October 30, 2013, - 4:01 pm
Muslim Hate Tweets of the Week Threaten Me with Rape, Violence (Michelle Malkin Defends Them)
Not a day goes by when I don’t get hate mail, threats of violence or rape, and/or other assorted “peacefulness” from the so-called “Religion of Peace” adherents. Here’s just a (halal) taste of tweets (follow me on Twitter) I received from Muslims in the last few days. Note that the first tweet comes from a Muslim defender of jihadist pop star Zayn Malik of One Direction. The complete fraud, Michelle Malkin, on her self-masturbation site, Twitchy, whitewashed the many death, rape, and torture threats I got from Muslim fans of Malik and his One Direction, which she called “spirited.” Is this “spirited” to you?
Hmmm . . . where are the constant whiners and grievance theater executive producers from HAMAS CAIR on this? You know, the frauds who claim they are concerned about religious bigotry and threats of violence? Crickets chirping . . . .
Debbie has the muslims freaked out because she is a powerful voice and speaks the truth.
God bless you, Debbie.
DS_ROCKS! on October 30, 2013 at 4:32 pm