September 18, 2013, - 4:11 pm
OUTRAGE: Joe Biden to Keynote Convention of Israel Boycotters, HAMAS-Lovers
Joe Biden, as we all know, ain’t exactly bright. But you would think that even that moron would know better than to agree to be the keynote speaker for the convention of an organization that openly supports and endorses the boycott of, divestment from, and sanctions against Israel. You would be wrong. Biden will keynote the annual convention of J Street, an openly anti-Israel group of self-hating Jews that frequently partners for Arab and Muslim anti-Israel organizations and openly endorses their same call for the economic destruction of Israel through boycotts, sanctions, and divestment. J Street is largely funded by George Soros, who helped the Nazis round up Jews and send them to their deaths in the camps. J Street also lobbies with Iran and has the Saudi Embassy’s lawyer as one of its prominent donors (in addition to Soros). Watch the video below of the J Street members and conference attendees in 2011, and ask yourself how these opinions are different than those heard at a HAMAS brothel.

Yesterday, I received this e-mail message, below, from J Street chief Jeremy Ben-Ami (who, like Soros, also would have helped the Nazis round up Jews and send them to their deaths if he had lived during the Holocaust). It’s funny to read Ben-Ami’s claim that J Street is a “pro-Israel” organization. I guess you could say it is . . . in the same way that stage five cancer is a pro-life affliction.
This is an important moment for American leadership, and J Street’s 2013 conference in Washington DC from Sept. 28 to Oct. 1 is a wonderful chance to stand together and answer Secretary of State John Kerry challenge to build a “great constituency for peace.”
We’re honored to announce that, at our conference, Vice President Joe Biden will be delivering a keynote address.
The theme of the conference is “Our Time to Lead” and it couldn’t be coming at a more critical time.
Secretary Kerry has helped jumpstart a new nine-month push to reach a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. And as President Obama said in March in Jerusalem, political leaders are more likely to make bold decisions necessary to achieve peace when ordinary people push them to do so.
Our conference is the best opportunity to answer that call.
Already, over 2000 people are registered, including a record 800 students from J Street U. Showing up in unprecedented numbers will make a powerful statement to about the strength of the pro-Israel, pro-peace movement that will be heard in Washington, in the Middle East and in our own community.
That’s why we need you in Washington in two weeks. Help us make that push. For peace. For security. For two states.
Vice President Biden will be joined by an amazing array of Israeli, Palestinian and American conference guests, including Congressman John Lewis, Israeli Labor Party leader Shelly Yachimovich and scores of significant civil society, business and political figures.
By the way, despite the fact that Hillary Clinton is smart enough not to appear at this event, she shares the same views as J Street and Joe Biden on Israel. She’s just not as dumb as Joe Biden, who didn’t get plugs soon enough before all the brain cells leaked out of his empty follicles.
Tags: Anti-Israel, George Soros, Israel, J Street, J Street video, Jeremy Ben-Ami, Jews, Joe Biden
Turns out the navy yard murders were in fact race-based. Time to start scrubbing and covering up. Yeah.
figures on September 18, 2013 at 4:24 pm