it’s the libtard Lee. Thanks for sharing.

    skzion on December 18, 2013 at 11:15 am

Debbie anyone that sent u emails wishing for ur death u should report them to law enforcement

Clinton Alexander on December 17, 2013 at 11:11 pm

Your fact-checker let you down.

Besides that, what’s your problem exactly? Did you meet Mr. Walker at a party and get pissed when he didn’t “notice” you? You’re acting like a dissed teenage girl out for any revenge she can get, even if it’s not based in fact.

Oh wait… maybe you are after some limelight for yourself.. in the wake of overwhelming sorrow for the guy, you’re trying to make yourself famous by being the nay-sayer. Pathetic hater. Good luck.

watchdog on December 17, 2013 at 11:29 pm

    watchdog, you wrote to Debbie:

    “Your fact-checker let you down.”

    And yet what you wrote after that was basically “Blah, blah, blah” because nowhere in your comment did you even attempt to cite even one example of something that Debbie wrote here that isn’t true and to tell us what is the truth instead. So that must mean that means that there is nothing wrong with her facts, but instead you are the one with the problem of not being able to handle the facts. I would also suggest reading DS_Rocks comment below if you haven’t already.

    JeffE on December 18, 2013 at 11:48 pm

Charities are the Current Approved Tax Dodge. Good optics while stockpiling cash. It’s the New Way.

Jack on December 18, 2013 at 12:34 am

You Paul Walker fans are beyond creepy.

You live your unimportant, uninteresting, vapid lives “starstruck” by these empty-headed “celebrities” thinking that if the “celeb” knew you, he would be your special friend. Try again, you imbecilic “fans.”

Fact is, you losers are worthless to the “celebrity.” He loathes you, he laughs at your cheap clothes, he is repulsed by your smelly bodies (unless you happen to be a barely-legal teenage groupie that he can use and discard) and is annoyed by your non-whitened teeth.

The “celeb’s” skin literally crawls when he has to shake your hand or breathe the same air that you just exhaled.

That’s why the “celebs” live in gated communities and have those “armed response” security signs posted in their yards: you disgust them. They pay guards to shoot people like you.

The “celeb” cares less about you and your life than they do about a juicy booger that they pick and flick out of their “celebrity” nose. A booger, mind you, that you creeps would leap at and fight over to preserve in an empty mayonnaise jar as a shrine to these vacuous “celebs” who you worship.

With your object of worship, the untalented cheapskate and chikenhawk Walker, he was arrogant enough to not even bother to try to hide the fact that his “charity” didn’t actually help anyone. He spread around those hundreds of thousands of dollars that you schmucks donated to his cronies and buddies and gave the actual people in need pennies on the dollar.

He made sure that his “secret” gift of the wedding ring for that Iraqi vet was pushed out by his publicists (fast & furiously.) Cheapskate, uncaring S.O.B. that Walker was, I’d wager that he later went back to the jeweler and shook him down for a deep discount for publicizing his store.

You dumb sh*ts really picked a worship=worthy idol, there.

The “celeb” doesn’t care about insignificant piss-ants or charities. They only care about how it makes them look good or if it keeps them in “People” magazine so that they can continue to get your money and sustain their “celeb” lifestyles.

Your indignant, vile, insulting and menacing responses to having your “celebs” criticized like this worthless P.O.S. Paul Walker is incontrovertible proof that you pathetic parasites fit the exact specifications that I have just delineated.

You’re welcome.

Now go play in some freeway traffic or take a hike in the woods in a deer costume, in-season.

DS_ROCKS! on December 18, 2013 at 1:01 am

    “And those Caissons go rolling along, . . .”

    Thank you, SIR!!! For your service, if I’ve never thanked you before, and . . .

    your brilliant commentary here.. There is no need for words from The Great Dumboni on this thread.

    Alfredo from Puerto Rico on December 18, 2013 at 8:32 am

    Bravo DSR! You said it all & I’m glad!!

    Skunky on December 18, 2013 at 10:10 am

    DSR, that was magnificent.

    skzion on December 18, 2013 at 11:19 am

    DSRocks rocks with that classic post above. Rocks & Rolls. Can’t you just smell the cinders?

    lee of the lower case "l" on December 18, 2013 at 4:21 pm

      Thanks for the kudos, everyone. I hope you got a chuckle because I am so sick of rabid fans and the crap they put Debbie through.

      I had gum surgery yesterday so I was really hurting, slightly blurred by pain meds and was ripe to let these a-holes have it with both barrels.

      DS_ROCKS! on December 18, 2013 at 6:19 pm

    Excellent comment, DS_Rocks.

    JeffE on December 18, 2013 at 11:50 pm

      Referring to the one on December 18, 2013 at 1:01 am.

      JeffE on December 18, 2013 at 11:53 pm

    It’s VACUOUS. Not VAPID, Einstein.

    G on November 18, 2014 at 2:41 pm

And Kim Kardashian had a “charity auction for typhoon victims” on eBay and gave a whole 10 percent!

PaulaMalka on December 18, 2013 at 5:53 am

Looking at a number of the comments here, this is what we have to show for universal suffrage and the massive amounts of money spent on education (sic!!).

Little Al on December 18, 2013 at 8:48 am

“Paul Walker was cited in one “act of kindness” when he reportedly secretly paid $9,000 for a wedding ring for an Iraq war veteran whom he spied at a Santa Barbara jewelry store (and who could not afford the ring).”

People who are capable of doing this, are also capable of other similar acts of charity, none of which are ‘deductible or reportable’.

I am not a fan of Walker, but cannot understand why you repeatedly gratuitously insult people on your site.

Why was it necessary to comment at all about his death?

exdemexlib on December 18, 2013 at 10:41 am

    Why is it necessary for you to comment on her commenting on his death then? (She is actually commenting on his fraud of a charity but you don’t seem to give a toss about that…)

    Alllll the people who don’t think it’s proper for one to comment on controversial and timely issues never NOT comment about their chagrin about the person bold enough to comment in the first place. This is NOT a dictatorship. Or totaliteregalitarianism.

    You’re not King and Queen and your concerns are juvenile. Try harder next time.

    Skunky on December 18, 2013 at 1:08 pm

    People credulous enough to believe that every random celebrity act of kindness is what it’s publicized to be are capable of believing that calling something a charity actually helps people in need.

    If Walker’s celebrity status can be used to dispel those illusions then it might actually have accomplished something useful probably for the first time in my opinion.

    Frankz on December 18, 2013 at 1:39 pm

” People who are capable of doing this, are also capable of other similar acts of charity, none of which are ‘deductible or reportable’. ”

…right….and “everybody knows” that an alien spacecraft crashed at Roswell in 1947, right True Believer???

Nick Fury on December 18, 2013 at 11:42 am


In religious communities, it is fairly common to give charity anonymously, and do acts of kindness anonymously.

If someone can pay thousands of dollars to a stranger in need, then to think that this person has also helped other people, is hardly the seriously considering that aliens have landed.

I’m not a fan of his, and I don’t agree with any of the hat4e mail that DS receives,
but I question the need to mention the dead at all,
especially if they have done nothing harmful to the one mentioning them, or harm to causes he/she feels strongly about.

exdemexlib on December 18, 2013 at 12:15 pm

    Yes, exdemexlib but it’s not anonymous if everybody finds out about it is it?

    Frankz on December 18, 2013 at 1:45 pm

I didn’t hear any complaints from anyone over the television ads for the new “film” which have a parasitic promotion for the dead guy’s “charity” at the end of it. If anyone should be chastised for blatantly using this guy’s death for their advantage it should be the people that are making more money from his untimely death. Nope, actually it coincided nicely with his latest release, for some.
Where were you fools when Debbie pointed out that a “charity” that Sean Hannity was promoting wasn’t all that it was touted to be? Never mind. I’m sure that you were out in our decrepit society helping our fellow man out. STFU

nadie on December 18, 2013 at 3:51 pm

Taking into account the guy’s taste for underage girls, I am surprised that he has any fans.

King David on December 18, 2013 at 5:12 pm

    Oh go away, Queen David.

    skzion on December 19, 2013 at 12:41 am

Yeah, taking a lesson from Barbara Streisand and her charity.

jake49 on December 18, 2013 at 6:00 pm

I have to remind myself that ‘FAN’ is a shortened form of the word ‘FANATIC’.

#1 VATO on December 18, 2013 at 10:48 pm

Once again, great job, Debbie.

JeffE on December 18, 2013 at 11:51 pm

Yes #1 VATO, and what’s always funny to me is that as I continue my transition from Noo Yawkah to Puerto Rico resident, there is only ONE way to say ‘fan’ in Spanish, no short form, and that is . . .



Alfredo from Puerto Rico on December 19, 2013 at 12:12 am

Though the tax records are obviously correct, you are not taking in to account the donation of his time. Many people that start/work with charities, might not give actual money, however they do “donate” their time. He obviously didn’t take payment for his time – as you have exhaustively searched his tax records.

I was never a fan of Paul Walker during his life, and I’m not one now that he’s dead – however, I do believe in giving a fair shake!

J Jones on December 19, 2013 at 5:21 am

Well, this woman is a complete moron anyway BUT if she would have done her research properly (but most liberals don’t) she would have found out that Always Evolving and Vagrant are companies that Paul Walker owned/part owned…so MOST of the donations to his charity did in fact come from Paul Walker himself! Not to mention the time he spent ACTUALLY going to these areas and helping!!!

Shannon on December 19, 2013 at 11:13 am

    Shannon, sweetheart, almost zilch actually got to the people who were supposed to be helped. Who’s the moron?

    skzion on December 20, 2013 at 5:03 am

      Thank you skzion, for the SALIENT POINT HERE!!! Wow, it’s SO hard to see, even I, The Great Dumboni can see it, and . . .

      I STILL don’t know if it’s chicken or fish.

      What skzion said, or to broaden his point, CHARITY, is about HELPING PEOPLE!!! It doesn’t matter if Paul Walker gave TEN MILLION DOLLARS to charity, . . .

      if it bought only three cans of dog food for 23 families, . . .

      without dogs.

      Alfredo from Puerto Rico on December 20, 2013 at 11:56 pm

WTF does Paul Walker have to do with anything? Dogs chasing their tails…

Dixon Mahoney on December 20, 2013 at 5:00 pm

You Paul Walker fans are beyond creepy.

You live your unimportant, uninteresting, vapid lives “starstruck” by these empty-headed “celebrities” thinking that if the “celeb” knew you, he would be your special friend. Try again, you imbecilic “fans.”

Fact is, you losers are worthless to the “celebrity.” He loathes you, he laughs at your cheap clothes, he is repulsed by your smelly bodies (unless you happen to be a barely-legal teenage groupie that he can use and discard) and is annoyed by your non-whitened teeth.

The “celeb’s” skin literally crawls when he has to shake your hand or breathe the same air that you just exhaled.

That’s why the “celebs” live in gated communities and have those “armed response” security signs posted in their yards: you disgust them. They pay guards to shoot people like you.

The “celeb” cares less about you and your life than they do about a juicy booger that they pick and flick out of their “celebrity” nose. A booger, mind you, that you creeps would leap at and fight over to preserve in an empty mayonnaise jar as a shrine to these vacuous “celebs” who you worship.

With your object of worship, the untalented cheapskate and chikenhawk Walker, he was arrogant enough to not even bother to try to hide the fact that his “charity” didn’t actually help anyone. He spread around those hundreds of thousands of dollars that you schmucks donated to his cronies and buddies and gave the actual people in need pennies on the dollar.

He made sure that his “secret” gift of the wedding ring for that Iraqi vet was pushed out by his publicists (fast & furiously.) Cheapskate, uncaring S.O.B. that Walker was, I’d wager that he later went back to the jeweler and shook him down for a deep discount for publicizing his store.

You dumb sh*ts really picked a worship=worthy idol, there.

The “celeb” doesn’t care about insignificant piss-ants or charities. They only care about how it makes them look good or if it keeps them in “People” magazine so that they can continue to get your money and sustain their “celeb” lifestyles.

Your indignant, vile, insulting and menacing responses to having your “celebs” criticized like this worthless P.O.S. Paul Walker is incontrovertible proof that you pathetic parasites fit the exact specifications that I have just delineated.

You’re welcome.

Now go play in some freeway traffic or take a hike in the woods in a deer costume, in-season.

Dixon Mahoney on December 20, 2013 at 5:08 pm

If you take a minute and check online, you’ll see that both Vagrant and Always Evolving we’re owned by Paul Walker. it means almost all the money donated to ROWW came from Paul himself.

Maria on December 24, 2013 at 8:48 am

How much did you donate to people in need? Probably nothing, right? It’s funny… people love bashing on Paul now that he’s gone and can’t stand up for himself. What did you want him to do? Donate all of his money? Do you realize how many charities he helped with not even including his charity ROWW. He helped millions in need. Those who don’t have a voice. Didn’t matter if you were a human being or an endangered animal. He cared, you bitch. Did you know him personally? No!

And to others who say “he never wanted to get married to any of those young girls” just shut the f**k up, already. What have you done in your life that is so great?

Paul, why did you have to leave me here with idiots:(

kelis on January 10, 2014 at 8:37 pm

I think this writer was ahead of her time.

So now we learn that Walker left $25 mil, his entire estate, to a 15-year-old! Not a DIME left to his loyal girlfriend of 8 years. Not a DIME left to his “charity”. Not a DIME left to his mother or father. Not a DIME left to any other family members. Not a DIME left to any friends. Nothing to anyone, except his daughter.

In fairness, what 15-year-old doesn’t need $25 mil to live on, right?

Seems to me this guy was a selfish prick. He could have spread the wealth around. Jesus Christ, at least give your girlfriend a little scratch. But no… $25 mil to a child, with no Trust, virtually assuring headhaches for this child for years to come.

I bet even the child feels guilty, or she will. Something along the lines of “What the fuck did I do to deserve all this?” Enjoy the therapy sessions.

Then there’s the drama with her birth mother. Walker seems to think he can cut off her mother’s parenting rights from beyond the grave. Nice try. The mother will get custody of the child, unless she is deemed unfit.

Sorry but I just call it like I see it. This writer was bang on. All you fanboys and girls make me sick. Sure, someone died. RIP. But thank God it was just the two of them and not some innocent bystanders. They raced through life… they got burned. THE END

Paul on February 5, 2014 at 10:10 pm

    Hey Paul, did you check the date of that will? It’s from 2001!! I doubt it’s been $25 Million back then, and it’s been well before ROWW!

    Honestly on February 7, 2014 at 4:24 am

    I have a friend who was close friends with Paul and it’s funny that people will believe anything the press puts out.

    1. He wasn’t with Jasmine at the time. They had been broken up since 2011.

    2. He did give money to his family over the years. That includes his parents and his siblings. If you think they’re sitting back on nothing, then you really have no idea. He also paid for his nieces and nephews future college educations.

    Yeah…so selfish. Please stop spreading false lies about Paul and let him rest in peace.

    Jessi on February 25, 2014 at 1:23 pm

ths information doesn’t surprise me at all. any guy who would g; o after children if 15 yrs old is not to be believed about anything so he left his money to the daughter nothing to the child he took up with when she was barely 16 yrs old this is a pattern of his life and I for one if there is a lawsuit for ?palimony? would vote for this girl. yes her parents’ are unscrupled for allowing this but she is NOT AN ADULT I do feel sorry for her getting caught up with this pedophile and I don’t think there’s any doubt in right thinking people that’s what he was

carole j.frick on February 9, 2014 at 2:16 pm

I would like to say that i was absolutly deversatated when i heard the news of paul walkers death. He was one brillant and gorgeous actor, in which i still shead a tear for. 🙁
But i have to agree with u debbie. I have said it.for years all these celeberities make millions and spend it all on them selves. Half if them have morefmoney than a very small % of then donate to charitys and other disastets. Theur are some who dont even help their own families. Its just selfish. They sa y their involved with charitys and other things but im sure they dont donate their money to them. When their are people that cant afford to donate money but they still do help charities and people in need.

sam on February 21, 2014 at 6:15 pm

Paul walker is great and very handsome indeed.

surna khan on March 15, 2014 at 7:33 pm

Why do people always refer to him dating a 16y old. Pls get ur facts straight she was 18/19 wen they started dating! Stop believing everything u read!

Jojo on March 26, 2014 at 3:47 am

At least he donated his time and was hands on at every disaster. It’s not always bout money!

Jojo on March 26, 2014 at 3:51 am

Dear Debbie,

I assure you I’m not a “hate-mailer”, but your recent article titled “Paul Walker Gave Bupkus to Charity” is truly one of the worst articles I’ve ever read. Seriously. Not only was it incredibly untasteful for you to publish this article in the wake of Walker’s tragic and untimely death, but also, this article contains myriad factual and logical fallacies from start to finish. The information you provide is simply wrong, and your argument is based on faulty data and false assumptions. You clearly know very little about Paul Walker and the other humanitarians against whom you make outrageous and unfounded accusations throughout this article–which amounts to nothing more than a cheap and pitiful attempt to cause controversy and gain attention. For instance, in the beginning of this article, you claim that Walker collected $15 million for each of the Fast and Furious sequels. THIS IS SIMPLY NOT TRUE. I don’t know where you got this information, as that is a gross everestimation. In fact, he didn’t even appear in the 3rd installment. Also, you later claim that J.D. Dorfman is “apparently” Ron Dorfman’s son, which is also incorrect. You unapolagetically provide false information to your readers.

Additionally, many (if not all) of the accusations you make throughout this article are clearly false and baseless. For example, you point out that much of the revenue generated by ROWW was derived from donations made by AE, Vagrant, and Coty (totaling $696,220), and thus completely independent of Paul Walker. Do you think it’s a coincidence that these 3 organizations happened to work closely with Paul Walker. No, stupid. Obviously, these donations were made at Walker’s request–more than likely in compensation for his work. Basically, they were part of his paychack, and should be credited to him. So, using the numbers that YOU PROVIDE (which are probably incorrect and self-serving), Walker was responsible for raising up to roughly $800,000 for this charity project over just 3 years–hardly ‘bupkus’ (he has also done additional charity work). Beyond simply donating his name and money to ROWW, he has donated his time. Walker flew to Haiti just after the 2010 earthquake, at great personal risk, in order to provide aid. And you have the audacity to say that he was “yukking it up with disaster victims.” This line is beyond cheap, disrespectful, and stupid, much like the rest of this article. What were you doing to help earthquake victims? Furthermore, you seek to portray Walker as something of an attention-whore who didn’t really care about chairty. This notion is, again, unfounded. In fact, Walker never sought the spotlight, and wasn’t even featured anywhere on the main page of the ROWW website. Throughout this article you consistently make claims about Walker that are entirely inaccurate. Anyone who knew Paul Walker will tell you that you are wrong.

Beyond walking on Walker’s grave, you also go as far as to accuse Ron Dorfman and Gary Margolis of, essentially, stealing money. “It seems that the Dorfmans and Mr. Margolis are the biggest charity beneficiaries from this “charity.” What?????? You have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about. How dare you say that? You make these allegegations with absolutely no evidence, whatsoever. If you weren’t an irrelevent ‘journalist’ with zero credibility, you would get sued over such outrageous allegations.

The bottom line is, this article is beyond bad. It’s an abomination, and an affront to Walker’s memory and to all of his friends and family. You should be completeley embarassed.

Joe Dorfman on March 26, 2014 at 6:03 pm

    Thank heavens some one with some common sense and not loaded with a poison pen is defending Paul. I think it is very sad that people write such trash about some one who has died so tragically and who did a lot of good in this world. RIP Paul.

    Ann on May 5, 2014 at 3:04 pm

You do realize he went over and helped the disaster victims he was one of the only famous people to actually do that,he didn’t just throw money at the charity he actually got in and got dirty, and that is worth more than giving millions and just getting other people do it, and in his movie running scared he offered to donate his entire salary because they were struggling with money for the movie that’s the kind of guy he was and that’s why people are so upset you stupid idiot, and haven’t you read any stories from the fans who’ve met Paul Walker or the actors who worked with him? they all say the same thing he was the nicest guy ever, he wasn’t some asshole like you who disrespects the dead so shut the fuck up you don’t know what your talking about.

Jared on June 1, 2014 at 1:04 am

Hmm is anyone else encountering problems with the pictures on this blog loading?

I’m trying to figure out if its a problem on my end or if it’s
the blog. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

test on July 29, 2014 at 12:37 pm

Why does it bother you so much that people dare to praise and talk well of Paul Walker? Why does it bother you so much that you had to make some “edgy” and “attention-grabbing-controversial” article to mock and insult people who do? The fact that you wrote this article means you are using Paul Walker’s death to generate more views for yourself, and that frankly is just as disgusting as you accuse other people are doing. You mock and insult people who are fans, you accuse Paul Walker of being a horrible person and donating basically nothing to his charity yet you yourself have a paypal donation site set up so that people can give money to you for your “work” – why don’t you take your own advice then? Why not pay for your work yourself and instead of asking money from other people?

You insult and mock Paul Walker yet you fail to ever note that anyone who has ever met Paul Walker, whether fans on the street or people in the industry, has always said that he was a kind and gentle person – yes he was not the world’s most amazing actor, he wasn’t gonna be winning Oscars, plenty of people have said that and continue to say that, they speak well of him because he was kind – yes he was very handsome and good looking, but they speak well of him not because of his looks, it was his kindness that is the common theme – he was nice, and maybe that’s not some amazing awe inspiring thing, but that’s who he was, a nice good person who died suddenly in the height of his career and being excited about new projects to do – people feel sad and they have every right to be without someone telling them they’re stupid to praise someone.

You pull out tax records and money documents, but those paper works does not equate to who a person is, not to mention the companies you named, those were companies that either Paul owned or partly owned or involved with – Reach Out Worldwide started because he put his own money to build it up —- you accuse him of using charity for attention and publicity, yet before his death, most people did not even know he had a charity, they didn’t even know he donated anything, if he was such an attention seeker, if he was taking all those publicity photos, why is it that none of it made waves in the papers? Why is it that he never throw it all over the place to get himself attention? Why is that all the news and information only started to appear after he died? You apparently scourged through all those documents yet never seem to consider that maybe not all of his money went to ROWW because he was donating and involved in other charities and projects? Like environmental conservation? Shark conservation? Aiding aquariums so they can help more animals? Maybe some of those money he saved for his daughter? For his family? For paying tuition for his nieces and nephews’ college and future education?

It seems here that Paul Walker’s only crime here is that he died and people discovered his charity and wanted to help honor his work, it seems here that his only crime is that he was considered a celebrity and he died and people discovered he did good things and you couldn’t stand that.

That apparently bothered you so much, that someone could be good, so you feel the need to insult and accuse and ruin the “reputation” of someone who died.

Yet you yourself have the nerve to put up a site for paypal donation to ask for money while shitting on someone else for not putting up enough money for charity.

How about you show us your tax records so we can see where all the money donated to you are used for?

Belinda on September 9, 2014 at 2:40 pm

Wow. Just….W O W.

Hey, “Belinda”,

Are you another one of Paul Walker’s under-aged, star-struck, discarded,clueless,average-looking, bone-thin, flat-chested little girls with long hair whose irresponsible, money-grubbing parents exchanged your teen-aged vagina for $$ to this aging, D-listed, cheap-skate actor???

Debbie was only reporting documented FACTS about Perv, I mean, “Paul” Walker and his charity, ROWW, and having a PayPal donation site does not discredit the TRUTH about your idol.

IF, Debbie is guilty of insulting and accusing Walker by addressing his immoral sexual indiscretions, then, undoubtedly, he is equally guilty of ruining his own “reputation” by engaging in those illegal relationships with minors.

Just saying….

STFUBelindaNinaKristinalinaMoon1973 on September 21, 2014 at 3:25 pm

paul walker esta vivo el fingio su muerte . por favor averigue cuantos donativos han llegado a obtener este ultimo año y publiquelo . gracias usted a echo una gran labor aunque fans estupidos la critiquen .

españa on November 14, 2014 at 2:17 pm

I just have one question. You have “some” facts stating that his tax papers showed he donated a certain amount, if at all. On my taxes, it’s a figure, not an estimate. I just find it odd that you’re bashing someone for trying to good, yet, this is your optinionated blog and on the too left you’re asking for money. What part of that goes towards donations? Thank you

Sccrmom on May 12, 2015 at 11:57 am

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