October 3, 2005, - 10:17 am

Julie Myers Nomination NOT ON HOLD: NYDaily News Article FALSE

Yet another illustration of the “don’t believe everything you read” axiom–and a confirmation of the solid stories and instincts we express here:
Earlier today, we today’s New York Daily News story claiming that Senator Susan Collins of Maine a hold on the nomination of to become Assistant Secretary of Homeland Security over ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement).
We were skeptical and :
But don’t get your hopes up about this nomination being tabled.
We doubted the story because we knew that Julie Myers and liberal Senator Collins had a , last week, announced in Thursday’s Congressional Quarterly.
Now a Collins staffer has confirmed that the NY Daily News story is a lie. In fact, as we wrote , Collins was NOT on her honeymoon but DID, in fact, meet with Myers on Friday.
The “hold” on her nomination was—-wishful thinking because, as a key Collins staffer stated, “Senator Collins met with Julie Myers on Friday and Ms. Myers was able to address some of her concerns.”
What about ICE agents’ concerns?!

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2 Responses

Julie Myers Nomination Put On “Hold”, Called Unqualified By ICE Agents (Update)

Cronyism, the first word that comes to mind when mentioning Julie Myers. Here’s the latest news on her nomination. The nomination of Julie Myers to head the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency has been put on hold by…

Diggers Realm on October 3, 2005 at 7:24 pm

Like they care about the Ice Agents

KOAJaps on October 4, 2005 at 1:24 pm

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