October 6, 2005, - 1:55 pm

Hypocritical Miami Vice Star (More Qualified Than Myers @ ICE)

Remember “Miami Vice” star Philip Michael Thomas (“Ricardo Tubbs”)? He’s now playing hypocrite in the world of kids.
USA Weekend reports that he is debuting his own children’s theater musical, “Sacha and the Magic Cookie Maker.” It’s kind of interesting for Thomas to be engaged in children’s theater, since he is the deadbeat parent to TWELVE(!) mostly illegitimate children, which he fathered with almost as many women.
When we last caught up with Tubbs/Thomas, he was a “professor” at Hampton University. Yes, in the nouveau Harriet Miers tradition, students were forced to call this proud high school graduate, “Dr. Thomas.” He has an honorary Ph.D. from his “Miami Vice” days. Now he is the magical musical maker to a lot of kids–except his own.

1/2 Miami Vice vs. Wholly Unqualified

Regardless of all this, we note that even Philip Michael Thomas is more qualified than to become head of Homeland Security’s ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement).
After all, Thomas has more law enforcement experience than Julie Myers does–even if he only played a cop on TV and is the voice of “Lance” on “Grand Theft Auto: Vice City.” It’s still more law enforcement experience than the zero Myers has. And Thomas has more management experience. True, he didn’t manage his 12 children very well. But he did manage students, now manages a kids musical production company, and managed fake hookers and informants as Ricardo Tubbs on “Miami Vice.”
Myers’ “management” experience consists of briefly being an Assistant U.S. Attorney, where she claims she managed agents (but actually did not)–and an Assistant Treasury Secretary over Operation Greenquest, where, again, she claims she managed agents (but actually Marcy Forman-Friedman, with whom she constantly fought, managed the agents).
Yes, it is depressing when–post 9/11–a washed up ’80s TV actor and deadbeat parent of 12 is more qualified than the actual nominee to lead the most important law enforcement division in the War on Terror, that which “enforces” immigration law.
Ricardo Tubbs or Julie Myers? Sadly, the guy with the pink blazer, cool car, and 12 kids is better for America’s safety. That’s what a joke has become.

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3 Responses

debbie, having looked at these julie myers pitures for a few days, i don’t think she’s brunette barbie material. she’s borderline decent looking. maybe in her crowd that makes her the office hottie, but nobody would look twice if she walked into my grocery store. and happy new year, debbie. may you be inscribed in the book of life.

shleppy on October 6, 2005 at 10:08 pm

These days I just say I’m conservative instead of a Republican with the unbelievable government spending, out of control illegal aliens, and these bonehead Bush appointments. The Repubs just seem to be paving the way for a Hitlary Rotten Clinton presidency.
If Bush is going to keep up this nonsense, might as well start his own reality Apprentice type show, having Trump select the next appointment. Or, his nominees could star in those “..but I stayed in a Holiday Inn last night..” commercials.
If they are determined to hire a Barbie for the post, how about Jennifer Lopez or Jessica Alba or Jennifer Love Hewitt?

Jeff_W on October 7, 2005 at 9:12 am

HMM, Jessica Alba at ICE, I could see Debbie saying something about that 🙂

hairymon on October 27, 2005 at 9:46 pm

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