October 16, 2013, - 7:01 pm

ABSURD: Big Ten Football Game to Be “Peanut Free” in PC Deference to Peanut Allergies

By Debbie Schlussel

The jihad on peanuts is growing.

Remember the days when peanut allergies were unheard of, and you could still eat peanuts on an airplane or in a public school? Well, suddenly every single precious kid in the world developed allegedly deadly allergies. And as part of the peanutty political correctness, the legumes–roasted, salted, or otherwise–are not only off the menu at those places, but also now banned from a Big Ten football game. This weekend, Northwestern University’s game against the Minnesota Golden Gophers will be “peanut free.” I don’t know when so many kids started to magically become deathly ill from peanuts, but it’s really getting absurd when you have the politically correct food police guarding against peanuts at a big-time football game, with more gusto than they guard against bombs and other real threats.


Stop the Madness!

When the Northwestern Wildcats face off against the Minnesota Golden Gophers at Ryan Field in Evanston on Saturday, something will be missing: peanuts. Northwestern University is hosting its first peanut-free football game to give fans with allergies a chance to focus on the game instead of worrying about negative reactions to the popular stadium snack, which can range from mild irritation to life-threatening anaphylactic shock.

That’s a big draw for Joyce Mason’s family, Northwestern fans from Gurnee. Mason’s daughter Julie, 13, has a potentially life-threatening peanut allergy. Safeguards such as wiping down the seats and traveling with two EpiPens to counter severe reactions aren’t always enough. At a Cubs game a few years ago, Julie broke out in hives and began wheezing despite taking all of those precautions, Mason said, so now they attend only peanut-free games.

Huh? If you have to be that much of a peanut Nazi in order to live, here’s a tip: Don’t. Go. To. The. Game. Stay home, and don’t make everyone else bow to your special needs. This is really all about selfishness, NOT about health.

Peanut allergies affect about five of every 1,000 Americans and are on the rise, said Raoul Wolf, chief of the pediatric allergy and immunology section at University of Chicago Medicine. Though closed environments like airplanes pose a greater danger, stadiums can be “a huge risk,” Wolf said. “If you can smell the peanuts, there’s enough protein in the air to cause a bad reaction. For the most sensitive patients, it’s not a risk worth taking.”

Wow, so because a half of a percent of Americans are affected by peanut allergies, everyone else has to abstain from them? Given that percentage is just under the seven-tenths of a percent of Americans who are Muslim, perhaps we should ban all pig and other non-halal products from all sports stadiums, too. Don’t worry, that’s coming in our future. And I view these Peanazis with the same disdain (though the peanut allergists don’t fly planes into buildings, shoot up Army bases, and try to blow up Americans with underwear and shoes). They want all of us to change our lifestyles and bend over for them.

Several major and minor league baseball teams, including the White Sox, Cubs and Kane County Cougars have banned peanuts in certain sections at select games, as have the Wolves hockey team. But the Wildcats may be the first college team to host an allergy-friendly game, said Dan Yopchick, a Northwestern spokesman. The NCAA does not track which teams offer peanut-free events.

No peanut products will be sold or permitted inside Ryan Field on Saturday. They’ve already started powerwashing the stadium’s nearly 50,000 seats to eliminate any peanut residue.

I wonder what happens if someone sneaks a bag of peanuts into the stadium and starts eating them. Do they get arrested for assault or terrorism?

While some will miss a favorite game-day food, it will be a huge relief for fans with allergies, said Julie Campbell, president of the not-for-profit Illinois Food Allergy Education Association.

“When the whole game is peanut-free, you can relax and enjoy the game like everybody else,” Campbell said.

Uh, no, you are not like everybody else. Everybody else (or at least most of them) doesn’t impose their very specialized food restrictions on you. Just the other way around.

Like I asked before, when did America become so sensitive to peanuts? And why?

I propose a special stadium for a new “No You Can’t” football and baseball league. The place will be perfect for gluten-free, vegan, peanut-allergic, Muslim sports fans. The only thing served will be vegetables, and there will be a few gaunt, skeletal fans in attendance, while the rest of Americans are allowed to live their lives as they please and eat what they want where they want.

Just say “no” to the food Nazis.


Is Mr. Peanut an Endangered Species?

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524 Responses

I think you should sit your ignorant arse next to a big fat SMOKER in that stadium. Is that fun or does it make you gag? Oh wait! YOU CAN’T SMOKE ANYMORE!?! Oh..hmmm. That’s right, the smoke won’t kill you in 30 seconds, but sit next to a life threatening food and let’s play roulette.

Get over yourself, this world is changing and sadly, you need to adapt. These are the LITTLE THINGS in life. Focus on world peace, our brother’s at war, our own here living in poverty… and give little kids a chance to be KIDS right here in your own backyard!

Meaghan Verri on October 17, 2013 at 9:23 am

    The totalitarians pea-nuts are out in full force. Let’

    skzion on October 17, 2013 at 12:20 pm

      Let’s send their kids some Cracker Jack. We don’t want to see the brats grow up to be just like their parents.

      skzion on October 17, 2013 at 12:21 pm

Very good article. Generally the peanut has a mold which causes the trouble in many. But, it’s not being selfish or insencitive to stand up to the PC police. Peanuts are as much a part of sporting events as a hot dog. If this catches on the NCAA WILL step in on this matter and force schools to ban them. Give it time it will happen.This is the liberal way, if a few don’t like it, forget the “law’, “rules” or whatever you call it. The rights of the minority are what supercedes all else. I have a close reletive who has the peanut allergy. Her parents don’t ask the world to stop for them. This is a begining. Is a sporting event or any event worth causing all this ? If you are that concerned about it then how do you people even exist in the area you live in ? Peanut products are every where. Well you who caused the peanut free zone and those who are militant anti-peanut, wear your Anti-Peanut shirts proudly to the events you attend. Or as the lepers used to say when around others “unclean, unclean”. Now you will have trouble getting others to say that , but you can try. Good article Miss Debbie.

William on October 17, 2013 at 9:50 am

I am allergic to people with brains size of peanuts. That’s why I stay away from any kind of sport.

Alex Sagin on October 17, 2013 at 10:10 am

Wow. Who would have thought that crazy eyes could be seen through typed words?

nadie on October 17, 2013 at 10:15 am

Obviously you wrote this with the intent of getting people hyped up so that you could just rant some more. My 14 month old son was just diagnosed with a peanut allergy… the first in the family. Kissing on him after eating peanuts caused him to get hives all over. While I’ve known people had the allergy, I didn’t realize how serious and life altering it would be. We are no longer safe to just go to any restaurant we want to, buy anything at the grocery store without careful research (more than reading a label!), go to community outings or family functions without the concern of a reaction. You are being extremely selfish. One game is not going to harm YOU or our peanut loving friends. So why don’t you skip the game and stay home and eat peanuts all day since it is that important to you? I’ve always loved peanuts too, ate peanut butter, peanuts, peanut products all the time… but now I despise them. I cringe at the thought of someone eating it near me because I could potentially harm my child if I eat it or have it on me. Are you really that heartless? Would you think it is funny if you ate peanuts around someone with an allergy and they died from it? Would you care? I don’t think you would care. You’re an example of what America is becoming. I’m sorry you don’t realize how serious this is. You can go home and eat all the peanuts you want… but is it fair to expect all people with allergies, particularly peanut allergies to stay home and never go anywhere? Can they not go out and enjoy life to the fullest too? I live every day in fear now watching my son when he eats because I am still learning what is safe and what isn’t. Do you think I want to administer an epi pen? Do you think I want to spend hours in an ER to watch my young son overcome a potentially fatal reaction? Do you really think it is fun to not be limited in what you can eat because of the risk?? Do you wish that everyone with this allergy would just vanish? I wish that selfish people would grow up… people that only care about themselves shouldn’t be allowed to come out of their house but they do every day. I see that some mention here about political affiliation… what a joke and how ignorant- peanut allergy affects people of all kinds. I’m sick of closed minded people and you most certainly are guilty. I do not wish anything bad on anyone but I hope all those peanut loving fanatics realize that a lot of adults are becoming allergic too. People don’t care until it affects them or someone they know… I guess you despise people with disabilities too. God forbid someone in a wheelchair need you to get out of their way so they can enjoy life.

Laura on October 17, 2013 at 10:16 am

    Laura, you said exactly what I was thinking. Thank you.

    Lili on October 17, 2013 at 2:01 pm

Being a parent of a child with food allergies let me say this first- we don’t sit and beg people to accommodate our children. Second, sporting events such as the one in mention CHOOSE to hold one game as peanut free to allow those with allergies to get a chance to enjoy something that you all take for granted. God forbid any of your children had a special need you’d all be going insane trying to make them as safe and happy as possible. I thought we were past the ages of segregating and “institutionalizing” people because of differences. And yes I say institutionalizing because in all of your opinions a child with food allergies should just sit in their house and have no contact with the human world because of a condition they are born with and have no control over. Do I expect the world to bow down because my daughter has a life threatening food allergy? No! I do expect her to be able to safely go to school but after that, I make sure she is safe when we go out. I educate and advocate. Apparently everyone here needs some sort of education. SO thank you to Northwestern University for choosing to selflessly give one game to those with allergies so that they can enjoy sports that much more. The ignorance of people amazes me. Let’s just hope none of you have to deal with your child having any sort of need at any point in their life because then you might actually have to see how the other half lives.

Stacie on October 17, 2013 at 10:18 am

This entire rant can be called: “My optional choice of foods could kill you and I don’t care.” How twisted is it to call allergy sufferers “selfish” for simply wanting to live among us? Very very twisted. Every so often I meet a person who refuses to acknowledge a problem until it personally happens to him or her. Fortunately such people are usually under the age of 7 and can learn and grow up to become more thoughtful adults. But when adults behave this way? Well shame on the immature, uncaring and reality-evading grown-up jerks in the world. I enjoy nut-free activities because I know they are more accessible and less stressful for others and I like living in a benevolent world surrounded with other caring people who are and act as grown ups should. The only problems I have ever encountered in stadiums did not stem from a lack of nuts, but from the presence of them.

Cynthia on October 17, 2013 at 10:19 am

Debbie, you clearly never had to deal with the never-ending spector of a potentially fatal allergic reaction for yourself or your child. If you did, I bet you would have a markedly different opinion.

Mark Faix on October 17, 2013 at 10:24 am

Well, I’m going to keep it very simple. Debbie, you’re an ass-hat for writing such an article. I can’t wait for you to have a child that has a peanut allergy. Oh wait, actually I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy. Do you effin research before you decide to write such a stupid, ignorant and self-centered article, Ms. Asshat.

Susan Otradovsky on October 17, 2013 at 10:25 am

Wow, your ranting is so full of ignorance it is infuriating. As a mother to a 4 year old with a nut allergy, I am frightened of people like you. People who are so self-centered that they think their desire to eat nuts trumps all else. Do you realize how ridiculous you sound when you say, “suddenly every single precious kid in the world developed allegedly deadly allergies”? Obviously, not every single kid is allergic and the allergies are not “allegedly” deadly; they are deadly. You sound equally as asinine saying that the kids become “magically deathly ill.” There is nothing alleged, nor magical, about food allergies.

Listen to yourself. You really view “Peanazis” as you call them, with the same disdain as terrorists? Really?! I can’t even comment anymore on this connection because there is no logic.

“If you have to be that much of a peanut Nazi in order to live, here’s a tip: Don’t. Go. To. The. Game. Stay home, and don’t make everyone else bow to your special needs.” Well, maybe you should take your own advice. If you have to eat nuts so much in order to live, Don’t. Go. To. The. Game. Stay home and eat peanut butter straight out of the jar if that makes you so happy. But, if you do decide to go to the nut-free game, do everyone a favor make sure you stuff your mouth full of the myriad of other nut-free choices in hopes that it will keep you quiet and no one else will be subjected to your ridiculous ranting.

DM on October 17, 2013 at 10:30 am

Oh my goodness, you are SUCH a giant a-hole. They want to offer one nut-free event so that children can safely attend and you have to go on an epic tirade? I’m not a food nazi, I am a mother keeping her children safe from food that could actually kill her children in minutes. It is medically diagnosed, not a choice, not fiction. How nice that you have no medical issues, that must be wonderful. You should be absolutely ashamed of yourself for that rant. The only absurd thing here is your hateful attitude.

JBasile on October 17, 2013 at 10:31 am

In a broader sense, stepping back, the venom and self-righteousness of these comments make it easier to understand the type of crowd psychology that can give rise to individuals like Hitler, Stalin, and Mussolini.

And the projection?!?!? Talking about Debbie’s ‘hateful attitude’ while comparing her to Hitler and using gutter language. Is that the example you want to set for your children?

Little Al on October 17, 2013 at 10:36 am

Well, Deb, there may have been a time in my life when I saw things your way. A year ago I had a beautiful baby girl that I had waited years for. She was perfect and beautiful and every mother’s dream (still is). Two months ago, weeks after her 1st birthday, she was diagnosed with a peanut allergy. As a parent, my perspective has changed. I can not even begin to explain the amount of fear that I have every time I leave my daughter, step into a restraint, or attend a family dinner. There is no history in either family of this and through MUCH research I find that the cases of food allergies have tripled in recent years and no on knows why! Is it fair that you have to go without peanuts as a snack? Maybe not. But is it fair that MY child now has this life threatening condition? Guess what, life isn’t fair!!! You not having a snack will not kill you, but your indulgence could kill many people. I pray that you never have to know what it is like to worry about a loved one like this but with the allergy numbers increasing at such an alarming rate, chance are you will. So, instead of suggestin that we confine our children to a prison or bubble maybe you should stay at home and enjoy your precious nuts. Would I expect someone to rid their private home of their favorite snack? No, certainly not. But I am asking for compassion from my fellow members of society. There children and adults deserve to participate and enjoy recreational activities too. The suggestion of isolating a group of individuals is disgusting and offensive. I suppose you feel that wheelchair ramps are ridiculous and handicapped people need to stay at home too? I guess smoking bans should be lifted because, “hey, people need to suck it up, lung cancer from 2nd hand smoke isn’t that bad”? I hate that someone even pointed out your offensive, close minded, and ignorant blog to me. I hate that I had to take the time to respond to a cruel, uneducated, soulless “woman” like yourself. I know my response will not persuade anyone to see things through my eyes (the eyes of a terrified parent that lives with this everyday). But I couldn’t bite my tongue. These people mandating these rules are not selfish or catering to a few….they are compassionate and accommodating to a growing population. Please lady (Not sure that is a fitting term for you) spend your time on something more productive. If you have a religion, maybe spend some time reviewing the basics…gain some empathy and insight. Do some soul searching and find out what something so small, like nuts in your mouth, has you so upset. Something has made you bitter and heartless and I am curious to know what that is. Try to use your time to improve the world and adapting to it instead of b@-!hing about it.

D on October 17, 2013 at 10:38 am

You are an evil witch.

Marie on October 17, 2013 at 10:39 am

I must add… I am a Conservative. Funny thing is I’ve never heard of you until someone posted about your rant on FB. Exactly what you wanted right? Political affiliation has nothing to do with the epidemic of food allergies, but I must say it is embarrassing to know that a Conservative has posted this rant. I’ll be sure to never listen to what you have to say because it sounds like it will be trash anyways. If you can put down people because of something they can help such as a food allergy then you are obviously heartless. Too bad everyone- whether Conservative or not can’t have a heart and care about others other than themselves. My Conservative friends will surely know to avoid you as well. But where you have many so called ‘haters’ I am sure you will have just as many supporters because they are ignorant idiots too.

Laura on October 17, 2013 at 10:44 am

Wow. You *are* aware that allergies are a physical problem out of the control of the individual and which can be life-threatening, rather than a cultural choice? “PC” does not apply here. And it has nothing to do with police, which is something imposed by law.

You need to re-think your premises, because you are making the wrong connections here.

mtnrunner2 on October 17, 2013 at 10:45 am

Little Al, your comments about the type of people who allowed the rise of Hitler, Stalin, etal, are quite accurate and chilling, especially in light of today’s sociopolitical climate.

Amazing how the hits just keep on comin’. I wonder if it’s not the children of these people who are typing these posts. Just look at them!!! It’s basically the SAME post over and over. Isn’t that the province of small children, babble, endless repetition and silliness? It was fun playing that game last night, but the scorched tropical fields await me in a little while, and at least the cavalry is here.

Debbie, a bit off topic, but not really. As you know, Cory “Hollywood” Booker scored a double digit victory in New Jersey last night. Talk about the rise of Hitler, Stalin, etal. Shows the people of “this once great republic” haven’t really learned anything. ANOTHER Democrat INCOMPETENT promoted.

Hey, isn’t one of the universities in this BIG GAME from “Senator” Franken’s state? See what I mean?

Alfredo from Puerto Rico on October 17, 2013 at 10:51 am

My granddaughter suffers from an allergy to eggs and, at least, can be in the same room as an egg. But, eating a food product that includes eggs… Hard not to do when your child is too young to understand. Ever tried to explain to a 4 year old why they can’t have a cookie?

At least it’s not a severe allergy. But, it can turn that way with little notice.

Peanut allergies are much more serious. Peanu products are often banned from classrooms because they are so serious. I’m surprised you haven’t railed about that.

On a more serious note, it is just one game. Get over it. Your arguments are better suited for Congress passing a law to ban peanut products in public venues. I wouldn’t want to see such a law but after your screed/diatribe, it might make sense to foster the debate and see what happens.

Oh, and get over yourself too. By bragging about the things you do, you put people around you at risk…particular people such as the Muslim informant to the government that you brag about. You are public enough that you probably now have radical Islamists watching your every move, hoping to identify and eliminate any person associate with you that they see as a threat.

I guess, in a sense, you are a peanut allergy to them.

Bob on October 17, 2013 at 11:10 am

Wow you are just a common bully. Get your facts straight before you publish garbage.

Melissa Curran on October 17, 2013 at 11:19 am

Enjoying my morning coffee as the machetes await, and I see some folks are still Bob-bing for peanuts. I mean, TROLL-ing. FACEBOOK ALERT, FACEBOOK ALERT!!! Everyone in the world whose kid has a peanut allergy has been martialed to “the cause.”

Oh, did I say MARTIAL? As in Martial Law? Yup, it’s comin’, folks, in large part because o’ y’all. Don’t make me laugh with those of you (all two of you) claiming to be conservatives. TRUE conservatives would have seen the true meaning behind Debbie’s article. How is it people here, like Little Al for example, can so concisely and intelligently see through the crap, analyze it and post back brief, comprehensive, deadly accurate commentary, but folks (all two of you) in the Yupper Midwest are having a cow? LMFAO!!!

Yeah, I have some time left to play. Even folks with a 140 IQ can be silly. Wish Skunky was on this one a bit more. She’s one of the most bitingly funny posters I’ve ever seen. I’ve been to her web site. Busy girl. Got Flame War?

Alfredo from Puerto Rico on October 17, 2013 at 11:19 am

    Alfredo, I guess the 140 IQ is for the entire family.

    Little Al on October 17, 2013 at 2:11 pm

Alfonso, Miguelito, you fierth, bad, eviw, fierth, bad, eviw man, if you even ARE a man. You’re a MORON, Fernando, and you’re probably Debbie’thz thecretary too. Eviw, fierth, bad people, all of you on thith web thite. You wouldn’t be so cavalier if you ever thaw a kid with a peanut allergy in a hothpital bed.

Alfredo from Puerto Rico on October 17, 2013 at 11:27 am

I am usually in line with everything you have to say but in this instance my opinion is that you are completely wrong. This is no different, again in my opinion, than someone carrying a weapon like a knife into a game, the threat that it could be used and result in a fatal outcome is there and should not be ignored. Maybe the knife is only a threat to the few people sitting around that person but that doesn’t make it okay or maybe they only intend to use it to cut up their apple. But the point is it is still a threat that could have deadly consequences. This is only one game and it will not become the norm as I think you are suggesting. Because this type of food allergy can be fatal is it really that much to ask that one game out of the season be inclusive for a growing population, no matter how small, to be completely comfortable and care free and enjoy something they may otherwise not be able to in person? We aren’t talking about a persons religious beliefs being trampled on this can be a life or death situation for many. I had no concept or concern regarding food allergies, the peanut and nut in particular, but since I nearly lost my first child due to feeding her peanut butter on toast I have become more aware just how dangerous this can be. We ask for no favors or special treatment at sporting events or the like instead we are just extra vigilant but it sure would be nice to enjoy just one time a year something like this without as much anxiety. I say this with the utmost respect because I think you are typically right on target but I have found that your thought process is simply just “ignorance” of how serious this unfortunate condition is. I get the argument against curtailing our freedoms for a small few but I’m not sure of another instance where foregoing for a few hours a peanut whatever could possibly be all that difficult or problematic and I don’t see this becoming the norm, simply a special instance now and again.

As for why this allergy has become and continues to be more common is still unknown. one theory is that we as a society have become so clean and sanitized that the body has rewired it’s natural need to defend itself against something to this particular type of food that really wasn’t a staple in the diet of U.S. citizens until the early 1900’s.

globex22 on October 17, 2013 at 11:27 am

    Very well said. I completely agree.

    Christy on October 17, 2013 at 11:59 am

Let me tell you something, Lombardo, since you think this is so funny. Did you say your IQ was 140? More like 041. My husband is a former Navy SEAL, and he taught classes at a well known California high school. Among his 59 students, SEVEN, count them, maybe get out your calculator if you need help to count to 7, had peanut allergies.

That’s right, calculate the percentage of 7 out of 59, then run to your mommy Debbie and report it to her. I’m so made, I could have a cow. We CONSERVATIVES

Alfredo from Puerto Rico on October 17, 2013 at 11:30 am

Let me tell you something, Lombardo, or whatever your name is. Did you say your IQ was 140? I think it’s more like 041. My husband is a former Navy SEAL, rock ribbed CONSERVATIVE, and teaches junior high school. SEVEN of his students, out of a total of 59, have peanut allergies. You are TYPICAL of the scum that turned this country in to the cesspool it has become, you insensitive MORON. Get out your calculator, if you even know what that is, and figure out that percentage, then report back to your “mommy” Debbie.

Oh, and when my husband gets home, I’m going to have him read EVERY post you put up. He makes frequent trips to Puerto Rico, and he’s going to come down there, and punch you so hard in your face, you WON’T NEED A PLANE for your next flight back to NYC.


Well, at least that makes up for the 100,000 cattle killed by those storms last week.


See? Posts like those put up by the two trolls from Facebook are easy.

Alfredo from Puerto Rico on October 17, 2013 at 11:36 am

Yeah, that first post to “Lombardo” disappeared when I hit a couple wrong keys. I type fast, but not always hitting the right keys. In the immortal words of Britney Spears, . . .


Alfredo from Puerto Rico on October 17, 2013 at 11:38 am

Hey, I’d actually LOVE to experience something involving American colleges that is nut-free. But given the makeup of the faculty, that’s not likely.

Sean M on October 17, 2013 at 11:45 am

Do the trolls know that Mark Zuckerberg is thinking of imposing tariffs for wasted bandwidth?


Alfredo from Puerto Rico on October 17, 2013 at 11:48 am

My two year old son has severe food allergies. Our lives changed significantly when he was diagnosed. Something that should be a fun family activity like eating at a restaurant, stopping for some ice cream, going to a game, sitting in a movie theater… these could become terrifying and life threatening in the blink of an eye. Have you ever seen a small child’s eyes when they’re in anaphylactic shock? The people who have responded with anger have seen that. When we use the term “allergy,” we’re not talking about sneezing or hay fever or even a few hives. We’re talking about throats closing and organs shutting down. Is your right to eat a peanut at a ballpark more important than the life of a child?

Christy on October 17, 2013 at 11:50 am

I couldn’t even waste my valuable time reading the whole article. I quote you, “I don’t know when so many kids started to magically become deathly ill from peanuts”… here’s a thought, next time you decide to write about something you know NOTHING about, educate yourself first. The FACTS are out there on this topic. As a parent of 2 children who BOTH have multiple life-threatening food allergies I am well aware how many people are not empathetic. I also wasn’t going to respond, but of coarse could not help myself. To think someone can get so worked up over NOT being allowed to eat something that can potentially cause another human to die is simply sad. Think about what it might be like to know that something as simple as a FOOD can cause my kids and thousands of others to die. Imagine what it must be like to be these children who have to know they live in a society where people get so caught up in themselves they care not to think of the safety of them. Sad, the whole thing is sad. I won’t bash you, I feel sorry for you and sorry for those who are close to you… if you can’t have empathy for these children, then G_D knows what else you have no empathy for.

Jennifer on October 17, 2013 at 11:54 am

    Quite all right, Jennifer. I didn’t bother you read your stupid comment either.

    skzion on October 17, 2013 at 6:29 pm

My son has a severe peanut allergy. We have had 2 attacks one a cupcake at a coffee shop which we did not know what was happening until he was blue and could not breath through an anaphylactic attack. The second time was a lick of an ice cream in a NYC restaurant and he landed up spending a full night in Hospital-he was 6.

I wish I could scoff this off as the world compartmentalizing things and giving disease names for everything but I can’t since it involves the life of my child.

Ronan on October 17, 2013 at 12:01 pm

I guess trolls don’t have jobs, or maybe Georgie Boy Soros is paying people to spend 24 hours a day at their computers attacking Debbie. I’m sure Hamas does. They have the dough.

Oh wait, was that dough made at a plant that also processes peanuts?


Let’s see, lemme do a search on templates for peanut allergy kids.

“My two year old son, who LOVES football and dogs, was recently . . .”

“If you morons had ANY compassion, you’d realize that . . .”

“I too thought once that perhaps this was a bit of hype, until my four year old daughter . . .”

Yeah, I can do that too, not hard really.

Alfredo from Puerto Rico on October 17, 2013 at 12:09 pm

FOX-News is reporting that an escaped zoo elephant was last seen running through downtown Green Bay, reportedly covered with peanut dust from people feeding it. Parents of kids with peanut allergies are urged to be on the alert. Be advised that if an elephant appears on your front lawn, shut all windows immediately.

Okay Debbie, shut it down, already, I’m getting TOO silly. Don’t worry, I’ll be out in the fields soon, but as you can see, trolls beget silliness, which begets more silliness, etc. It’s enough, already.

Alfredo from Puerto Rico on October 17, 2013 at 12:16 pm


    skzion on October 17, 2013 at 12:29 pm

It’s amazing that you throw around two terms, callously in the same “article” if you can even call it that.
Nazi and peanut allergies. First of all, the Nazis were a group of people who went around willingly and cruelly murdering 6 million Jews for the sake of a madman and his rants. Ironically, you call the people who try to protect themselves and their children from dying a cruel death in a matter of seconds Nazis, too.
Perhaps you should educate yourself more about both subjects.
I have and I can tell you this.
I lost family members in the Holocaust to the Nazis. I also have a son with life-threatening food allergies which could kill him within minutes of either ingesting or coming into contact with a food that was even made on the same equipment as those peanuts.
I suggest before you let your impatience with a rising health care crisis override your sense of judgement, you educate yourself on subject matters which could alternatively falsely educate the public and create a terribly dangerous situation at something as innocuous as a football game.

Cynthia Nirenblatt on October 17, 2013 at 12:27 pm

    I’m really glad Debbie has kept these moronic comments up

    skzion on October 17, 2013 at 12:31 pm

      … as they illustrate the nature of the anti-whatever totalitarian personalities that cause such trouble today.

      skzion on October 17, 2013 at 12:32 pm

        Yes, skzion, and it’s getting worse, not better.

        Little Al on October 17, 2013 at 12:39 pm

    I’m sorry to hear your child has a peanut allergy. I have a close relative who has one also. But what do you want people to do ? The world can’t change, no matter how small or large the event. If it is a private gathering , well then it’s up to the people in charge. Miss Debbie is not without simpathy to your childs condition. But look at what is starting, and rest assured it will grow. Seems like hatred has sprung up on those in behalf of people with peanut allergies. At least in this article responce. I don’t know what the overall answer is but, no one is un-sympathetic to those with those allergies.

    William on October 17, 2013 at 12:40 pm

    Well said. Debbie has not seen her child turn blue in the face and throw up uncontrollably. I guess we are all just part of an agenda pushing mommy state to make corporations declare whats in their products or force someone to not scoff down peanuts where someone else risks contamination. I don’t care if you bath in peanuts or smoke 2000 cigarettes a day thats your business in your home.

    Ronan on October 17, 2013 at 12:52 pm

As a side point, in Israel the most common baby teething cookie is called ‘Bamba’ and it has peanuts in it.

Peanut allergies are virtually unknown in Israel.

For all those with newborns and toddlers, you might want to pick some up in your local supermarket in the ethnic foods section where the matzo ball soup and so forth is. Test them and try them out; if you find they’re good cookies, it’s a good way to expose your child and protect them against the likelihood of allergies later.

luagha on October 17, 2013 at 12:58 pm

What a stupid, non-educated bitch!! I sure hope you never have a kid with a peanut-allergy! As a mom to a 2-year old with a SEVERE peanut allergy, you need to grow up and think about others!! How is it hurting you to live without freakin peanuts throughout one ball game? When having those peanuts there could potentially harm or kill a child?! Peanut Nazi??? Really?!?! Poor kids with nut allergies should just stay home huh?! You absolutely infuriate me!

Brandi on October 17, 2013 at 1:04 pm

    Brandi, the Cracker Jack is on its way to your house.

    skzion on October 17, 2013 at 6:32 pm

“Remember the days when peanut allergies were unheard of” – no, I don’t, and neither do you.

Fred Kuentz on October 17, 2013 at 1:04 pm

The entire point of the article is that the teams have agreed to have ONE DAY that is peanut free. This ONE DAY allows children and adults to participate in our national pasttimes just like others who are not allergic can do on any given day. My son is allergic to peanuts and has refused to go to games for this reason. You must not realize how meaningful it is to children who are allergic when they can participate in an activity just like everyone else.

Amy on October 17, 2013 at 1:05 pm

No we dont expect people to bend for our children. But just because u cannot visually see my sons handicaps u think they are foolish or stupid..but u dont makesuch comments about ramps for wheelchairs or lower sinks or handicapped parking spots etc. This is a total lack of compassion…which is why our world is the way it is…to say u have the same distain for peanut allergy people as u have for the Muslim people who killed thousands of us citizens is disgusting. I would dare u to speak ur cruel words of hatred to a small child lives with the allergy everyday….its easy to speak such horrible worda of racist comment s on an adult site….but would u speak this to an innocent child. Would u stand at the games gates and turn them away on the one game day they could attend and feel safe? It is insensitive fools like u that I want my child to never come in contact of. U are hopefully not a parent…I dont see how u could be? To lack love compassion and empathy for others. I pray that one day someone shares with you compassion…bwcause someone never taught it to u. Sorry u are so uneducated in this area. Its people like u that I will protect my son from for the rest of my life!

Joie Logsdon on October 17, 2013 at 1:07 pm

    “but u dont makesuch comments about ramps for wheelchairs or lower sinks or handicapped parking spots etc.”

    Joie, I’ve noticed that you can’t spell your own name.

    Anyway, I think the whole “reasonable accommodations” business should be overturned.

    skzion on October 17, 2013 at 6:36 pm

I will trade you the “inconvenience” and “annoyance” of my family’s life threatening situation with your not getting a effing bag of peanuts. Any day.

Helen Highwater on October 17, 2013 at 1:10 pm

What a cruel, evil way to ruin something positive for these children. It’s not like they are banning peanuts permanantly…it’s just ONE game! Do you think for one second that these kids WANT special treatment, or to have to fear for their lives over what some see as silly or an inconvenience???? I have to stop typing now, my blood is boiling over your ignorant, cold-hearted point of view, and I can’t go on without wanting to type something really mean back to you!

Brittany on October 17, 2013 at 1:17 pm

People who are ignorant and can’t forgo eating peanuts at ONE game to allow people with allergies to have a chance to enjoy a game sounds way more selfish to me. I think that you and anyone who agrees with your ignorant ass should look beyond yourself, maybe you should be the one to stay home from that one game and eat (and hopefully choke on) your peanuts there. And FYI- allergies can develop at anytime and karma is a bitch…

Katie V on October 17, 2013 at 1:19 pm

Interesting that all of the posts from the peanutphobes address problems with children. And of course we know that the attendees at football games are mainly children. We always see in the crowd photos that it is children who make up most of the crowd. (of course now that I have said this, they will all start writing and say that they are adults with allergies.)

Since they are almost all children, perhaps their Facebook page should have some discussion of deferred gratification (if attending a football game is gratification, especially Northwestern, that is really messing up now.) When our ancestors were growing up they didn’t have computers, TV, Facebook (!?!*!), Twitter, automobiles, and so on, yet they managed to survive. Our grandparents often didn’t have their own houses until they got on in years, and many ethnic groups have had to get unpleasant jobs in order to elevate their families on a long-term basis. So for the very, very, small number of peanut allergists who are sensitive to crowds, is deferred gratification until they outgrow their allergies too much to ask?

Is honesty from all these contributors also too much to ask? This discussion is on the level of the climate-change nitwits.

Little Al on October 17, 2013 at 1:29 pm

    ***So for the very, very, small number of peanut allergists who are sensitive to crowds, is deferred gratification until they outgrow their allergies too much to ask?
    Is honesty from all these contributors also too much to ask? This discussion is on the level of the climate-change nitwits.***

    Al – your ignorance is astounding. My daughter will never outgrow her peanut allergy. She will react after being kissed on the cheek by someone who has eaten a peanut product. She cannot go near dogs because most dog food and dog treats contain peanut of some kind and she has had severe reactions from being licked by a dog on 2 separate occasions. Dogs are everywhere we go, some roaming the street, some on leashes. We see them every day in our daily routine. She is terrified every day. Could you live that way?

    As it was stated, it is only one game being offered. Maybe YOU are the one who needs to learn the rewards of deferred gratification? The only reason you feel the “discussion is on the level if the climate-change nitwits” is because you have no clue what you are talking about, and neither does Debbie.

    In the spirit of education, countries in the western hemisphere traditionally boil their peanuts before consumption, whereas in the US peanuts are roasted. This changes the chemical composition of the protein. This is only one theory. Feel free to do some research and let the rest of us know what you find.

    Rebecca on October 17, 2013 at 2:00 pm

Your article really defines ignorance and your own selfishness that you can’t enjoy or possibly imagine a game without peanuts. You are rude and have absolutely no understanding what we as parents go through in having children with a food allergy that causes death. For you to say or imply that “all of the sudden” so many kids are allergic is unbelievable. So these kids wanted this allergy? We parents want our children to have an allergy that they can die from ? You suck as a journalist and quite frankly as a person . Why don’t you consider writing a real article such as why there are now so any kids allergic to peanuts? And you can begin that investigation by going to the pharmaceutical companies that have been using peanut oil as an adjuvant in vaccines. THAT is why there are so many with peanut allergies. My guess is that you don’t have what it takes to really tackle an article such as that.

Candice on October 17, 2013 at 1:29 pm

You should be ashamed to have published such an article. Period. I suggest you walk a day in someone else’s shoes that have a deadly food allergy. I imagine then you would change your tune. I hope one day you will take time to retract your hateful words and realize that you are part of the problem with society. There are plenty of other things in life to focus on besides a lack of peanuts at a sporting event. May I suggest devoting your time towards such things.

Tami Hieb on October 17, 2013 at 1:34 pm

And of course the press accepts this drivel without comment, caution or reserve. That is one of the most discouraging things about this whole incident.

Just another example of how technology, instead of contributing to enlightenment, contributes to ignorance and pseudo-science.

And the thing that defies description? The rising incidence of peanut allergies? I knew our society was drifting towards Stalinism, and the liberal pundits ridicule those who have reservations about evolution. Will they now ridicule those peanutphobes who apparently accept Lamarck and Lysenko?

Little Al on October 17, 2013 at 1:38 pm

Are they saying peanut allergies are contagious and rise just like infectious diseases? Pseudo-science indeed!

Little Al on October 17, 2013 at 1:39 pm

    Stupid ass..the child cannot breakdown this type of protein and their body shuts down immediately. Its like you getting bit by a venomous snake and me standing there saying “Come on man you all right this is just another made up liberal cause, Pseudo science.”

    Ronan on October 17, 2013 at 1:45 pm

      Pseudo science, Ronan? You are writing in pseudo-English. I stopped counting your grammatical errors when I got to eight.

      Little Al on October 17, 2013 at 2:05 pm

        So you got owned by the facts of your ignorance and all you got is grammar…love it.

        Ronan on October 17, 2013 at 2:24 pm

        Good one, Little Al.

        skzion on October 17, 2013 at 6:38 pm

It needs to be said that airlines, restaurants, sports venues and schools the world over all offer vegetarian meals as an option. We accommodate vegans and it is not because they WILL DIE from eating a meal with meat in it.

Sometimes the over-educated forget what it is like to be human. You might speak 5 languages and have multiple higher education degrees, but you show your true white trash colors in your article.

Rebecca on October 17, 2013 at 1:42 pm

    Rebecca, you’re a moron! Vegan meals on flights do not bother me because I DON’T HAVE TO EAT THEM.

    skzion on October 17, 2013 at 6:39 pm

I applaud you for writing this article..at least you got people to read it. However, you’re lack of education on a topic you know nothing about proves to me you shouldn’t be aloud such publicity. Looking online and posting a few articles you copied and pasted doesn’t mean jack.

Corrie Maddux on October 17, 2013 at 1:49 pm

Wow, I have to agree with the people on here who call this post ignorant. Really, the lack of PEANUTS at one sporting event per year is going to be the rights issue you get upset about?

I was extremely surprised when my son was diagnosed with a peanut allergy, as we’ve never had one in the family that I knew of. If you’d done some research, you’d see that this state of affairs is common, and peanut allergies are growing for reasons that we still don’t fully understand. And they are deadly. Small airborne specks of peanut matter can cause some children to go immediately into anaphylactic shock.

But even if my kid didn’t have this, I would support any parent in my school or community who wished to keep a deadly allergen out of her kid’s space. My right to eat peanuts in public – or any optional food – does not trump ANY child’s right to life, and quality of life.

Helen Reid on October 17, 2013 at 1:50 pm

Seriously? If you have such a problem with the school making one game peanut free Don’t Go To The Game! Take you’re own advice. You’re a loser if you go to a game cause they serve you’re favorite snack, which is sold at most food stores anyways. Games are about cheering on your favorite team not what snacks they offer. Only one being selfish is you Debbie! You are acting like a child, grow up!

Not a fan of Debbie downer! on October 17, 2013 at 1:54 pm

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