October 11, 2005, - 5:00 pm

HOprah Watch: Oprah to Use Show, $$ to Change Laws

Another disturbing development involving the “Queen” of daytime talk.
On today’s episode of “The Oprah Winfrey Show,” Oprah announced that she will use her money and her show to change laws to make them stricter in locking up molesters and abusers of women and children. She vowed to go “state by state . . . to change the laws.”
This is particularly disturbing. Yes, we agree that molesters and abusers should be locked up. But this is Oprah’s step into a new level of political activism that should frighten all Americans.
Oprah is very powerful. She can make a book into a best-seller, ruin the beef market by saying she “ain’t never gonna eat another burger” (and get away with it in court), and make an item a huge market success by designating it as one of “Oprah’s favorite things.”

Scary: Islamofascist Oprah Spending Big $s to Change Laws

(Photo/artwork courtesy of Preston Taylor Holmes of Six Meat Buffet)

As we’ve detailed on this site, . She is far-left in almost every other way, too. Her brand of radical chic is scary, because there is no check on it.
Tougher laws on molesters and abusers, today. Shariah, anti-male feminism, or some other PC laws tomorrow?
Either way, Oprah should be forced to register herself as a political action committee or IRS Section 527 group. And she must make full disclosure of her spending and activities–like every other American or political entity.
We’re watching to see that the Federal Election Commission and similar state entities enforce the laws regarding political spending when Oprah is involved. And perhaps she should think of registering as a lobbyist, too.
The Federal Communications Commission should consider her show to be the daily one-hour political campaign commercial she’s now announced it will be–and restrict it accordingly.
Just one more reason why we acquired the domain name, Oprah Sucks!

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2 Responses

you know, if she drops too many dimes on these molestors, maybe they’ll retaliate…hmm.

KOAJaps on October 12, 2005 at 10:32 pm

Feminists love Muslims because Ishmael’s mother was a devil-worshipping whore

KnightoftheImpaler on January 3, 2006 at 10:36 pm

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