August 11, 2009, - 2:15 pm

Three Cheers for Mike Sola!: Meet the Patriot Who Took on Dingell

By Debbie Schlussel

On Friday Morning, I showed you video of Mike Sola telling off Hezbollah’s Congressman, John Dingell, about his absurd ObamaCare bill.  Sola was the man whose son was in a wheelchair and has cerebral palsy.


Today, there’s a nice interview with him in the Detroit Free Press.  I admire this man’s courage (even with police sicced on him by Dingell), and the fact that he is honest.  He admits that the health insurance he has (and that most people have) is bad, but notes–as all of us opposed to ObamaCare know–that government health care is far worse.  He shouldn’t be sorry he went to the event.  He did us all a service.

Sitting in his home in semirural Washtenaw County, Sola was calm and reflective. He rubbed his head with his ham-like hands. Since the hearing, he’s gotten some hang-up calls. His mailbox was damaged during the weekend. He has heard some noises at night and is not sleeping well.

“I’m so sorry I went to that thing,” he said. “I had no intention of confronting the man.”

Yet Sola has no second thoughts about the proposed legislation. He hates it, and he said he believes Americans need to stand up and say so.

“If somebody doesn’t speak up, these clowns are going to pass it,” Sola said. . . .

“I have a question that’s for this young man,” Sola thundered at the meeting, standing a few feet from Dingell and pointing at his son, 36-year-old Scott, who suffers from cerebral palsy and was sitting in a wheelchair.

“Go sit down,” Dingell told him amid jeers from the audience.

Romulus police escorted Sola from the meeting, but they did not arrest him. He said the cops seemed sympathetic.

Sola, a Croatian immigrant who came to the United States with his family in 1950, insists he belongs to no group and decided to attend the town hall-style meeting on his own. A political independent who describes himself as an unapologetic patriot, he said has no beef against Dingell generally, and has voted for him at times.

Pretty decent guy,” Sola said. “I don’t think he is an extremist.”

Ah, I knew there had to be a chink in his armor. Sorry, but Dingell is NOT a decent guy. And he IS an extremist, who sides with Hezbollah, the terrorist group that murdered our Marines and embassy officials, Navy diver Robert Stethem, Col. William R. “Rich” Higgins, and CIA Attache William Buckley in cold blood.

Sola worries what would happen to his son.

Sola said he “boiled over” at the meeting when he saw a woman, who appeared to be disabled but also to be supporting Dingell. Sola said he thought she was being used.

Sola is especially angry that some Democrats, he said, have referred to protesters around the county as thugs.

While some activists have acknowledged they urged opponents to attend Thursday’s meeting, Sola called the crowd members “mom and pop America.”

He added: “This was Americans saying, ‘What the hell are you doing?’

Sola, 64, said he has undergone back surgery and lung-cancer surgery and has battled prostate cancer. Most recently, he had a colon-cancer scare. And each time, he said he believes he received top-notch care from sympathetic doctors.

“American health care is the best in the world,” Sola said. “Where is Teddy Kennedy going for treatment? This country. Where is Chris Dodd going for prostate cancer treatment? This country. Where do the Arab sheikhs go for treatment? This country.”

Sola, a salesman, has his health insurance through his company, which he declined to name. He said he pays 30% of the monthly premiums, and by the end of 2009 will have paid $8,000 in out-of-pocket expenses over the past two years.

And here’s the money quote:

“I have crappy insurance,” he said. “But I’ll keep it over government insurance any day. I’ll gladly pay what I pay and not take Obama’s insurance — even if it was zero.”

Amen. We really do need to return to the days of patient paying doctor out-of-pocket for service without an insurance middle-man.

But until we get there, what we have now is far better than statist healthcare.

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13 Responses

Mr. Sola is a brave and great man. A fathers love is indeed a powerful thing.
He made Digelberry look like the lying idiot he is.

Joe on August 11, 2009 at 3:02 pm

Deb would you describe Mike Sola as a mensch?

Bob Porrazzo on August 11, 2009 at 3:41 pm

Dr. Obama says: “Stick a catheter into Dingleberry.”

JohN HENRY on August 11, 2009 at 4:55 pm

“…ham like hands.” Who says stuff like this and what does it mean?!

I’m not even going to click on the link to honor the author.

And Dingell is dispicable! What a way to treat an innocent old man trying to look out for himself and his family.

Smile on August 11, 2009 at 8:23 pm

Representative Dingell really knows how to deal with constituents. I guess he is not used to meeting someone who is not is not a lobbyist or a campaign donor.

Sorrow01 on August 11, 2009 at 9:41 pm

Mr. Dingell has been in the House since 1955. He’s a stale old fart. I think it’s time for him to get out of the way, to let younger people take over, just like in his health care bill.

moodlinger on August 12, 2009 at 12:21 am

    Right on, Moodslinger! Put Congress and the Executive Branch (including the Military and the Secret Service) and their families under the same medical coverage with no private options, and there wouldn’t be such wasteful medical expenses as prostate surgery on Senator Christopher Dodd, or brain surgery on Senator Theodore Kennedy! Senator Byrd would have departed the Senate (and ceased to have incurred medical expenses long ago!

    klesb on August 12, 2009 at 3:15 am

    Not a chance he’d be subjected to Obama Care. At page 16, congress is exempt.

    If it’s so GREAT, why is congress EXEMPT?

    goldenmike4393 on August 12, 2009 at 12:31 pm

I can imagine the Dingell voters. Just whacked out old biddies who think he walks on water. Hearing him talk the other day about people in white sheets, McVeigh and Nazi talk. This man deserved to get yelled at. He is a blind fool.

I like the interview Sola had on Fox yesterday with Megan Kelley. Sola is awesome.

CaliforniaScreaming on August 12, 2009 at 1:33 am

good for him.

mindy abraham on August 12, 2009 at 6:30 am

Let me remind you of something very interesting. The military is part of the executive dept but we get worse care than medicare recipients. We have been under an HMO for the last 15 years. Our veterans receive even worse care than that. ANyone remember the stories about Walter Reid and the roaches that were infesting the returning vets floors?

I agree that Dingel and every tool (repugnant and demonrat) who votes for this bad legislation should be replaced. Not too mention the idiots who voted for Cap and Trade.

Eric on August 12, 2009 at 4:03 pm

His son will be better supported in several ways if the legislation goes through in something like his current form. Sadly, Mr. Sola made a fool of himself by being an uninformed dope, and acting in like a jerk.

Tim on August 13, 2009 at 10:28 am

Debbie, I think we have to stand with Mike Sola and his son. This health care takeover scheme is stumbling to its end, and if it is permanently stopped, then Mike Sola should be the guy who represents us regular folks.

Liquid Florida Sunshine on March 9, 2010 at 5:34 pm

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