October 7, 2005, - 4:04 pm

The Harriet Miers Pic That Speaks A Thousand Words

Don’t know about Harriet Miers’ views? Well, here’s the pic that speaks a thousand words about it:

Miers (w/Bush) Honored at Liberal ADL Luncheon

This photo of President Bush and Miers, from the Dallas Morning News, was taken at a 1996 Anti-Defamation League (ADL) luncheon at which Miers was honored with the Jurisprudence Award.
The ADL is an extremely liberal organization that works together with the ACLU and the (which is now using the courts to ). The ADL doesn’t honor just anyone. It honors people who are liberal and share its very liberal agenda. There is a reason Harriet Miers was honored by the ADL and it’s not for her being a conservative (if she is one at all).
This photo was taken after Miers’ supposed conversion to conservatism. And it speaks a thousand words.

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10 Responses

Where’s the picture???

Steve from NJ on October 7, 2005 at 4:30 pm

The ADL let Bush in the door?

redfordoutpost on October 7, 2005 at 4:42 pm

Personally I think Bush made a BAD choice to do this now, and in the way he did. However, to say that this tells you anything at all about her judicial philosophy is silly and does not approach the seriousness of Bush’s actions.
This article says it best that I have heard yet.

Uncle Tim on October 7, 2005 at 5:57 pm

Does it feel like Bush has lost touch with reality and got the big head? It is really bizarre what is happening. Talk about leaving the rails. I also find it ironic that the Republicans are mad at Bush about Miers but the Democrats seem to be pleased. Or maybe they are actually paying attention to a rule of war – keep quiet and ‘help out’ where you can while your enemy blows up all by themselves. Who are his advisors again? Rove, Rice, who else in that itty bitty inner circle. Norquist the Muslim? Hope not.

John Sobieski on October 7, 2005 at 11:48 pm

I don’t like the Miers nomination any more than any of you, but I think we should blame the right people. It is not too late to recover from this blunder.

salt1907 on October 8, 2005 at 8:40 pm

Most white Christian politicians would be reluctant to turn down an invitation to an ADL event for fear of being labeled anti-semitic by Abe Foxman. In the case of GWB a probably more important factor is that he shares the pro-illegal immigration stance of the ADL (and the SPLC).

tico on October 9, 2005 at 2:51 pm

Ah,yes;a scene from the 83rd annual Leo Frank Anti-Lynching Memorial Luncheon,where friends of “the Jewish community” are invited to tell their favorite ethnic jokes,without fear of being subjected to ADL sensitivity training.

jaywilton on October 10, 2005 at 10:56 am

Nothing new

KOAJaps on October 10, 2005 at 3:33 pm

Sunday Night Poll

The most entertaining part of the whole cyberbrawl thus far has been the variety of defenses used to bolster President Juniorís gargantuan mistake. This brings us to the topic of this weekís Sunday Night Poll.

Six Meat Buffet on October 16, 2005 at 6:39 pm

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