October 1, 2013, - 5:16 pm
Colorado Flooding – Illegal Aliens “Hardest Hit!” Govt Shut Down – Guess Who’s Hit?
Over the years, I’ve noted that with every single disaster–natural, man-made, or Martian–the mainstream media always find that illegal aliens are the hardest hit. They did it with Hurricane Katrina. They did it with Superstorm Sandy. And, now, they are doing it with Colorado flooding. It’s always the illegal aliens who are “the victims.” Everyone else is just chopped liver. Americans don’t matter, just invaders. And, so, I’m surprised I haven’t yet found a “Government Shut Down: Illegal Aliens Hardest Hit!” story yet. But that’s only ‘cuz I didn’t try Google.

If G-d destroys the world tomorrow, the New York Times/Washington Post headline will be, “G-d Destroys World, Undocumented Immigrants Hardest Hit.” (Al-Jazeera–English or Otherwise: “Muslims Hardest Hit.”).
In any event, check out this sob story over illegal aliens as the victims of Colorado flooding. I guess the water just passed over and avoided everyone else and their homes and cars, right? Excuse me while I play my imaginary violin:
EVANS, Colo. — Immigrants living in the U.S. illegally returned to their mobile home parks in flood-ravaged Colorado to find that there was little left to salvage — not the water-damaged cars, not the old family pictures and not the sheds carried away by the rushing waters.
Because nobody who is here legally or is actually a United States citizen lost cars, family pictures, or sheds. Nope, the Colorado flooding only damaged the cars, photos, homes, and other structures owned by illegal aliens, nobody else. When is the story coming out about how the flood ravaged only the Subarus, sensible cork and pleather shoes, WNBA memorabilia collections, Soysage supply, and sperm-donor kid family photos of vegan lesbians? Don’t they deserve a special tear-jerker article, too? Just sayin’.
The destruction, however, was only the beginning of what’s been a nightmarish two weeks. They didn’t have flood insurance. And because they are not citizens or legal residents — and don’t have family members who are — they won’t get the federal government’s help.
So sad, too bad. If it were true. Thing is, illegal aliens always get the feds’ help, anyway. No questions asked. No deportations committed.
“They say that faith and hope die last,” said Juan Partida, 40, a dairy worker who along with his wife Mari, who is pregnant, do not qualify for federal emergency aid because they are in the country illegally. “We need to have faith and hope that we’ll get help.”
Translation: we are just holding on until amnesty comes.
How quickly they can rebuild their lives, relying largely on local government and nonprofit organizations, will have long-term ramifications on the Weld County industries that depend on their labor, from meatpacking plants and farms to construction and hotels.
Um, why should we care how quickly they can rebuild their lives to steal more construction and meatpacking jobs from Americans? What about those Americans and the fact that their lives won’t be rebuilt as quickly because the jobs they’d return to are being stolen by illegal aliens?
“They’re out of their homes, and a lot of them have lost their vehicles in this, they’re impacted. So the economy is going to be impacted,” said Lyle Achziger, mayor of Evans, a city on the northern plains whose population of 19,500 is 43 percent Latino.
Achziger said officials responding to the disaster have been learning about the immigrants’ importance to the region’s economy. He said the city hopes to get people help by getting them to register with the city, county and other volunteer aid organizations.
Incredible. These idiots think that, without illegal aliens stealing jobs and sucking up government assistance, Colorado cannot recover from the flood? Are they serious? Really? Wow. Just wow.
“We have told them that immigration status is not our focus. And I will repeat that again, that is not our focus. Our focus is getting people out of the cold, getting a roof over their head and getting them a warm meal,” he said.
What? Didn’t this AP reporter just tell me to cry my eyes out because these illegals would not get government assistance? Um, but they do.
The JBS meatpacking plant in Greeley employs nearly 50 immigrant workers whose families were displaced. The company has paid for hotels, delivered food, and tried to connect families with available services, company spokesman Cameron Bruett said.
“They’re certainly a critical element of our team,” Bruett said.
The waters that ripped through the Evans mobile home park the morning of Sept. 13 gave residents only minutes to get out. Many left with just the clothes they were wearing.
Um, ditto for everyone else in Colarado in the flood zone. You ain’t special, illegal aliens.
Many of the mobile park residents came from Mexico, and those in the country illegally will not get help from the Federal Emergency Management Agency unless they have U.S. citizen children or a family member who is a legal resident.
For those who do qualify for FEMA aid, immigrant advocates are concerned there’s a lack of Spanish-language speakers to help families navigate the system. . . .
FEMA insists it has enough Spanish-speaking workers in the field helping immigrants. Spokesman Daniel Llargues said the agency is committed to “making sure that they’re getting the information they need to recover” and that Spanish speakers have been knocking on doors and stationed at disaster assistance centers.”
Okay, so I’m very disappointed that there is no “Colorado Flooding: Islamic Terrorists Hardest Hit” story yet.
But, no worries. That day is fast approaching. In the Detroit area, that day has already dawned, as we are clued in on the identity of the “real victims” of every single disaster, natural or economic. And it will in your neck of the woods, soon. Stay tuned, habibi.
They get here the same way all the other aliens and anchor babies do.
Tags: anchor babies, Cameron Bruett, Colorado, Colorado flood, Colorado flooding, Daniel Llargues, Evans, FEMA, FEMA illegal aliens, Greeley, Illegal Aliens, Immigration, JBS, JBS meatpacking, Juan Partida, Lyle Achziger
Great story, Debbie.
You know, with this “Journ-o-list” conspiracy and the surreal, butt-of-the-joke, “hardest hit” spew *every* time, I wonder what happened to the old ethics of journalists.
Then I remember: filthy hippies/baby-boomers are in charge of all education and it’s their new mandate of the reporter’s role.
DS_ROCKS! on October 1, 2013 at 5:28 pm