December 17, 2013, - 5:04 pm

EXCLUSIVE: Paul Walker Gave Bupkus To His Charity & His Charity Donated Bupkus, Tax Docs Show

By Debbie Schlussel

When I wrote about my dismay with the excessive hype over Paul Walker upon his death, I received numerous comments and hate e-mails wishing for my death and lecturing me on how much money Paul Walker gave to charity, as well as how much his charity gave to others. Reality check: tax documents show that despite making a reported $15 million for each of the five “Fast & Furious” movie sequels in which he acted, Paul Walker donated little to nothing to his own charity, Reach Out Worldwide (ROWW). Tax documents also show that ROWW gave very little to charity itself.


Paul Walker Gave Little to His “Charity” Reach Out Worldwide & ROWW Gave Very Little to Charity examined ROWW tax returns for the fiscal years 2010, 2011, and 2012, all posted here (the charity’s fiscal years were the same as the calendar years). Despite making tens of millions from movies and as the spokesmodel for “Cool Water by Davidoff” cologne, the tax forms show that Paul Walker donated less than $32,000–if anything at all–to his charity in 2011 and $20,000 at the most–if anything at all–in 2010(the organization was founded in 2010). In 2012, the most he might have donated is $50,000, but it’s likely he gave much less, if anything at all. The documents also show that out of more than $700,000 raised from 2010-2012, ROWW only donated less than $20,000 to charity, less than five percent of the money taken in.

Documents show that the vast majority of money donated to ROWW was $607,766 donated by the AE Collection, LLC in 2011. AE Collection is the formal name of “Always Evolving,” the auto dealership and racing business owned by Roger Rodas, the late driver of the Porsche in which Walker and Rodas died. The $607,766 isn’t cash. It’s an investment interest in Fairway Global Holdings LLC. Then, there is the $7,085 worth of emergency rescue equipment also donated to ROWW in 2011 by an organization called Vagrant, Inc. And Coty SAS, the parent company for the Cool Water cologne donated $50,000 in cash.

In 2011, Reach Out Worldwide took in $696,220. After subtracting the donations from AE Collection, Vagrant, and Coty, that leaves $31,363 in “other donations,” so the most Walker could have donated was $31,363, and it is doubtful that this entire amount was donated by him. If it was, however, it is a paltry sum relative to his earnings and net worth and not the “ton of money to charity” that Walker-bots claimed in hate-mail to me and that the mainstream media gushed over.

And then there are the actual donations to charity that ROWW actually made to third parties. In 2011, ROWW spent $11,100 in accounting fees and $6,875 in legal fees, which are part of $54,184 in total office and management expenses ROWW spent. That is nearly twice as much as the $29,599 in “program services” that ROWW claims to have spent on charity. The $29,599 includes the $7,085 in rescue equipment donated by Vagrant, Inc. and $7,072 in travel, leaving only $15,442 in money that went to charity.

Perhaps the travel went for Paul Walker and his buddies to show up at disaster areas and take photos with victims (such photos are in abundance on the ROWW website). Some of those whose travel was paid for might even have included doctors and other rescue personnel. But, still this is a very tiny amount that went to charity, after taking in nearly $700,000. And the thousands of dollars in travel that the charity spent indicate that multi-millionaire Paul Walker likely never even sprung for his own plane ticket to take publicity pictures of himself yukking it up with disaster victims.

In 2010, the year the organization was founded, the figures are even more ridiculous. Reach Out Worldwide took in only $20,000. Perhaps Paul Walker donated that entire amount, but that’s the most he donated. And the organization spent it all on legal fees, offices expenses, and travel, ending the year with a debt of nearly $5,000.

In 2012, the latest year for which ROWW filed a 990 tax return, the charity took in $66,797–$55,000 in donations and the balance collected from merchandise sales and admission paid to fundraising events. Of that $66,797, $60,840–or nearly all of it–went to expenses, including $22,800 in rent, $11,120 in accounting fees, and $9,105 in insurance. Only $2,000 went to “program services,” or charity. Again, the amount that went to charity in 2012 was less than 5%.

Paul Walker isn’t here to defend himself, but the other two board members of Reach Out Worldwide–Walker’s accountant, Gary Margolis, who is ROWW’s Chief Financial Officer, and Walker’s attorney, Ronald M. Dorfman, who is ROWW’s sole director–are alive and able to respond to questions. But they declined to do so. contacted both Margolis and Dorfman on December 4, 2013, at their Los Angeles area offices. Both were “in a meeting” and “unavailable.” Apparently the meeting stretched on for nearly two weeks.

We also tried to contact ROWW via both an e-mail through its website–which went unanswered–and a telephone call to the phone number given on the charity’s website, (747) 333-8977. Problem is, the number is disconnected and has been for at least the two weeks since we began investigating this “charity.” J.D. Dorfman, who is apparently, the son of Walker’s lawyer and ROWW’s sole director Ronald M. Dorfman, was identified in a People Magazine article as the “Project Director” of ROWW. But we haven’t heard from him in the two weeks since we’ve been contacting ROWW and its board members.

It seems that the Dorfmans and Mr. Margolis are the biggest charity beneficiaries from this “charity.” From 2010-2012, Reach Out Worldwide paid at least $13,756 in legal fees to Ronald M. Dorfman and $22,220 in accounting fees to Gary Margolis. And that’s not counting what was paid to J.D. Dorfman for “running” the charity, which is unknown (I doubt he worked for free).

Yes, Paul Walker was cited in one “act of kindness” when he reportedly secretly paid $9,000 for a wedding ring for an Iraq war veteran whom he spied at a Santa Barbara jewelry store (and who could not afford the ring).

But the charity he founded and headed, contrary to conventional wisdom, gave very little to charity and victims of disasters. And Paul Walker, himself, gave very little to his charity despite being worth tens of millions of dollars from movies and modeling contracts.

The next time you mindless fans of celebrities write me with hatemail and hype about a celebrity’s “huge acts of charity,” look at the tax documents. They usually tell a different story. But while facts are stubborn things, moronic fans of celebrities are more stubborn.

Most celebrity charities are scams designed for PR purposes only. The old Mark Twain quote about “lies, damn lies, and statistics” needs an update. There are lies, damn lies, and celebrity charity “efforts.”

That apparently includes Paul Walker’s Reach Out Worldwide.

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99 Responses

I worked in the music industry for 9 hrs and I can tell you, celebs foundations
are a PR stunt. Every. Single. One.

The ones on here freaking out are obviously shrieking teens
who also refuse to believe their celebrity crushes have bowel movements.

MeToo on May 12, 2015 at 5:02 pm

Didn’t Paul own Vagrant and was a part owner of AE? I didn’t know him personally, I don’t believe you did either so it’s pretty pointless to pass judgement. Did Cody take over ROWW and head to Nepal simply for press (seen no pictures) or to keep his brother’s legacy to help others going?

CJ on May 26, 2015 at 2:10 am

    Yes, Vagrant was Paul Walker’s personal corporation and he was an owner of AE. It is confirmed that donations from Vagrant and AE were actually personal donations from Paul Walker- proving further that he was not doing this as a PR stunt. If he wanted the publicity, he would have advertised it and put the donations in his name. Paul was the essentially the sole contributor to ROWW before he passed.

    PWFAN on June 17, 2015 at 2:15 pm

He just gave up his life, literally. And doesn’t your site run off of donations? How much publicity do you do for your articles? Your asking other people to support your articles, that are putting down beautiful people and their achievements, by begging for money to continue doing it.

Brittay on June 24, 2015 at 1:48 am

Before you start mouthing off and telling people to look at the tax donations, maybe you should think about what a person gave up. He gave his time, which apparantely as you stated is worth a lot of money. Not only that but no one has to donate! Paul Walker did and therefore that’s all that matters. Do you think a big movie star such as himself need this for a PR stunt? What for? He tried to stay away from the limelight so no need to clean up his image. It just makes you look like a bitch posting articles about someone who can’t defend himself.

You're a bitch on June 24, 2015 at 10:36 pm

I’m sorry but how insensitive are you? I wonder why you couldn’t get hold of anyone on the 4th Dec 2013. Maybe they were still in stock over Paul’s passing. And if you published this later in that month your timing is unbelievable. I think enough people have proved Paul stayed away from the limelight and was even talking about giving up show business therefore what PR stunt is there here? Please have a think and either rewrite a more in depth story showing the bigger picture or give up and find something you’re actually good at.

Amar on July 1, 2015 at 8:45 am

Dear Debbie,

I assure you I’m not a “hate-mailer”, but your recent article titled “Paul Walker Gave Bupkus to Charity” is truly one of the worst articles I’ve ever read. Seriously. Not only was it incredibly untasteful for you to publish this article in the wake of Walker’s tragic and untimely death, but also, this article contains myriad factual and logical fallacies from start to finish. The information you provide is simply wrong, and your argument is based on faulty data and false assumptions. You clearly know very little about Paul Walker and the other humanitarians against whom you make outrageous and unfounded accusations throughout this article–which amounts to nothing more than a cheap and pitiful attempt to cause controversy and gain attention. For instance, in the beginning of this article, you claim that Walker collected $15 million for each of the Fast and Furious sequels. THIS IS SIMPLY NOT TRUE. I don’t know where you got this information, as that is a gross everestimation. In fact, he didn’t even appear in the 3rd installment. Also, you later claim that J.D. Dorfman is “apparently” Ron Dorfman’s son, which is also incorrect. You unapolagetically provide false information to your readers.

Additionally, many (if not all) of the accusations you make throughout this article are clearly false and baseless. For example, you point out that much of the revenue generated by ROWW was derived from donations made by AE, Vagrant, and Coty (totaling $696,220), and thus completely independent of Paul Walker. Do you think it’s a coincidence that these 3 organizations happened to work closely with Paul Walker. No, stupid. Obviously, these donations were made at Walker’s request–more than likely in compensation for his work. Basically, they were part of his paychack, and should be credited to him. So, using the numbers that YOU PROVIDE (which are probably incorrect and self-serving), Walker was responsible for raising up to roughly $800,000 for this charity project over just 3 years–hardly ‘bupkus’ (he has also done additional charity work). Beyond simply donating his name and money to ROWW, he has donated his time. Walker flew to Haiti just after the 2010 earthquake, at great personal risk, in order to provide aid. And you have the audacity to say that he was “yukking it up with disaster victims.” This line is beyond cheap, disrespectful, and stupid, much like the rest of this article. What were you doing to help earthquake victims? Furthermore, you seek to portray Walker as something of an attention-whore who didn’t really care about chairty. This notion is, again, unfounded. In fact, Walker never sought the spotlight, and wasn’t even featured anywhere on the main page of the ROWW website. Throughout this article you consistently make claims about Walker that are entirely inaccurate. Anyone who knew Paul Walker will tell you that you are wrong.

Beyond walking on Walker’s grave, you also go as far as to accuse Ron Dorfman and Gary Margolis of, essentially, stealing money. “It seems that the Dorfmans and Mr. Margolis are the biggest charity beneficiaries from this “charity.” What?????? You have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about. How dare you say that? You make these allegegations with absolutely no evidence, whatsoever. If you weren’t an irrelevent ‘journalist’ with zero credibility, you would get sued over such outrageous allegations.

The bottom line is, this article is beyond bad. It’s an abomination, and an affront to Walker’s memory and to all of his friends and family. You should be completeley embarassed.

Joe on July 21, 2015 at 6:57 pm

    Very well said Joe!

    Kelly Matthew on August 11, 2015 at 11:18 am

Thank you Joe! You nailed it!

and I’ll add I’m personally offended by Debbie’s crap article in it’s entirety!

Picking on a deceased individual? Spineless woman!

Expert on November 18, 2015 at 11:50 am

You ought to be ashamed of yourself debbie speaking such a nonsense.
Who are you at all? Want to be famous by putting the dirt on paul walker?

Me on December 4, 2015 at 5:39 pm

Asking for support your work? Asking for donation? You just made me laugh!!! 😀 thats a good one! :DDD

Me on December 4, 2015 at 5:46 pm

Asking for support your work? Asking for donation? You just made me laugh!!! 😀 thats a good one! :DDD

Me2 on December 4, 2015 at 5:48 pm

Celebrities donate millions of pounds/dollars every year to similar charities, and where does it go? It must be a challenge to channel this money to the right people that it was intended for. Paul, everyone knows, was actually involved in voluntary work and was likely disheartened by this fact. So, unless you were there in Haiti trying to make a difference, shut your mouth and quit criticizing.

George on August 5, 2016 at 7:16 pm

A person’s legacy is measured by the amount of people they have touched in life. This man has a generation behind him. You have what? Family and some close friends? How quickly will you be forgotten? What legacy will you leave? Sorry I have never heard of you and I suggest you discontinue your venomous blogs you intend to be provocative. Maybe that’s how you make money by saying the opposite of what most people’s feelings in hopes they’ll read your “work”. Paul Walker was no James Dean, Marilyn Monroe or any other actor who’s life was cut short due to mistakes made. However, just like all legendary actors who have touched so many he is validated. Don’t try to take that away for hits on your website because it comes off as petty, callous, disrespectful and the “artwork” of true hater with venom spewing from their fingertips onto a keyboard from a shitty apartment somewhere with a bowl of top ramen by there side. Why are you asking for donations to promote your ugly cause? Maybe try standing at a busy intersection holding a sad sign…maybe then you might afford a real meal like Bar S hotdogs. Good luck.

charles on July 29, 2017 at 10:11 am

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